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- Version 7.31 11/14/81
- This information is given for those who do not wish to re-assemble
- the modem program for their system because they do not have MAC, do
- not have the source code, or are lazy. If you have a PMMI Modem board,
- with base port set at 0E0H, and do want backup (.BAK) copies (if the file
- being received already exists), the program will run as is. If not,
- make the patches listed below.
- Use the L command ( L100 ) of DDT or SID to list the program and
- use the S command to make the following changes:
- 0100 C3 3E04 JMP 043EH <--- Do not change
- (Note: The L command of DDT or SID displays 0FFH as "RST 07" and 0 as "NOP")
- 0103 FF <--- 0FFH if PMMI modem, else zero.
- SuperBrain users should put zero here.
- 0104 FF <--- 0FFH if Imsai with front panel,
- else zero.
- SuperBrain users should put zero here.
- 0105 FF <--- 0FFH if 4 MHz Z-80 (or maybe fast 8085)
- else 0.
- SuperBrain users should use 0FFH
- 0106 FF <--- Zero if you want files that exist
- to be deleted if a file of the same
- name is sent in multifile transfer.
- 0FFH if you want the existing file
- to be changed to type "BAK".
- Note: In CP/M 2 existing R/O or
- SYS files are changed to
- type BAK whether this byte
- is set or not.
- 0107 FF <--- 0FFH if you want program to come
- up in expert (XPR) mode without
- calling A>MODEM X else zero if
- you want menu or X command. You
- will probably want to leave this
- at 0FFH since new users can toggle
- this on with the XPR command.
- 0108 FA <--- 0FAH for 20 pulses/sec dialing
- PMMI (PMMI modem only). 7DH if your
- ONLY phone exchange is older and needs
- a slower dialing rate.
- 0109 DB XX IN XX <--- Put modem status port in 010AH
- (Base port if PMMI).
- SuperBrain users should put 59H
- here for main status.
- 010B C9 RET
- If you do not have a PMMI modem, make the following patches also:
- 010C D3 XX OUT XX <--- Put modem data port in 010DH.
- SuperBrain users should put 58H
- here for main data.
- 010E C9 RET
- 010F E6 XX ANI XX <--- Put bit tested when modem ready to
- send in 0110H.
- SuperBrain users need make no change.
- 0111 C9 RET
- 0112 FE XX CPI XX <--- Same as 0110H if port uses positive logic (JZ).
- Hex zero if port uses negative logic (JNZ).
- SuperBrain users need make no change.
- 0114 C9 RET
- 0115 DB XX IN XX <--- Put modem data port (again) in 0116H.
- SuperBrain users should put 58H
- here for main data.
- 0117 C9 RET
- 0118 E6 XX ANI XX <--- Put bit tested when modem ready to receive
- in 0119H.
- SuperBrain users need make no change.
- 011A C9 RET
- 011B FE XX CPI XX <--- Same as 0119H if port uses positive logic.
- Hex zero if port uses negative logic.
- SuperBrain users need make no change.
- 011D C9 RET
- 011E C3 XXXX JMP XXXX <--- 011EH contains a jump to a modem or port
- initialization routine. If your modem does
- not need to be initialized, put a RET (C9H)
- in 011EH .If you need initialization, write
- your routine for the memory location addressed
- by the jump. The initialization routine
- must end with a RET instruction. You have
- approximately 190 (decimal) bytes for the
- routine.
- SuperBrain users would probably want to put
- a RET in 011EH if they have properly set the
- number of data and stop bits and the parity
- You are finished. Leave DDT (using ^C) and type
- END of FILE.