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- 10 @"Dictionary Editor"
- 20 @"By David E. Trachtenbarg"
- 25 @"Copyright 1981"
- 30 Rem Wl=Word Length
- 40 Integer H,I,J,K,Item,Number,First,Found,Endings,Endings2,Wl
- 50 Integer Start,Displacement,Capital,Old
- 60 Wl=15
- 70 Dim Word$(Wl-1),Word2$(Wl-1),Root$(Wl-1),Suffix$(Wl-1),Data'file$(13)
- 80 Dim Suffixes$(20),Command$(10),Command2$(Wl-1),Clear'line$(1)
- 90 Dim Words$(Wl*20)
- 100 Set 0,-1
- 110 Rem On Esc Goto ender
- 120 Data'file$="DICTION.DAT"
- 130 For I=0 To 6
- 140 Read Suffixes$(I*3,(I+1)*3-1)
- 150 Next I
- 160 Data"es","s","ed","d","ing","ly","y"
- 170 Clear'line$=Chr$(126)+Chr$(15)
- 180 First=1
- 190 Call .List'words (Word$)
- 200 *Commands
- 210 On Error Stop
- 220 Gosub Bottom'lines
- 230 @"'F'orward#,'B'ackward#,#,'A'dd,'C'hange#,'D'elete#,'S'uffixes,'M'enu. ";
- 240 Input"",Command$(-1);
- 250 If Command$="" Then 220
- 260 Word$="" : Number=Val(Command$)
- 270 If Number>0 Then First=Number : Call .List'words (Word$) : Goto Commands
- 280 Number=Val(Command$(1))
- 290 If Number=0 And Len(Command$)>1 Then Call .List'words (Command$) : Goto Commands
- 300 Call .Capitalize (Command$)
- 310 If Pos("ABCDFMS",Command$(0,0),0)=-1 Then 220
- 320 If Number<1 Then Number=1
- 330 If Command$(0,0)="A" Then Gosub Add'words
- 340 If Command$(0,0)="B" Then Do
- 350 If First>0 Then Do
- 360 First=First-(Number)*20 : Call .List'words (Word$)
- 370 Enddo
- 380 Enddo
- 390 If Command$(0,0)="C" Then Call .Get'word (Number) : Gosub Change'word
- 400 If Command$(0,0)="D" Then Call .Get'word (Number) : Gosub Delete'word
- 410 If Command$(0,0)="F" Then Do
- 420 If First>0 Then Do
- 430 First=First+(Number)*20 : Call .List'words (Word$)
- 440 Else
- 450 Word$=Words$(19*Wl,20*Wl-1)
- 460 Call .List'words (Word$)
- 470 Enddo
- 480 Enddo
- 490 If Command$(0,0)="M" Then Run"SMENUSAV"
- 500 If Command$(0,0)="S" Then Call .Get'word (Number) : Gosub Suffixes
- 510 Goto Commands
- 520 Procedure .Print'word (Num)
- 530 Local I,J
- 540 @ Using"#####. ",Num;
- 550 If Binand(Endings,%4000%)>0 Then Word$(0,0)=Chr$(Asc(Word$(0,0))-32)
- 560 @"'";Word$;
- 570 J=0
- 580 For I=0 To 6
- 590 J=J*2+(J=0)
- 600 If Binand(Endings,J)>0 Then @"(";Suffixes$(I*3,(I+1)*3-1);")";
- 610 Next I
- 620 @"'"
- 630 Endproc
- 640 Procedure .List'words (Start'word$)
- 650 Gosub Screen'erase
- 660 Set 3,0
- 670 Words$="" : Displacement=0 : Endings=0
- 680 On Error Stop
- 690 Kopen\1\Data'file$
- 700 If Start'word$="" Then Do
- 710 On Error Goto 730
- 720 Kgetrec\1,First\Endings
- 730 On Error Stop
- 740 Else
- 750 On Error Goto 780
- 760 First=0
- 770 Kgetapp\1,Start'word$(-1)\Endings
- 780 On Error Stop
- 790 Enddo
- 800 On Error Goto 820
- 810 Kretrieve\1\Word$(-1)
- 820 On Error Stop
- 830 Words$(0,Wl-1)=Word$(-1)
- 840 Call .Print'word (First+(First=0))
- 850 Repeat
- 860 Displacement=Displacement+1
- 870 Word$=""
- 880 On Error Goto 930
- 890 Kgetfwd\1\Endings
- 900 Kretrieve\1\Word$(-1)
- 910 Words$(Displacement*Wl,(Displacement+1)*Wl-1)=Word$(-1)
- 920 Call .Print'word (Displacement+First+(First=0))
- 930 On Error Stop
- 940 Until Displacement>=19
- 950 On Error Stop
- 960 Kclose\1\
- 970 If Sys(3)=163 Then @" **** END ****";
- 980 @ : @
- 990 Endproc
- 1000 Procedure .Get'word (Number)
- 1010 Kopen\1\Data'file$
- 1020 On Error Stop
- 1030 If Number<21 Then Do
- 1040 Kgetkey\1,Words$((Number-1)*15,Number*15-1)\
- 1050 Else
- 1060 Kgetrec\1,Number\
- 1070 Enddo
- 1080 Kretrieve\1\Word$(-1)
- 1090 Kclose\1\
- 1100 Endproc
- 1110 *Add'words
- 1120 Gosub Bottom'lines
- 1130 Input"Enter a new word. ",Word$;
- 1140 If Word$="" Then Return
- 1150 If Word$<"A" Then Goto Add'words
- 1160 Call .Lowercase (Word$)
- 1170 Gosub Check'word
- 1180 Call .List'words (Word$)
- 1190 Return
- 1200 *Change'word
- 1210 Gosub Bottom'lines
- 1220 Word2$=Word$
- 1230 @"Enter a new spelling for '";Word$;"'. ";
- 1240 Input"",Word2$;
- 1250 Call .Lowercase (Word2$)
- 1260 If Word2$="" Then Return
- 1270 If Word2$=Word$ Then Return
- 1280 If Word$<"A" Then Goto Change'word
- 1290 On Error Stop
- 1300 Kopen\1\Data'file$
- 1310 Kdel\1,Word$(-1)\
- 1320 Word$=Word2$
- 1330 Kclose\1\
- 1340 Gosub Check'word
- 1350 Call .List'words (Word$)
- 1360 Return
- 1370 *Delete'word
- 1380 Gosub Bottom'lines
- 1390 @"If you wish to delete '";Word$;"' type Y. ";
- 1400 Input"",Command2$;
- 1410 Call .Capitalize (Command2$)
- 1420 If Command2$<>"Y" Then Return
- 1430 Kopen\1\Data'file$
- 1440 Kdel\1,Word$(-1)\
- 1450 Kclose\1\
- 1460 If First>0 Then Word$="" : First=First-1
- 1470 Call .List'words (Word$)
- 1480 Return
- 1490 *Suffixes
- 1500 Gosub Bottom'lines
- 1510 @"Enter new endings for '";Word$;"'. ";
- 1520 Input"",Word2$
- 1530 If Word2$="" Then Return
- 1540 Call .Lowercase (Word2$)
- 1550 Endings=0
- 1560 For I=0 To 6
- 1570 Suffix$=Suffixes$(I*3,(I+1)*3-1)
- 1580 J=Pos(Word2$,Suffix$,0)
- 1590 If J>-1 Then Do
- 1600 For K=J To J+Len(Suffix$)-1
- 1610 Word2$(K,K)=Chr$(0)
- 1620 Next K
- 1630 Endings=Binor(Endings,2^I)
- 1640 Enddo
- 1650 Next I
- 1660 If Pos(Word2$,"c",0)>-1 Then Endings=Binor(Endings,%4000%)
- 1670 Kopen\1\Data'file$
- 1680 Kupdate\1,Word$(-1)\Endings
- 1690 Kclose\1\
- 1700 If First>1 Then Word$=""
- 1710 Call .List'words (Word$)
- 1720 Return
- 1730 *Screen'erase
- 1740 Out 1,126 : Out 1,28 : Return
- 1750 *Bottom'lines
- 1760 Out 1,126 : Out 1,17 : Out 1,0 : Out 1,21
- 1770 Out 1,126 : Out 1,24 : Return
- 1780 *Error1
- 1790 Close
- 1800 Gosub Bottom'lines
- 1810 @"Error No. ";Sys(3);" has occured."
- 1820 Input"Press RETURN to go on. ",Command2$
- 1830 Goto Commands
- 1840 Procedure .Capitalize (String$)
- 1850 Local I,K
- 1860 K=Len(String$)
- 1870 For I=0 To K-1
- 1880 If String$(I,I)>="a" And String$(I,I)<="z" Then Do
- 1890 String$(I,I)=Chr$(Asc(String$(I,I))-32)
- 1900 Enddo
- 1910 Next I
- 1920 Endproc
- 1930 Procedure .Lowercase (String$)
- 1940 Local I,K
- 1950 K=Len(String$)
- 1960 If String$(0,0)>="A" And String$(0,0)<="Z" Then Do
- 1970 Capital=1
- 1980 Else
- 1990 Capital=0
- 2000 Enddo
- 2010 For I=0 To K-1
- 2020 If String$(I,I)>="A" And String$(I,I)<="Z" Then Do
- 2030 String$(I,I)=Chr$(Asc(String$(I,I))+32)
- 2040 Enddo
- 2050 Next I
- 2060 Endproc
- 2070 *Check'word
- 2080 On Error Stop
- 2090 Kopen\1\Data'file$
- 2100 Gosub Check'for'old
- 2110 If Old=1 Then Goto 2310
- 2120 Gosub Check'for'root
- 2130 On Error Stop
- 2140 If Found>0 Then Do
- 2150 Kgetkey\1,Root$(-1)\Endings
- 2160 Endings=Binor(Endings,2^(Found-1))
- 2170 If Capital=1 Then Endings=Binor(Endings,%4000%)
- 2180 Kupdate\1,Root$(-1)\Endings
- 2190 @ Chr$(13);Word$;"-";"new ending added to ";Root$;Clear'line$;
- 2200 Word$=Root$
- 2210 Else
- 2220 Endings=0
- 2230 On Error Goto 2290
- 2240 If Capital=1 Then Endings=Binor(Endings,%4000%)
- 2250 Kadd\1,Word$(-1)\Endings
- 2260 On Error Stop
- 2270 @ Chr$(13);Word$;"-";"added";Clear'line$;
- 2280 Gosub Check'endings
- 2290 On Error Stop
- 2300 Enddo
- 2310 Kclose\1\
- 2320 Return
- 2330 *Check'for'old
- 2340 Old=0
- 2350 On Error Goto 2380
- 2360 Kgetkey\1,Word$(-1)\
- 2370 Old=1
- 2380 On Error Stop
- 2390 Return
- 2400 *Check'endings
- 2410 For I=1 To 7
- 2420 Suffix$=Word$+Suffixes$((I-1)*3,(I*3)-1)
- 2430 On Error Goto 2500
- 2440 Kgetkey\1,Suffix$(-1)\Endings2
- 2450 If Endings2<>0 Then Goto 2500
- 2460 Endings=Binor(Endings,2^(I-1))
- 2470 Kdel\1,Suffix$(-1)\
- 2480 Kupdate\1,Word$(-1)\Endings
- 2490 @ Chr$(13);Suffix$;"-";"deleted";Clear'line$;
- 2500 On Error Stop
- 2510 Next I
- 2520 Return
- 2530 *Check'for'root
- 2540 Local I,J,K
- 2550 I=Len(Word$)
- 2560 Found=0 : K=0
- 2570 Repeat
- 2580 K=K+1
- 2590 Suffix$=Suffixes$((K-1)*3,K*3-1)
- 2600 J=Len(Suffix$)
- 2610 If Word$(I-J,I-1)=Suffix$ Then Do
- 2620 Root$=Word$(0,I-J-1)
- 2630 On Error Goto 2660
- 2640 Kgetkey\1,Root$(-1)\Endings
- 2650 Found=K
- 2660 Enddo
- 2670 On Error Stop
- 2680 Until Found>0 Or K>=7
- 2690 Return
- 2700 *Ender
- 2710 Close
- 2720 End