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- 10 Gosub Screen'erase
- 20 @"Text Analyzing Program"
- 30 @"By David E. Trachtenbarg"
- 40 @"Version 04/14/81"
- 50 Integer Sector
- 60 Sector=128
- 70 Dim Text$(Sector*2),Eof$(1),String$(10),Text'file$(13)
- 80 Dim Uppercase$(25),Lowercase$(25),Numbers$(10),Letters$(63)
- 90 Dim Vowels$(11),Consonants$(39),End'of'word$(19)
- 100 Integer I,J,K,Record,Words,Sentences,Finish
- 110 Integer Startword,Endword,Start'sentence,End'sentence
- 120 Integer Sentence'words,Long'words,Vowel1
- 140 Long Average'words,Average'syllables,Reading'ease,Fog'index
- 160 Lowercase$="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
- 170 Vowels$="aAeEiIoOuUyY"
- 180 Consonants$="bBcCdDeEfFgGhHjJkKlLmMnNpPqQrRsStTvVwWxXzZ"
- 190 End'of'word$=" ?!;:()+/=&[]{}#"""+Chr$(13)
- 200 Numbers$="0123456789"
- 210 Letters$=Uppercase$+Lowercase$+Numbers$
- 220 Eof$=Chr$(26)+Chr$(27)
- 230 Rem Set 0,-1 prevents auto CR at end of 80 char string on console
- 240 Set 0,-1
- 250 Gosub Enter'text'file
- 260 Record=-1
- 270 Words=0
- 280 Sentences=0
- 290 Syllables=0
- 300 Long'words=0
- 310 Open\1\Text'file$
- 320 On Esc Goto Display'results
- 340 Gosub Get'file
- 350 Gosub Count
- 380 *Display'results
- 390 Close
- 400 @ : @ : @"File: ";Text'file$ : @
- 410 @"Words = ";Words
- 420 @"Sentences = ";Sentences
- 430 @"Syllables = ";Syllables
- 440 @"Words with 3 or more syllables = ";Long'words
- 450 Average'words=1.0*(Words/Sentences)
- 460 @ : @"Average number of words per sentence = ";
- 470 @ Using"###.#",Average'words
- 480 Average'syllables=100.0*(Syllables/Words)
- 490 @"Syllables per 100 words = ";
- 500 @ Using"####",Average'syllables
- 510 Reading'ease=206.835-((Average'words*1.015)+(Average'syllables*0.846))
- 520 @ : @"Reading ease = ";
- 530 @ Using"####.#",Reading'ease;
- 540 If Reading'ease>=90 Then @" Comics - 4th grade 93";
- 550 If Reading'ease>=80 And Reading'ease<90 Then @" Pulp fiction - 5th grade 91";
- 560 If Reading'ease>=70 And Reading'ease<80 Then @" Slick fiction - 6th grade 88";
- 570 If Reading'ease>=60 And Reading'ease<70 Then @" Digests - 8th grade 83";
- 580 If Reading'ease>=50 And Reading'ease<60 Then @" Quality - High School 54";
- 590 If Reading'ease>=30 And Reading'ease<50 Then @" Academic - College 33";
- 600 If Reading'ease<30 Then @" Scientific - Graduate School 5";
- 610 @"% of all U.S. adults."
- 620 Fog'index=0.4*(Words/Sentences+100.0*Long'words/Words)
- 630 @ : @"Grade level by Fog Index = ";
- 640 @ Using"###.#",Fog'index
- 650 @ : @
- 660 End
- 670 *Screen'erase
- 680 Out 1,126 : Out 1,28 : Return
- 690 *Enter'text'file
- 700 Rem Enter the name of a text file
- 710 Repeat
- 720 Set 3,0
- 730 @ : Input"Enter the name of the text file. ",Text'file$
- 740 On Error Goto 770
- 750 Open\1\Text'file$
- 760 Close\1\
- 770 If Sys(3)>0 Then Do
- 780 @ : @"Error ";Sys(3);" has occured."
- 790 If Sys(3)=128 Or Sys(3)=134 Then @"File does not exist on disk."
- 800 If Sys(3)=129 Then @"Please enter a filename."
- 810 If Sys(3)=131 Then Close\1\ : @"File not ready. Please try again."
- 820 Enddo
- 830 Until Sys(3)=0
- 840 On Error Stop
- 850 Return
- 860 *Get'file
- 870 Rem Read in the text file a sector at a time
- 880 Rem Store the text file in Text$ variable
- 910 Text$(0,Sector-1)=Text$(Sector,Sector*2-1)
- 920 Record=Record+1
- 930 Get\1,Record\Text$(Sector,Sector*2-1)
- 940 Finish=Pos(Text$,Eof$(0,0),0)
- 950 If Finish=-1 Then Finish=Sector*2
- 960 I=Sector
- 970 Startword=Startword-Sector
- 980 Start'sentence=Start'sentence-Sector
- 990 Return
- 1000 *Count
- 1010 Rem Analyzes text
- 1030 Rem Repeats until an end of file condition is reached
- 1040 Repeat
- 1050 Gosub Wordstart
- 1060 Start'sentence=I
- 1070 Sentence'words=0
- 1080 End'sentence=0
- 1090 Rem Repeats until the end of a sentence
- 1100 Repeat
- 1110 Gosub Wordstart
- 1140 Startword=I
- 1150 Endword=0
- 1160 Rem Loops until the end of a word is found
- 1170 While Endword=0 And I<Finish
- 1180 Rem Check to see of alphanumerics are present
- 1190 If Pos(Letters$,Text$(I,I),0)=-1 Then Do
- 1200 If Pos(End'of'word$,Text$(I,I),0)>-1 Then Endword=I-1
- 1210 Rem Numbers such as 2.345 are counted as one word
- 1220 If Text$(I,I)="." Then Do
- 1230 If Pos(Numbers$,Text$(I+1,I+1),0)=-1 Then Endword=I-1
- 1240 Enddo
- 1250 Rem Numbers such as 2,123 are counted as one word
- 1260 If Text$(I,I)="," Then Do
- 1270 If Pos(Numbers$,Text$(I+1,I+1),0)=-1 Then Endword=I-1
- 1280 Enddo
- 1290 Rem Hyphenated words are counted as two words
- 1300 Rem A hyphen at the end of a line is assumed to broken word
- 1310 If Text$(I,I)="-" Then Do
- 1320 If Text$(I+1,I+1)=Chr$(13) Then Do
- 1330 I=I+2
- 1340 If I>=Sector Then Gosub Get'file
- 1350 Else
- 1360 Endword=I-1
- 1370 Enddo
- 1380 Enddo
- 1390 Enddo
- 1400 If Endword=0 Then I=I+1
- 1410 If I=Sector*2 Then Gosub Get'file
- 1420 Endwhile
- 1430 Words=Words+1
- 1440 Sentence'words=Sentence'words+1
- 1450 Gosub Count'syllables
- 1460 Rem Check for the end of a sentence
- 1470 While Pos(Letters$,Text$(I,I),0)=-1 And Text$(I,I)<>"@" And I<=Finish
- 1480 If Text$(I,I)="." Then Do
- 1490 Rem A "." followed by 2 spaces is assumed to be the end of a sentence
- 1500 If I+1<Sector*2 Then If Text$(I+1,I+2)=" " Then End'sentence=I : Goto 1690
- 1510 Rem A "." followed by a CR is assumed to be the end of a sentence
- 1520 If Text$(I+1,I+1)=Chr$(13) Then End'sentence=I : Goto 1690
- 1530 Rem A "." followed by an alphanumeric is not counted as a sentence end
- 1540 If Pos(Letters$,Text$(I+1,I+1),0)>-1 Then 1690
- 1550 Rem There can be no one word sentences
- 1560 Rem This avoids counting "1. " as the end of a sentence
- 1570 If Sentence'words<2 Then 1690
- 1580 Rem the last letter in a sentence before a period must be a small letter
- 1590 Rem This makes sure that "I. " will not be counted as a sentence
- 1600 Rem Delete this statement if checking an UPPER CASE text file
- 1610 If Pos(Uppercase$,Text$(I-1,I-1),0)>-1 Then 1690
- 1620 Rem Check to see if the next word starts with a CAPITAL LETTER
- 1630 J=I
- 1640 While Pos(Letters$,Text$(J,J),0)=-1 And J<Finish
- 1650 J=J+1
- 1660 If J=Sector*2 Then Gosub Get'file : J=J-Sector
- 1670 Endwhile
- 1680 If Pos(Uppercase$,Text$(J,J),0)>-1 Then End'sentence=I
- 1690 Enddo
- 1700 Rem "?" and "!" are always assumed to be at the end of sentences
- 1710 If Text$(I,I)="?" Then End'sentence=I
- 1720 If Text$(I,I)="!" Then End'sentence=I
- 1730 Rem Note: ":" and ";" are not counted as sentence terminators
- 1740 I=I+1
- 1750 If I=Sector*2 Then Gosub Get'file
- 1760 Endwhile
- 1770 Gosub Wordstart
- 1780 Until End'sentence>0 Or I>=Finish
- 1790 If End'sentence>-1 Then Sentences=Sentences+1
- 1800 Rem If the end of a sentence is not reached before the end of
- 1810 Rem the end of the file the end of a sentence is assumed
- 1820 If End'sentence=0 Then End'sentence=Finish
- 1830 @"* ";Sentences;" * ";" Words = ";Sentence'words
- 1840 @ Text$(Start'sentence,End'sentence) : @
- 1850 Until I>=Finish
- 1860 Return
- 1870 *Count'syllables
- 1880 Rem Counts the syllables in a word
- 1890 Word'syllables=0
- 1900 K=Startword
- 1910 Rem Repeats until the end of a word
- 1920 Repeat
- 1930 Rem Check for a vowel
- 1940 If Pos(Vowels$,Text$(K,K),0)>-1 Then Do
- 1950 Rem If one vowel is found check for a second vowel
- 1960 If Pos(Vowels$,Text$(K+1,K+1),0)=-1 Then Do
- 1970 Rem "e" is special
- 1980 If Text$(K,K)="e" Then Do
- 1990 Rem "e" at the end of a word does not add a syllable unless it
- 2000 Rem it preceeded by an "l"
- 2010 If K=Endword And Text$(Endword-1,Endword-1)="l" Then Word'syllables=Word'syllables+1
- 2020 Rem "ed" at the end of a word does not add a syllabel
- 2030 If K=Endword-1 And Text$(Endword,Endword)<>"d" Then Word'syllables=Word'syllables+1
- 2040 If Endword-K>1 Then Word'syllables=Word'syllables+1
- 2050 Else
- 2060 Word'syllables=Word'syllables+1
- 2070 Enddo
- 2080 Else
- 2090 Rem This section is done if there are 2 vowels in a row
- 2100 Vowel1=Int(Pos(Vowels$,Text$(K,K),0)/2)+1
- 2101 Rem Do not count "y" at the begining of a word as a vowel
- 2102 Rem Avoids counting "you" as a 2 syllable word
- 2103 If K=Startword And Vowel1=6 Then 2140
- 2110 Rem Vowel1 1="a" 2="e" 3="i" 4="o" 5="u" 6="y"
- 2120 K=K+1
- 2130 On Vowel1 Gosub A's,E's,I's,O's,U's,Y's
- 2140 Enddo
- 2150 Enddo
- 2160 K=K+1
- 2170 Until K>Endword
- 2180 If Word'syllables=0 Then Word'syllables=1
- 2190 If Word'syllables>3 Then Long'words=Long'words+1
- 2200 Syllables=Syllables+Word'syllables
- 2210 @ Using"####. ",Words;
- 2220 @ Text$(Startword,Endword);" - ";Tab(30);Word'syllables;Tab(35);Syllables
- 2230 Return
- 2240 *Wordstart
- 2250 While Pos(Letters$,Text$(I,I),0)=-1 And I<Finish
- 2260 If Text$(I,I)="@" Then Gosub Ignore
- 2270 I=I+1
- 2280 If I=Sector*2 Then Gosub Get'file
- 2290 Endwhile
- 2300 Return
- 2370 *A's
- 2380 Rem Count "ao" as two syllables
- 2390 If Pos("oO",Text$(K+1,K+1),0)>-1 Then Do
- 2400 Word'syllables=Word'syllables+2
- 2460 Else
- 2470 Word'syllables=Word'syllables+1
- 2480 Enddo
- 2490 Return
- 2500 *E's
- 2510 Rem count "ei" and "eo" as two syllables
- 2520 If Pos("iIoO",Text$(K+1,K+1),0)>-1 Then Do
- 2530 Word'syllables=Word'syllables+2
- 2540 Else
- 2550 Word'syllables=Word'syllables+1
- 2560 Enddo
- 2570 Return
- 2580 *I's
- 2590 Rem Count "io" and "iu" as two syllables
- 2600 If Pos("oOuU",Text$(K+1,K+1),0)>-1 Then Do
- 2605 Word'syllables=Word'syllables+2
- 2610 Rem Count "ion" as one syllable
- 2630 If Pos("oO",Text$(K+1,K+1),0)>-1 Then Do
- 2640 If Pos("nN",Text$(K+1,K+1),0)>-1 Then Word'syllables=Word'syllables-1
- 2670 Enddo
- 2675 Else
- 2676 Word'syllables=Word'syllables+1
- 2680 Enddo
- 2690 Return
- 2700 *O's
- 2710 Rem Count "oa" and "oe" as two syllables
- 2720 If Pos("aAeE",Text$(K+1,K+1),0)>-1 Then Do
- 2730 Word'syllables=Word'syllables+2
- 2740 Else
- 2750 Word'syllables=Word'syllables+1
- 2760 Enddo
- 2770 Return
- 2780 *U's
- 2790 Rem Count "uo" as two syllables
- 2800 If Pos("oO",Text$(K+1,K+1),0)>-1 Then Do
- 2810 Word'syllables=Word'syllables+2
- 2820 Else
- 2830 Word'syllables=Word'syllables+1
- 2840 Enddo
- 2850 Return
- 2860 *Y's
- 2870 Rem Count all vowels follwed by "y" as one syllable
- 2880 Word'syllables=Word'syllables+1
- 2890 Return
- 2900 *Ignore
- 2910 Rem Skip over the remainder of any line with a "@"
- 2920 Rem(The Cromemco Formater control character)
- 2930 Repeat
- 2940 I=I+1
- 2950 If I=Sector*2 Then Gosub Get'file
- 2960 Until Text$(I,I)=Chr$(13)
- 2970 Return