home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 Rem Copyright 1981 by David E. Trachtenbarg
- 11 Dim Today$(5),Last'edited$(5),Last'sorted$(5)
- 12 Dim Edit'file$(13),Data'file$(13),Sort'file$(13)
- 30 Dim File$(73),Name$(34)
- 40 Endcommon
- 45 If Today$="" Then Run"date.sav"
- 50 Dim Sort'key$(39)
- 60 Dim Command$(10),Command2$(35),Name2$(34),Today$(5),Last'zip$(5)
- 70 Integer I,J,K,Item,To'printer,Zips,Row,Page,Print'item(3)
- 80 Set 0,-1
- 90 On Esc Goto Main'menu
- 150 On Error Gosub Create'file
- 160 Kopen\1\Data'file$
- 170 On Error Stop
- 180 Kclose\1\
- 190 @ Chr$(7)
- 200 *Print'options
- 210 Gosub Screen'erase
- 220 @"*******" : @
- 230 @" PRINTER OPTIONS" : @
- 240 @"1. Print mailing labels by zip code."
- 250 @"2. Print mailing labels alphabetically"
- 260 @"3. Print alphabetical membership list"
- 270 @"4. Print all membership information alphabetically"
- 280 @"5. Sort by zip code.";
- 290 @" Last sorted - ";Last'sorted$(0,1);"/";Last'sorted$(2,3);"/";Last'sorted$(4,5)
- 300 @"6. Set people to print now: ";
- 310 If Print'item(0)=0 Then @"(Non-members)";
- 320 If Print'item(1)=0 Then @"(Members)";
- 330 If Print'item(2)=0 Then @"(Institutions)";
- 340 @
- 350 @"7. Goto main index."
- 360 @ : Input" Type the number or your choice or RETURN to go on. ",Command2$
- 370 Item=Asc(Command2$) : If Item=0 Then Goto Print'options
- 380 If Item>48 And Item<53 Then Do
- 390 To'printer=0
- 400 @ : Input" Type 'P' to send to the printer. ",Command2$
- 410 Gosub Capitalize
- 420 If Command2$="P" Then To'printer=1
- 430 Enddo
- 440 On Item-48 Goto Print'by'zip,Printer,Membership,Printer,Zip'sort,Set'print'items,Main'menu
- 450 Goto Print'options
- 460 *Set'print'items
- 470 Gosub Screen'erase
- 480 Local I
- 490 @"1. Non-members ";
- 500 If Print'item(0)=0 Then Do : @"YES" : Else : @"NO" : Enddo
- 510 @"2. Members ";
- 520 If Print'item(1)=0 Then Do : @"YES" : Else : @"NO" : Enddo
- 530 @"3. Institutions ";
- 540 If Print'item(2)=0 Then Do : @"YES" : Else : @"NO" : Enddo
- 545 @ : @"Enter a number to change an item, press RETURN for the index. ";
- 550 Input"",Command2$
- 560 If Command2$="" Then Goto Print'options
- 561 I=Val(Command2$)-1
- 570 If I<0 Or I>2 Then Goto Set'print'items
- 580 If Print'item(I)=0 Then Do
- 581 Print'item(I)=1
- 582 Else
- 583 Print'item(I)=0
- 584 Enddo
- 585 Goto Set'print'items
- 590 *Record
- 600 Gosub Screen'erase
- 610 @ : @" 1. Name: ";Name$(0,14);", ";Name$(15,34)
- 620 @" 2. Street: ";File$(0,23)
- 630 @" 3. City: ";File$(24,43)
- 640 @" 4. State: ";File$(44,45)
- 650 @" 5. Zip: ";File$(46,50)
- 660 @" 6. Area Code: ";File$(51,53)
- 670 @" 7. Phone: ";File$(54,56);"-";File$(57,60)
- 680 @" 8. Date Joined: ";File$(61,62);"/";File$(63,64)
- 690 @" 9. Date Entered: ";File$(65,66);"/";File$(67,68);"/";File$(69,70)
- 700 @"10. Congressional District: ";File$(71,72)
- 710 @"11. Status: ";
- 720 If File$(73,73)="0" Then @"NON-MEMBER"
- 730 If File$(73,73)="1" Then @"MEMBER"
- 740 If File$(73,73)="2" Then @"INSTITUTION"
- 750 If File$(73,73)="" Then @"??????"
- 760 @ : @
- 770 Return
- 780 *Screen'erase
- 790 Out 1,126 : Out 1,28 : Return
- 800 *Bottom'lines
- 810 Out 1,126 : Out 1,17 : Out 1,0 : Out 1,22
- 820 Out 1,126 : Out 1,24 : Return
- 830 *Error1
- 840 Close
- 850 Gosub Bottom'lines
- 860 @"Error No. ";Sys(3);" has occured."
- 870 Input"Press RETURN to go on. ",Command2$
- 880 Goto Print'options
- 890 *Create'file
- 900 Kcreate\74,35\Data'file$
- 910 Retry
- 920 *Printer
- 930 I=0 : If To'printer Then @ Chr$(23);
- 940 Kopen\1\Data'file$
- 950 On Esc Goto Escape
- 960 On Error Goto 1050
- 970 Kgetfwd\1\File$(-1)
- 980 Kretrieve\1\Name$(-1)
- 1000 If File$(73,73)<>"" And Print'item(Val(File$(73,73)))=0 Then Do
- 1010 On Item-49 Gosub Label,Line,Record
- 1020 Enddo
- 1040 Goto 970
- 1050 Close
- 1060 @ Chr$(20);
- 1070 On Esc Stop
- 1080 Goto Print'options
- 1090 *Label
- 1100 If Item=49 Then Gosub Zip'number
- 1130 If Name$(15,15)="*" Then @"MR. & MRS."; : Name$(15,15)=" "
- 1140 @ Name$(15,34);" ";Name$(0,14)
- 1150 @ File$(0,23)
- 1160 @ File$(24,43);",";File$(44,45);" ";File$(46,50)
- 1170 @
- 1171 @
- 1172 @
- 1180 Return
- 1190 *Zip'number
- 1200 If Last'zip$=File$(46,50) Then Zips=Zips+1 : Return
- 1210 If Zips<10 Then Zips=1 : Last'zip$=File$(46,50) : Return
- 1240 @"Number of ";Last'zip$;" zip codes = ";Zips
- 1250 @
- 1260 @
- 1270 @
- 1271 @
- 1280 Zips=1
- 1290 Last'zip$=File$(46,50)
- 1300 Return
- 1310 *Zip'sort
- 1320 @ : @"Preparing to sort by zip code........"
- 1330 Open\1,6\Edit'file$
- 1340 Put\1,2\"??????"
- 1350 Close\1\
- 1360 Run"ZIPSORT.SAV"
- 1370 *Print'by'zip
- 1380 Zips=0
- 1390 Last'zip$(-1)=""
- 1400 @ : @"Printing labels sorted by zip code...."
- 1410 On Esc Goto Escape
- 1420 Kopen\1\Data'file$
- 1430 On Error Goto Error1
- 1440 Kopen\2\Sort'file$
- 1450 On Error Goto 1560
- 1460 If To'printer Then @ Chr$(23)
- 1470 Kgetfwd\2\
- 1480 Kretrieve\2\Sort'key$(-1)
- 1490 Name$=Sort'key$(5,39)
- 1510 Kgetkey\1,Name$(-1)\File$(-1)
- 1520 If File$(73,73)<>"" And Print'item(Val(File$(73,73)))=0 Then Do
- 1530 Gosub Label
- 1540 Enddo
- 1550 Goto 1470
- 1560 Close
- 1570 @ Chr$(20);
- 1580 On Esc Stop
- 1590 Goto Print'options
- 1600 *Capitalize
- 1610 K=Len(Command2$)
- 1620 For I=0 To K
- 1630 J=Asc(Command2$(I,I))
- 1640 If J>96 And J<123 Then Command2$(I,I)=Chr$(J-32)
- 1650 Next I
- 1660 Return
- 1670 *Escape
- 1680 Close
- 1690 @ Chr$(20);
- 1700 On Esc Goto Main'menu
- 1710 Goto Print'options
- 1720 *Main'menu
- 1730 Close
- 1740 Run"MMENU.SAV"
- 1750 *Membership
- 1760 Page=1
- 1770 If To'printer Then @ Chr$(23);
- 1780 @ : @ : @"Mailing List on ";Today$(0,1);"/";Today$(2,3);"/";Today$(4,5) : @ : @
- 1790 @ Chr$(20);
- 1800 Row=7
- 1810 Kopen\1\Data'file$
- 1820 On Esc Goto Escape
- 1830 On Error Goto 1920
- 1840 Kgetfwd\1\File$(-1)
- 1850 Kretrieve\1\Name$(-1)
- 1860 If File$(73,73)<>"" Then Do
- 1870 If Print'item(Val(File$(73,73)))=0 Then Call .Line
- 1880 Else
- 1890 Gosub Ok
- 1900 Enddo
- 1910 Goto 1840
- 1920 Close
- 1930 On Esc Stop
- 1940 Goto Print'options
- 1950 Procedure .Line
- 1960 Begincommon
- 1961 Dim Files$(59)
- 1970 Dim Address$(23),City$(19),State$(1),Zip$(4),Area$(2),Phone$(6)
- 1980 Dim Dates$(11),Member$(0),Last$(14),First$(19)
- 1990 Endcommon
- 2000 Set 0,-1
- 2010 Set 4,0
- 2020 Row=Row+1
- 2030 If To'printer Then @ Chr$(23);
- 2040 @ Last$;", ";
- 2050 If First$(0,0)="*" Then @"MR. & MRS."; : First$(0,0)=" "
- 2060 @ First$;Tab(37);Address$;" ";City$;", ";
- 2070 @ State$;" ";Zip$;Tab(85);
- 2080 If Area$="" Then @" ";" ";
- 2090 If Area$<>"" Then @ Area$;" ";
- 2100 If Phone$="" Then @" ";"-"
- 2110 If Phone$<>"" Then @ Phone$(0,2);"-";Phone$(3,6)
- 2120 If Row=60 Then @ : @ : @ : @ : @ : @ : @ : @ : @ : @ : @ : @ : Row=6
- 2130 @ Chr$(20);
- 2140 Endproc
- 2150 *Ok
- 2160 @ : @"Print ";Name$(0,14);", ";Name$(15,34);" ";"(Y/N)? ";
- 2170 Open\2\"$SY"
- 2180 Get\2\Command$(0,0)
- 2190 Close\2\
- 2200 Gosub Capitalize
- 2210 If Asc(Command$(0,0))=27 Then Goto Escape
- 2220 @ Command$
- 2230 If Command$(0,0)="N" Then Return
- 2240 If Command$(0,0)="Y" Then Call .Line : Return
- 2250 Goto Ok