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- 10 Rem 02/28/81
- 20 Deg : Set 0,-1 : Imode : I=2.5 : If I=2.5 Then Run
- 30 Dim Quadrant(10,10),Sector(10,10),Command$(1),Command2$(20),Device$(152),Plot$(5)
- 40 Long Damage(7),Number(3),X,Y,Posx,Posy,Delta'x,Delta'y,Total'hits,Fire'power,Direction,Distance,Stardate,Time'left,T
- 50 Device$="Short range sensorsLong range sensors Warp engines Impulse engines"
- 60 Device$(76)="Phasers Photon torpedoes Shields Ship computer"
- 70 Def Fnklingons(X)=Binand(X,%000F%)
- 80 Def Fncommander(X)=Binand(X,%0010%)<>0
- 90 Def Fnenemy(X)=Binand(X,31)<>0
- 100 Def Fnstars(X)=Binand(X,%01E0%)/%0020%
- 110 Def Fnbase(X)=Binand(X,%0200%)<>0
- 120 Def Fnscanned(X)=Binand(X,%0400%)<>0
- 130 Def Fndistance(X1,Y1,X2,Y2)=Sqr((X1-X2)*(X1-X2)+(Y1-Y2)*(Y1-Y2))
- 140 Stardate=2500 : Time'left=4.99 : Plot$=".*KCBE" : Energy=5000 : Warp=6 : Shield'strength=100 : Torpedoes=10
- 150 Randomize : Gosub Title : Gosub Screen'erase : Gosub Create'sector : Gosub Grid : Gosub Score'board : Goto Enter'command
- 160 *Grid
- 170 Screen=1
- 180 If Damage(0)>0 Then Do
- 190 Call .Cursor (10,3) : @"Short Range Sensor Damaged";
- 200 Else
- 210 For J=1 To 10
- 220 Print Using"## ",J;
- 230 For I=1 To 10
- 240 @" ";Plot$(Sector(I,J),Sector(I,J));" ";
- 250 Next I
- 260 @ : @
- 270 Next J
- 280 @" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10"
- 290 Quadrant(Quadx,Quady)=Binor(Quadrant(Quadx,Quady),1024)
- 300 Enddo
- 310 Return
- 320 Procedure .Random'ij
- 330 Local I,J
- 340 I=Int(Rnd(0)*10+1) : J=Int(Rnd(0)*10+1)
- 350 If Sector(I,J)>0 Then Goto 340
- 360 Endproc (I,J)
- 370 *Create'sector
- 380 Mat Sector=0 : Sector(Sectorx,Sectory)=5
- 390 If Fncommander(Quadrant(Quadx,Quady)) Then Call .Random'ij (;I,J) : Sector(I,J)=3
- 400 If Fnbase(Quadrant(Quadx,Quady)) Then Call .Random'ij (;I,J) : Sector(I,J)=4
- 410 If Fnklingons(Quadrant(Quadx,Quady))=0 Then Goto 450
- 420 For L=1 To Fnklingons(Quadrant(Quadx,Quady))
- 430 Call .Random'ij (;I,J) : Sector(I,J)=2
- 440 Next L
- 450 If Fnstars(Quadrant(Quadx,Quady))=0 Then 490
- 460 For L=1 To Fnstars(Quadrant(Quadx,Quady))
- 470 Call .Random'ij (;I,J) : Sector(I,J)=1
- 480 Next L
- 490 Return
- 500 *Create'universe
- 510 Call .Random'ij (;Quadx,Quady)
- 520 Call .Random'ij (;Sectorx,Sectory)
- 530 For I=1 To 10
- 540 For J=1 To 10
- 550 Quadrant(I,J)=Int(Rnd(0)*9)*32 : K=Rnd(0)*100
- 560 If K<5 Then Quadrant(I,J)=Quadrant(I,J)+512
- 570 K=Rnd(0)*100
- 580 If K<(10+Level*5) Then Do
- 590 If K<15 Then M=Rnd(0)*(2+Level*1.5)
- 600 If K>=15 Then M=Rnd(0)*(Level)+1
- 610 Quadrant(I,J)=Quadrant(I,J)+M : Klingons=Klingons+M : L=Rnd(0)*100
- 620 If L<(Level*2+1) Then Quadrant(I,J)=Quadrant(I,J)+16 : Klingons=Klingons+1
- 630 Enddo
- 640 Next J
- 650 Next I
- 660 Total'klingons=Klingons
- 670 Return
- 680 *Score'board
- 690 If Screen=0 Then Return
- 700 Call .Cursor (52,0) : @ Using"STARDATE: ####.##",Stardate;
- 710 Call .Cursor (52,2) : @"POSITION";
- 720 Call .Cursor (53,3) : @" QUADRANT ";Quadx;",";Quady;
- 730 Call .Cursor (53,4) : @" SECTOR ";Sectorx;",";Sectory;
- 740 Call .Cursor (52,6) : @ Using"TIME REMAINING: ##.##",Time'left
- 750 Call .Cursor (52,8) : @"KLINGONS: ";Klingons;" ";
- 760 Call .Cursor (52,10) : @"ENERGY: ";Energy;" ";
- 770 Call .Cursor (52,12) : If Shield'status=0 Then @"SHIELDS DOWN";
- 780 If Shield'status=1 Then @"SHIELDS UP ";
- 790 Call .Cursor (52,13) : @ Using" SHIELD STRENGTH: ###%",Shield'strength;
- 800 Call .Cursor (52,15) : @"TORPEDOES: ";Torpedoes;" ";
- 810 Call .Cursor (52,17) : @"WARP: ";Warp;
- 820 Call .Cursor (52,19) : If Fnenemy(Quadrant(Quadx,Quady)) Then Do
- 830 @ Chr$(126);Chr$(31);"CONDITION: RED ";Chr$(126);Chr$(25)
- 840 Else
- 860 Enddo
- 870 Return
- 880 *Enter'command
- 890 Call .Erase'line (2,22)
- 900 Input"Command: ",Command$;
- 910 Com=(Pos("SRLRMOIMPHPTSUCHSDDAREWAQGHEDO",Command$(0,1),0)+2)/2
- 920 On Com Goto Short'range,Long'range,Warp'drive,Impulse,Phasers,Torpedoes,Shields'up
- 930 On Com-7 Goto Galaxy,Shields'down,Damage'report,Repair,Set'warp,No'time,Help,Docked
- 940 Call .Erase'line (2,23)
- 950 @"Type 'HELP' for a list of commands.";
- 960 Goto Enter'command
- 970 *Short'range : Gosub Screen'erase : Gosub Grid : Gosub Score'board : Goto Enter'command
- 980 *Warp'drive
- 990 If Damage(2)>0 Then Goto Damaged
- 1000 Call .Erase'bottom (2,22)
- 1010 Input"Enter direction,distance for warp travel. ",Command2$
- 1020 Call .Get'numbers (;Direction,Distance,I)
- 1030 If Direction<0 Or Direction>12 Or Distance<0.1 Then Goto Enter'command
- 1040 If Energy<(Distance*Warp*10+100+Distance*Warp*10*Shield'status) Then Goto Not'enough
- 1050 Gosub Destination
- 1060 If X>11 Or Y>11 Or X<=1 Or Y<=1 Then Call .Erase'line (2,23) : @"You can't leave the galaxy."; : Goto Enter'command
- 1070 Energy=Energy-Distance*Warp*10-100-Distance*Warp*10*Shield'status
- 1080 Time'left=Time'left-Distance*(1.0/(Warp*Warp))
- 1090 Stardate=Stardate+Distance*(1.0/(Warp*Warp))
- 1100 Goto New'location
- 1110 *New'location
- 1120 Docked=0
- 1130 If Energy<0 Then Goto No'energy
- 1140 If Time'left<0 Then Goto No'time
- 1150 If Quadx=Endxx And Quady=Endyy Then Goto Sector'travel
- 1160 Goto Quadrant'travel
- 1170 *Destination
- 1180 Delta'x=Distance*Sin(Direction*30) : Delta'y=-Distance*Cos(Direction*30)
- 1190 X=Delta'x+Sectorx/10.0+Quadx : Y=Delta'y+Sectory/10.0+Quady
- 1200 Endxx=Int(X) : Endyy=Int(Y)
- 1210 If Fra(X)<0.05 Then Endx=10 : Endxx=Endxx-1
- 1220 If Fra(Y)<0.05 Then Endy=10 : Endyy=Endyy-1
- 1230 If Fra(X)>=0.05 Then Endx=Fra(X)*10
- 1240 If Fra(Y)>=0.05 Then Endy=Fra(Y)*10
- 1250 If Fra(X)>=0.95 Then Endx=10
- 1260 If Fra(Y)>=0.95 Then Endy=10
- 1270 Return
- 1280 *Quadrant'travel
- 1290 If Fnenemy(Quadrant(Quadx,Quady))*(Level>1) Then Gosub Klingon'attack
- 1300 Quadx=Endxx : Quady=Endyy : Sectorx=Endx : Sectory=Endy
- 1310 Gosub Create'sector : Gosub Screen'erase : Gosub Grid : Gosub Score'board
- 1350 If Level>2 And Fnklingons(Quadrant(Quadx,Quady))>0 Then Call .Attackers (25)
- 1360 If Fnenemy(Quadrant(Quadx,Quady))*(Level>4) Then Gosub Klingon'attack
- 1370 If Warp>6 And Com=3 Then Do
- 1380 I=Rnd(0)*150
- 1410 If I<(Warp*Distance) Then Damage(2)=Rnd(0)*Warp : Call .Erase'line (2,23) : @"Warp drive is damaged from high speed.";
- 1440 Enddo
- 1450 Goto Enter'command
- 1460 *Set'warp : Com=3
- 1470 If Damage(2)>0 Then Goto Damaged
- 1480 Call .Erase'bottom (2,22)
- 1490 Input"Set warp speed to? ",Command2$
- 1500 If Command2$="" Then Goto Enter'command
- 1510 I=Val(Command2$)
- 1520 Call .Erase'line (2,23)
- 1530 If I<1 Or I>10 Then @"The Enterprise won't go that fast."; : Goto Enter'command
- 1540 Warp=I
- 1550 If Warp<=6 Then @"Warp speed set to ";I;".";
- 1560 If Warp>6 Then @"A warp speed of ";I;"May damage the drive .";
- 1570 Gosub Score'board : Goto Enter'command
- 1590 *Galaxy
- 1600 If Damage(7)>0 Then Goto Damaged
- 1610 Gosub Screen'erase
- 1620 Screen=0
- 1630 For J=1 To 10
- 1640 Print Using"##",J;
- 1650 For I=1 To 10
- 1660 If Fnscanned(Quadrant(I,J))=0 And Fnbase(Quadrant(I,J)) Then @" .1. "; : Goto 1690
- 1670 If Fnscanned(Quadrant(I,J))=0 Then @" ... "; : Goto 1690
- 1680 @ Using" ##",Fnklingons(Quadrant(I,J))+Fncommander(Quadrant(I,J));
- 1685 @ Fnbase(Quadrant(I,J));Fnstars(Quadrant(I,J));" ";
- 1690 Next I
- 1700 @ : @
- 1710 Next J
- 1720 @" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10"
- 1730 X=Quadx*6-1 : Y=Quady*2-2 : Call .Cursor (X,Y+1) : @"=";
- 1740 If Y>1 Then Call .Cursor (X,Y-1) : @"=";
- 1750 Call .Cursor (X-3,Y) : @"|";
- 1760 Call .Cursor (X+2,Y) : @"|";
- 1770 Goto Enter'command
- 1780 *Long'range
- 1790 Screen=2
- 1800 If Damage(1)>0 Then Goto Damaged
- 1810 Gosub Screen'erase
- 1820 @"LONG RANGE SCAN FROM QUADRANT ";Quadx;",";Quady;"." : @ : @
- 1830 @ : @
- 1840 For J=(Quady-1) To(Quady+1)
- 1850 Print Using" ##",J;
- 1860 For I=(Quadx-1) To(Quadx+1)
- 1870 If I<1 Or J<1 Or I>10 Or J>10 Then @ Spc(5);"```"; : Goto 1900
- 1880 @ Using" ##",Fnklingons(Quadrant(I,J))+Fncommander(Quadrant(I,J));
- 1885 @ Fnbase(Quadrant(I,J));Fnstars(Quadrant(I,J));
- 1890 Quadrant(I,J)=Binor(Quadrant(I,J),1024)
- 1900 Next I
- 1910 @ : @ : @
- 1920 Next J
- 1930 @ Tab(9);Quadx-1;Tab(17);Quadx;Tab(25);Quadx+1
- 1940 Gosub Score'board : Goto Enter'command
- 1960 *Killed : Gosub Screen'erase : Call .Cursor (23,4) : @"THE ENTERPRISE HAS BEEN DESTROYED" : Goto Prisoner
- 2010 *Collision
- 2020 Gosub Screen'erase : Call .Cursor (8,4) : @"THEN ENTERPRISE HAS BEEN DESTROYED BY A COLLISION WITH A ";
- 2050 If Sector(Endx,Endy)=1 Then @"STAR."
- 2060 If Sector(Endx,Endy)=2 Then @"KLINGON."
- 2070 If Sector(Endx,Endy)=3 Then @"KLINGON COMMANDER."
- 2080 If Sector(Endx,Endy)=4 Then @"STARBASE."
- 2090 Goto Prisoner
- 2100 *No'energy : Gosub Screen'erase : Call .Cursor (12,4) : @"THE ENTERPRISE DOES NOT HAVE ENOUGH ENERGY TO MOVE.";
- 2140 Goto Prisoner
- 2150 *Prisoner
- 2190 Call .Cursor (24,18) : Input"PRESS RETURN FOR A NEW COMMAND.",Command2$ : Run
- 2210 *Phasers
- 2220 If Damage(4)>0 Then Goto Damaged
- 2230 Call .Erase'bottom (2,22)
- 2240 Input"Enter direction,energy. ",Command2$
- 2250 Call .Get'numbers (;Direction,Fire'power,I)
- 2260 If Direction<0 Or Direction(1)>12 Then Goto Enter'command
- 2270 If Fire'power<=0 Or Fire'power>Energy Then Goto Not'enough
- 2280 Energy=Energy-Fire'power
- 2290 Call .Check'path (Direction,0,Sectorx,Sectory,1)
- 2300 X=Posx : Y=Posy
- 2310 Fire'power=(5/Fndistance(Sectorx,Sectory,X,Y))*Fire'power
- 2320 If(Fire'power>=500 And Sector(X,Y)=2) Or(Fire'power>=1500 And Sector(X,Y)=3) Then Do
- 2330 Gosub Hit
- 2340 Else
- 2350 Gosub Miss
- 2360 Enddo
- 2370 Gosub Klingon'attack : Goto Enter'command
- 2390 *Hit
- 2400 Klingons=Klingons-1
- 2410 If Klingons<1 Then Goto Won
- 2420 Time'left=Time'left+(0.01+0.1*(Sector(X,Y)=3))*(Total'klingons/Klingons)
- 2430 If Sector(X,Y)=2 Then Quadrant(Quadx,Quady)=Quadrant(Quadx,Quady)-1
- 2440 If Sector(X,Y)=3 Then Quadrant(Quadx,Quady)=Quadrant(Quadx,Quady)-16
- 2450 Call .Cursor (1+(X*4),(Y-1)*2) : @".";
- 2460 Call .Erase'line (2,23)
- 2470 If Sector(X,Y)=2 Then @"You eliminated the Klingon ship with a ";
- 2480 If Sector(X,Y)=3 Then @"You eliminated the Klingon commander with a ";
- 2490 If Com=5 Then @ Int(Fire'power);" giga erg hit.";
- 2500 If Com=6 Then @"torpedo.";
- 2510 Sector(X,Y)=0
- 2520 Return
- 2530 *Miss
- 2540 Call .Cursor (1+(X*4),(Y-1)*2)
- 2550 Call .Erase'line (2,23)
- 2560 If Hit<0 And Com=6 Then @"You missed!!! ";
- 2570 If Sector(X,Y)=0 Then @"You fired into empty space!";
- 2580 If Sector(X,Y)=1 Then @"You hit a star!";
- 2590 If Sector(X,Y)=2 Or Sector(X,Y)=3 Then @"A ";Int(Fire'power);" giga erg hit failed to break the Klingon's screens.";
- 2600 If Sector(X,Y)=4 Then @"You hit your own base!";
- 2610 Call .Wait (1000)
- 2620 Return
- 2630 *Torpedoes
- 2640 If Damage(5)>0 Then Goto Damaged
- 2650 Call .Erase'line (2,23)
- 2660 If Torpedoes<1 Then @"You have no torpedoes"; : Goto Enter'command
- 2670 If Torpedoes>0 Then @"You may fire up to ";3*(Torpedoes>2)+Torpedoes*(Torpedoes<3);" torpedoes.";
- 2680 Call .Erase'line (2,22)
- 2690 Input"Directions to fire? ",Command2$;
- 2700 Call .Get'numbers (;I,J,K)
- 2710 If Number(1)<0 Then Goto Enter'command
- 2720 Distance=15
- 2730 For I=1 To 3
- 2740 If Number(I)<0 Or Number(I)>12 Then Goto 2810
- 2750 If Torpedoes<1 Then Call .Erase'line (2,23) : @"You have no more torpedoes"; : Goto 2810
- 2760 Torpedoes=Torpedoes-1
- 2770 Call .Check'path (Number(I),0,Sectorx,Sectory,0)
- 2780 X=Posx : Y=Posy
- 2790 If Hit=2 Or Hit=3 Then Gosub Hit
- 2800 If Hit<>2 And Hit<>3 Then Gosub Miss
- 2810 Next I
- 2820 Gosub Klingon'attack : Goto Enter'command
- 2850 *Klingon'attack
- 2860 If Level>3 Then Call .Attackers (5*Level)
- 2870 Total'hits=0
- 2880 For I=1 To 10
- 2890 For J=1 To 10
- 2900 If Sector(J,I)=2 Or Sector(J,I)=3 Then Do
- 2910 L=Rnd(0)*100
- 2920 If L>30 Or Level<4 Then Do
- 2930 Direction=Atn((Sectorx-J)/(I-Sectory+1E-30))/30
- 2940 If I<Sectory Then Direction=Direction+6
- 2950 Com=0
- 2960 If Screen=1 Then Call .Check'path (Direction,0,J,I,4)
- 2970 Fire'power=501.0/Fndistance(Sectorx,Sectory,J,I)
- 2980 If Sector(J,I)=3 Then Fire'power=Fire'power*3
- 3030 If Shield'status=1 Then Shield'strength=Shield'strength-Fire'power/25
- 3040 If Shield'strength<0 Then Shield'strength=0
- 3050 If Shield'status=1 Then Fire'power=Fire'power*(1-(Shield'strength/100.0))
- 3060 If Com=6 Then Fire'power=Fire'power*1.5
- 3065 If Docked Then Fire'power=Fire'power*Level*0.15
- 3070 Energy=Energy-Fire'power
- 3080 Total'hits=Total'hits+Fire'power
- 3090 If Energy<0 Then Goto Killed
- 3100 Call .Erase'line (2,23)
- 3110 @"You lost ";Int(Fire'power);" giga ergs from the Klingon attacking at ";J;",";I;".";
- 3120 If Fire'power>100 Then Do
- 3125 Call .Wait (500)
- 3130 K=Int(Rnd(0)*15+1)-1
- 3140 If K>7 Then Goto 3210
- 3150 Damage(K)=((Fire'power-100.0)*Rnd(0))/75.0+Damage(K)
- 3160 If Damage(K)<1E-03 Then Damage(K)=0
- 3170 Call .Erase'line (2,23)
- 3180 @"Klingon attack damaged ";Device$(K*19,K*19+18);
- 3190 If K=6 Then Shield'status=0
- 3200 Call .Wait (750)
- 3210 Enddo
- 3230 Else
- 3240 Call .Random'ij (;M,N)
- 3250 If Fndistance(Sectorx,Sectory,M,N)>5 Then Goto 3240
- 3260 Call .Move (J,I,M,N,Sector(J,I))
- 3270 Enddo
- 3280 Enddo
- 3290 Next J
- 3300 Next I
- 3330 Call .Erase'line (2,23) : If Total'hits Then @"You lost ";Int(Total'hits);" giga ergs from the Klingon attack.";
- 3340 If Level>3 Then Call .Attackers (5*Level)
- 3345 Gosub Score'board
- 3350 Return
- 3360 *Docked
- 3370 For J=Sectory-1 To Sectory+1
- 3380 For I=Sectorx-1 To Sectorx+1
- 3390 If I<1 Or J<1 Or I>10 Or J>10 Then 3410
- 3400 If Sector(I,J)=4 Then Docked=1
- 3410 Next I
- 3420 Next J
- 3430 If Docked=1 Then Do
- 3440 Energy=5000 : Torpedoes=10 : Shield'strength=100 : Call .Erase'line (2,23) : @"Enterprise docked at starbase.";
- 3490 Gosub Score'board : Gosub Damage'numbers
- 3500 Else
- 3520 Call .Erase'line (2,23) : @"Enterprise not adjacent to starbase.";
- 3530 Enddo
- 3540 Goto Enter'command
- 3550 *Impulse
- 3560 Call .Erase'bottom (2,22)
- 3570 If Damage(3)>0 Then Goto Damaged
- 3580 Input"Enter direction,distance for impulse travel. ",Command2$
- 3590 Call .Get'numbers (;Direction,Distance,I)
- 3600 If Direction<0 Or Direction>12 Or Distance<0.1 Then Goto Enter'command
- 3610 If Energy<Distance*250 Then Goto Not'enough
- 3620 Gosub Destination
- 3630 If X<1 Or Y<1 Or X>11 Or Y>11 Then Call .Erase'line (2,23) : @"You can't leave the galaxy."; : Goto Enter'command
- 3640 If Screen=1 Then Call .Cursor (1+(Sectorx)*4,(Sectory-1)*2) : @". ";
- 3650 Call .Check'path (Direction,Distance*10,Sectorx,Sectory,0)
- 3660 If Hit>0 Then Do
- 3680 Call .Erase'line (2,23) : @"Safety system stops collision.";
- 3690 Endx=Posx-Delta'x : Endy=Posy-Delta'y
- 3700 Endxx=Quadx : Endyy=Quady
- 3720 Enddo
- 3730 Energy=Energy-Distance*250 : Time'left=Time'left-0.05*Distance : Stardate=Stardate+Distance*0.05
- 3760 Goto New'location
- 3770 *Sector'travel
- 3780 If Sector(Endx,Endy)>0 And Sector(Endx,Endy)<5 Then Goto Collision
- 3790 Call .Move (Sectorx,Sectory,Endx,Endy,5)
- 3800 Sectorx=Endx : Sectory=Endy
- 3810 If Level>3 Then Call .Attackers (5*Level)
- 3820 Gosub Score'board
- 3830 If Fnenemy(Quadrant(Quadx,Quady)) Then Gosub Klingon'attack
- 3840 Goto Enter'command
- 3850 Procedure .Move (Sectorx,Sectory,Endx,Endy,I)
- 3860 If Screen=1 Then Do
- 3870 Call .Cursor (1+(Sectorx*4),(Sectory-1)*2) : @".";
- 3880 Call .Cursor (1+(Endx*4),(Endy-1)*2) : @ Plot$(I,I);
- 3890 Enddo
- 3900 Sector(Sectorx,Sectory)=0 : Sector(Endx,Endy)=I
- 3920 Endproc
- 3930 *Repair
- 3940 Call .Erase'bottom (2,22)
- 3950 Input"Work on repairs for how long? ",Command2$
- 3960 If Command2$="" Then Goto Enter'command
- 3970 T=Val(Command2$)
- 3980 If T=0 Then Goto Enter'command
- 3990 Call .Erase'line (2,23)
- 4000 If Fnenemy(Quadrant(Quadx,Quady)) Then T=0.01+Rnd(0)*0.2
- 4010 Time'left=Time'left-T
- 4020 Stardate=Stardate+T
- 4030 If Time'left<0 Then Goto No'time
- 4040 If Docked=1 Then T=T*10
- 4050 For I=0 To 7
- 4060 Damage(I)=Damage(I)-T
- 4070 If Damage(I)<0.01 Then Damage(I)=0
- 4080 Next I
- 4090 If Fnenemy(Quadrant(Quadx,Quady)) Then Do
- 4100 @"Repairs interrupted by Klingon attack.";
- 4110 Gosub Klingon'attack
- 4120 Else
- 4130 @"Repairs worked on for time ordered.";
- 4140 Enddo
- 4150 Gosub Damage'numbers : Gosub Score'board : Goto Enter'command
- 4180 *Damage'report
- 4190 Screen=-1
- 4200 Gosub Screen'erase
- 4210 @
- 4220 @ Tab(13);"DAMAGE REPORT" : @
- 4230 @ Tab(10);"System";Tab(28);"Repair Time" : @
- 4240 For I=0 To 7
- 4250 @ Tab(10);Device$(I*19,I*19+18) : @
- 4260 Next I
- 4270 Gosub Damage'numbers : Gosub Score'board : Goto Enter'command
- 4275 *Damage'numbers
- 4280 If Screen<>-1 Then Return
- 4290 For I=0 To 7
- 4300 Y=I*2+5
- 4310 Call .Cursor (30,Y)
- 4320 If Damage(I)>0 And Docked=0 Then @ Using"##&.&&&&",Damage(I)
- 4330 If Damage(I)>0 And Docked=1 Then @ Using"##&.&&&&",Damage(I)/10
- 4340 If Damage(I)=0 Then @" OK "
- 4350 Next I
- 4360 Return
- 4370 *Help
- 4380 Call .Erase'bottom (0,21)
- 4390 @"SR=Short range scan MO=Warp drive PH=Phasers RE=Repair DO=Dock"
- 4400 @"LR=Long range scan WA=Warp speed PT=Torpedoes SU=Shields up"
- 4410 @"CH=Chart of Galaxy IM=Impulse drive DA=Damage report SD=Shields down";
- 4420 Open\1\"$SY" : Get\1\Command2$(0,0) : Close\1\
- 4450 Call .Erase'bottom (0,21) : Goto Enter'command
- 4470 *Damaged
- 4480 Call .Erase'line (2,23)
- 4490 @"Damage to ";Device$((Com-1)*19,(Com-1)*19+18);
- 4500 Goto Enter'command
- 4510 *Shields'up
- 4520 Call .Erase'line (2,23)
- 4530 If Shield'status=1 Then @"Shields already up."; : Goto Enter'command
- 4540 If Damage(6)>0 Then Goto Damaged
- 4550 If Energy<=50 Then @"Not enough energy to raise shields."; : Goto Enter'command
- 4560 @"Shields raised.";
- 4570 Shield'status=1 : Energy=Energy-50 : Gosub Score'board : Goto Enter'command
- 4610 *Shields'down
- 4620 Call .Erase'line (2,23)
- 4630 If Shield'status=0 Then @"Shields already down."; : Goto Enter'command
- 4640 @"SHIELDS LOWERED."; : Shield'status=0 : Gosub Score'board : Goto Enter'command
- 4680 *Won
- 4690 Gosub Screen'erase
- 4700 Call .Cursor (28,4)
- 4720 Call .Cursor (21,11)
- 4740 Call .Cursor (24,18)
- 4760 Run
- 4770 *No'time
- 4780 Gosub Screen'erase
- 4790 Call .Cursor (12,4)
- 4810 Call .Cursor (25,11)
- 4830 Call .Cursor (25,18)
- 4840 Input"PRESS RETURN FOR A NEW COMMAND.",Command$
- 4850 Run
- 4860 *Title
- 4870 Gosub Screen'erase
- 4880 Call .Cursor (20,4)
- 4890 @"STARTREK"
- 4900 Call .Cursor (20,6)
- 4910 @"copyright 1980"
- 4920 Call .Cursor (20,8)
- 4930 @"by"
- 4940 Call .Cursor (20,10)
- 4950 @"David E. Trachtenbarg."
- 4960 Call .Erase'line (28,18)
- 4970 Input"Enter your expertise level (1-5). ",Command$
- 4980 If Command$="" Then Goto 4960
- 4990 Level=Val(Command$)
- 5000 If Level<1 Or Level>5 Then Goto 4960
- 5010 Call .Erase'line (28,18)
- 5020 @"Creating the universe.";
- 5030 Gosub Create'universe
- 5040 Call .Cursor (24,18)
- 5050 Input"Press RETURN to assume command.",Command$
- 5060 Return
- 5070 *Not'enough
- 5080 Call .Erase'line (2,23)
- 5090 @"Not enough energy.";
- 5100 Goto Enter'command
- 5110 *Screen'erase
- 5120 Out 1,126 : Out 1,28
- 5130 Return
- 5140 Procedure .Cursor (X1,Y1)
- 5150 Out 1,126 : Out 1,17
- 5160 Out 1,X1 : Out 1,Y1
- 5170 Endproc
- 5180 Procedure .Get'numbers
- 5190 Mat Number=-1
- 5200 I=0
- 5210 For J=1 To 3
- 5220 K=Asc(Command2$(I))
- 5230 If K=47 Or K<46 Or K>57 Then 5270
- 5240 Number(J)=Val(Command2$(I))
- 5250 I=Pos(Command2$,",",I)+1
- 5260 If I=0 Then J=3
- 5270 Next J
- 5280 Endproc (Number(1),Number(2),Number(3))
- 5290 Procedure .Check'path (Direction,Distance,Sectorx,Sectory,Miss)
- 5300 Local J
- 5310 Delta'x=Sin(Direction*30.0)
- 5320 Delta'y=-1*Cos(Direction*30.0)
- 5330 Hit=0
- 5340 While Hit=0
- 5350 J=J+1
- 5360 Posx=Sectorx+Delta'x*J
- 5370 Posy=Sectory+Delta'y*J
- 5380 If Distance>0 Then Do
- 5390 T=Fndistance(Delta'x*J,Delta'y*J,0,0)
- 5400 If T>=Distance Then Hit=-1
- 5410 Enddo
- 5420 If Posx<0.9 Or Posy<0.9 Or Posx>10.1 Or Posy>10.1 Then Do
- 5430 If Posx<1 Then Posx=1
- 5440 If Posy<1 Then Posy=1
- 5450 If Posx>10 Then Posx=10
- 5460 If Posy>10 Then Posy=10
- 5470 Hit=-1
- 5480 Enddo
- 5490 Call .Cursor (1+Posx*4,(Posy-1)*2)
- 5500 If Sector(Posx,Posy)>Miss And((Abs(Sectorx-Posx)>0.5) Or(Abs(Sectory-Posy)>0.5)) Then Hit=Sector(Posx,Posy)
- 5510 Endwhile
- 5520 Posx=Int(Posx)+1*(Fra(Posx)>=0.5)
- 5530 Posy=Int(Posy)+1*(Fra(Posy)>=0.5)
- 5540 Endproc
- 5550 Procedure .Attackers (Move)
- 5560 Local I,J,K,L,M,N
- 5570 For J=(Quady-1) To(Quady+1)
- 5580 For I=(Quadx-1) To(Quadx+1)
- 5590 If I<1 Or J<1 Or I>10 Or J>10 Or(Quadx=I And Quady=J) Then 5750
- 5600 K=Fnklingons(Quadrant(I,J))
- 5610 If K>0 Then Do
- 5620 For L=1 To K
- 5630 M=Rnd(0)*100
- 5640 If M<Move Then Do
- 5645 If Fnklingons(Quadrant(Quadx,Quady))>(4+Level*2) Then 5720
- 5650 Quadrant(I,J)=Quadrant(I,J)-1
- 5660 Quadrant(Quadx,Quady)=Quadrant(Quadx,Quady)+1
- 5670 Quadrant(I,J)=Binand(Quadrant(I,J),%FBFF%)
- 5680 Call .Random'ij (;M,N)
- 5690 If Fndistance(Sectorx,Sectory,M,N)>5 Then Goto 5680
- 5700 Sector(M,N)=2
- 5710 If Screen=1 Then Call .Cursor (1+(M*4),(N-1)*2) : @"K";
- 5720 Enddo
- 5730 Next L
- 5740 Enddo
- 5750 Next I
- 5760 Next J
- 5770 Endproc
- 5780 Procedure .Wait (Delay)
- 5790 For T=1 To Delay
- 5800 Next T
- 5810 Endproc
- 5820 Procedure .Erase'line (X1,Y1)
- 5830 Out 1,126 : Out 1,17 : Out 1,X1 : Out 1,Y1
- 5840 Out 1,126 : Out 1,15
- 5850 Endproc
- 5860 Procedure .Erase'bottom (X1,Y1)
- 5870 Out 1,126 : Out 1,17 : Out 1,X1 : Out 1,Y1
- 5880 Out 1,126 : Out 1,24
- 5890 Endproc