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- 10 @"Basic Text File Manipulations."
- 20 @"Copyright"
- 30 @"David E. Trachtenbarg"
- 40 @"07/28/80"
- 50 Set 0,-1
- 60 Dim Command2$(0),Line$(4),Basicfile1$(13),Basicfile2$(13)
- 70 Dim Buffer1$(127),Buffer2$(127),Line'number$(4),Eof$(1)
- 80 Integer I,J,K,Rec1,Rec2,Line
- 85 Eof$=Chr$(26)+Chr$(27)
- 90 *Menu
- 100 @ : @
- 110 @"1. Create a new text file without numbers."
- 120 @"2. Add numbers to a text file without numbers."
- 140 @"3. Leave Program."
- 150 @
- 160 Input"Enter the number of your choice. ",Command$
- 170 If Command$="" Then Goto Menu
- 180 I=Val(Command$)
- 190 On I Goto No'numbers,Add'numbers,New
- 200 Goto 160
- 210 *No'numbers
- 220 Gosub Enter'input
- 230 If Basicfile1$="" Then Goto Menu
- 240 Gosub Enter'output
- 250 If Basicfile2$="" Then Goto Menu
- 260 @ : @"Deleting numbers........"
- 270 On Error Goto Error'report
- 280 On Esc Goto Escape
- 290 Open\1,128,1\Basicfile1$(-1)
- 300 Open\2,128,2\Basicfile2$(-1)
- 310 Rec1=0
- 320 Rec2=0
- 330 J=0
- 340 Repeat
- 350 Get\1,Rec1\Buffer1$(-1)
- 360 For I=0 To 127
- 370 Buffer2$(J,J)=Buffer1$(I,I)
- 380 J=J+1
- 390 If J=128 Then Gosub Output'record
- 400 If Asc(Buffer1$(I,I))=10 Then Do
- 410 I=I+6
- 420 If I>127 Then Do
- 430 Rec1=Rec1+1
- 440 Get\1,Rec1\Buffer1$(-1)
- 450 I=I-128
- 460 Enddo
- 470 Enddo
- 480 Next I
- 490 Rec1=Rec1+1
- 500 Until Iostat(1,0)>0
- 510 Close\1\
- 520 Buffer2$(J,J)=Chr$(27)
- 530 Put\2,Rec2\Buffer2$(-1)
- 540 @ Buffer2$(-1)
- 550 Close\2\
- 560 On Esc Stop
- 570 On Error Stop
- 580 Goto Menu
- 590 *Add'numbers
- 600 Gosub Enter'input
- 610 If Basicfile1$="" Then Goto Menu
- 620 Gosub Enter'output
- 630 If Basicfile2$="" Then Goto Menu
- 640 @ : @"Adding numbers......."
- 650 On Error Goto Error'report
- 660 On Esc Goto Escape
- 670 Open\1,128,1\Basicfile1$(-1)
- 680 Open\2,128,2\Basicfile2$(-1)
- 690 Line=0
- 700 Rec1=0
- 710 Rec2=0
- 720 J=0
- 730 Repeat
- 740 Get\1,Rec1\Buffer1$(-1)
- 750 For I=0 To 127
- 760 Buffer2$(J,J)=Buffer1$(I,I)
- 770 J=J+1
- 780 If J=128 Then Gosub Output'record
- 790 If Asc(Buffer1$(I,I))=10 Then Do
- 810 Line=Line+10
- 820 Gosub Number'line
- 830 For K=0 To 4
- 840 Buffer2$(J,J)=Line'number$(K,K)
- 850 J=J+1
- 860 If J=128 Then Gosub Output'record
- 870 Next K
- 890 Enddo
- 900 Next I
- 910 Rec1=Rec1+1
- 920 Until Iostat(1,0)>0
- 930 Close\1\
- 933 Buffer2$(J,J)=Chr$(27)
- 940 Put\2,Rec2\Buffer2$(-1)
- 950 @ Buffer2$(-1)
- 960 Close\2\
- 970 On Error Stop
- 980 On Esc Stop
- 990 Goto Menu
- 1050 *New
- 1060 Stop
- 1070 End
- 1080 *Enter'input
- 1090 @ : Input"Enter the name of the file to read from. ",Basicfile1$(-1)
- 1100 If Basicfile1$="" Then Return
- 1110 @ : @"Checking........"
- 1120 Set 3,0
- 1130 On Error Goto 1160
- 1140 Open\1\Basicfile1$(-1)
- 1150 Close\1\
- 1160 If Sys(3)=0 Then Return
- 1170 @"You cannot OPEN this file."
- 1180 @"Error no. ";Sys(3);" has occured."
- 1190 @"Enter another name or press RETURN. ";
- 1200 Goto Enter'input
- 1210 *Enter'output
- 1220 @ : Input"Enter the name of the file to write to. ",Basicfile2$(-1)
- 1230 If Basicfile2$="" Then Return
- 1240 @ : @"Creating file.........."
- 1250 Set 3,0
- 1260 On Error Goto 1280
- 1270 Erase Basicfile2$
- 1280 Create Basicfile2$
- 1290 Return
- 1300 *Error'report
- 1310 Close
- 1315 On Error Stop
- 1316 On Esc Stop
- 1320 @"Error no. ";Sys(3);" has occured."
- 1330 Input"Press RETURN to go on. ",Command$
- 1340 Goto Menu
- 1350 *Escape
- 1360 Close
- 1365 On Error Stop
- 1370 On Esc Stop
- 1380 Goto Menu
- 1390 *Number'line
- 1400 Line$=Str$(Line)
- 1410 K=Len(Line$)
- 1420 Line'number$=" "
- 1430 Line'number$(5-K,4)=Line$
- 1440 Return
- 1450 *Output'record
- 1460 Put\2,Rec2\Buffer2$(-1)
- 1470 @ Buffer2$(-1);
- 1480 Buffer2$(-1)=""
- 1490 Rec2=Rec2+1
- 1500 J=0
- 1510 Return