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- CPMUG volume 82 - ABSTRACT.
- This volume consists entirely of Steve Bogolub's North Starì
- BIOS routines. They are copyrighted, but available freely forì
- non-commercial use. On the disk, he includes:
- A BIOS for North Star MDS-AD2 double density 5.25" floppy disk
- units 1 and 2 as CP/M drives A: AND B: and a Jade Double D
- Rev C 8" floppy disk units 0 and 1 as CP/M drives C: and D:.
- This is a utility to allow the operator to copy, format, orì
- validate North Star double density disks. Copying can be doneì
- between any two North Star drives, and can include all tracks,ì
- or just the system (0 and 1) tracks or data tracks (2 - n).
- Provides the functions of the Digital Research standard CP/Mì
- program 'SYSGEN', but for a North Star double density versionì
- of CP/M.
- This BIOS is specialized for remote modem dialup use. Itì
- incorporates elements of Dave Jaffe's BYE program. If theì
- memory location "MODEM" contains a value of zero when the coldì
- boot routine "init" is entered, a special set of consoleì
- vectors is patched over the genned-in set to handle the PMMIì
- modem instead of the normal horizon drivers. Variable baudì
- rate, and other features, are supported.
- BIOS containing routines to support the following hardware: ì
- disk: North Star MDC-A4 single density 5.25" floppy disk unitsì
- 1 and 2 as CP/M drives A: and B:. Console and list routinesì
- are located in a separate module loaded by the bootstrapì
- routine into high memory at address USER. That value is assumedì
- to be on a 1K boundary, and the user routines are restricted toì
- 2 pages. The BIOS is so large, MOVCPM should be run for twoì
- less than the desired system size.
- This program provides the functions of the Digital Researchì
- standard CP/M program 'SYSGEN', but for a North Star singleì
- density version of CP/M.
- These routines provide console and list functions for CP/M 2.2,ì
- using the hardware of the martin research machine. The routinesì
- are loaded into the non-contiguous 1K of high ram by theì
- bootstrap routine.
- This routine is read off the disk from track zero, sector fourì
- by the North Star single density BOOT PROM. It is responsibleì
- for reading in the BIOS and USER routines from the disk. Itì
- must then call the user init routine, then jump to the BIOSì
- cold boot entry point.
- 05/82 Ward C.