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- Data File Diskette Set-up
- Thσ nex⌠ ste≡ involve≤ settinτ u≡ datß disks«á Normall∙ ì
- datßá disδá ruε iε drivσ B:«á Thσ exception≤ wil∞ bσá wherσá somσ ì
- postinτá anΣá printinτá requirσ datß disk≤ iε drive≤á A║á anΣá B║ ì
- simultaneously«á Wheε thi≤ i≤ required¼ aε appropriatσ messagσ i≤ ì
- buil⌠á int∩ thσ systeφ t∩ advisσ yo⌡ wheε t∩á changσá disks«á Thσ ì
- basic Data diskette requirements are as follows:
- All Data diskettes should be preformatted.
- 1. General Ledger File Diskette
- Transfe≥á thσá followinτ file≤ froφ thσ samplσ datß disδá a≤ ì
- supplied. These can be modified later as required.
- a. NM Company Name File
- b. DATE File Containing 8 System Dates.
- c. GL Sample General Ledger File.
- d. GLF Numeric Formats File.
- e. GLT General Ledger Tabs File.
- f. GLREF General Ledger Account # Reference File.
- g. GLH General Ledger Headings File.
- h. GLS General Ledger Subheadings File.
- 2. Journal Files Diskette
- Thi≤á mus⌠á bσ ß separatσ diskettσ froφ thσá Genera∞á Ledge≥ ì
- Diskettσá above«á Thesσá file≤á wil∞ bσ createΣ b∙á thσá use≥á a≤ ì
- required.
- a. GLJO General Journal File.
- b. GLCD Check DIsbursements File.
- c. GLCS Cash Disbursment File.
- d. GLCK Check Receipts File.
- e. GLCR Cash Receipts File.
- .paè Data File Diskette Set-up
- 3. Payroll File Diskette
- Transfe≥ thσ followinτ file≤ froφ thσ samplσ file≤ diskette« ì
- These can be modified later as required.
- a. NM
- b. DATE
- c. GLF
- d. GLT
- e. EF Federal Withholding Tables.
- f. ES California Withholding Tables.
- g. EPC Payroll Cutoffs and Percentages.
- h. EPT Payroll Check Printing Tabs.
- The following files will be created when appropriate
- programs are run.
- i. EP Employee Master Information File.
- j. TM Time Card File.
- k. EDEP Federal 501 Deposit File.
- 4. Customer Receivables Files Diskette
- Transfe≥á thσ followinτ file≤ froφ thσ samplσ datß diskette« ì
- These can be modified later as required.
- a. NM
- b. DATE
- c. GLF
- d. GLT
- Thσá followinτá file≤á wil∞á bσá createΣá wheεáá appropriatσ ì
- programs are run.
- e. Customer Master Information File.
- 5. Invoice Register (Order Entry) File Disketteè
- Placσ thσ AR/A╨ runtimσ disδ iε drivσ A:«á Placσ thσ invoicσ ì
- register disk in drive B:.
- Typσá ctrl«á "Cóá (holΣá thσ contro∞ ke∙ dowε anΣá typσá thσ ì
- letter C).
- Type "CRUN2 INVENT". Creates INV (Invoice # File).
- The system will prompt you to allow Invoice # set-up.
- If you enter a "0", Invoices can be radomly numbered.
- Iµ yo⌡ desirσ "ForceΣ Sequintialó Invoicσ numbers¼á typσá iε ì
- the number of your first invoice.
- Thσá systeφ wil∞ takσ carσ oµ thσ rest«á Othe≥ file≤ wil∞ bσ ì
- created when appropriate programs are run.
- a. IR Invoice Register (Order) File.
- Data File Diskette Set-up
- 6. Vendor Payables File Diskette
- This is as #4 a through d
- e. VP Vendor Master Information File.
- 7. Purchase Order Register Diskette
- Thi≤á i≤ thσ samσ a≤ #╡ bu⌠ d∩ CRUN▓ POEN╘ t∩á se⌠á Purchasσ ì
- order numbers. Creates POE.
- a. PR Purchase Order Register File.
- 8. Inventory / Finished Goods File Diskette
- Thi≤á file¼á iµá unde≥á 5░ records¼á caε bσá placeΣá oεá thσ ì
- custome≥ informatioε diskettσ t∩ speeΣ orde≥ entr∙ processing« Iµ ì
- morσ item≤ arσ required¼ makσ ß seperatσ diskettσ anΣ includσ NM¼ ì
- DATE, GLF, and GLT.
- 9. All Other Diskettes
- Al∞á othe≥á diskette≤á excep⌠ thσ mailinτá lis⌠á file≤á wil∞ ìèrequire at least NM, DATE, GLF, and GLT.