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- .pl 66
- General File Information
- Perhap≤á thσ mos⌠ importan⌠ aspec⌠ oµ an∙ busines≤ systeφá i≤ ì
- thσá genera∞á DAT┴á filσ structurσ anΣ thσá wa∙á datßá file≤á arσ ì
- handled«á Iεá thi≤á system¼á al∞ acces≤ t∩ genera∞ DAT┴ file≤á i≤ ì
- RANDO═ o≥ DIRECT« Thi≤ mean≤ tha⌠ wσ cal∞ eacΦ DAT┴ filσ entr∙ b∙ ì
- ß relativσ recorΣ number.
- Thσá record≤á arσá establisheΣ viß thσ ??ENTR┘á anΣá ????TRA╬ ì
- programs«á Iµá ß prograφ tha⌠ require≤ DAT┴ file≤ i≤ entereΣá anΣ ì
- thσá filσá i≤ NO╘ founΣ oε thσ disδ iεá drivσá "B"¼á thσá prograφ ì
- "defaultsó t∩ thσ creatσ ne≈ filσ part« I⌠ wil∞ asδ yo⌡ t∩ eithe≥ ì
- inser⌠ ß diskettσ witΦ thσ appropriatσ filσ iε thσ drivσ anΣ typσ ì
- "có t∩ continuσ or¼á iµ yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ creatσ thσ filσ fo≥ thσ firs⌠ ì
- time¼á typinτá aεá "nó wil∞ causσ thσ systeφ t∩ asδ yo⌡ ho≈á man∙ ì
- record≤ yo⌡ want.
- Yo⌡á shoulΣá havσá somσá notioεá oµá thσá numbe≥á oµá record≤ ì
- required«á Iεá payrol∞ fo≥ examplσ iµ yo⌡ havσ 1░á employees¼á i⌠ ì
- woulΣ bσ reasonablσ t∩ creatσ betweeε 1╡ anΣ 2╡ records«á Iε thi≤ ì
- wa∙á you≥ datß file≤ caε bσ establisheΣ withou⌠ samplσ file≤á bu⌠ ì
- fo≥ tes⌠ purposes¼á runninτ thσ samplσ file≤ includeΣ caε bσ ver∙ ì
- educational.
- Iεá thσ filσ layout≤ tha⌠ follow¼á thσ content≤ oµ eacΦá DAT┴ ì
- recorΣá arσ shown«á ┴ grou≡ oµ DAT┴ record≤ make≤ u≡ ßá file«á Iε ì
- eacΦá oµ thσ layout≤ tha⌠ follo≈ thσ generiπ namσ oµ thσ filσá i≤ ì
- indicateΣ first¼á followeΣ b∙ thσ namσ useΣ oε thσ filσ diskette« ì
- COMPAN┘ NAM┼ ENTR┘ FIL┼ i≤ ß generiπ name¼á N═ i≤ thσ actua∞ filσ ì
- namσá oεá thσá diskette«á EacΦá recorΣá i≤á 17░á tota∞á byte≤á o≥ ì
- character≤ lonτ anΣ contain≤ thσ entrie≤ showε a≤ Item≤ ▒ througΦ ì
- 11.
- Thσ Iteφ i≤ followeΣ b∙ ß descriptioε anΣ ß bytσ o≥ characte≥ ì
- lengtΦ fo≥ eacΦ item« Thσ variablσ namσ mos⌠ commonl∙ useΣ i≤ thσ ì
- las⌠ entry.
- è
- NAME ENTRY FILE NA (170 bytes)
- Item # Description Bytes Expression
- 1 Tag 4 N(2,1)
- 2 Ref Number 10 N(2,2)
- 3 Name 24 K$(3,3)
- 4 Company 24 K$(3,4)
- 5 Address 24 K$(3,5)
- 6 City 17 K$(3,6)
- 7 State 2 K$(3,7)
- 8 Zip Code 5 K$(3,8)
- 9 Telephone 14 K$(3,9)
- 10 Federal Tax ID # 20 K$(3,10)
- 11 State Tax ID # 20 K$(3,11)
- Item # Description Bytes Expression
- 1 Current date 8 D$(1)
- 2 Period ending 8 D$(2)
- 3 Prev period ending 8 D$(3)
- 4 Month ending 8 D$(4)
- 5 Quarter ending 8 D$(5)
- 6 Year ending 8 D$(6)
- 7 Reserved 8 D$(7)
- 8 Fiscal ending 8 D$(8)
- è
- Item # Description Bytes Expression
- 1 Page width 3 T%(1)
- 2 Tag tab 3 T%(2)
- 3 Account number tab 3 T%(3)
- 4 Major heading tab 3 T%(4)
- 5 Subheading tab 3 T%(5)
- 6 Partial total tab 3 T%(6)
- 7 Partial tot dollar tab 3 T%(7)
- 8 Final total tab 3 T%(8)
- 9 Final tot dollar tab 3 T%(9)
- 10 Date tab 3 T%(10)
- 11 Page number tab 3 T%(11)
- 12 Comp Name in Use Tag 3 T%(12)
- 13 Lowest Bal Sht Acct # 10 T(13)
- 14 Highest Bal Sht Acct # 10 T(14)
- 15 Low Cost of Gds Acct # 10 T(15)
- 16 Hi Cost of Gds Acct # 10 T(16)
- Item # Description Bytes Expression
- 1 Dollar formats 20 L$
- 2 Percentage formats 20 P$
- è
- Item # Description Bytes Expression
- 1 Tag 4 N(2,1)
- 2 Ledger Acct Number 10 N(2,2)
- 3 Description 30 K$(3,3)
- 4 First Acct Number 10 N(2,4)
- 5 Last Acct Number 10 N(2,5)
- 6 M-T-D Amount 12 N(2,6)
- 7 Q-T-D Amount 12 N(2,7)
- 8 Y-T-D Amount 12 N(2,8)
- 9 M-T-D Percent 12 N(2,9)
- 10 Q-T-D Percent 12 N(2,10)
- 11 Y-T-D Percent 12 N(2,11)
- Item # Description Bytes Expression
- 1 Tag 4 N(2,1)
- 2 Ledger Acct Number 10 N(2,2)
- 3 Description 30 K$(3,3)
- 4 First Acct Number 10 N(2,4)
- 5 Last Acct Number 10 N(2,5)
- 6 M-T-D Amount 12 N(2,6)
- 7 Q-T-D Amount 12 N(2,7)
- 8 Y-T-D Amount 12 N(2,8)
- 9 M-T-D Percent 12 N(2,9)
- 10 Q-T-D Percent 12 N(2,10)
- 11 Y-T-D Percent 12 N(2,11)
- è
- Item # Description Bytes Expression
- 1 FICA Cutoff 12 C(1)
- 2 FICA Percent 12 C(2)
- 3 SDI Cutoff 12 C(3)
- 4 SDI Percent 12 C(4)
- 5 FUTA Cutoff 12 C(5)
- 6 FUTA Percent 12 C(6)
- 7 SUTA Cutoff 12 C(7)
- 8 SUTA Percent 12 C(8)
- Settings
- FICA 29,700 .0665
- SDI 11,400 .01
- FUTA 6,000 .007
- SUTA 6,000 ?
- .paèGENERAL LEDGER FILE GL (138 bytes)
- Item # Description Bytes Expression
- 1 Tag 4 N(2,1)
- 2 Ledger Acct Number 10 N(2,2)
- 3 Description 30 K$(3,3)
- 4 Month to date amt 12 N(2,4)
- 5 Quarter to date amt 12 N(2,5)
- 6 Year to date amt 12 N(2,6)
- 7 Prev m to date 12 N(2,7)
- 8 Prev q to date 12 N(2,8)
- 9 Prev y to date 12 N(2,9)
- 10 Budgeted amt 12 N(2,10)
- Item # Description Bytes Expression
- 1 Tag 8 N(2,1)
- 2 Major Acct # 10 N(2,2)
- 3 Date 8 K$(3,3)
- 4 To record 24 K$(3,4)
- 5 Remarks 24 K$(3,5)
- 6 Not used 1 K$(3,6)
- 7 Major Amt 12 N(2,7)
- 8 #1 Acct # 10 N(2,8)
- 9 #1 Amount 12 N(2,9)
- 10 #2 Acct # 10 N(2,10)
- 11 #2 Amount 12 N(2,11)
- 12 #3 Acct # 10 N(2,12)
- 13 #3 Amount 12 N(2,13)
- 14 #4 Acct # 10 N(2,14)
- 15 #4 Amount 12 N(2,15)
- 16 #5 Acct # 10 N(2,16)
- 17 #5 Amount 12 N(2,17)
- 18 #6 Acct # 10 N(2,18)
- 19 #6 Amount 12 N(2,19)èCHECK DISBURSEMENTS GLCD (250 bytes)
- Item # Description Bytes Expression
- 1 Check # 8 N(2,1)
- 2 Bank Acct # 10 N(2,2)
- 3 Date 8 K$(3,3)
- 4 In favor of 24 K$(3,4)
- 5 Remarks 24 K$(3,5)
- 6 Print Check(Y/N) 1 K$(3,6)
- 7 Amount of check 12 N(2,7)
- 8 #1 Acct # 10 N(2,8)
- 9 #1 Amount 12 N(2,9)
- 10 #2 Acct # 10 N(2,10)
- 11 #2 Amount 12 N(2,11)
- 12 #3 Acct # 10 N(2,12)
- 13 #3 Amount 12 N(2,13)
- 14 #4 Acct # 10 N(2,14)
- 15 #4 Amount 12 N(2,15)
- 16 #5 Acct # 10 N(2,16)
- 17 #5 Amount 12 N(2,17)
- 18 #6 Acct # 10 N(2,18)
- 19 #6 Amount 12 N(2,19)
- Item # Description Bytes Expression
- 1 Cust Tag # 8 N(2,1)
- 2 Deposit Acct # 10 N(2,2)
- 3 Date 8 K$(3,3)
- 4 From 24 K$(3,4)
- 5 For(remarks) 24 K$(3,5)
- 6 Deposit Slip(Y/N) 1 K$(3,6)
- 7 Amount of check 12 N(2,7)
- 8 #1 Acct # 10 N(2,8)
- 9 #1 Amount 12 N(2,9)
- 10 #2 Acct # 10 N(2,10)
- 11 #2 Amount 12 N(2,11)è12 #3 Acct # 10 N(2,12)
- 13 #3 Amount 12 N(2,13)
- 14 #4 Acct # 10 N(2,14)
- 15 #4 Amount 12 N(2,15)
- 16 #5 Acct # 10 N(2,16)
- 17 #5 Amount 12 N(2,17)
- 18 #6 Acct # 10 N(2,18)
- 19 #6 Amount 12 N(2,19)
- Item # Description Bytes Expression
- 1 Employee # 8 N(2,1)
- 2 Acct Number 10 N(2,2)
- 3 Name 24 K$(3,3)
- 4 Company 24 K$(3,4)
- 5 Address 24 K$(3,5)
- 6 City 17 K$(3,6)
- 7 State 2 K$(3,7)
- 8 Zip Code 5 K$(3,8)
- 9 Telephone 14 K$(3,9)
- 10 Soc Sec # 11 K$(3,10)
- 11 Emp Date 8 K$(3,11)
- 12 Term Date 8 K$(3,12)
- 13 Marital Stat 2 K$(3,13)
- 14 Hourly of salaried 1 K$(3,14)
- 15 Pay periods - W/B/S/M 1 K$(3,15)
- 16 Num of Exemptions 4 N(2,16)
- 17 Hourly Rate 6 N(2,17)
- 18 Hours this period 6 N(2,18)
- 19 Quar to date hrs 6 N(2,19)
- 20 Year to date hrs 6 N(2,20)
- Record X+1
- 1 Gross Pay 12 N(0,1)
- 2 Q-T-D Gross Pay 12 N(0,2)
- 3 Y-T-D Gross Pay 12 N(0,3)è4 FICA 12 N(0,4)
- 5 Q-T-D FICA 12 N(0,5)
- 6 Y-T-D FICA 12 N(0,6)
- 7 Federal Tax 12 N(0,7)
- 8 Q-T-D Federal Tax 12 N(0,8)
- 9 Y-T-D Federal Tax 12 N(0,9)
- 10 State Tax 12 N(0,10)
- 11 Q-T-D State Tax 12 N(0,11)
- 12 Y-T-D State Tax 12 N(0,12)
- 13 State Disability 12 N(0,13)
- 14 Q-T-D SDI 12 N(0,14)
- 15 Y-T-D SDI 12 N(0,15)
- 16 Misc Deductions 12 N(0,16)
- 17 Q-T-D Misc Ded 12 N(0,17)
- 18 Y-T-D Misc Ded 12 N(0,18)
- TIME CARD RECORD TM (128 bytes)
- Item # Description Bytes Expression
- 1 Employee # 8 N(2,1)
- 2 Acct Number 10 N(2,2)
- 3 Name 24 K$(3,3)
- 4 Pay period # 4 N(2,4)
- 5 Reportable tips 12 N(2,5)
- 6 Misc deductions 12 N(2,6)
- 7 Regular hours 4 N(2,7)
- 8 Time & 1/2 hours 4 N(2,8)
- 9 Double time hours 4 N(2,9)
- 10 Sick time hours 4 N(2,10)
- 11 Holiday time hours 4 N(2,11)
- 12 Vacation hours 4 N(2,12)
- Item # Description Bytes Expression
- 16 Num of Exemptions 4 N
- 17 Hourly Rate 6 R
- 18 Hours this period 6 H1
- 19 Quar to date hrs 6 H2
- 20 Year to date hrs 6 H3
- Record X+1
- 1 Gross pay 12 E0
- 2 Q-T-D Gross pay 12 E1
- 3 Y-T-D Gross pay 12 E2
- 4 FICA 12 F1
- 5 Q-T-D FICA 12 F2
- 6 Y-T-D FICA 12 F3
- 7 Federal Tax 12 E3
- 8 Q-T-D Federal Tax 12 E4
- 9 Y-T-D Federal Tax 12 E5
- 10 State Tax 12 E6
- 11 Q-T-D State Tax 12 E7
- 12 Y-T-D State Tax 12 E8
- 13 State Disability 12 S1
- 14 Q-T-D SDI 12 S2
- 15 Y-T-D SDI 12 S3
- 16 Misc Deductions 12 M1
- 17 Q-T-D Misc Ded 12 M2
- 18 Y-T-D Misc Ded 12 M3
- .paèHourly payroll is calculated on full hours worked.
- For salaried employees, actual hours worked is carried
- but payroll is calculated on number of hours in the
- payroll period.
- WEEKLY=W 52 periods/year 7 days 40 hours
- BIWEEKLY=B 26 periods/year 14 days 80 hours
- SEMIMON=S 24 periods/year 15.2 days 86.66667 hours
- MONTHLY=M 12 periods/year 30.4 days 173.33333 hours
- Item # Description Bytes Expression
- 1 Quarter(1,2,3 or 4) 1 N(2,1)
- 2 Month(1,2,3) 1 N(2,2)
- 3 Period(1,2,3 or 4) 1 N(2,3)
- 4 Tax liability 12 N(2,4)
- 5 Amt of deposit 12 N(2,5)
- 6 Check # 8 K$(2,6)
- 7 Date of deposit 8 K$(2,7)
- Item # Description Bytes Expression
- 1 Tag 4 N(2,1)
- 2 Acct Number 10 N(2,2)
- 3 Name (attention) 24 K$(3,3)
- 4 Company 24 K$(3,4)
- 5 Address 24 K$(3,5)
- 6 City 17 K$(3,6)
- 7 State 2 K$(3,7)
- 8 Zip Code 5 K$(3,8)
- 9 Phone 14 K$(3,9)
- Shipping
- 10 Name (attention) 24 K$(3,10)
- 11 Company 24 K$(3,11)
- 12 Address 24 K$(3,12)
- 13 City 17 K$(3,13)
- 14 State 2 K$(3,14)
- 15 Zip Code 5 K$(3,15)
- 16 Phone 14 K$(3,16)
- 17 Date of last pmnt 8 K$(3,17)
- Record X+1
- 1 Amt of last pmnt 12 N(2,3)
- 2 Total y to date 12 N(2,4)
- 3 Current charges 12 N(2,5)
- 4 30-60 days 12 N(2,6)
- 5 61-90 days 12 N(2,7)
- 6 Over 90 days 12 N(2,8)
- .paèINVOICE REGISTER IR (384 bytes)
- Item # Description Bytes Expression
- 1 Tag 8 N(2,1)
- 2 A/R Acct # 10 N(2,2)
- 3 Invoice # 10 N(2,3)
- 4 Salesman 24 K$(3,4)
- 5 Cust. Order # 24 K$(3,5)
- 6 Shipping date 8 K$(3,6)
- 7 Carrier (via) 8 K$(3,7)
- 8 FOB Point 10 K$(3,8)
- 9 Terms 10 K$(3,9)
- 10 Tax Code 1 K$(3,10)
- 11 Post,invoice,register 4 K$(3,11)
- 12 Customer Tag # 4 N(2,12)
- 13 Shipping Chgs 12 N(2,13)
- Record X+1
- 1 - 10 Finished Goods Tag 4 G(1) - G(10)
- 1 - 10 Quantity 10 Q(1) - Q(10)
- Calculate total invoice amount
- Calculate sales tax
- Questions:
- 1. Do you want a picture of finished invoice
- 2. Do you want order pick slips
- 3. Shall we backorder low of out-of-stock items
- .paèVENDOR PAYABLES FILE VP (384 bytes)
- Item # Description Bytes Expression
- 1 Tag 4 N(2,1)
- 2 Acct Number 10 N(2,2)
- 3 Name (attention) 24 K$(3,3)
- 4 Company 24 K$(3,4)
- 5 Address 24 K$(3,5)
- 6 City 17 K$(3,6)
- 7 State 2 K$(3,7)
- 8 Zip Code 5 K$(3,8)
- 9 Phone 14 K$(3,9)
- Shipping
- 10 Name (attention) 24 K$(3,10)
- 11 Company 24 K$(3,11)
- 12 Address 24 K$(3,12)
- 13 City 17 K$(3,13)
- 14 State 2 K$(3,14)
- 15 Zip Code 5 K$(3,15)
- 16 Phone 14 K$(3,16)
- 17 Date of last pmnt 8 K$(3,17)
- Record X+1
- 1 Amt of last pmnt 12 N(2,3)
- 2 Total y to date 12 N(2,4)
- 3 Current charges 12 N(2,5)
- 4 30-60 days 12 N(2,6)
- 5 61-90 days 12 N(2,7)
- 6 Over 90 days 12 N(2,8)
- Item # Description Bytes Expression
- 1 Tag 8 N(2,1)
- 2 A/P Acct # 10 N(2,2)
- 3 Purchase order # 10 N(2,3)
- 4 Buyer 24 K$(3,4)
- 5 Our Order # 24 K$(3,5)
- 6 Required date 8 K$(3,6)
- 7 Carrier (via) 8 K$(3,7)
- 8 FOB Point 10 K$(3,8)
- 9 Terms 10 K$(3,9)
- 10 Tax Code 1 K$(3,10)
- 11 Post,invoice,register 4 K$(3,11)
- 12 Vendor Tag # 4 N(2,12)
- 13 Shipping chgs 12 N(2,13)
- Record X+1
- 1 - 10 Finished Goods Tag 4 G(1) - G(10)
- 1 - 10 Quantity 10 Q(1) - Q(10)
- Item # Description Bytes Expression
- 1 Tag 4 N(2,1)
- 2 Acct Number 10 N(2,2)
- 3 Item # 7 K$(3,3)
- 4 Part # 12 K$(3,4)
- 5 Description 24 K$(3,5)
- 6 Location(shelf,bin) 24 K$(3,6)
- 7 Date of last issue 8 K$(3,7)
- 8 Date of last receipt 8 K$(3,8)
- 9 Vendor Code 10 K$(3,9)
- 10 Vendor Tag # 4 N(2,10)
- 11 Unit Cost 12 N(2,11)
- 12 Selling Price 12 N(2,12)
- 13 Quan on hand 8 N(2,13)
- 14 Quan on order 8 N(2,14)
- 15 Quan issued m-t-d 10 N(2,15)
- 16 Quan issued q-t-d 10 N(2,16)
- 17 Quan issued y-t-d 10 N(2,17)
- 18 Min quan (stock) 10 N(2,18)
- 19 Max quan (stock) 10 N(2,19)
- Calculate average cost
- Calculate reorder quantity
- .paèRAW GOODS INVENTORY RG (256 bytes)
- Item # Description Bytes Expression
- 1 Tag 4 N(2,1)
- 2 Acct Number 10 N(2,2)
- 3 Item # 7 K$(3,3)
- 4 Part # 12 K$(3,4)
- 5 Description 24 K$(3,5)
- 6 Location(shelf,bin) 24 K$(3,6)
- 7 Date of last issue 8 K$(3,7)
- 8 Date of last receipt 8 K$(3,8)
- 9 Vendor Code 10 K$(3,9)
- 10 Vendor Tag # 4 N(2,10)
- 11 Unit Cost 12 N(2,11)
- 12 Selling Price 12 N(2,12)
- 13 Quan on hand 8 N(2,13)
- 14 Quan on order 8 N(2,14)
- 15 Quan issued m-t-d 10 N(2,15)
- 16 Quan issued q-t-d 10 N(2,16)
- 17 Quan issued y-t-d 10 N(2,17)
- 18 Min quan (stock) 10 N(2,18)
- 19 Max quan (stock) 10 N(2,19)
- Calculate average cost
- Calculate reorder quantity
- .paèMAILING LIST FILE MA (150 bytes)
- Item # Description Bytes Expression
- 1 Tag 4 N(2,1)
- 2 Ref Number 10 N(2,2)
- 3 Name 24 K$(3,3)
- 4 Company 24 K$(3,4)
- 5 Address 24 K$(3,5)
- 6 City 17 K$(3,6)
- 7 State 2 K$(3,7)
- 8 Zip Code 5 K$(3,8)
- 9 Telephone 14 K$(3,9)
- Item # Description Bytes Expression
- 1 Tag 4 N(2,1)
- 2 Fixed Asset Acct # 10 N(2,2)
- 3 Depreciation Acct # 10 N(2,3)
- 4 Description 24 K$(3,4)
- 5 Location 24 K$(3,5)
- 6 New or Used 1 K$(3,6)
- 7 Date acquired 8 K$(3,7)
- 8 Depreciation method 2 K$(3,8)
- 9 Cost or Basis 12 N(2,9) D1
- 10 Depreciable basis 12 N(2,10) D2
- 11 Prior years dep. 12 N(2,11) D3
- 12 Useful life 4 N(2,12) D4
- 13 Remaining life 4 N(2,13) D5
- 14 Month to date dep. 12 N(2,14) D6
- 15 Quarter to date dep. 12 N(2,15) D7
- 16 Year to date dep. 12 N(2,16) D8
- 17 Salvage value 12 N(2,17) D9