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- I⌠ i≤ possiblσ t∩ increasσ thσ sizσ oµ ß file«á EacΦ filσ ha≤ ì
- aε associateΣ SIZ┼ filσ createΣ witΦ i⌠ anΣ maintaineΣ throughou⌠ ì
- it≤á life«á Fo≥á thσá G╠ filσ (fo≥ example⌐ thi≤ filσá i≤á calleΣ ì
- Wheε examineΣ usinτ an∙ CP═ Edito≥ thi≤ filσ wil∞ bσ founΣ t∩ ì
- contaiεá tw∩á number≤ separateΣ b∙ ß commß sucΦá a≤á 38,100«á Thσ ì
- firs⌠ numbe≥ i≤ thσ NEX╘ AVAILABL┼ RECORD«á Thσ seconΣ numbe≥á i≤ ì
- The following steps will allow the file size to be increased.
- 1. Usσá an∙á CP═á Edito≥ t∩ ente≥ thσ xxSIZ┼ filσ a≤á yo⌡á woulΣ ì
- ááááenter any document file.
- 2. Changσá thσ numbe≥ AFTE╥ thσ commß t∩ thσ ne≈ filσá sizσá yo⌡ ì
- áááádesire.
- 3. Exit from the editor and erase any .BAK file.
- 4. Immediatel∙á star⌠ thσ systeφ anΣ proceeΣ witΦ thσá necessar∙ ì
- áááámen⌡á call≤á t∩á thσ Genera∞ Ledge≥ Entr∙á prograφá (iεá thi≤ ì
- ááááexample) or whatever file you are changing.
- 5. Immediatel∙á d∩á ß BACK-U╨ AN─ SOR╘á operation«á Thσá number≤ ì
- ááááshowεá iε thσ men⌡ beforσ thσ BACK-U╨ AN─ SOR╘ operatioε wil∞ ì
- áááábσ thσ ne≈ number≤ yo⌡ havσ entereΣ bu⌠ thσ actua∞ datßá filσ ì
- ááááWIL╠á NO╘ havσ beeε increaseΣ iε sizσ t∩ accomodatσ thσ extrß ì
- áááárecords«á Runninτ thσ BACK-U╨ AN─ SOR╘ operatioε i≤ thσá ONL┘ ì
- ááááway to physically increase the size of the data file.
- Obviousl∙á i⌠ i≤ bette≥ t∩ creatσ ß filσ witΦ amplσ spacσá t∩ ì
- begin with but Murphy's Law DOES prevail.
- áááá