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- VOLUME 088 CP/M Users Group
- 1651 Third Ave.
- New York N.Y. 10028
- DESCRIPTION: BusinessMaster II
- Volume 3 of 5: sample data files; payroll;
- BusinessMaster
- 1207 Elm Ave, Suite M
- Carlsbad, CA 92008
- BusinessMaster II is a general business software package for
- CBASIC-II, occupying CPMUG volumes 86-90, encompassing, by volume:
- 86 documentation;
- 87 initialization, startup, modification and maintenance;
- inventory/fixed asset accounts;
- mailing list;
- 88 sample data files;
- payroll;
- 89 order entry/receivables;
- purchase order/payables;
- 90 general ledger;
- 5K U-G-FORM.LIB Users Group Submission Form.
- 2K CRCKLIST.088 File of all file CRC's.
- 2K CRCK.COM To check files on this disk.
- ---- Sample data files ----
- 88.1 6K CG. Cost of goods sold file.
- 88.2 1K CGSIZE. # in use + max size of above
- 88.3 1K CHK. ?? next check # to write??
- 88.4 9K CR. customer receivables file
- 88.5 1K CRSIZE. # in use + max size of CR file
- 88.6 1K DATE. Date information
- 88.7 4K EDEP. Federal deposit record
- 88.8 1K EDEPSIZE. # in use + max size of EDEP file
- 88.9 1K EF. Federal Withholding Tables
- 88.10 11K EP. Consolidated employee payroll
- 88.12 1K EPSIZE. # in use + max size of EP file
- 88.11 1K EPC. Payroll cutoff amounts
- 88.13 1K EPT. Payroll Check Printing Tabs
- 88.14 1K ES. California Withholding Tables
- 88.15 6K FG. Finished goods inventory
- 88.16 1K FGSIZE. # in use + max size of FG file
- 88.17 14K GL. General ledger file
- 88.29 1K GLSIZE. # in use + max size of GL file
- 88.18 6K GLCD. Check disbursements
- 88.19 1K GLCDSIZE. # in use + max size of GLCD file
- 88.20 2K GLCK. Check receipts
- 88.21 1K GLCKSIZE. # in use + max size of GLCK file
- 88.22 1K GLF. General ledger formats
- 88.23 2K GLH. General ledger heading file
- 88.24 1K GLHSIZE. # in use + max size of GLH file
- 88.25 13K GLJO. General journal gljo
- 88.26 1K GLJOSIZE. # in use + max size of GLJO file
- 88.27 1K GLREF. General Ledger Account # Reference File
- 88.28 4K GLS. general ledger subheading file
- 88.30 1K GLSSIZE. # in use + max size of GLS file
- 88.31 1K GLT. general ledger report tabs
- 88.32 1K INV. Invoice # File
- 88.33 9K IR. invoice register
- 88.34 1K IRSIZE. # in use + max size of IR file
- 88.35 8K MA0. Mailing list file
- 88.36 1K MA0SIZE. # in use + max size of MA0 file
- 88.37 1K NM. Company Name File
- 88.38 1K NMSIZE. # in use + max size of NM file
- 88.39 3K PO. Purchase order register
- 88.41 1K POSIZE. # in use + max size of PO file
- 88.40 1K POE. Purchase order numbers
- 88.42 3K TM. Time card record
- 88.43 5K VP. Vendor payables file
- 88.44 1K VPSIZE. # in use + max size of VP file
- ---- Common programs ---- would not fit on this volume because
- of 64 directory entry limit. Get them
- from another volume (87, 89, 90)
- 4K BIZMII.BAS Master Menu Businessmaster II. (bizmii)
- 2K CHECK.BAS Check for needed files
- 1K CONTROL.BAS Set up control characters for terminal
- 1K FORMAT.BAS Set common and formats.
- 1K READFILE.BAS Read name, date, formats and tabs.
- ---- Payroll programs ----
- 1K COMPILE.SUB To compile all following programs
- 88.45 4K EPCHECKS.BAS Payroll Check Printer
- 88.46 1K EPCLEAR.BAS Employee payroll clearing program
- 88.47 8K EPDPOSIT.BAS Federal Tax Deposit Entry Program
- 88.48 14K EPENTRY.BAS Employee Payroll Record Entry Program
- 88.49 6K EPJOPOST.BAS Payroll Journal Posting Program
- 88.50 9K EPJOTRAN.BAS Payroll Calculation Program
- 88.51 3K EPLIST.BAS Payroll File Listing Program
- 88.52 5K EPSORT.BAS Employee Info Entry Sort Program
- 88.53 5K EPSUMARY.BAS Payroll Register Printer
- 88.54 5K FED941PR.BAS Federal Form 941 Quarterly Tax Return Printer
- 88.55 2K MASTER14.BAS Payroll Entry and Calculation Menu
- 88.56 3K MASTER5.BAS Employee Payroll Menu
- 88.57 10K TMENTRY.BAS Payroll Time Card Entry Program
- 88.58 5K W2PRINT.BAS Federal W2 Printer