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- VOLUME 089 CP/M Users Group
- 1651 Third Ave.
- New York N.Y. 10028
- DESCRIPTION: BusinessMaster II
- Volume 4 of 5: purchase order/payables;
- order entry/receivables;
- BusinessMaster
- 1207 Elm Ave, Suite M
- Carlsbad, CA 92008
- BusinessMaster II is a general business software package for
- CBASIC-II, occupying CPMUG volumes 86-90, encompassing, by volume:
- 86 documentation;
- 87 initialization, startup, modification and maintenance;
- inventory/fixed asset accounts;
- mailing list;
- 88 sample data files;
- payroll;
- 89 order entry/receivables;
- purchase order/payables;
- 90 general ledger;
- 5K U-G-FORM.LIB Users Group Submission Form.
- 2K CRCKLIST.089 File of all file CRC's.
- 2K CRCK.COM to check files on this disk.
- 1K COMPILE.SUB To compile all following programs
- 89.1 1K ALL.BAS Include FORMAT and CONTROL
- 89.2 4K BIZMII.BAS Master Menu Businessmaster II. (bizmii)
- 89.3 2K CHECK.BAS Check for needed files
- 89.4 1K CONTROL.BAS Set up control characters for terminal
- 89.5 1K FORMAT.BAS Set common and formats.
- 89.6 1K READFILE.BAS Read name, date, formats and tabs.
- 89.7 12K CRENTRY.BAS Customer Information Entry Program
- 89.8 7K CRFMINV.BAS Formatted Invoice Printing Program
- 89.9 8K CRJOLIST.BAS Invoice Register Printing Program
- 89.10 5K CRJOPOST.BAS Accounts Receivable Posting Program
- 89.11 13K CRJOTRAN.BAS Order/Invoice Entry Program
- 89.12 3K CRLABELS.BAS Customer mailing label printing program
- 89.13 7K CRPPINV.BAS Preprinted Invoice Printing Program
- 89.14 4K CRRPT.BAS Aged Accounts Receivable Statement Printer
- 89.15 3K CRSORT.BAS Customer Information Entry Sort Program
- 89.16 1K INVENT.BAS Invoice Number Sequencing Entry Program
- 89.17 3K MASTER2.BAS Accounts Receivable/Customer Menu
- 89.18 3K MASTER3.BAS Accounts Payable/Vendor Menu
- 89.19 1K POENT.BAS Purchase Order # Sequencing Entry Program
- 89.20 12K VPENTRY.BAS Vendor Information Entry Program
- 89.21 7K VPFMPO.BAS Formatted Purchase Order Printing Program
- 89.22 8K VPJOLIST.BAS Purchase Order Register Printing Program
- 89.23 5K VPJOPOST.BAS Accounts Payable Posting Program
- 89.24 13K VPJOTRAN.BAS Purchase Order Entry Program
- 89.25 3K VPLABELS.BAS Mailing label printing program
- 89.26 7K VPPPPO.BAS Preprinted Purchase Order Printing Program
- 89.27 4K VPRPT.BAS Aged Accounts Payable Statement Printer
- 89.28 3K VPSORT.BAS Vendor Information Entry Sort Program
- Note: ALL, FORMAT, and CONTROL are %include files.
- 09/21/82 WLC