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Terminal customization for z80emacs is accomplished by using the
program METERM.COM
In order to keep the program as small as possible, thus allowing
you to edit as much data as possible, I assumed that there are only
two kinds of terminals in the world: ANSI and ASCII.
I also restricted z80emacs to using just three different terminal
control sequences: direct cursor motion, clear-to-end-of-line, and
In order to keep the program as small as possible, I didn't use a
fancy termcap package ( though, if I had one, I could have
initialized it in an overlay, so my feeble excuse doesn't hold
much water ). Another consideration is that, once z80emacs is
installed, it will "always" be used with one and only one
terminal type, and reading a termcap file would take time
( a slightly better argument; METERM.COM is like an overlay
that only executes once ).
That's what meterm is about: it reads ME.SYM and ME.COM,
reports what it finds, gets input from the user, and writes new
data to ME.COM; meterm is very careful to check that ME.COM
matches ME.SYM, by the way, so nothing cango rwong.
Just in case, meterm tells you where the ansimove() routine is
found, so that you can patch it if you need to; in case you need
to do so, the binary distribution includes TELANSI.C, TELANSI.ASM,
TELANSI.O, and my apologies...
Most people shouldn't need to patch.
If your terminal is like a PC or like a VT100, it's ANSI; otherwise,
it's almost sure to be ASCII.
The sequences for clear-to-end-of-line and clear-whole-screen are
simply sent out as they appear in the termctrl[] table.
The problem is direct-cursor-motion; that's why there's a variable
called "ansiterm", that tells the ansimove() subroutine whether
it's dealing with an ANSI or ASCII terminal.
If ASCII, the cursor-motion sequence is probably 4 bytes long,
escape, '=', space, space; the first two characters are sent
out as is, the third character is added to the binary line
number and sent out, the fourth character is added to the
binary column number and sent out. This works as is for televideo,
wyse, qume, ADM, etc., etc; for a few others, you may have to modify
the second character.
If the sequence isn't 4 bytes long, if the column number needs
to be sent first, you'll have to patch.
If ANSI, the cursor-motion sequence as stored by z80emacs is 4
bytes long: "1b 5b 3b 48". The first two are sent out as is,
then the line number is sent out in decimal, then the third is
sent out, then the column number in decimal, then the fourth.
In both cases, you can specify the sequence as being longer than
4 bytes in order to send out "padding" bytes.
You may think this is a monumental kludge, but I think it's an
elegant simplification. Nyahh, nyaah, so there!
----Ralph Betza, October 1, 1991