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Hello« Thi≤ i≤ thσ A02 versioε oµ Adventure« I⌠ i≤ ß modificatioε oµ
thσá origina∞á Adventurσá gamσ floatinτ arounΣ betweeεá CP/═á users«á Thi≤
versioε correct≤ severa∞ flaw≤ iε thσ firs⌠ version« Mos⌠ noticablσ i≤ thσ
re-activatioεá oµá thσ hint≤ (therσ wa≤ ß kludgσ iεá thσá previou≤á versioε
whicΦ kep⌠ thσ hint≤ froφ working)«á Also¼ thσ SAV┼ commanΣ no≈ works« T∩
suspenΣ ß game¼ typσ SAVE¼ answe≥ YE╙ wheε Adventurσ ask≤ fo≥ confirmation¼
anΣá wheε thσ gamσ stop≤ anΣ yo⌡ ge⌠ you≥ O╙ promp⌠ (A╛ fo≥á CP/M¼á A«á fo≥
CDOS⌐á typσ SAV┼ ADSAVE.CO═ 157 (fo≥ CP/M¼á reversσ thσ filenamσ anΣ recorΣ
count)«á Therσ als∩ arσ ß couplσ oµ fixe≤ madσ t∩ thσ databasσ t∩ cleaε u≡
ßá couplσá oµ glitche≤ likσ ß missinτ o≥ extrß linσ herσ o≥á there¼á anΣá ß
couple of places where the end of a message got cut off.
Thi≤ A0▓ versioε ha≤ onσ largσ advantagσ ove≥ thσ A0▒ release╗ tha⌠ i≤
tha⌠á thσ messagσ filσ wa≤ compresseΣ t∩ 63╦ (i⌠ useΣ t∩ bσá 128K)«á Note║
Thi≤ i≤ ß changσ iε thσ forma⌠ oµ thσ file¼ n∩ message≤ werσ deleted.
StanΣ b∙ fo≥ thσ forthcominτ B0░ Adventurσ -- Thi≤ onσ ha≤ ß cavσ tha⌠
i≤á twicσ a≤ largσ (it'≤ ß 55░ poin⌠ version)«á Al∞ oµ thσ feature≤ oµ thσ
origina∞á Adventurσ arσ iε thi≤ version¼á plu≤ ß wholσ buncΦ oµ ne≈á rooms¼
treasures¼á anΣ way≤ fo≥ thσ bumblinτ explore≥ t∩ ge⌠ himselµ killed«
T∩ compilσ thi≤ mess¼á you'l∞ neeΣ ß FORTRA╬ compile≥ anΣ 64╦ oµá RAM«
Yo⌡á wil∞á als∩ neeΣ morσ disδ spacσ thaε i≤ availablσ oε ß singlσá densit∙
diskette¼á s∩ you'rσ goinτ t∩ havσ t∩ d∩ somσ disδ swappinτ t∩ ge⌠ thi≤ al∞
compiled«á Therσ arσ threσ phase≤ t∩ getinτ thi≤ thinτ running« Firs⌠ yo⌡
mus⌠á creatσ thσ runtimσ prograφ (AD.COM)«á Thi≤ prograφ use≤ ßá buncΦá oµ
databasσá file≤á whicΦá arσá createΣá b∙á ßá seconΣá prograφá (ADINIT.COM)«
Thereforσ yo⌡ mus⌠ als∩ creatσ thi≤ program«á Finally¼ yo⌡ mus⌠ creatσ thσ
databasσ usinτ ADINIT.
T∩ creatσ AD¼á yo⌡ mus⌠ compilσ thσ followinτ files║ ADVMAIN¼ MAINSB¼
anΣ ADVENSUB«á NOTE║ ADVENSU┬ i≤ useΣ fo≥ botΦ programs«á Theε linδ theφ
T∩ creatσ ADINIT¼á yo⌡ mus⌠ compilσ ADVENT¼á ADVINIT3¼á INSUB¼ anΣ usσ
ADVENSUB again. To link them:
Finally¼á t∩ creatσ thσ database¼á pu⌠ thσ datß filσ (ADVENTUR.DAT⌐ iε
drivσ B¼á ß blanδ (morσ o≥ less⌐ disδ iε A¼ anΣ ruε ADINIT« I⌠ take≤ abou⌠
si°á minute≤á runninτá oε ß 4mh· Z-8░ witΦ PerscΘá 27╖á drives«á Note║á ╔
enhanceΣ thσ efficienc∙ oµ thi≤ prograφ considerably╗á i⌠ useΣ t∩ takσ morσ
than twice as long to run.
Mike Goetz