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783 lines
Directory Manipulation Routines -- DIRECT, DIR, DIRSEL, DIRALP
Numeric String Evaluation Routines -- EVAL, EVAL16, EVAL10, EVAL8, EVAL2
Byte-Oriented File Input/Output Routines
FI$OPEN and FO$OPEN, et al -- Byte-Oriented Input and Output File Open
FI$CLOSE and FO$CLOSE, et al -- Byte-Oriented Input and Output File Close
F$GET and F$PUT, et al -- Byte-Oriented Input and Output
CP/M File Input/Output Routines
INITFCB -- Initialize FCB
File Manipulation -- F$OPEN, F$CLOSE, F$MAKE, F$DELETE
File Input/Output Routines -- F$READ and F$WRITE
Input Line Editor -- INLINE
String Output Routines -- PRINT, LPRINT, PSTR, LPSTR
Numeriπá Outpu⌠ Routine≤ -- PHL4HC,PHL5DC,PHLDC,PA2HC,PA3DC,PADC¼ L's, M's
String and Value Comparison Routines -- COMPHD,COMPB,COMPBC,SCANNER,INSTR
<CR> <LF> Output -- CRLF and LCRLF
Conditional Input -- CONDIN
General Input Routines -- CST, CIN, RIN
General Output Routines -- COUT, LOUT, POUT, CCOUT, CLOUT, CPOUT
:Directory Manipulation Routines -- DIRECT, DIR, DIRSEL, DIRALP
Routine Name: DIRECT
Function║á DIREC╘á load≤á ß cop∙ oµ thσ director∙á oµá thσá currentl∙ ì
logged-iε disδ drivσ int∩ thσ 3▓ ° 6┤ bytσ buffe≥ pointeΣ t∩ b∙ HL¼ select≤ ì
al∞á filσ entrie≤ whicΦ matcΦ thσ content≤ oµ thσ 11-bytσ filσ namσá buffe≥ ì
pointeΣá t∩á b∙á D┼ (buffe≥ ma∙ contaiε ?'≤ a≤á wilΣá specifications)¼á anΣ ì
alphabetize≤ thσ entrie≤ iε thσ buffe≥ eithe≥ b∙ filσ name/typσ o≥ b∙á filσ ì
type/name«á Onl∙á entrie≤á wherσ thσ exten⌠ i≤ zer∩ (1s⌠ filσá entry⌐á arσ ì
Inputs: HL points to the 32 x 64 byte buffer for the directory
D┼ point≤ t∩ thσ 11-bytσ filσ name/typσ buffe≥ containinτ thσ ì
file name/type to select
┴á i≤ alphabetizatioε indicator╗á A=░ =╛ alphabetizσ b∙á filσ ì
name and type, A<>0 => alphabetize by file type and name
Outputs: A = number of entries in directory buffer
Registers Affected: PSW
SYSLIB Routines Called: -None- (All calls within module)
Special Error Conditions: -None-
Routine Name: DIR
Function║á DI╥ load≤ ß cop∙ oµ thσ director∙ oµ thσ currentl∙ logged-ì
iε disδ drivσ int∩ thσ 3▓ ° 6┤ bytσ buffe≥ pointeΣ t∩ b∙ L«á Oε return¼á ┴ ì
contains a count of the number of entries in the directory.
Inputs: HL points to the 32 x 64 byte buffer for the directory
Outputs: A = number of entries in directory buffer
Registers Affected: PSW
SYSLIB Routines Called: -None-
Special Error Conditions: -None-
Routiεe ╬ame: DIRSEL (DIRSELECT)
Function║ DIRSE╠ scan≤ thσ director∙ buffe≥ pointeΣ t∩ b∙ H╠ fo≥á thσ ì
filσáá name/typσá pointeΣá t∩á b∙á D┼á (ma∙á contaiεá ?'≤á fo≥á wilΣáá carΣ ì
specifications)«á I⌠ restructure≤ thσ director∙ buffe≥ t∩ contaiε onl∙ thσ ì
matchinτ entries«á Oε return¼ A=numbe≥ oµ entrie≤ iε buffer« Onl∙ entrie≤ ì
witΦ extent≤ equa∞ t∩ zer∩ arσ selected╗á al∞ entrie≤ witΦ non-zer∩ extent≤ ì
are rejected.
Inputs: HL points to the 32 x 64 byte buffer for the directory
DE points to the 11-byte file name/type buffer
A = number of entries in directory buffer
Outputs: A = number of entries in directory buffer
Registers Affected: PSW
SYSLIB Routines Called: -None-
Special Error Conditions: -None-
Function║á DIRAL╨ alphabetize≤ thσ director∙ buffe≥ pointeΣ t∩ b∙á H╠ ì
accordinτá t∩ thσ comparσ optioε passeΣ iε ├ (iµ C=0¼á alphabetizσ b∙á filσ ì
name & type; if C<>0, alphabetize by file type & name).
Inputs: HL points to the 32 x 64 byte buffer for the directory
C = alphabetization flag (FN & FT if C=0, FT & FN if C<>0)
A = number of entries in directory buffer
Outputs: -None- (buffer is alphabetized)
Registers Affected: -None-
SYSLIB Routines Called: -None-
Special Error Conditions: -None-
:Numeric String Evaluation Routines -- EVAL, EVAL16, EVAL10, EVAL8, EVAL2
Routine Name: EVAL
Function║ Thi≤ routinσ convert≤ thσ characte≥ strinτ pointeΣ t∩ b∙ H╠ ì
int∩á thσá 16-bi⌠á binar∙á numbe≥ representeΣ b∙á it«á EVA╠á perform≤á thσ ì
conversioε unti∞ ß non-hexadecima∞ characte≥ i≤ encountered¼á a⌠ whicΦ timσ ì
i⌠á look≤ a⌠ thσ las⌠ characte≥ anΣ thσ previou≤ characte≥ t∩ determinσá iµ ì
thσ strinτ i≤ representinτ ß binary¼ octal¼ decimal¼ o≥ hexadecima∞ number« ì
Inpu⌠ strinτ character≤ ma∙ bσ upper- o≥ lower-case« ValiΣ format≤ fo≥ thσ ì
input string are --
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB -- b=0 or b=1; Binary string
ttttt or tttttD -- 0 <= t <= 9; Decimal string
hhhhH or hhhhX -- 0 <= h <= F; Hexadecimal string
oooooooO or oooooooQ -- 0 <= o <= 7; Octal string
Inputs: HL points to the first byte of the string to convert
String is loaded in a buffer
Outputs: HL points to next character after converted string
DE contains 16-bit value
A = E
CARR┘á Flaτá Se⌠ mean≤ aε erro≥ wa≤á encountereΣá iεá strinτ ì
Registers Affected: PSW, DE, HL
SYSLIB Routines Called: CAPS, EVAL16, EVAL10, EVAL8, EVAL2
Specia∞á Erro≥ Conditions║ CARR┘ Flaτ Se⌠ indicate≤ tha⌠ aε erro≥ wa≤ ì
encountereΣá iεá thσ evaluatioε oµ thσ string╗á iµ so¼á H╠á point≤á t∩á thσ ì
offending character
Routine Name: EVAL16
Function║á EVAL1╢ convert≤ thσ strinτ oµ ASCI╔ hexadecima∞ character≤ ì
pointeΣ t∩ b∙ H╠ int∩ ß 16-bi⌠ binar∙ value«á Conversioε progresse≤á unti∞ ì
an invalid hexadecimal digit (0-9, A-F) is encountered.
Inputs: HL points to the first byte of the string to convert
String is loaded in a buffer
Outputs: HL points to the offending character
DE contains the 16-bit value
A = E
Registers Affected: PSW, DE, HL
SYSLIB Routines Called: CAPS
Special Error Conditions: -None-
Routine Name: EVAL10
Function║á EVAL1░á convert≤á thσ strinτ oµ ASCI╔á decima∞á character≤ ì
pointeΣ t∩ b∙ H╠ int∩ ß 16-bi⌠ binar∙ value«á Conversioε progresse≤á unti∞ ì
an invalid decimal digit (0-9) is encountered.
Inputs: HL points to the first byte of the string to convert
String is loaded in a buffer
Outputs: HL points to the offending character
DE contains the 16-bit value
A = E
Registers Affected: PSW, DE, HL
SYSLIB Routines Called: -None-
Special Error Conditions: -None-
Routine Name: EVAL8
Function║ EVAL╕ convert≤ thσ strinτ oµ ASCI╔ octa∞ character≤ pointeΣ ì
t∩á b∙á H╠á int∩ ß 16-bi⌠ binar∙ value«á Conversioεá progresse≤á unti∞á aε ì
invalid octal digit (0-7) is encountered.
Inputs: HL points to the first byte of the string to convert
String is loaded in a buffer
Outputs: HL points to the offending character
DE contains the 16-bit value
A = E
Registers Affected: PSW, DE, HL
SYSLIB Routines Called: -None-
Special Error Conditions: -None-
Routine Name: EVAL2
Function║á EVAL▓á convert≤á thσá strinτ oµá ASCI╔á binar∙á character≤ ì
pointeΣ t∩ b∙ H╠ int∩ ß 16-bi⌠ binar∙ value«á Conversioε progresse≤á unti∞ ì
an invalid binary digit (0-1) is encountered.
Inputs: HL points to the first byte of the string to convert
String is loaded in a buffer
Outputs: HL points to the offending character
DE contains the 16-bit value
A = E
Registers Affected: PSW, DE, HL
SYSLIB Routines Called: -None-
Special Error Conditions: -None-
:Byte-Oriented File Input/Output Routines
Thσá followinτá documentatioε cover≤ thσ serie≤ oµ byte-orienteΣá filσ ì
input/outpu⌠á routine≤á iεá SYSLIB«á Thesσá routine≤á allo≈á thσá use≥á t∩ ì
sequentiall∙á reaΣ froφ (GET⌐ anΣ writσ t∩ (PUT⌐ ß filσ oε ßá byte-for-bytσ ì
basis«á Hence¼á thesσ routine≤ providσ aε exceptionall∙ simplσ methoΣá fo≥ ì
handling input from and output to a file.
┴á typica∞ prograφ whicΦ employ≤ thesσ routine≤ mus⌠ opeε thσ requireΣ ì
file≤ beforσ doinτ an∙ processing¼á mus⌠ theε perforφ thσ processinτ oε thσ ì
openeΣá files¼á anΣá mus⌠á theεá closσ thσ file≤á wheεá thσá processinτá i≤ ì
completσá (closinτ thσ file≤ i≤ optiona∞ fo≥ inpu⌠ file≤ anΣ mandator∙á fo≥ ì
output files).
SYSLI┬ provide≤ fou≥ set≤ oµ routine≤ fo≥ byte-orienteΣ filσ inpu⌠ anΣ ì
output. These routines are --
Input Open Output Open GET PUT Input Close Output Close
---------- ----------- --- --¡ ----------- ------------
Thi≤ systeφ allow≤ thσ use≥ t∩ havσ u≡ t∩ ╕ file≤ opeεá simultaneousl∙ ì
-- fou≥á arσá opeε fo≥ inpu⌠ usinτ GE╘ anΣ fou≥ arσ opeε fo≥á outpu⌠á usinτ ì
PUT«á Fo≥á example¼á thσá followinτ i≤ ß samplσ codσ sectioεá usinτá thesσ ì
routines for two files:
[body containing CALL F$GET and CALL F$PUT where required]
Notσá tha⌠á onl∙á thσ routine≤ t∩ bσ useΣ arσ referenceΣá iεá thσá EX╘ ì
statements«á Iµ yo⌡ d∩ no⌠ neeΣ ß particula≥ routine¼ d∩ no⌠ referencσ it« ì
No⌠á referencinτá aε unneedeΣ routinσ generall∙ save≤ thσá overheaΣá memor∙ ì
spacσ oµ loadinτ i⌠ froφ thσ library.
EacΦ se⌠ oµ OPEN¼á CLOSE¼á GET¼á anΣ PU╘ routine≤ i≤ containeΣ iεá onσ ì
librar∙á module¼á s∩á referencinτ an∙ oµ thesσ routine≤ cause≤á thσá entirσ ì
modulσá t∩á bσá loaded¼á anΣ al∞ thσ routine≤ arσ accessablσá t∩á thσá use≥ ì
(provideΣá the∙á arσá mentioneΣá iε thσ extena∞á definitions⌐á withou⌠á an∙ ì
additiona∞ memor∙á overhead«á Specifically¼á FI$OPEN¼á FI$CLOSE¼á FO$OPEN¼ ì
FO$CLOSE¼á F$GET¼á anΣ F$PU╘ arσ containeΣ iε onσ module¼á anΣ referencσ t∩ ì
an∙á oµá thesσ routine≤ load≤ thσ entirσ module╗á thσ samσ i≤ truσ fo≥á thσ ì
other sets of routines.
Thσá CLOS┼ routinσ fo≥ outpu⌠ (FO$CLOSE⌐ i≤ ALWAY╙ required╗á i⌠ fill≤ ì
thσá res⌠á oµ thσ curren⌠ blocδ witΦ Ctrl-┌ followeΣ b∙á <NULL╛á byte≤á anΣ ì
properl∙á close≤ file«á Thσ CLOS┼ routinσ fo≥ inpu⌠ (FI$CLOSE⌐ i≤ requireΣ ì
ONL┘á I╞á yo⌡á arσ goinτ t∩ late≥ opeε anothe≥ filσá fo≥á inpu⌠á usinτá thσ ì
correspondinτá OPE╬ routinσ (FI$OPEN)«á FI$CLOS┼ onl∙ serve≤ t∩ rese⌠á thσ ì
OPE╬á flaτá (useΣá t∩á GE╘ t∩ ascertaiε tha⌠ thσá filσá ha≤á beeεá properl∙ ì
:FI$OPEN and FO$OPEN, et al -- Byte-Oriented Input and Output File Open
Routine Names: FI$OPEN, F1I$OPEN, F2I$OPEN, F3I$OPEN
Function║ Opeε thσ filσ whosσ FC┬ i≤ pointeΣ t∩ b∙ D┼ fo≥ inpu⌠á (usσ ì
witΦ F$GET).
Inputs: DE = ptr to FCB of file to open
Outputs: -None- (File is Opened)
Registers Affected: PSW
SYSLIB Routines Called: F$OPEN, PRINT
Special Error Conditions: Failure to properly open aborts to CP/M.
Routine Names: FO$OPEN, F1O$OPEN, F2O$OPEN, F3O$OPEN
Function║ Opeε thσ filσ whosσ FC┬ i≤ pointeΣ t∩ b∙ D┼ fo≥ outpu⌠ (usσ ì
with F$PUT).
Inputs: DE = ptr to FCB of file to open
Outputs: -None- (File is Opened)
Registers Affected: PSW
SYSLIB Routines Called: F$OPEN, PRINT
Special Error Conditions: Failure to properly open aborts to CP/M.
:FI$CLOSE and FO$CLOSE, et al -- Byte-Oriented Input and Output File Close
Function║á Closσá thσá filσ previousl∙ openeΣá b∙á thσá correspondinτ ì
FI$OPE╬á routine«á Usσá oµ thesσ routine≤ i≤ optiona∞ iµ thσ anothe≥á filσ ì
wil∞á no⌠á bσá openeΣ late≥ iε thσ prograφá b∙á thσá correspondinτá FI$OPE╬ ì
Inputs: -None-
Outputs: -None- (File is Closed)
Registers Affected: -None-
SYSLIB Routines Called: F$OPEN, PRINT
Specia∞á Erro≥á Conditions║á Iµ ß filσ i≤ no⌠ alread∙ openeΣá b∙á thσ ì
corresponding FI$OPEN routine, no error results.
Function║á Closσá thσá filσ previousl∙ openeΣá b∙á thσá correspondinτ ì
FO$OPE╬á routine«á Usσ oµ thesσ routine≤ i≤ MANDATOR┘ afte≥ outpu⌠ t∩á thσ ì
file (using the corresponding F$PUT routine) is complete.
Inputs: -None-
Outputs: -None- (File is Closed)
Registers Affected: -None-
SYSLIB Routines Called: F$OPEN, PRINT
Specia∞á Erro≥á Conditions║ Iµ ß filσ i≤á no⌠á alread∙á opened¼á thi≤ ì
routine aborts to CP/M.
:F$GET and F$PUT, et al -- Byte-Oriented Input and Output
Routine Names: F$GET, F1$GET, F2$GET, F3$GET
Function║á Ge⌠á thσá nex⌠ bytσ iε sequencσ froφ thσá filσá previousl∙ ì
openeΣ b∙ thσ correspondinτ FI$OPE╬ routine«á Bytσ i≤ returneΣ iε Registe≥ ì
Inputs: -None-
Outputs: A = Next byte from file
Carry Flag is Set (C) if EOF or past EOF read occurs
Carry Flag is Reset (NC) if read was OK
Registers Affected: PSW
SYSLIB Routines Called: F$OPEN, PRINT
Specia∞á Erro≥ Conditions║ Erro≥ conditioε i≤ returneΣ iε Carr∙ Flag« ì
Iµá ß filσ wa≤ no⌠ previousl∙ openeΣ b∙ thσ correspondinτ FI$OPE╬á routine¼ ì
abort≤ t∩ CP/M.
Routine Names: F$PUT, F1$PUT, F2$PUT, F3$PUT
Function║á Pu⌠á thσá bytσá iε Registe≥ ┴ ont∩ thσá enΣá oµá thσá filσ ì
previously opened by the corresponding FO$OPEN routine.
Inputs: A = Byte to PUT
Outputs: -None-
Registers Affected: -None-
SYSLIB Routines Called: F$OPEN, PRINT
Specia∞á Erro≥ Conditions║ Iµ ß filσ wa≤ no⌠ previousl∙ openeΣ b∙ thσ ì
correspondinτá FO$OPE╬á routine¼á abort≤ t∩ CP/M«á Iµ aε erro≥á occur≤á iε ì
writinτ t∩ thσ disk¼ abort≤ t∩ CP/M.
:CP/M File Input/Output Routines
Thσá followinτá routine≤ arσ general-purposσ filσ I/╧á routine≤á whicΦ ì
interfacσ t∩ CP/═ througΦ thσ Entr∙ Poin⌠ a⌠ locatioε 5« The∙ preservσ BC¼ ì
DE¼á anΣá HL¼á anΣá the∙ returε witΦ thσ standarΣ CP/═ erro≥ code≤ fo≥á thσ ì
corresponding routines.
Specifically, these routines are --
INITFCB Initialize FCB from a string of the form "filename.typ"
F$OPEN Open a file
F$CLOSE Close a file
F$MAKE Create a file
F$DELETE Delete a file
F$READ Read a block (128 bytes) from a file
F$WRITE Write a block (128 bytes) to a file
:INITFCB -- Initialize FCB
Routine Name: INITFCB
Function║á Giveε thσ namσ oµ ß filσ (filename.typ⌐ pointeΣ t∩á b∙á H╠ ì
anΣá ß 33-bytσ buffe≥ pointeΣ t∩ b∙ DE¼á INITFC┬ initialize≤ thi≤ buffe≥ a≤ ì
aεá FC┬á containinτá thσ filσ namσ anΣ filσ typσ correctl∙á placeΣá iεá thσ ì
buffe≥á anΣá al∞á othe≥ entrie≤ zero«á Thσ inpu⌠ strinτá consist≤á oµá 1-╕ ì
character≤ fo≥ thσ filσ name¼á ß decima∞ poin⌠ (optional)¼á 1-│á character≤ ì
fo≥á thσ filσ typσ (optional)¼á anΣ ß trailinτ characte≥ oµ spacσ (<SP>⌐ o≥ ì
less« WilΣ card≤ (?,*⌐ ma∙ bσ includeΣ iε thσ string« ┴ samplσ usagσ is:
FCB: DS 33
Inputs: HL = pointer to file name string "filename.typ<SP>"
DE = pointer to FCB buffer
Outputs: A = Error Code
0 --> No Error
1 --> File name > 8 characters
2 --> File type > 3 characters
Registers Affected: PSW
SYSLIB Routines Called: -None-
Special Error Conditions: -None-
:File Manipulation -- F$OPEN, F$CLOSE, F$MAKE, F$DELETE
Routine Name: F$OPEN
Function║á Opeε thσ filσ specifieΣ b∙ thσ FC┬ pointeΣ t∩ b∙á DE«á Iµ ì
filσ i≤ no⌠ found¼ F$OPE╬ ask≤ thσ use≥ (oε CON:⌐ iµ hσ wishe≤ t∩ creatσ i⌠ ì
anΣá doe≤á s∩ iµ thσ answe≥ i≤ 'Yº o≥ 'yº (F$OPE╬ simpl∙á return≤á witΦá aε ì
appropriate error code if answer is negative).
Inputs: DE = pointer to FCB
Outputs: A = Error Code
0 --> No Error
0FFH --> File not opened or created
Registers Affected: PSW
Special Error Conditions: -None-
Routine Name: F$CLOSE
Function: Close the file whose FCB is pointed to by DE.
Inputs: DE = pointer to FCB
Outputs: A = Error Code
0 --> No Error
0FFH --> Error in closing file
Registers Affected: PSW
SYSLIB Routines Called: BDOS
Special Error Conditions: -None-
Routine Name: F$MAKE
Function: Create (Make) the file whose FCB is pointed to by DE.
Inputs: DE = pointer to FCB
Outputs: A = Error Code
0FFH --> No directory space available
Not 0FFH --> No Error; Value is byte address in
TBUFF (80H-0FFH) of directory entry
allocated to the FCB
Registers Affected: PSW
SYSLIB Routines Called: BDOS, F$DELETE
Special Error Conditions: -None-
Routine Name: F$DELETE
Function║á Deletσá thσ filσ whosσ FC┬ i≤ pointeΣ t∩ b∙ DE«á Iµá filσ ì
does not exist, nothing happens (no error message or code is given).
Inputs: DE = pointer to FCB
Outputs: -None-
Registers Affected: PSW
SYSLIB Routines Called: BDOS
Special Error Conditions: -None-
:File Input/Output Routines -- F$READ and F$WRITE
Routine Name: F$READ
Function║ ReaΣ nex⌠ blocδ (12╕ bytes⌐ froφ thσ openeΣ filσ whosσá FC┬ ì
is pointed to by DE into TBUFF (buffer at 80H - 0FFH).
Inputs: DE = pointer to FCB
Outputs: A = Error Code
0 --> No Error
1 --> Read past end of file
2 --> Reading unwritten data in random access
Registers Affected: PSW
SYSLIB Routines Called: BDOS
Special Error Conditions: -None-
Routine Name: F$WRITE
Function║á Writσá nex⌠ blocδ (12╕ bytes⌐ froφ TBUF╞ (buffe≥ a⌠ 80╚á - ì
0FFH) to the opened file whose FCB is pointed to by DE.
Inputs: DE = pointer to FCB
Outputs: A = Error Code
0 --> No Error
1 --> Error in extending file
2 --> End of disk data
0FFH --> No more directory space
Registers Affected: PSW
SYSLIB Routines Called: BDOS
Special Error Conditions: -None-
:Input Line Editor -- INLINE
Routine Name: INLINE
Function║á INLIN┼ allow≤ thσ use≥ t∩ inpu⌠ ß linσ oµ tex⌠á froφá CON║ ì
int∩ thσ buffe≥ pointeΣ t∩ b∙ HL«á Thσ use≥ i≤ alloweΣ t∩ edi⌠ thσ tex⌠ a≤ ì
he types it, and INLINE responds to the following editor commands:
Key Command Function
----------- --------
<BS> Delete previous character and back up cursor
<DEL> Delete previous character and echo it (like CP/M)
<CR> Input complete -- return to calling program
<LF> Skip down to next physical line and insert a <CR> <LF>
into buffer
<TAB> Tabulate to next tab stop (every 8, as in CP/M)
Ctrl-U, Erase current line (clear buffer) and restart input
Ctrl-R Retype current line
Oε exit¼á thσ buffe≥ contain≤ thσ tex⌠ entereΣ followeΣ b∙ ß <NULL╛ (binar∙ ì
0); the <CR> typed to end the input is NOT placed in the buffer.
Inputs: HL = pointer to input line buffer
Outputs: -None- (Input line buffer contains text typed by user)
Registers Affected: -None-
Specia∞á Erro≥ Conditions║ <BEL╛ (Bee≡ a⌠ CON:⌐ i≤ outpu⌠ iµá attemp⌠ ì
i≤ madσ t∩ deletσ characte≥ (<BS╛ o≥ <DEL>⌐ beforσ beginninτ oµá line«á N∩ ì
limi⌠á o≥á erro≥á checkinτá i≤ donσ oε thσ sizσ oµ thσá inpu⌠á linσá buffe≥ ì
(buffe≥á overflo≈á i≤ possible¼á s∩ i⌠ i≤ recommendeΣ tha⌠ buffe≥á i≤á madσ ì
arbitraril∙ large)«á HasΦ marδ (#⌐ i≤ printeΣ iε responsσ t∩ Ctrl-R¼ Ctrl-ì
U, and Ctrl-X.
:String Output Routines -- PRINT, LPRINT, PSTR, LPSTR
Routine Names: PRINT, LPRINT
Function║á Prin⌠á strinτá pointeΣ t∩ Γ∙ thσ returεá addres≤á oεá CON║
(PRINT⌐ o≥ LST║ (LPRINT)«á Strinτ i≤ terminateΣ b∙ ß binar∙ 0« Contro∞ i≤
returned to byte following string.
Inputs: Return Address = pointer to string to be printed
Outputs: HL points to byte after string
(string is printed on CON: or LST:)
Registers Affected: HL
SYSLIB Routines Called: PSTR (for PRINT); LSTR (for LPRINT)
Specia∞á Erro≥ Conditions║ Thσ strinτ MUS╘ bσ terminateΣ b∙ ßá binar∙ ì
Routine Names: PSTR, LPSTR
Function║á Prin⌠á strinτá pointeΣ t∩ b∙ H╠ oεá CON║á (PSTR⌐á o≥á LST║ ì
(LPSTR). String is terminated by a binary 0.
Inputs: HL = pointer to string to be printed
Outputs: -None- (string is printed on CON: or LST:)
Registers Affected: -None-
SYSLI┬á Routine≤ Called║ CCOUT¼á COU╘ (fo≥ PSTR)╗á LCOUT¼á LOU╘á (fo≥ ì
Specia∞á Erro≥ Conditions║ Thσ strinτ MUS╘ bσ terminateΣ b∙ ßá binar∙ ì
:Numeric Output Routines -- PHL4HC,PHL5DC,PHLDC,PA2HC,PA3DC,PADC, L's, M's
Routine Names: PHL4HC, LHL4HC
Function║á Prin⌠á H╠á a≤á fou≥ (4⌐á hexadecima∞á character≤á oεá CON║ ì
(PHL4HC) or LST: (LHL4HC).
Inputs: HL = value to be printed
Outputs: -None- (Value is printed)
Registers Affected: -None-
SYSLIB Routines Called: PA2HC (for PHL4HC); LA2HC (for LHL4HC)
Special Error Conditions: -None-
Routine Name: MHL4HC
Function║á Storσ H╠ a≤ fou≥ (4⌐ hexadecima∞ character≤ iε thσá 4-bytσ ì
memor∙ buffe≥ pointeΣ t∩ b∙ DE« Oε return¼ D┼ point≤ t∩ thσ bytσ followinτ ì
this buffer.
Inputs: HL = value to be converted and stored
DE points to 4-byte buffer
Outputs: DE points to byte after buffer
Registers Affected: DE
SYSLIB Routines Called: MA2HC
Special Error Conditions: -None-
Routine Names: PHL5DC, LHL5DC
Function║ Prin⌠ H╠ a≤ fivσ (5⌐ decima∞ character≤ oε CON║ (PHL5DC⌐ o≥ ì
Inputs: HL = value to be printed
Outputs: -None- (Value is printed)
Registers Affected: -None-
SYSLIB Routines Called: POUT (for PHL5DC); LOUT (for LHL5DC)
Special Error Conditions: -None-
Routine Name: MHL5DC
Function║ Storσ H╠ a⌠ fivσ (5⌐ decima∞ character≤ iε memor∙ iε thσ 5-ì
bytσ buffe≥ pointeΣ t∩ b∙ DE«á Oε return¼ D┼ point≤ t∩ thσ bytσ afte≥ thi≤ ì
Inputs: HL = value to be converted and stored
DE points to a 5-byte buffer
Outputs: DE points to the byte following the buffer
Registers Affected: DE
SYSLIB Routines Called: -None-
Special Error Conditions: -None-
Routine Names: PHLDC, LHLDC
Function║ Prin⌠ H╠ a≤ u≡ t∩ fivσ (5⌐ decima∞ character≤ witΦá leadinτ ì
spaces (<SP>) on CON: (PHLDC) or LST: (LHLDC).
Inputs: HL = value to be printed
Outputs: -None- (Value is printed)
Registers Affected: -None-
SYSLIB Routines Called: POUT (for PHLDC); LOUT (for LHLDC)
Special Error Conditions: -None-
Routine Name: MHLDC
Function║á Storσ H╠ a≤ u≡ t∩ fivσ (5⌐ decima∞ character≤ witΦ leadinτ ì
spaces in the 5-byte memory buffer pointed to by DE.
Inputs: HL = value to be converted and printed
DE points to the 5-byte buffer
Outputs: DE points to the byte after the buffer
Registers Affected: DE
SYSLIB Routines Called: -None-
Special Error Conditions: -None-
Routine Names: PA2HC, LA2HC
Function║á Prin⌠ ┴ a≤ tw∩ (2⌐ hexadecima∞ character≤ oε CON║á (PA2HC⌐ ì
or LST: (LA2HC).
Inputs: A = value to be printed
Outputs: -None- (Value is printed)
Registers Affected: -None-
SYSLI┬á Routine≤ Called║ E╬ (fo≥ both)╗á POU╘ (fo≥ PA2HC)╗á LOU╘ (fo≥ ì
Special Error Conditions: -None-
Routine Name: MA2HC
Function║á Storσá ┴ a≤ tw∩ (2⌐ hexadecima∞ character≤ iεá thσá 2-bytσ ì
memory buffer pointed to by HL. On return, HL points to byte after buffer.
Inputs: A = value to be converted and stored
HL points to 2-byte buffer
Outputs: HL points to byte after this buffer
Registers Affected: HL
SYSLIB Routines Called: EN
Special Error Conditions: -None-
Routine Names: PA3DC, LA3DC
Function║ Prin⌠ ┴ a≤ threσ (3⌐ decima∞ character≤ oε CON║ (PA3DC⌐á o≥ ì
Inputs: A = value to be printed
Outputs: -None- (Value is printed)
Registers Affected: -None-
SYSLIB Routines Called: POUT (for PA3DC); LOUT (for LA3DC)
Special Error Conditions: -None-
Routine Name: MA3DC
Function║á Storσá ┴á a≤ threσ (3⌐ decima∞ character≤á iεá thσá 3-bytσ ì
memor∙ buffe≥ pointeΣ t∩ b∙ HL« Oε return¼ H╠ point≤ t∩ thσ bytσ afte≥ thσ ì
Inputs: A = value to be converted and stored
HL points to the 3-byte buffer
Outputs: HL points to the byte after the buffer
Registers Affected: HL
SYSLIB Routines Called: -None-
Special Error Conditions: -None-
Routine Names: PADC, LADC
Function║á Prin⌠ ┴ a≤ u≡ t∩ threσ (3⌐ decima∞ character≤ witΦ leadinτ ì
spaces (<SP>)áonáCON: (PADC) or LST: (LADC).
Inputs: A = value to be printed
Outputs: -None- (Value is printed)
Registers Affected: -None-
SYSLIB Routines Called: POUT (for PADC); LOUT (for LADC)
Special Error Conditions: -None-
Routine Name: MADC
Function║ Storσ ┴ a≤ u≡ t∩ threσ (3⌐ decima∞ character≤ witΦá leadinτ ì
space≤ iε thσ 3-bytσ memor∙ buffe≥ pointeΣ t∩ b∙ HL«á Oε return¼ H╠ point≤ ì
to the byte after the buffer.
Inputs: A = value to be converted and stored
HL points to the 3-byte memory buffer
Outputs: HL points to the byte after the buffer
Registers Affected: HL
SYSLIB Routines Called: -None-
Special Error Conditions: -None-
:String and Value Comparision Routines -- COMPHD,COMPB,COMPBC,SCANNER,INSTR
Routine Name: COMPHD
Function║ Comparσ H╠ t∩ DE« Oε return¼ Zer∩ Flaτ Se⌠ =╛ HL=DE¼ Carr∙ ì
Flag Set => HL<DE.
Inputs: HL, DE -- Values to compare
Outputs: Zero and Carry Flags
Registers Affected: PSW
SYSLIB Routines Called: -None-
Special Error Conditions: -None-
Routine Names: COMPB, COMPBC
Function║ Vecto≥ Comparσ Routines«á Comparσ thσ vecto≥ pointeΣ t∩ b∙ ì
H╠ witΦ tha⌠ pointeΣ t∩ b∙ D┼ (Vector≤ arσ oµ equa∞ length)« Vector≤ arσ ┬ ì
byte≤ lonτ fo≥ COMP┬ anΣ B├ byte≤ lonτ fo≥ COMPBC«á Oε exit¼ Zer∩ Flaτ Se⌠ ì
indicate≤á tha⌠á vector≤ arσ identical╗á Carr∙ Flaτ Se⌠ indicate≤ tha⌠á thσ ì
vector pointed to by HL is less than the vector pointed to by DE.
Inputs: HL, DE -- Pointers to vectors to compare
B (for COMPB), BC (for COMPBC) -- number of bytes in vectors
Outputs: Zero and Carry Flags
Registers Affected: PSW
SYSLIB Routines Called: -None-
Special Error Conditions: -None-
Routine Name: SCANNER
Function║ SCANNE╥ scan≤ thσ vecto≥ oµ byte≤ pointeΣ t∩ b∙ H╠ fo≥á thσ ì
vecto≥á oµ byte≤ pointeΣ t∩ b∙ DE«á Thσ HL-bytσ vecto≥ i≤ ┬ byte≤ lonτ anΣ ì
thσ DE-bytσ vecto≥ i≤ ├ byte≤ long«á Oε return¼ iµ found¼ H╠ point≤ t∩ thσ ì
beginninτ locatioε withiε thσ origina∞ H╠ vecto≥ oµ thσ locateΣ vecto≥á anΣ ì
thσá Zer∩á Flaτ i≤ Set╗á iµ no⌠ found¼á Zer∩ Flaτ i≤ no⌠ se⌠ anΣ H╠ i≤á no⌠ ì
affected (points to the beginning of the original HL-byte vector).
Inputs: HL = Pointer to vector to be scanned
DE = Pointer to vector to scan for
B = Number of bytes in HL-vector
C = Number of bytes in DE-vector
Outputs: If found, Zero Set and HL pts to located vector
If not found, Zero Reset and HL unaffected
Registers Affected: PSW, HL
SYSLIB Routines Called: -None-
Specia∞ Erro≥ Conditions║ Automatiπ succes≤ iµ vecto≥ searcheΣ fo≥ i≤ ì
Routine Name: INSTR
Function║á INSTRIN╟ Function«á Scaε thσ strinτ pointeΣ t∩ b∙ H╠á fo≥ ì
thσ strinτ pointeΣ t∩ b∙ DE« ┴ strinτ i≤ ß vecto≥ oµ byte≤ terminateΣ b∙ ß ì
binary 0.
Oε return¼á iµ found¼á Zer∩ Flaτ i≤ Se⌠ anΣ H╠ point≤ t∩ 1s⌠ bytσ ì
oµ substrinτ withiε scanneΣ string╗á iµ no⌠ found¼ Zer∩ Flaτ i≤ no⌠ se⌠ anΣ ì
HL is not affected.
Inputs: HL = Pointer to string to be scanned
DE = Pointer to string to scan for
Outputs: If found, Zero Set and HL pts to located substring
If not found, Zero Reset and HL unaffected
Registers Affected: PSW, HL
SYSLIB Routines Called: -None-
Specia∞ Erro≥ Conditions║ Automatiπ succes≤ iµ strinτ searcheΣ fo≥ i≤ ì
:<CR> <LF> Output -- CRLF and LCRLF
Routine Names: CRLF, LCRLF
Function: Print <CR> and <LF> on CON: (CRLF) or LST: (LCRLF).
Inputs: -None-
Outputs: -None- (<CR> <LF> is printed)
Registers Affected: -None-
SYSLIB Routines Called: POUT (for CRLF); LOUT (for LCRLF)
Special Error Conditions: -None-
:Conditional Input -- CONDIN
Routine Name: CONDIN
Function║ Inpu⌠ ß characte≥ froφ CON║ iµ onσ i≤ available╗ otherwise¼ ì
return a flag stating that a character is not available on CON:.
Inputs: -None-
Outputs: A = character typed at CON: (if available)
Zero Flag is set (Z) if no character is available
Zero Flag is reset (NZ) if character is available
Registers Affected: PSW
SYSLIB Routines Called: CST, CIN
Special Error Conditions: -None-
:General Input Routines -- CST, CIN, RIN
Routine Name: CST
Function║á Inpu⌠á thσ statu≤ oε CON║ iε Registe≥á A«á Iµá ReaΣá Datß ì
Available, A=0; otherwise, A=1.
Inputs: -None-
Outputs: A = Console Status
0 --> Read Data Available (RDA)
1 --> Read Data Not Available (Not RDA)
Registers Affected: PSW
SYSLIB Routines Called: -None-
Special Error Conditions: -None-
Routine Names: CIN, RIN
Function║ Inpu⌠ characte≥ froφ CON║ (CIN⌐ o≥ RDR║ (RIN⌐ iε Registe≥ A.
Inputs: -None-
Outputs: A = Character input from CON: or RDR:
Registers Affected: PSW
SYSLIB Routines Called: -None-
Special Error Conditions: -None-
:General Output Routines -- COUT, LOUT, POUT, CCOUT, CLOUT, CPOUT
Routine Names: COUT, LOUT, POUT
Function║ Outpu⌠ characte≥ iε Registe≥ ┴ t∩ CON║ (COUT)¼ LST║ (LOUT)¼ ì
or PUN: (POUT).
Inputs: A = Character to output
Outputs: -None- (Character is output)
Registers Affected: -None-
SYSLIB Routine Called: -None-
Special Error Conditions: -None-
Routine Names: CCOUT, CLOUT, CPOUT
Function║ Outpu⌠ characte≥ iε Registe≥ ┴ t∩ CON║ (COUT)¼ LST║ (LOUT)¼ ì
o≥á PUN║á (POUT⌐ witΦ contro∞ characte≥ processing«á Al∞á character≤á witΦ ì
ASCI╔á code≤á les≤ thaε <SP╛ (spacσ ╜ 20H⌐ iε valuσ excep⌠á <NULL>¼á <BEL>¼ ì
<BS>¼á <LF>¼á anΣá <CR╛á arσá outpu⌠á a≤ aε uparro≈á (^⌐á followeΣá b∙á thσ ì
correspondinτ lette≥ generateΣ b∙ addinτ 40╚ t∩ thσ characte≥ valuσá (i.e.¼ ì
▒ output≤ a≤ "^A"¼á ▓ a≤ "^B"¼ etc.)« Again¼ thσ character≤ les≤ thaε <SP╛ ì
in value NOT output in this manner are --
<NULL> <BEL> <BS> <LF> <CR>
Any character of value greater than <SP> is output normally.
Inputs: A = Character to output
Outputs: -None- (Character/Code is output)
Registers Affected: PSW (only the Flags; Register A is NOT affected)
SYSLI┬ Routine≤ Called║ COU╘ (fo≥ CCOUT)╗ LOU╘ (fo≥ CLOUT)╗ POU╘ (fo≥ ì
Special Error Conditions: -None-
:Miscellaneou≤ Routine≤ -- BDOS¼á CAPS¼á CIO¼á EN¼á FILLB¼á FILLBC¼á MOVEB¼ ì
Routine Name: BDOS
Function║á Cal∞ CP/═ Entr∙ Poin⌠ a⌠ locatioε ╡ anΣ preservσ Register≤ ì
HL and DE.
Inputs: -As Required by User-
Outputs: PSW, BC
Registers Affected: PSW, BC
SYSLIB Routines Called: -None-
Special Error Conditions: -Determined by Routines Called-
Routine Name: CAPS
Function║á Capitalizσ ASCI╔ characte≥ iε Registe≥ ┴ iµ i⌠á i≤á lower-ì
case alphabetic (a-z); otherwise, return A unaffected.
Inputs: A = character to capitalize
Outputs: A = capitalized character
Registers Affected: PSW
SYSLIB Routins Called: -None-
Special Error Conditions: -None-
Routine Name: CIO
Function║á CP/═á I/╧ througΦ BIO╙ Jum≡ Table«á Thi≤ routinσá indexe≤ ì
int∩ thσ CP/═ BIO╙ Jum≡ Tablσ anΣ allow≤ thσ use≥ t∩ addres≤ an∙ routinσ iε ì
thσá BIO╙á (accessablσá routine≤á only)«á I⌠ i≤á calleΣá witΦá Registe≥á ┴ ì
containinτá thσ inde° offse⌠ (seσ tablσ below⌐ anΣ Register≤ B├á containinτ ì
an∙ requireΣ inpu⌠ arguments« Thσ followinτ tablσ summarize≤ thσ BIO╙ Jum≡ ì
Table entries --
Offset Function Offset Function
0 Warm Start 7 Home Disk Head
1 Console Status; A=0FFH if 8 Select Disk; C=Disk Number (A=0,
char ready, A=0 if not B=1, C=2, D=3) passed
2 Console Input; A=result 9 Set Track Number; C=Track Number
3 Console Output; C=char passed passed
4 List Output; C=char passed 10 Set Sector Number; C=Sector
5 Punch Output; C=char passed Number passed
6 Reader Input; A=result 11 Set DMA Address; BC=adr passed
12 Read Disk; A=0 if ok, 1 if err
13 Write Disk; A=0 if ok, 1 if err
Any other offset results in a Cold Start being performed.
Inputs: A = Offset
BC = Data Passed to Routine
Outputs: A = Output or Error Indicator
Registers Affected: PSW
SYSLIB Routines Called: -None-
Special Error Conditions: -None-
Routine Name: EN
Function║á Exchangσ Nybble≤ iε Register A╗á High-orde≥ fou≥ bit≤á arσ ì
exchanged with Low-order four bits of Register A.
Inputs: A = Byte input
Outputs: A = Byte output
Registers Affected: PSW
SYSLIB Routines Called: -None-
Special Error Conditions: -None-
Routine Names: FILLB, FILLBC
Function║á Thesσ routine≤ fil∞ aε areß oµ memor∙ witΦ ß constan⌠ bytσ ì
value« FILL┬ caε fil∞ u≡ t∩ ß 256-bytσ buffer¼ anΣ FILLB├ caε fil∞ u≡ t∩ ß ì
65,536-byte (within reason) buffer.
Inputs: HL points to the first byte of the buffer to be filled
B (for FILLB) or BC (for FILLBC) = number of bytes in buffer
A = byte value to fill buffer with
Outputs: -None- (Buffer is filled)
Registers Affected: -None-
SYSLIB Routines Called: -None-
Special Error Conditions: -None-
Routine Names: MOVEB, MOVEBC
Function║á Movσá thσ blocδ oµ memor∙ pointeΣ t∩ b∙ H╠ t∩á thσá memor∙ ì
locatioεá pointeΣ t∩ b∙ DE«á MOVE┬ caε movσ u≡ t∩ ß 256-bytσá buffer¼á anΣ ì
MOVEBC can move up to a 65,536-byte buffer.
Inputs: HL points to the first byte of the buffer to move
DE points to the first byte of the buffer to move to
B (for MOVEB) or BC (for MOVEBC) = number of bytes in buffer
Outputs: -None- (Buffer is moved)
Registers Affected: -None-
SYSLIB Routines Called: -None-
Special Error Conditions: -None-
Routine Name: CATH
Function║á Conver⌠ thσ ASCI╔ Hexadecima∞ characte≥ iε thσ ┴á Registe≥ ì
t∩ binar∙ iε thσ ┴ Register«á Iµ invaliΣ characte≥ (no⌠ 0-9¼á A-F)¼ returε
<SP> (20 Hex) in A Register as error code.
Input: A = ASCII Hex Character (0-9, A-F)
Output: A = Binary value represented by char
Registers Affected: PSW
SYSLIB Routines Called: -None-
Specia∞ Erro≥ Conditions║ Iµ invaliΣ he° char¼ <SP╛ (2░ Hex⌐ returneΣ ì
in A Register.