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Assembly Source File
881 lines
; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; + CP/M to CP/M file transfer utility +
; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; Revised 12/18/80, to allow "wild card" filenames and type,
; as well as "multi-file transfers"
; TFX.ASM Version 1.2
; as of
; December 18, 1980
; ------------------
; The harware requirment for inter-system file transfer is
; simply two disk sub-systems of same or differing hardware
; requirments operating under the same host main frame micro-
; computer, both of which are capable of operating under a
; CP/M environment.
; -------------------
; Both disk sub-systems must be capable of running the CP/M
; disk operating system. Memory size of these systems is of
; little importance other than one system 'MUST' be of at
; least 5 kilo-bytes larger in size.
; ---------
; The 'Resident' and 'Co-resident' systems are defined as
; follows:
; The resident CP/M system, larger in terms of SYSGENed
; memory size.
; The co-resident CP/M system, smaller in terms of SYSGENed
; memory size.
; Initially you start up by booting the co-resident system as
; you normally do and then transfer control to the resident
; system. There are several ways of doing this, the easiest is
; using a file called GO.COM, it's operation is simple; type
; GO 'XXXX' where XXXX represents the hexadecimal address you
; wish your processor to jump to, others include (with a front
; panel system) STOP,EXAMINE,RUN ( as for a MITS 8800b micro-
; computer) the address refered to is the "primitive" boot
; address to your resident system.
; After completing the above operation, type:
; Where:
; TFX is the com file transfer utility
; S: is the source drive reference (RESIDENT system), A:
; thru P: under CP/M version 2.x
; D: is the destination drive reference (CO-RESIDENT
; system), A: thru P: under CP/M version 2.x
; FN: is the file name (1 to 8 character)
; FT: is the file type (1 to 3 character)
; <cr> carriage return, on your console keyboard
; Note: D:FN.FT does not have to agree with S:FN.FT; this is
; an enventual call to 'make file' function to the co-resident
; BDOS in CP/M. Also, "wild card" filenames and types may be
; used.
; --------
; Resident bdos entry = XXXXH (hex address resident)
; Co-resident bdos entry = XXXXH (hex address co-resident)
; No source file (source file can't be found)
; No directory space (directory full on destination disk)
; Write protected (destination disk is write protected)
; Copy complete (file transfer has completed)
; -----------
; In view of the various CP/M (versions) systems and
; programmers implementations (Lifeboat associates,...ugh), I
; have decided not to do any version checking (an attribute of
; CP/M 2.x). In the TFX.ASM source file, you will see a
; subroutine that calculates the co-resident jump vector
; entries, saves this address and then biases this value by a
; constant to determine the bdos entry - the address you
; normally find at 0005h. This bias value is based on my
; system and more than likely will have to be changed for
; yours. This is simply the difference between 'warm boot'
; (this address is stored at 0000h) and BDOS (this address is
; stored at 0005h). I then simply take this address and do a
; DAD (double add) to this bias, a subtraction operation.
; These address references are of cource with respect to your
; co-resident CP/M system. WARNING: DO NOT USE DDT (or SID) to
; examine address 0005h to use in your offset calculations.
; This address will overlayed by either debugger, and will be
; wrong.
; This is a very simple file transfer function, in fact
; primitive. I am in the process of writting a program which
; operates in similar fashion to PIP.COM, which is a common
; utility...at the time of this writting it's still pretty
; "buggy".
; Crable Enterprises - Brent J. Crable
;+ CP/M to CP/M inter-system file transfer +
;+ written by: Brent J. Crable 12/18/80 +
boot: equ 0 ;system reboot
bdos: equ 5 ;bdos entry point
tfcb: equ 5ch ;system file control block
disk$buf: equ 80h ;system disk buffer
fn: equ 1 ;file name offset
ft: equ 9 ;file type offset
ex: equ 12 ;extent number offset
nr: equ 32 ;next record offset
cr equ 0dh
lf equ 0ah
;+ CP/M primitive bdos functions +
read$con: equ 1 ;read console
write$con: equ 2 ;print console
printf: equ 9 ;print buffer
reset: equ 13 ;reset disk
open: equ 15 ;open file
close: equ 16 ;close file
sfirst: equ 17 ;search first
snext: equ 18 ;search next
delt: equ 19 ;delete file
read: equ 20 ;read record
write: equ 21 ;write record
make: equ 22 ;make file
setdma: equ 26 ;set address
;********** macro definitons ****************
mess macro m ;print message m
lxi d,m ;;point to message
mvi c,printf;;load cp/m print code
call bdos ;;disk primitive entry point
org 100h
tfx: lxi sp,stack
mess msg0 ;sign on
mess msg1
lhld bdos+1
mov a,h ;print bdos addr
call phex
mov a,l
call phex
mvi a,'H'
call pchar
call crlf
xra a
sta inp$buf$flg
sta opt$buf$flg
;+ calculate co-resident cp/m system location +
fndsys: lxi h,4a00h ;set a start value
tryag: push h ;set pointer
mvi b,15 ;number of jumps to match
match: mov a,m
cpi 0c3h ;look for jmp instruction
jz jmpok ;yes
pop h
inr h
jmp tryag
jmpok: inx h
inx h
inx h
dcr b
jnz match
;+ we found something that is probably the +
;+ co-resident CP/M bdos entry +
pop h ;recover address
shld xentry ;co-res jmp vectors
lxi d,-3578 ;bias to bdos (patchable)
dad d
shld xbdos
mess msg1a
lhld xbdos
mov a,h ;print xbdos addr
call phex
mov a,l
call phex
mvi a,'H'
call pchar
call crlf
;+ calculate buffer size =(xbdos-mbuff/modulus 128) +
lhld xbdos
lxi d,-6 ;hl = xbdos-6
dad d
mov a,l
ani 80h ;hl = hl mod 128
mov l,a
lxi d,mbuf
mov a,l
sub e
mov l,a
mov a,h
sbb d
mov h,a
dad h ;hl = hl / 128
mov l,h
mvi a,0
aci 0
mov h,a
dcx h ;subtract one
shld aval$space ;save as buffer size
mess msg2 ;print buffer size =
lhld aval$space ;print size of buffer
call wdwc
mess msg3 ;print sectors
call crlf
;+ notify user to mount data disk in host system +
lda tfcb+1 ;see if file name specified
cpi ' '
jnz tfx1
mess msgz ;error - no file name
jmp boot
tfx1: mess msg4
call racc ;read response
cpi cr ;loop if anything but cr
jnz tfx1
tfx1a: call crlf
lda inp$buf$flg ;jump if input buffer flag set
ora a
jnz tfx2a
;+ Move command line image into command buffer +
lxi h,disk$buf ;source
lxi d,cmd$buf ;destination
mov b,m ;fetch command line image length
inx h
tfx2: mov a,m ;fetch next byte from cli
inx h
stax d
inx d
dcr b ;decrement count
jnz tfx2 ;loop untill zero
xra a ;store zero byte at end
stax d
lxi h,cmd$buf ;reset cmd$bufp
shld cmd$pt$buf
call cfnt ;create file name table
lxi h,file$nt ;reset file$nt pointers
shld inp$fil$ntp
shld opt$fil$ntp
tfx2a: lxi h,mbuf ;reset mbuf pointer
shld mem$pt$buf
lhld aval$space ;reset msize
shld mem$size
lda inp$buf$flg ;jump if inp$buf$flg not set
ora a
jz tfx3
lxi h,input$fcb ;copy input$fcb into tfcb
lxi d,tfcb
mvi b,33
call move
xra a ;clear inp$buf$flg
sta inp$buf$flg
mvi a,1 ;set opt$buf$flg
sta opt$buf$flg
lhld inp$fil$ntp ;back inp$fil$ntp up 4 bytes
lxi d,-4
dad d
shld inp$fil$ntp
lxi h,tfcb+fn ;print file name
call wasc
mess msg6 ;print -
lhld inp$fil$ntp ;de = inp$fil$ntp
jmp tfx4 ;continue reading previous file
;+ process next file name from command buffer +
tfx3: lhld inp$fil$ntp ;fetch input fnt pointer
mov a,m ;jump if end of table
cpi 0ffh
jz tfx9
mvi m,1 ;set 'file read' flag
inx h
lxi d,tfcb+fn ;copy filename into tfcb
mvi b,11
call move
shld inp$fil$ntp ;save input fnt pointer
lxi h,tfcb+fn ;print file name
call wasc
mess msg6
xra a ;setup tfcb
sta tfcb
sta tfcb+ex
sta tfcb+nr
lxi d,tfcb
mvi c,open ;open file
call bdos
lhld inp$fil$ntp
tfx4: lhld mem$pt$buf
mov a,h ;copy into fnt entry
stax d
inx d
mov a,l
stax d
inx d
xchg ;save fnt pointer
shld inp$fil$ntp
lxi h,0 ;file size (in sectors) = 0
shld file$size
; read next file from input disk
tfx6: lhld mem$pt$buf
mvi c,setdma
call bdos
lxi d,tfcb ;read next sector (8)
mvi c,read
call bdos
ora a ;jump if normal transfer
jz tfx7
cpi 1 ;jump if eof
jz tfx8
mess msg8 ;print read error - '
jmp tfx8 ;continue as if eof
tfx7: lhld mem$pt$buf ;mem$pt$buf = mem$pt$buf + 128
lxi d,128
dad d
shld mem$pt$buf
lhld file$size ;file$size = file$size + 1
inx h
shld file$size
lhld mem$size
dcx h
shld mem$size
mov a,h ;loop if still positive
ora l
jnz tfx6
lxi h,tfcb ;copy tfcb into input$fcb
lxi d,input$fcb
mvi b,33
call move
mvi a,1 ;set inp$buf$flg
sta inp$buf$flg
tfx8: lxi d,disk$buf ;reset dma pointer
mvi c,setdma
call bdos
lxi d,tfcb
mvi c,close ;close file (8)
call bdos
lhld file$size ;print file size
call wdwc
mess msg9 ;print sectors read'
; update file$nt, loop
lhld file$size ;de = file size
lhld inp$fil$ntp ;store file size in fnt entry
mov m,d
inx h
mov m,e
inx h
shld inp$fil$ntp ;save fnt pointer
lda inp$buf$flg ;loop if inp$buf$flg not set
ora a
jz tfx3
; ask user to mount output disk
tfx9: lda pauseflg
ora a
jz tfx9a
xra a
sta pauseflg
mess msga ;print mount output disk, type cr
call racc ;read response
cpi cr ;loop if anything but cr
jnz tfx9
call crlf
jmp tfx10
tfx9a: call crlf
mess msga1
call crlf
tfx10: mvi c,reset;reset disk system (make r/w)
call entry
lda opt$buf$flg ;jump if opt$buf$flg not set
ora a
jz tfxa
lxi h,output$fcb ;copy output$fcb into tfcb
lxi d,tfcb
mvi b,33
call move
lxi d,tfcb
mvi c,open ;open previos file
call entry
lhld opt$fil$ntp ;backup output fnt pointer 4 bytes
lxi d,-4
dad d
shld opt$fil$ntp
lxi h,tfcb+fn ;print file name
call wasc
mess msg6 ;print -
jmp tfxb ;continue writing previous file
db 1 ;set true
;+ Write next file to destination disk +
tfxa: lhld opt$fil$ntp
mov a,m
ora a
jz tfxf
cpi 0ffh
jz tfxf
inx h
lxi d,tfcb+fn
mvi b,11
call move
shld opt$fil$ntp
lxi h,tfcb+fn
call wasc
mess msg6
xra a
sta tfcb
sta tfcb+ex
sta tfcb+nr
lda tfcb+9 ;fource to $r/w for 2.0
ani 7fh
sta tfcb+9 ;fource to $dir for 2.0
lda tfcb+10
ani 7fh
sta tfcb+10
lxi d,tfcb ;try to create output file (5)
mvi c,delt
call entry
lxi d,tfcb
mvi c,make
call entry
cpi 255 ;jump if o.k.
jnz tfxb
mess msgb ;print unable to create'
jmp tfxg
tfxb: lhld opt$fil$ntp
mov d,m ;fetch fwa of file from fnt
inx h
mov e,m
inx h
shld mem$pt$buf ;save it
mov d,m ;fetch size of file from pointer
inx h
mov e,m
inx h
shld file$size ;save it
shld prt$size ;save for printout
shld opt$fil$ntp
lhld file$size ;jump if file$size = 0
mov a,h
ora l
jz tfxda
tfxc: lhld mem$pt$buf ;set dma address to mbuff
mvi c,setdma
call entry
lxi d,tfcb ;write next sector (5)
mvi c,write
call entry
ora a ;jump if ok
jz tfxd
mess msgc ;error writting file
jmp tfxg
tfxd: lhld mem$pt$buf ;mem$pt$buf = mem$pt$buf + 128
lxi d,128
dad d
shld mem$pt$buf
lhld file$size ;file$size = file$size - 1
dcx h
shld file$size
mov a,h ;loop until zero
ora l
jnz tfxc
tfxda: lxi h,tfcb ;copy tfcb into output$fcb
lxi d,output$fcb
mvi b,33
call move
lxi d,disk$buf ;reset dma pointer
mvi c,setdma
call entry
mvi c,close ;try to close file (5)
lxi d,tfcb
call entry
cpi 255 ;jump if ok
jnz tfxe
mess msgd ;unable to close
tfxe: lhld prt$size ;print number of sectors written
call wdwc
mess msge ;print sectors written
jmp tfxa
tfxf: lda inp$buf$flg ;loop if inp$buf$flg set
ora a
jnz tfxh
tfxg: mess msgf ;exit to cp/m
call racc ;read response
cpi cr ;loop if anything but cr
jnz tfxg
jmp boot ;reboot cp/m
tfxh: call crlf
mess msgg
jmp tfx1a
; subroutines
move: mov a,m
inx h
stax d
inx d
dcr b
jnz move
;+ get file name subroutine +
getn: mov a,m
ora a
cpi ' '
jnz getno
inx h
jmp getn
getno: lxi d,temp$fcb
xra a
stax d
inx d
push d
mvi b,11
mvi a,' '
getn6: stax d
inx d
dcr b
jnz getn6
pop d
mvi b,9
getn1: mov a,m
ora a
jz getn4
inx h
cpi ' '
jz getn4
cpi '.'
jz getn2
cpi '*'
jz getn7
stax d
inx d
dcr b
jz getn5
jmp getn1
getn7: dcr b
jz getn9
mvi a,'?'
stax d
inx d
jmp getn7
getn9: mov a,m
cpi '.'
jnz getn4
inx h
getn2: lxi d,temp$fcb+ft
mvi b,4
getn3: mov a,m
ora a
jz getn4
inx h
cpi ' '
jz getn4
cpi '*'
jz getn8
stax d
inx d
dcr b
jz getn5
jmp getn3
getn8: dcr b
jz getn4
mvi a,'?'
stax d
inx d
jmp getn8
getn4: xra a
getn5: stc
;+ create file names table +
cfnt: lxi h,file$nt ;reset inp$fil$ntp
shld inp$fil$ntp
cfnt1: lhld cmd$pt$buf ;get cmd$pt$buf
mov a,m
ora a
call getn ;get next afn
shld cmd$pt$buf ;save command buffer ptr
jnc cfnt2
mess msg5 ;print syntax error in filename
jmp cfnt1
cfnt2: xra a ;clear temp$fcb extent field
sta temp$fcb+ex
lxi d,temp$fcb ;search for first occurance
mvi c,sfirst
call bdos
cpi 255 ;jump found
jnz cfnt3
lxi h,temp$fcb+fn ;print filename
call wasc
mess msg7 ;print not found
jmp boot ;exit to cp/m
cfnt3: ani 3 ;index into cbuf
mov l,a
mvi h,0
dad h ;*2
dad h ;*4
dad h ;*8
dad h ;*16
dad h ;*32
lxi d,disk$buf
dad d
xchg ;copy filename into file$nt
lhld inp$fil$ntp
mvi b,12
call move
lxi h,nulls ;buffer rest of entry
mvi b,4
call move
shld inp$fil$ntp ;save input file$nt pointer
mvi m,0ffh ;insure ff byte at end
lxi d,temp$fcb ;search for next occurance
mvi c,snext
call bdos
cpi 255 ;jump if found
jnz cfnt3
jmp cfnt1 ;go get next afn
;+ print ascii string to console - terminated by '0' +
wasc: mov a,m
ora a
call pchar ;print it
inx h
jmp wasc
;+ print end of line to console +
crlf: mess msgx
;+ print decimal word to console +
wdwc: push h
push d
push b
mvi b,0 ;clear b
lxi d,10000 ;print 1st digit
call wndd
lxi d,1000 ;print 2nd digit
call wndd
lxi d,100 ;print 3rd digit
call wndd
lxi d,10 ;print 4th digit
call wndd
lxi d,1 ;print 5th digit
mvi b,1 ;force last digit to print
call wndd
pop b
pop d
pop h
wndd: mvi c,0 ;c = 0
wndd1: mov a,l ;hl = hl - de
sub e
mov l,a
mov a,h
sbb d
mov h,a
jc wndd2 ;jump if < 0
inr c ;c = c + 1
jmp wndd1 ;loop
wndd2: dad d ;hl = hl + de
mov a,c ;jump if c non-zero
ora c
jnz wndd4
mov a,b ;jump if digit written
ora b
jnz wndd4
mvi a,' ' ;print one space
jmp pchar
wndd4: mvi b,1 ;set 'digit written' flag
mov a,c ;encode c into decimal ascii
adi '0'
jmp pchar ;go print it
phex: push psw
rrc ;shift right 4
call pnib ;print nibble
pop psw
call pnib
pnib: ani 0fh
cpi 10
jnc p10
;less than or equal to 9
adi '0'
jmp prn
;greater or equal to 10
p10: adi 'A'-10
prn: call pchar
;+ pchar - print ascii character to console +
pchar: push h ;no - this isn't over kill !
push d
push b
push psw
mvi c,write$con
mov e,a ;character to e
call bdos
pop psw
pop b
pop d
pop h
; racc - read ascii character from console
racc: mvi c,read$con
jmp bdos
entry: db 0cdh ;call instruction
xbdos: ds 2 ;address to xbdos
ret ;return to caller
msg0: db ' >> CP/M to CP/M file transfer utility <<'
db cr,lf
db ' Version 1.2 as of 12/18 by: Brent J. Crable'
db cr,lf,cr,lf,'$'
msg1: db ' resident bdos entry = $'
msg1a: db 'co-resident bdos entry = $'
msg2: db 'buffer size =$'
msg3: db ' (128) byte sectors',cr,lf,'$'
msg4: db 'Mount source disk in <A>, type CR',cr,lf,'$'
msg5: db 'syntax error in file name',cr,lf,'$'
msg6: db ' - $'
msg7: db ' not found',cr,lf,'$'
msg8: db 'read error - $'
msg9: db ' sectors read',cr,lf,'$'
msga: db cr,lf,'Mount destination disk in <A>, type CR',cr,lf,'$'
msga1: db '+++ Writing to destination disk +++',cr,lf,'$'
msgb: db 'unable to create',cr,lf,'$'
msgc: db 'error writing file',cr,lf,'$'
msgd: db 'unable to close',cr,lf,'$'
msge: db ' sectors written',cr,lf,'$'
msgf: db cr,lf,'insert host cp/m disk, type CR$'
msgg: db '+++ Reading from source disk +++',cr,lf,'$'
msgx: db cr,lf,'$'
msgz: db '+++ no file name specified +++$'
nulls: db 0,0,0,0
org ($+15)/16*16
file$nt: ds 16*64+1 ;file name table
stack: ds 64 ;64 level stack
aval$space: ds 2 ;available space
mem$size: ds 2 ;memory size
cmd$buf: ds 80 ;command buffer
cmd$pt$buf: ds 2 ;command buffer pointer
file$size: ds 2 ;file size in sectors
prt$size: ds 2 ;file size for printout
inp$fil$ntp: ds 2 ;input fnt pointer
opt$fil$ntp: ds 2 ;output fnt pointer
mem$pt$buf: ds 2 ;memory buffer pointer
input$fcb: ds 33 ;input file control block
output$fcb: ds 33 ;output file control block
temp$fcb: ds 33 ;temporary file control block
inp$buf$flg: ds 1 ;input break flag
opt$buf$flg: ds 1 ;output break flag
xentry: ds 2 ;co-resident jmp table entry
mbuf: equ $
end tfx