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This package of routines :
-- Allows a date to be entered in the relatively comfortable form of
number/separator/number/separator/number -- eg: 10-22-80 or 1/1/77.
The full year can also be entered [eg: 12-11-1980], although the
leading numbers are stripped, which means that 12-11-1680 equals
-- Can insist that the entered year be within a specified range,
refusing to continue processing until the restrictions are
complied with.
-- Converts the entered date into a two-byte integer value [in the range
1..maxint] which reflects the total number of days between the entered
date and Jan 1 of the program's base year. This means that calculations
made using this value do not have to take into consideration the
number of days in any given month -- or year for that matter.
-- Breaks the date back into separate values for the month, date, year
and day of week [Sun..Sat].
-- Prepares the broken date into strings with the various names spelled
out [eg: Thursday, January 1, 1981] or as a fixed eight place value
[11-11-80]. In the former the day-of-week name can be omitted and/or
names abbreviated and in the latter spaces can be substituted for
leading zeroes for the month and date [ie: 01-01-81 or 1- 1-80].
I have set the beast up in two forms: [1] separate .LIB modules for
each routine, allowing them to be included in any Pascal program with
the editor and [2] a complete external subprogram for separate compilation
with ver 3.2 or later.
The separate routines are:
This is actually a general-purpose routine, but it is specifically called
by GETDATE. PROMPT is passed a string, pads it to a specified length,
and writes it to the console. It allows pretty data entry.
Prompts the console to enter a date and returns the calculated integer
value. RMAKEDATE is passed the minimum and maximum year values and
checks to ensure that the entered value falls within the range.
GETDATE and RGETDATE perform the actual data entry. When compiled
separately they are not accessible to the main program but if included
within the program text these names obviously cannot be used for other
Breaks the integer date value into the month, day, year and weekday.
Note that the latter is in the range 0..6 rather than 1..7. Breakdate
fully corrects for leap years.
The names are admittedly crunched a bit, but that's to fit within the
six-character name limit for separate compilation.
Each function is passed a date value and returns a string in
the appropriate format. They all use BRKDATE. DASTRLONG spells out all
words while DASTRSHORT abbreviates the month and day name [but not with
periods -- I think they're ugly]. In addition a boolean value WITHDAY
is passed to indicate whether the day name is to be included [true] or
omitted [false].
DASTRFIXED returns the date in an eight-place fixed length
format. The separator character is specified as a constant and can
be changed if desired. The function includes a boolean parameter WITHSPACE
which determines whether leading zeroes are converted into spaces or
left as numeric characters.
This routine is contained within DASTRFIX.LIB. It is passed a byte value
and WITHSPACE and returns a two-place string equivalent. It is broken out
in case it proves useful elsewhere in the program.
DATE.PAS has all of the date library routines plus PROMPT set up as an
external module for separate compilation. Note, however, that it is
necessary to change "progname" in the first line of the program to
the name of the main program before it will properly compile. It also
appears that the program names cannot exceed six characters [rather than
just having only the first six be significant].
DATE.LIB can then be inserted in the main program to provide the relevant
external declarations. DATE.LIB includes declarations for LENGTH and
Generally, the date routines require the following global type declarations:
TYPE string255 = string 255;
byte = 0..255;
There are two important constants used in MAKEDATE, RMAKEDATE and BRKDATE.
YRBASE is the base year, which equals 10 in the package as written.
YRSPAN is the total number of years which constitute the acceptable
maximum range of entries. This number is dicated by maxint and thus cannot
exceed 89.
This means that as written the routines can handle dates in the range
1910..1999. Since 1900 was not a leap year and there is no provision
for dealing with that occurrence, 1901 [yrbase = 1] is the lowest possible
base year. Since 2000 will be a leap year [wouldn't life be easier if
the sun rose and set only 360 times a year and pi equalled three?] the
routines could be extended beyond 1999, but the yr mod 100 statement
within GETDATE and RGETDATE -- which permits dates to be entered
1-11-1980, if you're so moved -- would have to be modified to permit
00 to be higher than 99. I just didn't see any reason to clutter the
program up with this business for a few more years.
As long as two integer date values share a common base year they are
directly comparable. This is an argument for sticking with just one
base year for all purposes. Thus the difference between any two date
values is the number of days between them. More importantly, your
programs should have a much easier time of scanning through data to
determine whether the records fall within a designate range -- and
are thus eligible for further processing -- when that range is specified
as a number of days -- 10, 30, 90, etc.
It should also be noted that the string returned by DASTRFIXED with
spaces passed as false can be used to create a CP/M file name if you have
a series of data files which you want to keep broken down by date.
Thus one set of files could be 01-11-80.ORD, 01-12-80.ORD, etc. if you
wanted to keep, say, orders as a set of separate files.
Please note that DATEFUNC.LIB includes declarations for LENGTH and
SETLENGTH, since they are used within DATE.PAS, so these should not
be declared elsewhere in the main module.
The following global types are generally required:
TYPE string255 = string 255;
byte = 0..255;
The datestring routines are all functions returning strings, which means
that Pascal/Z ver 3.2 or later is required for proper compilation.
Scott Custin
2410 20th St NW #10
Washington DC 20009