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495 lines
Sig/M.026 games
a simple mail label system
electrical engineering package
ham notebook
front panel emulator
VersaFloppy II double density BIOS
-CATALOG.026 contents of Sig/M.026
-CATA026.ACK acknowledgement file
CRCKLIST.026 checksum file
index name size notes
26.01 CHEAT.ADV 3K unofficial ADVENTURE cheat sheet
26.02 CHEAT.DOC 1K /
26.03 VEGAS.ASM 26K super slot machine
26.04 EL-E.BAS 18K electrical engineering/design system
26.05 EL-E.INT 16K /
26.06 EL-E.DOC 2K /
26.07 QSO.BA╙ 1K haφ notebooδ - CBASIC
26.08 QSOEDIT.BAS 4K /
26.10 QSOFIND.BAS 1K /
26.11 QSOSCAN.BAS 4K /
26.12 QSOLIST.BAS 1K /
26.13 QSO.DOC 2K /
26.14 SYSMON.ASM 36K front panel emulator
26.15 SYSMON.COM 5K /
26.16 SYSMON.DOC 6K /
26.17 SVC.LIB 1K /
26.18 MYDDBIOS.Z80 13K VersaFloppy II double density BIOS
26.21 MYBOOT.Z80 2K /
26.22 FORMAT.Z80 10K /
26.23 SYSGEN.Z80 4K /
26.24 XEDIT.BAS 3K simple mail label system - data entry
26.25 XEDIT.INT 2K /
26.26 XMERGE.BAS 2K file merge
26.27 XMERGE.INT 1K /
26.28 XSCAN.BAS 2K delete items from master
26.29 XSCAN.INT 1K /
26.30 XEXTRACT.BAS 2K extract items from master
26.32 XLIST.BAS 1K list items from master
26.33 XLIST.INT 1K /
26.34 XLABELS.BAS 2K mail label print
26.35 XLABELS.INT 1K /
26.36 XFIND.BAS 1K /query of master
26.37 XFIND.INT 1K /
26.38 XTEL.BAS 1K / query by telephone number
26.39 XTEL.INT 1K /
26.40 XMAIL.DOC 3K simple mail label system - documentationè
BASIC-E(EBASIC.CO═á anΣá RUN.COM)¼á SCRAMBL┼ anΣ CRC╦á havσá beeε ì
includeΣ iε thσ distributioε t∩ facilitatσ access.
Front Panel simulation - Terry Kennedy
SD Sales double density BIOS - John Monahan
Ham Notebook - Joe Schrabal
Electrical Engineering package - Joe Schrabal
Adventure cheat sheet - from your friendly pirate
Las Vegas Super Slot - David W. Friedman
Simple Mail Label System - Hank Kee
CHEAT.AD╓á i≤á thσá unofficia∞ chea⌠ shee⌠á t∩á Adventurσá (Sig/═ ì
volumσá 1)«á Thσ filσ i≤ passwordeΣ anΣ need≤ t∩ bσá unSCRAMBLEd« ì
SCRAMBLE is a command used to encode/decode a CP/M file.
The format of the command is:
SCRAMBLE filename.type password
wherσá "passwordóá i≤ aε ╕ characte≥ passworΣ madσ oµá character≤ ì
permissiblσá iε ß filσ namσ (i.e«á n∩ "."¼á etc)«á Thσ requesteΣ ì
filσ i≤ scrambled¼ anΣ re-writteε iε place.
Notσá tha⌠ iµ aε attemp⌠ i≤ madσ t∩ unscramblσ ß scrambleΣá file¼ ì
usinτá thσ WRON╟ password¼á theε thσ filσ i≤ technicall∙á "doublσ ì
scrambledóá anΣá SCRAMBL┼ woulΣ theε havσ t∩ bσá executeΣá TWICE¼ ì
oncσ witΦ thσ origina∞ password¼á anΣ oncσ witΦ thσá erroneously-ì
useΣ password«
Thσ passworΣ i≤ ß magiπ worΣ iε Adventure« I⌠ appear≤ iε thσ tex⌠ ì
oµ thσ origina∞ version.
from your friendly Pirate
Al∞ program≤ writteε b∙ J« Schraba∞ anΣ arσ COPYRIGHTE─ 198▒ ì
B┘á J«á SCHRABA╠á WIT╚ AL╠ RIGHT╙ RESERVE─ bu⌠ releaseΣ freσá fo≥ ì
non-commercia∞ use«
Iµá yo⌡á don'⌠ havσ sufficien⌠ memor∙ yo⌡ caε separatσá eacΦ ì
section, and use it independently as individual programs.
I⌠á i≤ eas∙ t∩ simplif∙ entr∙ fo≥ thσ las⌠ prograφá (crysta∞ ì
frequenc∙ calculations⌐ b∙ enterinτ anΣ storinτ datß fo≥ thσ gea≥ ì
yo⌡ anΣ you≥ friend≤ usσ (I╞ frequency¼ multiplication¼ split).
electrical engineering and design package by J. Schrabal
EL-E.BAS Electrical engineering and design
ELOHM.BAS ohm law
ELZENER.BA╙ desigε zene≥ stabilizeΣ circ.
ELPOWER.BAS components for DC power supl.
ELLOW.BA╙ low-pas≤á2-polσáBatt. filter
ELRESON.BAS series resonant freq.circuits
ELFILTER.BAS passive passband filter
ELCOIL.BAS inductance & small coil design
ELANT.BAS long wire antenna
ELDIPOLE.BAS dipole or half wave antenna
ELTIME.BAS time constant calculations
ááá ELWIRE.BA╙áá resistancσáoµáwirσ -"-
ELCRYST.BAS crystal frequency -"-
EL-E.DOC Documentation on EL-E.BAS
If you are lucky enough to have a VERSAFLOPPY II disk controller board you
will appreciate how reliable it is. There was one problem however SD Systems
supplied a bios for their SDOS. I wanted to run CP/M 2.2 and simmilar systems
The 5 programs:
should allow you to get CP/M running on this board.
Here is how it works. First only two drives are assumed (A: & B:) both must
be 8" drives. This saves a lot of extra code I did not want but others could
probably modify acordingly. The major problem is the bios must know if it
is talking to a single density disk or double density disk (sd dd). RAM
locations 58h & 59h will always contain flags for the density of drives A & B
Upon cold or warm boot the bios gets the density of disk A (see below). If it
is sd then 58h=00h if dd then 58h=40h. Since drive B: has not yet been called
in a flag of 0ffh is put at 59h. The first time B: drive is selected
its density is selected and the 0ffh flag is changed to either 00h or 40h.
When CP/M does a SELDSK it will be routed to one of two different disk
parameter lookup tables depending on the two above flags.
How does the board find out the density of the disk? SD systems used a neet
trick. They use a trial and error method. Upon any read address command
the 4th byte returned is the sector length. For 128 byte sectors it is
00h. So if the read address command returns anything othere than 00h chances
are we do not have the correct disk density. Look at my UNITSL: routine and
this will hopefully be clear.
I have made one large extra addition to the bios at the end you may want to
remove. It is a section to display on a VDM board in "real time" the actual
sector,track,disk currently being read or written to. Bit 7 of port 0ffh turns
this info on or off. It is great for debugging at the start.
All of the above and 99% of the bios is stored in ROM (just like SD SYSTEMS
do for their system) -- this is by the way MYDDBIOS.Z80
Two othere things are required:-
MYBOOT.Z80 is the CP/M boot loader to go with this system. As usuall it
goes on track 0 sector 1 of all disks. This loader brings in the rest of CP/M
loads it at the correct place in RAM (this depends on the size of your CP/M
system) along with a tiny RAM based BIOS which I call:-
DDSKBIOS.Z80 As far as CP/M is conserned this is THE bios. It contains
all the appropiate jumps to the ROM bios and the RAM dependent disk parameter
lookup tables.
If you are new at this stuff get somebody to show you how to link in these
two programs to CP/M before sysgening a system.
The following is an example of a 60k system setup
ISYSGEN.COM ;I put sysgen here so I can have a file with sysgen
R ;and CP/M @ 900h saved (if this is not clear do it
IMYBOOT.HEX ;the way CP/M suggests)
SAVE 34 SYSGEN60.COM ;(This way I have sysgen + the CP/M image in memory)
SYSGEN60 ;You are on your own after this
Good Luck
John Monahan
Thi≤á tex⌠ filσ wa≤ originall∙ commen⌠ line≤ iεá thσá SYSMO╬ ì
sourcσá file«á An∙á reference≤ t∩ 'thi≤ codeº refe≥ t∩á thσá filσ ì
Thi≤ codσ wa≤ originall∙ writteε a≤ onσ oµ m∙ firs⌠ program-ì
minτá effort≤á iε earl∙ 1978¼á anΣ ╔ havσ cleaneΣ i⌠ u≡á slightl∙ ì
sincσ then«á I⌠ run≤ well¼á anΣ therσ arσ n∩ knowε bugs¼á bu⌠á i⌠ ì
isn'⌠ a≤ 'fancyº a≤ i⌠ migh⌠ be« oΦ well.
Sincσá i⌠á ha≤ beeε pointeΣ ou⌠ t∩ mσ tha⌠ "thσá programminτ ì
stylσ look≤ likσ so-and-so's"¼ le⌠ mσ givσ credi⌠ wherσ credi⌠ i≤ ì
áááááA T∩ thσ CP/═ User'≤ Grou≡ (a≤ i⌠ wa≤ iε 1978¼á no⌠á a≤ ì
ááááááái⌠ i≤ now⌐ fo≥ distributinτ assemble≥ sourcσ file≤ oµ somσ ì
áááááááver∙ nicσ (fo≥ thσ period⌐ utilities.
Bá T∩ L«á E« Hughes¼ 808░ SD├ (doe≤ i⌠ stil∞ exist?⌐ fo≥ ì
ááááááásubmittinτá thσ aforementioneΣ utilities¼á anΣ whosσá RM8░ ì
áááááááprovideΣ thσ inspiratioε fo≥ mσ t∩ tacklσ thi≤ programminτ ì
áááááááprojec⌠ bacδ iε thσ Darδ Age≤ oµ microcomputing.
N O T I C E -- N O T I C E -- N O T I C E
Iµá yo⌡á arσ goinτ t∩ usσ thi≤ code¼á yo⌡ MUS╘á modif∙á somσ ì
hardwarσ constants«á T∩ avoiΣ gettinτ burned¼ PLEAS┼ assemblσ thσ ì
wholσá thinτ a≤ i⌠ i≤ anΣ REA─ thσ WHOL┼ listinτ t∩ ge⌠ ßá bette≥ ì
understandinτ oµ wha⌠ thσ prograφ i≤ al∞ about« I⌠ caε bσ prett∙ ì
confusinτ a⌠ first.
P.S«á - Iµá yo⌡ edi⌠ anΣ re-assemblσ witΦ D.R.'≤á ASM¼á makσ ì
surσá tha⌠ i⌠ assemble≤ OK«á AS═ get≤ confuseΣ b∙ multiplσ nesteΣ ì
IF's¼ oµ whicΦ therσ arσ many.
NOTE║á CP/═ i≤ ß (registered⌐ trademarδ oµ Digita∞ Research¼ ì
Inc.¼á Pacifiπá Grove¼á California«á Referencσ t∩ thi≤á trademarδ ì
withiεá thσ bod∙ oµ thi≤ tex⌠ i≤ onl∙ t∩ indicatσ tha⌠ thi≤á codσ ì
wil∞ interfacσ witΦ saiΣ trademarkeΣ product¼á anΣ doe≤ no⌠ impl∙ ì
tha⌠á thσ owne≥ oµ thσ trademarδ owns¼á approves¼á o≥á use≤á thi≤ ì
Usage║á Thi≤á codσ tex⌠ i≤ thσ sourcσ fo≥ ß powerfu∞ monito≥ ì
designeΣ t∩ emulatσ front-pane∞ typσ datß manipulatioε functions« ì
Thσá codσá wa≤ designeΣ t∩ bσ placeΣ int∩ EPRO═ iεá al∞á systems¼ ì
whethe≥ o≥ no⌠ the∙ haΣ fron⌠ panels«á Therefore¼ iµ thσ use≥ ha≤ ì
ß fron⌠ panel¼ thσ codσ wil∞ attemp⌠ t∩ boo⌠ thσ operatinτ systeφ ì
oµ oµ thσ firs⌠ physica∞ drivσ (A:)«á Iµ thσ use≥ doesn'⌠ havσá ß ì
fron⌠á panel¼á contro∞ passe≤ t∩ thσ commanΣ interpreter¼á givinτ ì
hiφ somσ fron⌠ pane∞ typσ commands« Thσ use≥ ma∙ simulatσ ß fron⌠ ì
panel-les≤ systeφ b∙ settinτ thσ fron⌠ pane∞ switche≤ t∩ 8░ hex.
Comment(s)║á Thi≤ i≤ 808░ sourcσ codσ anΣ coulΣ bσ madσ mucΦ ì
morσá compac⌠á iµ Z80(tm⌐ codσ wa≤ useΣ (especiall∙ ╔á ªá ╧á com-ìè mands)«á Thi≤á codσ a≤ supplieΣ doesn'⌠ 'd∩ anythingº b∙ itselµ - ì
yo⌡ wil∞ havσ t∩ alte≥ i⌠ t∩ sui⌠ you≥ system«á Thσ disδ control-ì
le≥ thi≤ codσ run≤ i≤ thσ Digita∞ Microsystem≤ FDC-3« Iµ yo⌡ havσ ì
ß differen⌠ controller¼ DON'╘ tr∙ modifyinτ thesσ driver≤ - writσ ì
NE╫ ones«á Thσ codσ t∩ drivσ ß FDC-│ i≤ ver∙ complex¼ anΣ sincσ ╔ ì
aφá probabl∙á thσá onl∙á persoε withiεá 50░á mile≤á (beside≤á BoΓ ì
Radcliffe⌐ wh∩ ha≤ one¼á I'φ NO╘ goinτ t∩ explaiε ho≈ m∙á driver≤ ì
work« Thσ reference≤ t∩ 'boo⌠ diagnostiπ systemº refe≥ t∩ ß disk-ì
baseΣá diagnostiπ packagσ whicΦ use≤ thi≤ codσ fo≥ low-leve∞á I/╧ ì
support« Tha⌠ packagσ i≤ NO╘ availablσ anΣ wil∞ no⌠ bσ available¼ ì
a≤ i⌠ i≤ wel∞ ove≥ ▓ man-year≤ iε thσ making«á Therefore¼ yo⌡ ma∙ ì
deletσá thσ 'Sº commanΣ froφ thσ thσ codσ iµ yo⌡ desire«á Thσ 'Lº ì
commanΣ work≤ a≤ follows║á Froφ aε inpu⌠ devicσ (an∙á byte-seria∞ ì
devicσ wil∞ do¼á ╔ usσ ß cassette⌐ ß filenamσ i≤ read«á Thσ file-ì
namσá ma∙ bσ a≤ lonτ a≤ 1╢ characters«á Wheε ß filσ witΦ thσ samσ ì
namσ i≤ reaΣ froφ thσ tape¼ i⌠ i≤ loadeΣ in« Thσ filσ i≤ presumeΣ ì
t∩ bσ iε Inte∞ He° format« Thσ forma⌠ oµ thσ filenamσ anΣ datß oε ì
thσ tapσ i≤ a≤ follows:
--- data --- (any random data)
;filename (the filename is preceded with a ';')
:xxxxxxxxxxxx (Intel hex formatted object code)
. (more Intel hex data)
<1A> (the file is terminated with a Control-Z)
Thσá superviso≥á call≤ worδ a≤ follows║á Thσá use≥á CALL≤ ì
locatioε SUPER║á witΦ ß superviso≥ cal∞ codσ storeΣ a⌠ SVC:«á Thσ ì
desireΣ functioε i≤ performeΣ anΣ contro∞ i≤ returneΣ t∩ thσ use≥ ì
program«á Iµ aε out-of-bound≤ SV├ i≤ issued¼á ß tra≡ messagσ wil∞ ì
bσá generateΣ anΣ thσ monito≥ wil∞ bσ entered«á Seσ 'SVC.LIBºá oε ì
thσ disδ fo≥ ß callinτ macro«á Thσ labe∞ CS║ nea≥ thσ enΣ oµ thi≤ ì
filσá i≤ thσ clea≥ screeε codσ useΣ b∙ thσ program«á Alte≥ i⌠á t∩ ì
sui⌠ you≥ terminal.
CommanΣá summar∙ - fo≥ detail≤ refe≥ t∩ hel≡ tex⌠ codσ a⌠ ì
thσ enΣ oµ thσ sourcσ file.
B - Boot operating system
D - Dump memory
E - Enter hex data
F - Fill memory
G - Go to address
H - Halt the computer
I - Input from port
L - Load software from peripheral
M - Move data
O - Output to port
Q - Exit to operating system (only if testing equ true)
R - Display 8080 register set
S - Boot diagnostic disk
T - Test supervisor call (only if testing equ true)
addr/ - Modify memory data at addr
Enjoy it.
By J. Schrabal, Nov.79
╔ founΣ thσ basiπ "Labelsó prograφ oµ H« Keσ t∩ bσ s∩ simpl∙ ì
writteε tha⌠ i⌠ i≤ easie≥ t∩ rewritσ theφ t∩ an∙ particula≥á neeΣ ì
rathe≥á thaε bothe≥ witΦ comple° datß basσá programs¼á postmaste≥ ì
anΣá other≤á available«á ╔á useΣá Hank'≤á ideßá fo≥á addres≤á anΣ ì
telephonσá booδá fo≥ m∙ wife¼á note≤ oε member≤ oµá ou≥á S100/CP═ ì
user≤ group¼ yachtcluΓ salinτ event≤ anΣ man∙ others«
Theε ╔ wanteΣ t∩ modif∙ i⌠ fo≥ simplσ mem∩ oε m∙ contact≤ b∙ ì
amateu≥ radio ove≥ ▓ mete≥ Metrople° repeate≥ fo≥ loca∞ contact≤ ì
anΣ separatσ filσ fo≥ ▓ φ linδ t∩ 1░ mete≥ repeate≥ ove≥ whicΦá ╔ ì
contacteΣá man∙á oµ thσ U╙ continenta∞ state≤ station≤ anΣ 2╣á D╪ ì
foreign stations.
Simply¼á ╔ wanteΣ t∩ sor⌠ domestiπ anΣ foreigε call≤ jus⌠ a≤ ì
printed and sorted in the Callbook.
M∙ prograφ test≤ thσ 2nΣ lette≥ anΣ iµ i⌠ i≤ numbe≥ theεá i⌠ ì
insert≤á ßá spacebar«á Beinτá confuseΣ witΦ thσá ne≈á FCC'≤á cal∞ ì
assignement¼á whilσá sorting¼á thσá prograφ treat≤ al∞ thσá firs⌠ ì
letter≤ oµ U╙ call≤ a≤ 'Wº anΣ theε b∙ numbe≥ anΣá call«á Result ì
is sorted file by country, region and call.
How it works
Yo⌡ mus⌠ firs⌠ creatσ ß file«á I⌠ coulΣ bσ jus⌠ singlσ entr∙ ì
bu⌠ mus⌠ enΣ witΦ EN─ linσ jus⌠ a≤ iε encloseΣ samplσ file.
Wheεá entr∙ i≤ made¼á i⌠ i≤ beinτ reprinteΣ (witΦ spacσá ba≥ ì
afte≥ singlσ lette≥ countr∙ sign)« Iµ correc⌠ operate≥ enter≤ "Yó ì
or entry is ignored otherwise.
Wheεá "ENDó i≤ entered¼á al∞ entr∙ i≤ theε sorteΣ b∙ countr∙ ì
(U╙ call≤ al∞ togethe≥ regardles≤ oµ sign)¼á theε b∙ region¼á anΣ ì
then by sign, and stored in temporary workfile..
Theε thσ workfilσ i≤ mergeΣ witΦ thσ filσ yo⌡á specify«á Thσ ì
ne≈á filσá mus⌠ havσ differen⌠ name«á ╔ usuall∙ notσ thσ datσá oµ ì
las⌠á entr∙ (fo≥ examplσ QSODX.20╡ fo≥ Feb.2⌐ whilσ thσ olΣá filσ ì
is preserved as an entry.
Nicσ featurσ i≤ tha⌠ yo⌡ caε havσ severa∞ files¼ fo≥ examplσ ì
for repeater contacts, 10 meter - link contacts, DX contacts,etc.
Prograφ caε bσ easil∙ reworkeΣ s∩ tha⌠ eacΦ entr∙ ha≤á fielΣ ì
yo⌡ likσ fo≥ you≥ operation«á No⌠ al∞ field≤ havσ t∩ bσ displayeΣ ì
fo≥á quicδá reference¼á anΣá i⌠ i⌠ eas∙ t∩ creatσ ßá prograφá fo≥ ì
specifiπá purpose¼á fo≥ examplσ listinτ oµ station≤ duσ fo≥á QSL-ì
Whilσá writteεá iε C-basiπ thσ prograφ wil∞ ruεá oεá E-basiπ ì
afte≥ simplσ modification« Jus⌠ RENamσ al∞ thσ program≤ listeΣ iε ì
QSO.BA╙ unde≥ '%INCLUDEº froφ *.BA╙ t∩ *.LIB¼ theε usσ EDito≥ anΣ ìèReaΣá thσá program≤ in«á Theε Kil∞ thσ extrß feature≤ oµá C-basiπ ì
sucΦ a≤ LPRINTER¼á CONSOLE¼á etc«á anΣ obviousl∙ theε thσ prograφ ì
wil∞á n∩á longe≥ havσ thesσ feature≤ (OQSOLIS╘ yo⌡á havσá t∩á usσ ì
ctrl-╨ fo≥ printing¼ anΣ i⌠ wil∞ prin⌠ oε thσ printe≥ anΣ als∩ oε ì
your console).
Iµá yo⌡ don'havσ sufficien⌠ memor∙ theε eacΦ prograφ caεá bσ ì
compileΣá anΣ useΣ individuall∙ (Kil∞ thσ jum≡ t∩ MEN╒ a⌠ enΣá oµ ì
each program).
QSO.BAS Sorted ham notebook - CBAS
QSOMERGE.BA╙á mergσ witΦ file
QSOFIND.BAS find any string
QSOSCAN.BAS scan,mod.fields
QSOLIST.BAS print file
QSO.DOC DOCumentation, modif.of QSO.BAS
A Simple Mail Label System
Thi≤á simplσ mai∞ labe∞ systeφ require≤ onl∙ Basic-┼ fo≥ support« ì
The following functions make up the system:
XEDIT - 1) data entry of name and address(es)
a pause after each name entry permits the
end user to verify data prior to acceptance
2) at end of session, enter END
3) a simple bubble sort will ensue sorting
the data in last name sequence
*please note for those with large volumes of entry,
replace the sort with a shell sort
XMERGE - merges the file SORT.FIL output from XEDIT
with a master file designated by the user
XSCAN - scans a user designated file 20 names per page
permits the user to DELETE a designated
name at a time with the ability to
refresh the page if desired by the user
*please note that the designated file is automatically updated
XEXTRACT -1) scans a user designated file 20 names per page
permits the user to EXTRACT and create a sub-file
from a designated file one line at a time with
the ability to refresh the page if desired
2) the output file from XEXTRACT is called LIST.FIL
*please note the file LIST.FIL should be renamed by the user
after generation from XEXTRACT
XLIST - a simple list generation of the designated user file
XLABELS - a simple 3 up mail label run
XFIND - a simple query of the designated user file
XTEL - a simple query of telephone numbers in the file
COMMENTS║á Thi≤á simplσá systeφ assume≤ thσ consolσ t∩á havσá thσ ì
curso≥ attribute≤ oµ thσ Lea≥ Siegle≥ ADM31A«á Thi≤ caε bσ easil∙ ì
altereΣá b∙á thσá user«á Thσ desigε oµá thi≤á mai∞á labe∞á systeφ ì
eliminate≤á thσá usσá oµ accoun⌠ number≤á o≥á othe≥á identifiers« ì
Pleasσ fee∞ freσ t∩ modif∙ i⌠ anΣ specializσ i⌠ fo≥ you≥ specifiπ ì
requirements«á Thσá function≤ oµ XTE╠ anΣ XFIN─ werσ addeΣ b∙ Joσ ì
Hank Kee