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Assembly Source File
688 lines
; MENU.ASM Version 2.0 as of April 26, 1981
; Original Program by: James J. Frantz, May 31, 1979
; Menu Program Selection for '.BAS', '.INT' or '.COM' Files
; Modified from original by: Kelly Smith
; Version 2.0 contains the following modifications:
; (1) Made CP/M 2.X compatible; previous version would
; "clobber" the '$' string delimiter in filename and
; would display filenames and garbage memory 'ad
; nauseum'.
; (2) Added equates for either MBASIC or CBASIC assembly
; function, and corresponding 'heading'.
; Note: You must have MBASIC.COM on the currently
; logged diskette if 'mbasic$program' equate is
; true, and it will expect files of type '.BAS'.
; If 'cbasic$program' equate is true, you must
; have CRUN.COM on the currently logged
; diskette, and it will expect files of type
; '.INT'. If neither is equated to true, '.COM'
; filetypes are assumed.
; (3) Added command option to select drive for user
; requested MENU. (i.e., MENU B:<cr>). If corresponding
; filetype is not found for assembled MENU type (.BAS,
; .INT or .COM), MENU will display "+++ File Not Found
; +++" and return to the default drive.
; (4) Added "Disk Drive - X:" to heading display, where 'X'
; is the selected drive.
; (5) Added conditional assembly switches for 'upper'
; (uppercase only terminals), 'stdcpm' (standard CP/M),
; 'altcpm' (alternate CP/M).
; (6) Added conditional assembly switch for 'no$sys$files',
; to inhibit display of CP/M 2.X 'SYS' files. Handy, if
; running a Remote CP/M System and you don't want to let
; the whole world know whats 'hidden'...
; (7) Stripped MSB "tag bit" for files set-up for Remote
; CP/M Systems as "not for distribution". Files would
; not be sorted in proper order for display without
; this...this will also work for MP/M system
; configuration where "tag bit" must be 'Bit 6' (NOT Bit
; 7)...Bit 7 used as "tag" in MP/M environment fouls up
; the 'Control-S' start/stop video scroll function, so
; some users are switching to Bit 6 as "tag"...
; (8) Fixed bug when MENU is set for BASIC file (either
; MBASIC or CBASIC) and is in B: (or greater drive) and
; attempting to load the MBASIC (or CRUN) and THEN the
; '.BAS' (or '.INT') file...now looks on same diskette
; that MENU is on.
; (9) Added 'widecrt' equate for two CRT terminal display
; formats. Set the equate 'widecrt' to true if your CRT
; terminal can display 80 columns by 24 rows. If
; 'widecrt' is false, the default display is 64 columns
; by 16 rows.
; As supplied, MENU.ASM is set-up for the following system
; configuration and display format:
; Lowercase terminal display: upper = false
; 80 column by 24 row display: widecrt = true
; Standard CP/M: stdcpm = true
; altcpm = false
; Display '.COM' Menu: mbasic$program = false
; cbasic$program = false
; No display of 'SYS' files: no$sys$files = true
; A Generalized Suggestions for Using MENU
; If you have kids that love to play games on your system,
; this is perhaps the most 'protective' way to keep there
; "busy little hands" out of the CP/M operating
; system...Just set the little BAST..errr, pardon me...set
; your "prodigy child" up with a GAMES diskette that
; AUTOLOAD's the MENU program, and never ever again will you
; hear "Gee Dad, I tried ERA *.* and now nuthi'n works...".
true equ -1 ; define true
false equ not true; define false
mbasic$program equ false ; true = .BAS
cbasic$program equ false ; true = .INT
; Note: Only one may be true, and
; both false = .COM
no$sys$files equ true ; true = no SYS display, false = SYS display
upper equ false ; true if uppercase only terminal
widecrt equ true ; true if 80 column/24 row terminal
stdcpm equ true ; true if standard CP/M (base address 0000h)
altcpm equ false ; true if alternate CP/M (base address 4200h)
if stdcpm ; if standard CP/M...
base equ 0000h ; base for standard CP/M system
endif ; end if...
if altcpm ; if alternate CP/M...
base equ 4200h ; base for H8 or TRS-80 CP/M system
endif ; end if...
bdos equ base+5 ; CP/M BDOS entry address for function call
tfcb equ base+5ch; transient file control block base address
nbr$col equ 4 ; number of columns to display
if widecrt ; if 80 column/24 row crt terminal...
screen$size equ 24 ; terminal has 24 lines/screen display
screen$hgt equ 80 ; terminal has 80 rows/screen display
endif ; end if...
if not widecrt ; if 64 column/16 row crt terminal...
screen$size equ 16 ; terminal has 16 lines/screen display
screen$hgt equ 64 ; terminal has 64 rows/screen display
endif ; end if...
ccp$len equ 3c06h-3400h ; calculate CCP length
bel equ 007h ; (^g) bell - human attention required
lf equ 00ah ; (^j) line feed
cr equ 00dh ; (^m) carriage return
org base+100h
start: lxi sp,stack$area ; set up a stack
lda tfcb ; get drive specification
ora a ; was drive explicity requested?
jnz drive$request ; if yes, skip interrogate disk request
mvi c,25 ; 'interrogate disk' function
call bdos ; find out which disk we're on...
inr a ; make A: = 1
adi 'A'-1 ; make it ASCII
sta driveid ; save the ASCII drive identification
sbi '@' ; make it HEX
sta srch$fcb ; set selection for requested or default drive
mvi c,17 ; 'search first' command
lxi d,srch$fcb ; point file control block
call bdos ; use CP/M entry point
ora a ; test for -1
jm assign$menu$nbr ; print empty
jz kludge ; do not set file found, if zero
sta file$found ; set file found flag
kludge: rrc ; this is the same as
rrc ; 5 "add a's"
ani 60h ; mask correct bits
adi 80h ; add base address (0080h)
mov e,a ; put pointer in (de)
mvi d,0 ; as 16 bit value
lxi h,dirtable ; point start of table of
; sorted names
inx d ; point past erase field
push d ; save pointer to next
; entry from disk directory
mvi c,8 ; length of compare
push h ; save pointer to table
ldax d ; get trial name char
ani 7fh ; mask-off high bit 'cause may be
; "tagged" as 'not for distribution' for RCPM's
cmp m ; match?
jnz end$compare ; if not, try next entry
inx h ; advance pointers
inx d
dcr c ; one less char to compare
jnz compare1 ; keep testing
pop b ; restore table pointer
jc insert$name ; directory name goes in
; front of current table
; entry if lower (cy = 1)
lxi h,14 ; length of table entry
dad b ; (hl) to next table entry
pop d ; recover trailer name point
jmp compare$loop ; loop again
if no$sys$files ; if no SYStem files to be displayed...
push b ; save pointer to table entry
push d ; save pointer to file name
lxi d,9 ; add bias for "SYS" flag character
dad d
mov a,m ; get character
ani 80h ; mask for "SYS" flag
pop d ; adjust stack, in case we take the next jump
pop b ; ...or we really need the pointers
jnz abort ; abort this filename, if "SYS"
endif ; end if...
ldax d ; get first byte of filename
ani 7fh ; mask-off high bit 'cause may be
; "tagged" as 'not for distribution' for RCPM's
stax d ; and save back, so proper file sort display
lxi h,file$count ; count the number of files
inr m ; to be displayed
lhld end$of$table ; get pointer to table
lxi h,14 ; distance to move
dad d ; (hl) point destination
shld end$of$table ; save the new end of table
inx h
inx d
dcx d
dcx h
ldax d ; get byte to move
mov m,a ; put in new spot
mov a,c ; test for done
cmp e ; (bc) = (de)?
jnz move$up
mov a,b
cmp d
jnz move$up
pop h ; recover pointer
mvi c,8
call block$move ; insert name in table
lxi h,menu$buff ; point menu number block
mvi c,6 ; length of movek
call block$move ; insert text in table
abort: mvi c,18 ; 'search next' command
jmp sort$loop
lda file$count
mov b,a ; save in (b)
push psw ; and on stack
mvi c,0 ; initial file number
lxi h,dirtable+11 ; point first file number
lxi d,13 ; offset to other numbers
mov a,c ; put file number in (a)
adi 1 ; increment
daa ; decimal convert
mov c,a ; resave in (c)
rrc ; get tens digit into
rrc ; proper place
rrc ;
ani 0fh ; add mask
jz use$blank ; supress leading zero by
adi 10h ; add either 20h (ASCII ' ')
adi ' ' ; or 20h + 10h for numeral
mov m,a ; put in text stream
mov a,c ; get units portion
ani 0fh ; mask off tens portion
adi '0' ; convert to ASCII
inx h
mov m,a
dad d ; repeat until all files
dcr b ; are sequentially numbered
jnz number$files
pop psw ; get file$count from stack
push psw ; and save again for later
adi nbr$col-1
mvi b,255 ; (b) accumulates quotient
; so set to -1 for at least
; 1 pass thru gives 0
inr b
sui nbr$col ; divide (file$count+3) by
; fout to get offset1
jp divx
adi nbr$col ; substracted once too much
; so add it back on
lxi h,offset1
mov m,b ; insert offset1 into table
inx h ; point offset2 location
jnz setoffset2 ; same as offset1 if non-
; zero remainder
dcr b ; else offset2 = offset1-1
mov m,b ; put offset2 in table
inx h ; point offset for col 3
dcr a ; test for remainder of 1
jnz setoffset3 ; if remainder <> 1, use
; offset3 = offset2-1
dcr b ; else offset3 = offset2-1y
mov m,b ; else offset to column 4
pop psw ; recover file count
push psw ; save again for later use
sta file$count ; save for counting
mvi a,screen$hgt ; set for video display size
sta line$count
lda file$found ; get file$found flag
ora a ; and set psw flags
jz exit ; if zero, no files of this type found
lxi d,heading
mvi c,9 ; buffer printer command
call bdos ; CP/M prints heading
lxi h,dir$table-14 ; point dummy 0th entry
push h ; save base address
lxi d,offset0 ; point offset table
mvi a,nbr$col ; 4 column per line
sta column$cnt ; save count of columns
push h ; save current name pointer
push d ; save offset table pointer
if widecrt ; if 80 column/24 row crt terminal...
lxi d,doubl$space ; print 2 spaces
mvi c,9 ; 'print buffer' command
call bdos ; use CP/M
endif ; end if...
lxi d,doubl$space ; print 2 spaces
mvi c,9 ; 'print buffer' command
call bdos ; use CP/M
pop d ; get offset table pointer
pop h ; get name pointer
ldax d ; get offset value
lxi b,14 ; each name is 14 long
dad b ; add 14 for each offset
dcr a ; until offset = 0
jnz mult$14
push h ; save new name pointer
push d ; save offset pointer
xchg ; pointer name to print w/(de)
mvi c,9 ; print buffer
call bdos ; print file name
; and it's menu number
lxi h,file$count ; see if done printing
dcr m ; by testing count of files
pop d ; get offset pointer
pop h ; get pointer to last name
jz finish ; no more to print
inx d ; advance offset pointer
lda column$cnt
dcr a ; see if column left = 0
jnz print$name ; print another save line
call crlf
pop h ; get base of previous line
lxi d,14 ; add offset
dad d
jmp print$line
pop h ; unjunk stack
call crlf
lxi d,prompt ; point instruction message
mvi c,9
call bdos
lxi d,input$buff
mvi a,10 ; 10 characters maximum
stax d
mvi c,10 ; 'read buffer' command
call bdos
lxi h,input$buff+1 ; point to character counter
mov a,m ; get it and see if >2
cpi 3
jnc reprint ; reprint the menu
mov c,a ; count of digits to (c)
mvi b,0
inx h ; point ASCII digit
mov a,m ; get it
call ascii$convert ; convert to binary
jc reprint ; re-display on error
dcr c
jnz get$menu$nbr
pop psw ; recover file counter
cmp b ; file count - request number
jc reprint1 ; redisplay menu if illegal
lxi d,14 ; increment between names
lxi h,dir$table-14 ; point dummy 0th entry
dad d ; add offset b times
dcr b
jnz find$name
push d ; found filename, tidy-up screen...
push h
lxi d,crlfmsg
mvi c,9
call bdos
pop h
pop d
xchg ; save pointer to file name
lhld base+6 ; get bdos entry point
lxi b,-ccp$len ; offset to start of CP/M
dad b
push h ; save CP/M entry point
; on stack for branch
lxi b,8 ; offset to command buffer "autoload"
dad b ; (hl) points place to put name of
; .BAS, .INT, or .COM file to be
; executed
push d ; save pointer to file name
xchg ; (de) points to command buffer
lxi h,128 ; offset to end of command buffer
; where pointer is stored
dad d ; (hl) points to storage place
mov m,e ; update buffer pointer to
inx h ; the start of the command
mov m,d ; buffer so CP/M will read
lda driveid ; get selected drive identification
stax d ; store at start of command buffer
inx d ; bump for ':' delimeter position
mvi a,':' ; make delimeter
stax d ; and store it...
inx d ; bump for destination pointer to filename
if mbasic$program or cbasic$program ; if BASIC program...
lxi h,command$name ; point command name
mvi c,len$cmd$name ; length of command name
call block$move
lda driveid ; get selected drive identification
stax d ; store at start of command buffer
inx d ; bump for ':' delimeter position
mvi a,':' ; make delimeter
stax d ; and store it...
inx d ; bump for destination pointer to filename
endif ; end if...
pop h ; point selected file name
mvi c,8 ; length of file name
call block$move
if mbasic$program or cbasic$program ; if BASIC program...
lxi h, spec$type
mvi c,4
call block$move
endif ; end if...
xra a ; needs a 0 at end
stax d ; of command line
mov a,m
stax d
inx d
inx h
dcr c
jnz block$move
sui '0' ; subtract ASCII bias
cpi 9+1 ; be sure it's numeric
mov d,a
mov a,b
add b
add b
add d
mov b,a
lxi d,crlfmsg
mvi c,9
call bdos
lxi h,line$count
dcr m
exit: lxi d,nofile ; indicate no files present
mvi c,9
call bdos
jmp base ; and exit to CP/M via "warm boot"
if upper ; if uppercase only terminal...
nofile: db cr,lf,lf,'+++ FILE NOT FOUND! +++',cr,lf,'$'
if not upper ; if not uppercase only terminal...
nofile: db cr,lf,lf,'+++ File Not Found! +++',cr,lf,'$'
crlfmsg: db cr,lf,'$'
heading: db cr,lf,lf
if widecrt and mbasic$program
db ' '
if not widecrt and mbasic$program
db ' '
if upper and mbasic$program
if not upper and mbasic$program
db 'Microsoft Compatible BASIC File Menu'
if widecrt and cbasic$program
db ' '
if not widecrt and cbasic$program
db ' '
if upper and cbasic$program
if not upper and cbasic$program
db 'Compiler Systems Compatible BASIC File Menu'
if widecrt and not mbasic$program and not cbasic$program
db ' '
if not widecrt and not mbasic$program and not cbasic$program
db ' '
if upper and not mbasic$program and not cbasic$program
if not upper and not mbasic$program and not cbasic$program
db 'CP/M Command File Menu'
db cr,lf
if widecrt ; if 80 column/24 row crt terminal...
db ' '
endif ; end if...
if not widecrt ; if 64 column/16 row crt terminal
db ' '
endif ; end if...
if upper ; if uppercase only terminal...
db 'DISK DRIVE - '
endif ; end if...
if not upper ; if not uppercase only terminal
db 'Disk Drive - '
endif ; end if...
driveid:ds 1 ; current logged ASCII drive identification
db ':',cr,lf,lf,'$'
if upper ; if uppercase only terminal
prompt: db cr,lf,bel,' ENTER MENU NUMBER, AND PRESS RETURN: $'
endif ; end if...
if not upper ; if not uppercase only terminal...
prompt: db cr,lf,bel,' Enter menu number, and press return: $'
endif ; end if...
if mbasic$program ; if MBASIC program...
command$name: db 'MBASIC ' ; Microsoft BASIC
len$cmd$name equ $-command$name
spec$type: db '.BAS'
endif ; end if...
if cbasic$program ; if CBASIC program...
command$name: db 'CRUN ' ; Compiler Systems BASIC
len$cmd$name equ $-command$name
spec$type: db '.INT'
endif ; end if...
doubl$space: db ' $'
menu$buff: db ' - 00$'
offset0: db 1
offset1: db 0,0,0
end$of$table: dw dirtable
file$count: db 0
column$cnt: db 4
line$count: db 0
file$found: db 0 ; file found flag
if mbasic$program ; if MBASIC program...
srch$fcb: db 0,'????????BAS',0,0,0,0
endif ; end if...
if cbasic$program ; if CBASIC program...
srch$fcb: db 0,'????????INT',0,0,0,0
endif ; end if...
if not mbasic$program and not cbasic$program ; if not BASIC program...
srch$fcb: db 0,'????????COM',0,0,0,0
endif ; end if...
dir$table: db 255
stack$area equ 200*14 + 30
input$buff equ stack$area
end start