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Assembly Source File
211 lines
; PAUSE/WAIT.ASM Version 1.0 as of April 19, 1981
; by: Kelly Smith, CP/M-Net "SYSOP"
; This program is intended for usage with SUBMIT.COM as
; either a 'PAUSE' (contine SUBMIT file when any key struck
; on your keyboard) function, or as a 'WAIT' (continue
; SUBMIT file when any key struck on your keyboard OR the
; programmable delay (up to 90 seconds) times out) function.
; PAUSEWAIT.ASM is handy, if you need time to do something
; between functions in your SUBMIT file (i.e, run to the
; 'frig' for another beer and don't want to miss anything,
; etc.). This program was NOT inspired by any direct need
; for it, as much as in RETALIATION to SuperSoft selling a
; CP/M utilities diskette ("...that no programmer can be
; without") that includes PUBLIC DOMAIN software programs
; like XDIR, SORT, (looks like Ward's SORT-V12 to me), PRINT
; (probably from CPMUG by Tony Gold), PG (MLIST42)
; etc.,etc...really 'ticks-me-off' when I see stuff being
; sold to the people thats FREE...so much for my ranting and
; raving. PAUSWAIT.ASM is intended to go one step further
; with SuperSoft's PAUSE utility. Not to hack SuperSoft too
; much, the DIAGNOSTICS II software package is excellent
; (although they still don't understand how the PSW works
; for various 'flavors' of 8080/8085/Z80 CPU's in their CPU
; test)...Gee, and I said I wasn't going to hack them...
; PAUSWAIT.ASM may be assembled for 'PAUSE' by setting the
; equate 'pause' to TRUE (as supplied here) or assembled as
; 'WAIT', by setting the equate 'pause' to FALSE.
; Additional conditional assemblies may be set-up, by
; various TRUE/FALSE configurations for 'upper' (uppercase
; only terminals), 'stdcpm' (standard CP/M), 'altcpm'
; (alternate CP/M), 'mpmprl' (MP/M program relocatable), or
; 'fastclk' (4 Mhz CPU system clock).
; When assembled as 'PAUSE', just enter PAUSE in your
; SUBMIT file...then when it's running, strike any key on
; your keyboard to continue. When assembled as 'WAIT', just
; enter WAIT 1 (for 10 seconds delay) up to WAIT 9 (you
; guessed it, 90 seconds delay) in your SUBMIT file, then
; wait out the programmed delay or strike any key on your
; keyboard to continue. If 'WAIT' does not have a value
; specified (or you followed it with something weird), it
; defaults to a 90 second delay time...
true equ -1 ; define true
false equ not true; define false
pause equ true ; true, if "pause" assembly
; false, if "wait" assembly
upper equ false ; true if uppercase only terminal
stdcpm equ true ; true if regular CP/M (base address 0000h)
altcpm equ false ; true if alternate CP/M (base address 4200h)
mpmprl equ false ; true if MP/M program relocatable format
fastclk equ false ; true if 4 mhz system clock
if stdcpm ; if standard CP/M...
base equ 0000h ; bsae for standard CP/M system
endif ; end if...
if altcpm ; if alternate CP/M...
base equ 4200h ; base for H8 or TRS-80 CP/M system
endif ; end if...
bdos equ base+5 ; CP/M BDOS entry address for function call
tfcb equ base+5ch; transient file control block base address
rdcon equ 1 ; read console character
wrcbuf equ 9 ; write buffer contents to console
const equ 11 ; console (data available) status
lf equ 00ah ; (^j) line feed
cr equ 00dh ; (^m) carriage return
bel equ 007h ; (^g) bell - human attention required
if mpmprl ; if MP/M program relocatable...
org base
endif ; end if...
if not mpmprl ; if not MP/M program relocatable...
org base+100h
endif ; end if...
if pause ; if "pause"
start: lxi h,0 ; save "old" CP/M stack pointer
dad sp
shld oldstk
lxi sp,stack; make "new" stack pointer
lxi d,msg1 ; display "Pausing, for any keyboard entry to continue"
mvi c,wrcbuf; write console buffer function
call bdos ; let CP/M do the work...
pausek: mvi c,const ; get console status function
call bdos ; let CP/M do the work...
rrc ; any key struck?
jnc pausek ; pause until any key struck, to exit
mvi c,rdcon ; read console character function
call bdos
lhld oldstk ; get "old" CP/M stack pointer
sphl ; and restore for...
ret ; return to CP/M
endif ; end if "pause"
if pause and upper ; if uppercase only terminal...
endif ; end if...
if pause and not upper ; if not uppercase only terminal...
msg1: db bel,'Pausing, for any keyboard entry to continue: $'
endif ; end if...
if not pause ; if not "pause" assembly
start: lxi h,0 ; save "old" CP/M stack pointer
dad sp
shld oldstk
lxi sp,stack; make "new" stack pointer
lxi d,msg1 ; display "Waiting for any keyboard entry, or timeout"
mvi c,wrcbuf; write console buffer function
call bdos ; let CP/M do the work...
lda tfcb+1 ; get number of ten second delays required
sui '0' ; make hex value from ASCII value
cpi 1 ; < 10 seconds requested?
jc timebad ; if so, bad time requested
cpi 9 ; > 90 seconds requested?
jz timeok ; if = 90 seconds, that's o.k.
jc timeok ; if not, time is o.k.
timebad:lxi d,msg2 ; display "Bad entry equals 90 seconds "
mvi c,wrcbuf; write console buffer function
call bdos ; let CP/M do the work...
mvi a,9 ; force 90 second delay on this dummy...
timeok: sta cnt ; save number of ten second delays
next: call delay ; do ten second delay
lda cnt ; de-bump number of 10 second delays to left to do
dcr a
sta cnt ; and save for next time...
push psw ; save temporarily...
lxi d,msg3 ; display "bel" and ". "
mvi c,wrcbuf; write console buffer function
call bdos ; let CP/M do the work...
pop psw ; get flags, check for all timed out
jnz next ; if not timed out, do next 10 second delay
jmp exitold ; exit, on CP/M's "old" stack pointer
endif ; end if...
if not pause and fastclk ; 4 mhz system clock
delay: mvi a,44 ; 10 seconds, with 4 Mhz system clock
endif ; end if...
if not pause and not fastclk
delay: mvi a,22 ; 10 seconds, with 2 Mhz system clock
endif ; end if...
if not pause ; if not "pause" assembly...
delay1: lxi h,0
lxi d,33 ; loop delay value (fine tuned)...
waitcnt:dad d ; wait between bell rings
push psw ; exile all registers
push b
push d
push h
mvi c,const ; get console status function
call bdos ; let CP/M do the work...
rrc ; any key struck?
jc exit ; exit via CP/M "old" stack pointer, if any key entry
pop h ; get all registers back from exile
pop d
pop b
pop psw
jnc waitcnt ; minor delay loop done?
dcr a ; major delay loop done?
jnz delay1 ; no, loop
ret ; return from "delay", no keyboard entry yet
exit: mvi c,rdcon ; read console character function
call bdos
exitold:lhld oldstk ; get "old" CP/M stack pointer
sphl ; and restore for...
ret ; return to CP/M
endif ; end if "not pause"
if not pause and upper ; if uppercase only terminal...
endif ; end if...
if not pause and not upper ; if not uppercase only terminal...
msg1: db 'Waiting for any keyboard entry, or timeout: $'
msg2: db cr,lf,'Bad entry (must be 1 to 9) equals 90 seconds! $'
endif ; end if...
if not pause ; if not "pause" assembly...
msg3: db bel,'. $'
cnt: ds 1 ; 10 second increments storage counter
endif ; end if "not pause"
oldstk: ds 2 ; storage for "old" CP/M stack pointer
ds 32 ; storage for 16 level stack
stack equ $ ; storage for "new" stack pointer
if mpmprl
db 0 ; force allocation of storage space
end start