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Assembly Source File
157 lines
; Notes on PIPPATCH mod A
; One problem which is often encountered with PIP.COM is that
; there is no convenient method to transfer files to and from
; several different diskettes without rebooting CP/M and rerunning
; PIP after each output disk change. This is especially a problem
; when some of your archive disks do not contain a system, and also
; when your system does not allow warmbooting from a single density
; disk. These patches to PIP.COM add a special command to allow
; the disk system to be reset, which allows the output diskettes to
; be changed and then restored to R/W status.
; The idea for these patches came from LIFELINES, October 1981.
; This coding of the idea, however, is my own and is placed in the
; PUBLIC DOMAIN for all to use as they desire.
; The useage is simple: When you have finished with an output
; disk, change it. Then, before doing anything else, let your
; first command be the single character which you specified in this
; file to be your reset character. I chose "R". When the prompt
; returns, all disks have been restored to R/W status.
; Also, the opportunity was taken to make PIP give a signon
; message, to help weed out the old versions, especially v1.4
; Additional notes on PIPPATCH mod B
; While I was at it, it seemed a good idea to be able to repeat
; the previous command without having to retype it. This feature
; takes advantage of the fact that CP/M doesn't bother to clear the
; console input buffer, but instead just overwrites a portion of
; it, based on what was typed. The command to repeat the last
; command is also specified at assembly time. I have chosen the
; "!" for this, for no particular reason. If you don't like it,
; change it!
; Patches courtesy of:
; Lewis Moseley, Jr.
; 2576 Glendale Ct. NE
; Conyers, GA 30208
; Reciprocation encouraged.
org 100H ;program start
jmp signon
org 110H ;custom I/O area
signon: lda fcb+1 ;was a command given on the command line?
cpi ' '
jnz 04CEH ;skip new signon message if so
lxi d,msg1 ;else give new signon message
mvi c,9
call bdos ;write it to console
jmp 04CEH ;join mainline code
msg1: db 0dh,0ah
db 'PIP v2.2 mod B',0dh,0ah,'$'
getcon: lxi h,buff
mvi m,80H ;specify max length of reply
xchg ;buffer address to DE
mvi c,10 ;bdos command to read console buffer
call bdos ;ask bdos to do it
lda buff+1 ;length of reply
cpi 1 ;just 1 caharacter entered?
jnz gobak ;let PIP process the command if not
lda buff+2 ;first (and only) char typed
cpi rptchr ;was it the repeat command?
jnz getc1 ;jump if not
; REPEAT command - Restore first 4 chars of the console buffer to
; their former contents, echo the old command to
; console, RESET disk system, and let PIP reprocess it
lhld stash ;restore length and first char typed
shld buff+1
lxi d,msg3 ;'Disk system reset' msg
mvi c,9
call bdos
lxi d,msg2 ;'Repeating...' message
mvi c,9
call bdos ;write it to console
lxi h,buff+1 ;get length byte
mov c,m ;to reg BC
mvi b,0
inx h ;get buffer start address to HL
dad b ;point to first free position in buffer
mvi m,'$' ;flag end of line with a "$"
lxi d,buff+2
mvi c,9
call bdos ;echo line
mvi c,13 ;bdos command to RESET
call bdos
ret ;let PIP process the previous command again
msg2: db 0dh,0ah
db 'Repeating: $'
getc1: ani 5FH ;convert lc to UC (note: don't use for numbers)
cpi rstchr ;is it the user-specified RESET command?
jnz gobak ;let PIP process if not
; RESET command - make all diskettes R/W
lxi d,msg3 ;'Disk system reset' msg
mvi c,9
call bdos
mvi c,13 ;bdos command to RESET
call bdos
call crlf
pop h ;clear stack
jmp 53CH ;rejoin command loop within PIP
msg3: db 0DH,0AH
db 'All disks made R/W.$'
; not a special command, so stash the console buffer for later
gobak: lhld buff+1 ;save length and first char typed
shld stash
ret ;and back to PIP to process
stash dw 0 ;no initial command
org 96FH ;patch PIP to vector to this routine
jmp getcon
bdos equ 5 ;cp/m entry point
fcb equ 05CH ;default fcb
crlf equ 082EH ;PIP's internal CR-LF routine
buff equ 1ECBH ;PIP's input buffer
rstchr equ 'R' ;put your choice for the reset char here
rptchr equ '!' ;same here for the repeat command char