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SIG/M Report
Bill Chin
Thσ Trentoε Compute≥ Festiva∞ i≤ no≈ history¼
probabl∙ thσ bigges⌠ anΣ bes⌠ withiε thσ man∙ ACG-
N╩á year≤á oµá existance«áá Ou≥á presen⌠á archiva∞
librar∙ oµ publiπ domaiε softwarσ ha≤ no≈ expandeΣ
t∩á no≈á 2╡ volume≤ ¿ ╕ incΦ singlσá densit∙á 374░
compatablσá diskette≤ ⌐ witΦ thσ merge≥ oµ thσá Z-
User≤ Grou≡ o≥ Sacramento¼á C┴ ¿ no⌠ thσ Saε Dieg∩
Pasca∞á User≤ Grou≡ a≤ mentioneΣ iε thσ May¼á 198▒
columε oµ ACG-N╩ New≤ )« Charliσ Foste≥ haΣ agreeΣ
iεá MarcΦá t∩ mergσ hi≤ owε Publiπ Domaiεá Librar∙
(originall∙áá intendeΣá fo≥á Pascal/┌á bu⌠áá late≥
expandeΣáá scopewisσá t∩á al∞á CP/═á o≥áá Pascal/┌
utilities/programs⌐ volume≤ ▒ thr⌡ 7.
Charliσá ha≤á als∩ agreeΣ t∩ bσá ßá part-timσ
edito≥á t∩á ACG-N╩á newslette≥ fo≥ Pasca∞á anΣá aε
edito≥á t∩ SIG/M«á Duσ t∩ thi≤ merge≥ wσ havσá no≈
adopted the policy of having Regional SIG/M coord-
inator≤áá t∩áá handlσá loca∞á interna∞áá new≤áá t∩
coordinators. They are :
National Headquaters - SIG/M Users Group
Iselin, N.J.
Western Region - Charlie Foster
Sacramento, CA
South Central Region - Al Whitney
Houston, TX
New England Region - N/A
North Central Region - N/A
Southern Region - N/A
International - N/A
N/A --> Not available at this time.
I⌠áá i≤áá hopeΣá froφá thσáá Region≤áá thσáá loca∞
coordinator≤áá caεá unitσá int∩á ßáá internationa∞
network of Computer Hobbyists.
Many appologies to the San Diego Pascal Users
Group in our May column ( right byte wrong
location in the data space ).
New Releases are volumes 12 thru 25 where volumes
19 thru 25 are the Z Users Group libraries.
Not all of the Z users group donations are PascalèZ oriented as one might think....
Volume 1 350 point 8080 code Adventure
2 Fortran source of Volume 1
3 550 point Z80 code Adventure
4 CP/M Utilities
5 Processor/Memory/ICOM diagnostics
6 6502 Simulator for a Z80
7 Bulletin Board Utilities
8 Pascal & Communications Routines
9 CP/M Utilities( has CRCK Pgm )
10 Games, Dissassemblers, CDOS
Simulator for CP/M
11 Auto CPU adjusting 550 pt. version
of Adventure -superceded vol 3
12 Cross Reference Index for
CPMUG Volumes 1 thru 47 and
SIG/M 1 thru 11
13 HELP and FIG-FORTH, CP/M utilities
14 HELP system for common software
1╡ 1s⌠ Documentatioε Cataloτ oµ NYACC
for -catalog CPMUG SIG/M
and abstract 1 thru 42 1 thru 3
16 Other CP/M utilities
17 Other CP/M utilities
Micronet Executive, CP/M 2.2 bios
18 Other CP/M utilities
copyright program, ICOM utilities
19 Z users group vol 1
CP/M utilities, Simplex Method
expanded DUMP
20 Z users group vol 2
Monitor pgm, teletek subsystem
21 Z users group vol 3
Text Processing, WUMPUS,
disk utilities
22 Z users group vol 4
Math utilities (.PAS)
Recipe System
23 Z users group vol 5
UCDS utilities, RTC routines
HANOI game
24 Z users group vol 6
Games, Calendar-1981
25 Z users group vol 7
Database (.PAS), Multi-trak BIOS
Trentoεá Festiva∞á Timσ wa≤ unbelievable«á Ou⌠á oµ
abou⌠ 65░ pre-copieΣ diskette≤ abou⌠ 45░ werσ solΣ
t∩áá al∞áá presen⌠á (anΣá overflowinτáá int∩áá thσ
hallways)« Wσ eveε haΣ ß grou≡ comσ froφ a≤ fa≥ a≤
Wσáá arσá sorr∙á wσá diΣá no⌠á havσá an∙áá copyinτ
facilitie≤ fo≥ fello≈ members¼ bu⌠ pleasσ remembe≥
yo⌡á caε cop∙ a⌠ onl∙ User≤ Grou≡ Meeting≤ fo≥á $▒
donatioε fo≥ copying«á Al∞ diskette≤ anΣá service≤
oµá SIG/═á arσ STRICTL┘ VOLUNTEE╥ anΣ no⌠ paiΣá b∙
thσ ACG-N╩ o≥ NYAC├ compute≥ clubs«á So.«á iµá yo⌡
orde≥ froφ SIG/═ bσ patien⌠ (┤ t∩ ╢ weeks).
Bits + Bytes:
All SIG/M libraries on: are up to volume:
8 Inch 25
Northstar DD 25
Micropolis ModII 25
* Apple CPMUG n/a yet
* TRS-80 Mod 1/3 n/a yet
Mod 2 25 CP/M
* H-89 n/a yet
* Superbrain n/a yet
* means its in the process of creation
***¬á al∞á noε continenta∞á handling/postagσá havσ
gonσ u≡ eτ HawaiΘ adΣ $8.0░ additional
We've received 2 new CPMUG volumes from CACHE:
#50 - A homebrew Pascal compiler (w/source!)
#51 - "Stage 2" macro preprocessor
Iµá yo⌡á wisΦ t∩ bσ ß Voluntee≥ copie≥á fo≥á SIG/═
Pleasσá contac⌠ HowarΣ Fingerhu⌠ (201)572-566┤á o≥
seσá u≤ a⌠ ou≥ SIG/═ use≥ grou≡ meeting≤ (helΣ thσ
first Friday of each month).
Policy/organizatioε meeting≤ wil∞ als∩ bσ helΣá a⌠
user≤ grou≡ meetings.
CPMUG is available up thru volume 51 at 1st Fri
of every month BUT only on 8 inch SD.
èNYAC├á grou≡ ha≤ jus⌠ printeΣ thei≥ seconΣ releasσ
oµá thei≥á PUBLI├ DOMAI╬ cataloτ oµ CPMU╟ (▒á thr⌡
49) anΣ SIG/═ (1 thru 18) archiva∞ librarie≤.
It contains the -Catalog.NNN
and Abstract.NNN of all volumes
The intended cost is $8 to 10.... well worth it
It'≤á availablσá a⌠á NYAC├á meeting≤á anΣáá ACG-N╩
meeting≤ while thσ suppl∙ lasts.
Trentoεá wa≤á ß gooΣ meetinτ placσ bu⌠á let'≤á no⌠
forge⌠á tha⌠ wσ arσ ß NON-PROFI╘ compute≥ cluΓ anΣ
SIG/═á i≤ par⌠ oµ it«á Iµ yo⌡ wanteΣá thσá librar∙
tha⌠ mucΦ tha⌠ yo⌡ coulΣ havσ ....
stormeΣ thσ place...« theε orde≥ thr⌡ channels« I⌠
wa≤á mean⌠á onl∙á a≤ ß servicσ t∩ makσá thσá disk≤
availablσ fo≥ thσ Compute≥ Faire« Wσ coulΣ no⌠ ruε
thσá User≤á Grou≡á a≤á ßá "user≤á grou≡á t∩á sharσ
experiences"«áá Hopefull∙á wσá wil∞á ge⌠áá large≥
quarter≤á fo≥ thσ nex⌠ meetinτ bu⌠ let'≤á bσá morσ
Send all inquires to:
P.O.Box 97
Iselin, N.J. 08830
or leave msgs at:
a cooperating CBBS or (201) 272-1874
or (215) 398-3937
We hope to now release our preliminary list
of cooperating club coordinators.....