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ZCPR Version 1.0 Release Notice
Greetings, Everyone,
╔á aφá ver∙ pleaseΣ t∩ announcσ (appropriatel∙ a⌠á Christma≤ ì
time¼á s∩á Merr∙ Christmas⌐ thσ forma∞ releasσ oµ ZCP╥ -- ßá Z80-ì
baseΣ CommanΣ Processo≥ Replacement«á Thi≤ prograφ replace≤á thσ ì
CP/M CCP and greatly extends its capabilities.
Somσá oµ yo⌡ ma∙ havσ hearΣ oµ CCP┌ anΣ MCP┌ durinτá variou≤ ì
discussions« Fo≥ thosσ wh∩ havσ hearΣ oµ thesσ programs¼ ZCP╥ i≤ ì
thσá Baselinσ Systeφ t∩ bσ releaseΣ int∩ thσ publiπá domain«á I⌠ ì
wa≤ deriveΣ froφ CCP┌ Versioε 4.0¼ anΣ i≤ aε enhancemen⌠ oµ this« ì
I⌠á contain≤á man∙á interna∞ difference≤ whicΦá arσá no⌠á readil∙ ì
noticablσá t∩ thσ CCP┌ user¼á anΣ somσ ne≈ ke∙ humaεá engineerinτ ì
desigεá change≤ ove≥ CCP┌ Versioε 4.░ (specificall∙ iεá thσá SAV┼ ì
anΣá RE╬ commands)«á Fo≥ thosσ oµ yo⌡ wh∩ havσ beeεá considerinτ ì
desigεá changes¼á includinτá thσá unsanctioneΣá Versioεá 4.▒á anΣ ì
numerou≤á Versioεá 4.▓á implementation≤ (thesσ fel∞á ou⌠á oµá thσ ì
contro∞ oµ CCP-GROUP)¼á ZCP╥ Versioε 1.░ i≤ thσ releaseΣ baselinσ ì
whicΦá CCP-GROU╨ ha≤ decideΣ upoε fo≥ publiπ release«á Therσ arσ ì
severa∞ interna∞ "problemsó witΦ CCP┌ Versioε 4.░ whicΦ havσ beeε ì
resolveΣá t∩ thσ satisfactioε oµ thσ recen⌠ workinτá majorit∙á oµ ì
CCP-GROUP«á Hence¼á ╔á (anΣ ╔ believσ thσ majorit∙ oµ thσ above-ì
nameΣá CCP-GROU╨á subset⌐ strongl∙ recommenΣ backinτ u≡á t∩á ZCP╥ ì
Versioε 1.░ anΣ implementinτ you≥ modification≤ froφ that.
Now¼ gettinτ bacδ t∩ everyonσ iε general¼ ZCP╥ i≤ thσ resul⌠ ì
oµá ß Grou≡ Effor⌠ b∙ CCP-GROUP¼á ß somewha⌠ closely-ni⌠ grou≡ oµ ì
individuals«á Fo≥ thσ individua∞ credits¼á the∙ arσ listeΣ iε thσ ì
AS═ anΣ DO├ files¼ anΣ ╔ sincerel∙ apologizσ iµ ╔ omitteΣ anyone« ì
Iµ ╔ did¼ thσ correction≤ wil∞ bσ issueΣ later.
ZCP╥á i≤ thσ resul⌠ oµ severa∞ month≤ oµ rathe≥ diligen⌠ anΣ ì
fascinatinτá work«á I⌠ completel∙ replace≤ thσá Consolσá CommanΣ ì
Processo≥áá oµáá CP/═á anΣá wil∞á onl∙á ruεá oεá Z80-baseΣáá CP/═ ì
microcompute≥á systems«á CP/═á i≤ requireΣ iε orde≥ t∩á ruεá it¼ ì
sincσá ß "heartó oµ CP/M¼á thσ BDOS¼á i≤ NO╘ provideΣ witΦá ZCPR« ì
Thσ MA├ Assemble≥ i≤ requireΣ t∩ assemblσ it« S∩ far¼ baseΣ upoε ì
botΦ use≥ feedbacδ anΣ ou≥ owε experiences¼á wσ fee∞ tha⌠ ZCP╥ i≤ ì
ß significan⌠ contributioε t∩ thσ Publiπ Domain¼ anΣ everyonσ wh∩ ì
has used it greatly prefers it over standard CP/M.
ZCP╥á i≤ beinτ releaseΣ fo≥ Publiπ Distributioε througΦá thσ ì
SIG/═ User'≤ Grou≡ oµ thσ Amateu≥ Compute≥ Grou≡ oµ NJ«á Iεá thσ ì
spiri⌠ oµ Publiπ Domaiε software¼á ZCP╥ i≤ b∙ n∩ mean≤ ß panacea¼ ì
bu⌠á i⌠ I╙ ß ver∙ nicσ steppinτ stone¼á anΣ yo⌡ arσ encourageΣ t∩ ì
fee∞ freσ t∩ modif∙ i⌠ t∩ pleasσ yourselves«á Futurσ release≤ oµ ì
ZCP╥ arσ quitσ possible¼á bu⌠ saiΣ release≤ froφ CCP-GROU╨ shoulΣ ì
no⌠ happeε fo≥ somσ time« ZCP╥ ha≤ beeε extensivel∙ tested¼ and¼ ì
althougΦá n∩ softwarσ caε bσ claimeΣ t∩ bσ perfec⌠ unles≤á i⌠á i≤ ì
absolutel∙á trivial¼á CCP-GROU╨ know≤ oµ n∩ functiona∞ error≤á iε ì
ZCP╥ Versioε 1.0.
Page 1
ZCPR Version 1.0 Release Notice
Fo≥áá thosσá interesteΣá iεá pursuinτá acquisitioεá oµá ZCP╥ ì
further¼á ╔á recommenΣ reviewinτ thσ HEL╨ Filσ (ZCPR.HL╨á iεá thσ ì
SIG/═á Release)«á Thσá openinτ Informatioε Sectioε give≤ ßá fai≥ ì
descriptioεá oµ some¼á bu⌠ no⌠ all¼á oµ thσ interestinτá feature≤ ì
supporteΣ b∙ ZCP╥ anΣ NO╘ founΣ iε thσ CP/═ CCP«á I⌠ i≤á roughl∙ ì
16╦ lonτ anΣ shoulΣ no⌠ takσ to∩ lonτ t∩ prin⌠ out.
Thσá nex⌠ pagσ oµ thi≤ messagσ present≤ severa∞ display≤ anΣ ì
somσ informatioε oε wha⌠ file≤ composσ thσ ZCP╥ system«
CCP-GROU╨ hope≤ yo⌡ enjo∙ usinτ ZCPR.
Richard Conn
Page 2
ZCPR Version 1.0 Release Notice
XDIR2 Listing of All Relevant Files
XDIR II Version 4.8, Vertical Listing by File Type
User Number: 0, File Attributes: Non-System
Filename.Typ Size K Filename.Typ Size K Filename.Typ Size K
-------- --- ------ -------- --- ------ -------- --- ------
<Disk Name > 0 MAC .COM 12 ZCPR .MSG 6
B: 34 Entries & 14 Files - 172K Bytes Remaining
File Data: 11 Files - 194K Bytes Displayed
CRCK Values for Key Files
File: ZCPR .WS CRC = A2 C2
File: ZCPR .DOC CRC = 94 B7
File: ZCPR .HLP CRC = 26 9D
File: ZCPR .ASM CRC = 7A 46
Explanation of Files
ZCPR.AS═á -- Sourcσá t∩á ZCPR╗á mus⌠á bσá assembleΣá b∙á MA├á anΣ ì
customized by user for his particular system
ZCPR.HL╨á -- HEL╨ Filσ fo≥ ZCPR╗á caε bσ reaΣ b∙ HEL╨ Versioε 2.░ ì
o≥á simpl∙á TYPEΣ out╗á reaΣ thi≤ t∩á seσá ßá fai≥ ì
summary of what ZCPR can do
ZCPR.DO├áá -- Ful∞áá Documentatioεáá oεáá ZCPR╗áá thi≤áá include≤ ì
installatioεá notes¼áá customizatioεá notes¼áá anΣ ì
detai∞ whicΦ expands upon the ZCPR.HLP File
ZCPR.W╙ -- WordSta≥ Filσ froφ whicΦ ZCPR.DO├ wa≤ created
ZCPR.MSG -- Introductory message on ZCPR
ZCPRMSG.WS -- WordStar File from which ZCPR.MSG was created
BDOSLOC.AS═ -- BDO╙ anΣ CC╨ Locator╗ thi≤ prograφ i≤ hand∙ durinτ ì
initia∞á installatioεá oµá ZCP╥á anΣá it≤á usσá i≤ ì
documented in ZCPR.DOC
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