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Sig/M volume 40 Miscellaneous System Support Utilities
-CATALOG.040 Contents of Sig/M volume 40
ACKLIST.040 Acknowledgement File
CRCKLIST.040 Checksum File
40.01 ISIS/CPM.ASM 25K Prom Resident ISIS System Emulator
40.02 ISIS/CPM.DOC 6K /
40.03 VMAP.BAS 6K MBasic Variable Mapper
40.04 VMAP.DOC 2K /
40.05 VMAP-SUB.DOC 2K /
40.06 QUMEDRV.ASM 4K Prom Resident Qume Driver
40.08 CHARFREQ.BAS 2K Character Frequency Analysis
40.09 XFERTIME.BAS 2K File Transfer Time Program for RCPM
40.10 PAUSWAIT.ASM 8K Pause Option for SUBMIT
40.11 COMP2.ASM 8K Text Compression Routine
40.12 COMP2.COM 1K /
40.13 EXP2.ASM 10K Text Expansion of COMP2
40.14 EXP2.COM 1K /
40.15 MENU-V2.ASM 18K Menu Driver
40.16 MENU-V2.COM 1K /
40.17 RUN80-V2.ASM 40K Text Formatter
40.18 RUN80-V2.COM 4K /
40.19 RUN80.MEM 10K /
40.20 RUN80.RNO 9K /
40.21 HOST.Z80 10K File Load Between CP/M and Z8000
40.22 HOST.DOC 2K /
40.23 HOST.COM 1K /
40.24 MDS.Z80 14K MDS FDC Emulator
40.25 MDS.PRN 16K /
HOST.Z8░á i≤ ß HOS╘ utilit∙ t∩ enablσ ß CP/═ systeφ t∩ bσá useΣ ì
t∩ downloaΣ /uploaΣ file≤ froφ ß Z800░ developmen⌠ systeφ usinτ ì
thσ AM─ 96-401╢ Monitor.
HOST.CO═ i≤ thσ executablσ file.
.c≡ 7
.p∩ 67
Trevo≥ Marshall,
2╢ Mirreliß Way¼ Ferndale¼ Westerε Australiß 6155
phonσ Internationa∞ (619⌐ 45╖ 605╣ Nationa∞ (09)4576059
SubmitteΣ by║
Thesσ program≤ arσ publiπ domaiε because║
The⌠ werσ writteε b∙ thσ author.
T∩ whoφ woulΣ thi≤ prograφ bσ useful║
Al∞ CP/═ owner≤ wh∩ werσ interesteΣ iε thσ Z8000
Briefl∙ describσ thσ prograφ function║
HOS╘á enable≤ ß CP/═ systeφ t∩ communicatσ witΦ thσ AM─ 96-401╢ ì
Z800░ monito≥ viß ß seria∞ datß line«á Thσ CP/═ systeφ caε LOA─ ì
o≥ SAV┼ file≤ froφ thσ Z8000¼á anΣ thσ Z800░ ha≤ availablσá al∞ ì
thσ storagσ facilitie≤ oµ thσ CP/═ host.
Thσá AM├ 96-401╢ monito≥ use≤ ▓ 271╢ EPROM╙ anΣ caε communicatσ ì
viß ß paralle∞ por⌠ (useΣ iε thσ SY╙ 8-8⌐ o≥ ß seria∞ USART.
Wherσ i≤ furthe≥ documentatioε available║
Aεá articlσá describinτ ß Z800░ S10░ baseΣá developmen⌠á systeφ ì
designeΣ b∙ thσ autho≥ ha≤ beeε submitteΣ t∩ IEE┼ COMPUTE╥á fo≥ ì
publication« Copie≤ arσ availablσ froφ thσ autho≥ oε request.
┴á lis⌠á oµá thσ revision≤ t∩ thσ AM├ monito≥á deviseΣá b∙á thσ ì
autho≥ i≤ availablσ oε request.
Thσ autho≥ wil∞ suppl∙ additiona∞ inf∩ oε individua∞ request.
Hardwarσ dependencies║
Need≤ ß Z800░ developmen⌠ systeφ usinτ thσ AM├ monitor
Softwarσ dependencies║
require≤ CP/═ 1.┤ o≥ 2.1
Sourcσ processor║
Ha≤ onl∙ beeε testeΣ oε ß Z8░ bu⌠ shoulΣ bσ O╦ oε 8080
Doe≤ thσ softwarσ "dro≡ in"║ èYes
Ho≈ eas∙ i≤ thσ codσ t∩ modify║
.Z8░ filσ i≤ fairl∙ wel∞ documented
ISIS/CPM Prom Resident Intel ISIS System Emulator for CP/M
Version 1.0 as of August 9, 1981
By: Mike Karas, Harold Scott, Kelly Smith
No, this is NOT another ISIS to CP/M or CP/M to ISIS file
transfer utility...this is a system emulator to allow utilization
of the ISIS Operating System (and subsequent utilities) WITHOUT
the exorbitant expense of an Intel development system BOOTED by
a CP/M system!
However, not without some penalty...first of all, you need
Intel ISIS Version 4.0, then 60 kilobytes of contiguous RAM, the
ISIS System Emulator PROM (org'ed at address F800 hex, and
assembled from ISIS/CPM.ASM) on some sort of PROM board, a
'standard' Tarbell floppy disk controller (single density), and
finally the installation of the following 'patch' information to
the ISIS diskette. Accomodation of other controller types should
be rather easy by incorporating the changes you require, from
your present CP/M disk BIOS.
As set-up, the 'standard' Tarbell disk controller is used,
with a DynaByte video board, and the usual stuff for a printer
interface...change accordingly, to fit your system parameters.
Please send any 'bug' reports or comments via modem to the
CP/M-Net System, (805) 527-9321 (60 to 710 Baud). It is not the
intent of the authors to "rip-off" Intel Corporation...purchase a
legitimate ISIS Version 4.0 diskette and any other programs you
may require (PL/M, etc.) from your Intel distributor...as for
their hardware...
These are the patches (direct to Intel ISIS Version 4.0
diskette, ISIS files: ISIS.BIN and ISIS.T0) required for
utilization of the ISIS-CP/M PROM based boot loader, and may be
installed easily with DU.COM from the SIG/M User's Group Volume
21, File: 21.44.
Note: 'Track' and 'Sector' are absolute decimal track and
sector numbers, 'Offset' is that absolute sector offset (128 byte
sector) from a sector base address of 00h, 'Load Addr' is the
absolute (memory image) of the data to be patched...and of
course, change 'Old Data' to 'New Data'.
--- Patches to ISIS.BIN ---
Track: Sector: Offset: Load Addr: Old Data: New Data:
2 21 09h 0834h db fc 3e ff
2 21 10h 083bh d3 fc 00 00
2 23 43h 096eh d3 fc 00 00
2 24 04h 09afh d3 f3 00 00
2 24 0eh 09b9h d3 f3 00 00
4 23 58h 2303h d3 fc 00 00
5 08 57h 2822h db 88 3e 0b
5 08 5ah 2885h db 78 3e 0b
5 08 5dh 2888h db 68 3e 00
5 08 74h 289fh db 89 3e 00
5 08 77h 28a2h db 79 3e 00
5 08 7ah 28a5h db 69 3e 00
5 09 15h 28c0h db 8b c9 c3 5c f8
5 09 18h 28c3h db 7b c9 c3 59 f8
5 09 1bh 28c6h db 6b 3e 00
5 09 34h 28dfh 79 d3 89 69 60 c3
5 09 37h 28e2h 78 d3 8a 50 f8
5 09 3dh 28e8h 79 d3 79 69 60 c3
5 09 40h 28ebh 78 d3 7a 4d f8
5 09 47h 28f2h d3 69 00 00
5 09 4ah 28f5h d3 6a 00 00
5 09 74h 291fh db c1 3e 00
5 09 7dh 2928h db c0 3e 00
5 10 0bh 2936h d3 ff 00 00
5 10 3dh 2968h d3 c0 00 00
5 10 46h 2971h d3 c0 00 00
5 10 54h 297fh d3 ff 00 00
5 10 5bh 298bh db c1 3e 00
--- Patches to ISIS.T0 ---
Track: Sector: Offset: Load Addr: Old Data: New Data:
0 01 71h 3071h db 79 3e 00
0 01 76h 3076h db 7b 3e 00
0 02 04h 3084h db ff 3e 00
0 05 23h 3223h db 78 3e 0b
0 05 72h 3272h db 88 3e ob
0 07 3eh 333eh db 68 3e 00
0 07 54h 3354h db 69 3e 00
0 13 01h 3601h db fc 3e ff
0 13 08h 3608h d3 fc 00 00
0 13 69h 3669h d3 fc 00 00
0 14 21h 36a1h db 68 3e 00
0 14 24h 36a4h db 78 3e 0b
0 14 3bh 36bbh db 69 3e 00
0 14 3eh 36beh db 79 3e 00
0 14 58h 36d8h db 6b 3e 00
0 14 5bh 36dbh db 79 c9 c3 59 f8
0 15 1ch 371ch d3 ff 00 00
0 15 2ch 372ch d3 c1 00 00
0 15 1eh 371eh db c1 3e 00
0 15 3ch 373ch db c1 3e 00
0 15 48h 3748h db c0 3e 00
0 15 5eh 375eh d3 ff 00 00
0 16 6dh 37edh d3 69 00 00
0 16 70h 37f0h d3 6a 00 00
0 16 79h 37f9h d3 79 c3 4d f8
0 16 7ch 37fch d3 7a 00 00
VMA╨ map≤ variable≤ useΣ iε Basiπ sourcσ filσ anΣ print≤ thσ ì
outpu⌠á listinτ eithe≥ oε thσ CR╘ termina∞ o≥ t∩ thσ linσ printe≥ ì
dependinτá oε thσ terminato≥ selected«á Variable≤ arσ listeΣá iε ì
alphabetica∞á orde≥á witΦ associatσ statemen⌠ numbe≥á wherσá the∙ ì
appear«á Multi-sourcσá file≤á o≥ segmenteΣ singlσá filσá o≥á an∙ ì
combinatioεá oµá botΦá caε bσ processeΣ iεá ßá batcΦá (unattendeΣ ì
mode)« .....iµ yo⌡ thinδ yo⌡ caε trus⌠ thσ systeφ you'rσ runninτ ì
Thσ pre-requisite≤ t∩ usσ VMA╨ i≤ t∩ savσ al∞ file≤ yo⌡á arσ ì
mappinτá iε asciΘ (i.e.¼á SAVE"filename.BAS",drivσ number,A<cr>)« ì
Onl∙á asciΘ Basiπ sourcσ filσ caε bσ used¼á sincσ al∞á sourcσá i≤ ì
saved in machine code.
Oncσá thσ file(s⌐ i≤ saveΣ iε ascii¼á ruε VMAP«á Suppl∙ thσ ì
answe≥ t∩ thσ promp⌠ fo≥ filσ name¼á terminato≥ (seσ appendi° A)¼ ì
lowe≥ bounΣ oµ thσ statemen⌠ numbe≥ t∩ map¼á anΣ thσ uppe≥á bounΣ ì
oµá thσ statemen⌠ numbe≥ t∩ map«á Wheε thσ terminato≥ i≤ suppieΣ ì
a≤á "END"¼á thσá prograφá begin≤ t∩ ma≡á al∞á variable≤á fo≥á al∞ ì
program≤á unti∞ completeΣ (o≥ wheε thσ prograφ run≤ ou⌠ oµ memor∙ ì
Thi≤á prograφá i≤ ver∙ easil∙ modifiablσ dependinτá oεá wha⌠ ì
elsσá yo⌡ wan⌠ i⌠ t∩ proces≤ logginτ differene⌠ propertie≤á oµá ß ì
Basiπáá sourcσáá file«áá T∩á modif∙á ßá Basiπá prograφáá withou⌠ ì
documentation¼á you'l∞ finΣ thi≤ prograφ woulΣ hel≡ yo⌡ morσ thaε ì
anythinτ else!
Files included : VMAP.BAS & VMAP.DOC
Version 1.0, Revision 1.0
Terminators used in this program are:
EN─ - enΣ variablσ ma≡ prograφ afte≥ processinτ thσ curren⌠ ì
C - continue with the next line of specifications.
╦á - kil∞ thσ sourcσ filσ afte≥ processing¼á anΣá continuσ ì
with the next file specification.