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655 lines
A. CRT Data
The information required in this section can be obtained from the
operator's guide supplied with your terminal. If you are using a
memory mapped terminal controller, this information is likely
imbedded in your terminal driver routines.
{l:^^^1. Number of lines displayed on CRT (24)^^^^^^^^^^^_____
{l:^^^2. Number of characters per line displayed (80)^^^^_____
{l:^^^3. Cursor Address Data
{l:^^^^^^a. Command Prefix (if any)^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_____
{l:^^^^^^b. Command Code^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_____
{l:^^^^^^c. Address order (check one)
{l:^^^^^^^^^i. column-row order^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_____
{l:^^^^^^^^^ii. row-column order^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_____
{l:^^^^^^d. column address description
{l:^^^^^^^^^i. first range bound (column following)^^^^_____
{l:^^^^^^^^^ii. first range offset^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_____
{l:^^^^^^^^^iii. second range bound (column following)^^^_____
{l:^^^^^^^^^iv. second range offset^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_____
{l:^^^^^^e. line address description
{l:^^^^^^^^^i. first range bound (row following)^^^^^^^_____
{l:^^^^^^^^^ii. first range offset^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_____
{l:^^^^^^^^^iii. second range bound (row following)^^^^^^_____
{l:^^^^^^^^^iv. second range offset^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_____
{l:^^^4. Clear to End of Screen Command^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_____
{l:^^^5. Clear to End of Line Command^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_____
{l:B. Microprocessor (check one)
{l:^^^1. 8080A^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_____
{l:^^^2. 8085^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_____
{l:^^^3. Z80^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_____
C. Computer Clock Speed^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^__________
D. Music Board I/O Address (38)^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_____
This information is used by PLAY. You can find the required value in
in your Newtech Music Board documentation. If
you are using some other music generation DAC board, such as the
Micro Technology Unlimited K-1002 board, then you will have to
specify the address of your 8-bit output port feeding the board.
E. Cursor Control Keys
This section allows you to choose keys on the keyboard to
implement the EDIT cursor functions named. Make sure that you
assign keys which are not otherwise required for the operation
of EDIT.
Warning: If you do not get proper results after assigning these
functions, you should know that the BIOS portion of your operating
system may contain input "filters" for some characters. This may
cause EDIT not to receive your input. You have at least two options:
change the function assignment with SETUP, or modify your BIOS.
{l:^^^1. Home Function (control_Y)^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_____
{l:^^^2. Up Cursor Function (control_K)^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_____
{l:^^^3. Left Cursor Function (control_H)^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_____
{l:^^^4. Down Cursor Function (control_J)^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_____
{l:^^^5. Right Cursor Function (control_L)^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_____
{l:^^^6. Quit Function (control_Q)^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_____
{l:^^^7. Cancel Function (control_C)^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_____
F. Printer Data
If your printer requires more than one character to invoke a page
advance, then select some number of spaces instead.
{l:^^^1. Number of lines to the page (50)^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_____
{l:^^^2. Page advance control character (control_L)^^^^^^_____
{l:^^^3. Number of spaces between pages (if no 2 above)^^_____
Each program in Musicraft may encounter difficulties either with the
hardware environment or with the data you input. Below is a list of
the errors reported by each program and a description of its meaning
and action to be taken if any.
Must quit insert mode. Type <space> to continue.
This is not really an error. It means that there are no
additional empty notes in the current voice/duration
column while in the insert mode. Typing a space returns
control to Edit_mode.
Input not <up>, <down> or <quit>. Type <space> to continue.
Excise_mode only recognizes the up_key, the down_key (or
return) and the quit_key. Typing space returns control to
Excise_mode as things were before you typed the wrong
Cannot excise terminal lines. Type <space> to continue.
The terminal lines (viz., "da capo" and "da end") must remain
with the song for internal control. Typing space
returns control to Excise_mode as things were before
you attempted to remove a terminal line.
Argument not found. Type <space> to continue.
If you had attempted to find a label, either you misspelled
the label name or the label name is not present in the song.
Typing space returns control to Edit_mode.
Cannot edit option line. Type <space> to continue.
The cursor was on an option line when an unexpected key was
typed. This key may have been duration or voice information
or an incorrect attempt to reach a different mode. Typing
space returns control to the prevailing mode.
Input not note name (A..G, R). Type <space> to continue.
The cursor was in a voice column and an unexpected key was
typed. Typing space returns control to the prevailing mode.
Input not microtone. Type <space> to continue.
Once a digit is struck when the cursor is in the first position
of a voice column, EDIT presumes that a microtone is intended.
Consequently, you must complete the microtone notation. EDIT
will not accept cursor control input or any other input at this
point, only a single digit. Type a space to return to the
prevailing mode, type a digit, and, if this was not the intent,
move the cursor back to the beginning of the voice column and
make your correction.
Input not accidental (!, @, #). Type <space> to continue.
When the cursor is in the second position of a voice column,
EDIT will accept only '!', '1', '@', '"', '2", '#' or '3' or
cursor control, unless it is in Edit_mode, in which case it
will also accept mode change input. Typing space will return
control to the prevailing mode.
Input not octave (1..7). Type <space> to continue.
When the cursor is in the third position of a voice column,
EDIT will accept only a digit '1' through '7' or cursor control,
unless it is in Edit_mode, in which case it will also
accept mode change input. Typing space will return control to the
prevailing mode.
Input not duration (A..K, Q, S, T, W, X). Type <space> to continue.
When the cursor is in the first position of the duration column,
EDIT will accept only a valid duration or cursor control,
unless it is in Edit_mode, in which case it will also
accept mode change input. Typing space will return control to the
prevailing mode.
Input not duration (. or :). Type <space> to continue.
When the cursor is in the second position of the duration column,
EDIT will accept only a valid duration or cursor control,
unless it is in Edit_mode, in which case it will also
accept mode change input. Typing space will return control to the
prevailing mode.
Number not in range. Reenter >
The number entered is either smaller than the acceptable lower
limit or greater than the acceptable upper limit. Enter a
value which is within range. The range depends on the nature of the
number requested. It may happen that you are someplace
where you had not intended. To get back to sanity, enter an
acceptable value (usually '1' will work), then proceed. Check
the resulting option line and excise it if necessary.
{l:Song not found on disk.
{l:Compile cannot continue.
Probably you misspelled the song name. However, check the
diskette...the song may be elsewhere.
{l:No space on disk for song.
{l:Compile cannot continue.
The diskette is full. Buy some more.
{l:Number of voices not specified.
{l:Compile cannot continue.
This error should never happen if the song was created using
EDIT. If the song was created using other means, check that
the first line of the song is a V_opt line and that it is
in the correct format. See appendix D for further information.
The next five error messages include the line number of the incorrect
line in the song represented by the 'LLLL'. This information is useful
when using the Find option of EDIT. However, except for error 7, these
errors should never happen if the song was created using EDIT. If the
song was created using other means, check that program for errors.
LLLL: unrecognized duration.
LLLL: unrecognized note name (A..G, R).
LLLL: unrecognized accidental (!,@,#).
LLLL: A!1 below available range.
PLAY performs notes ranging from A@1 to G#7 inclusive.
EDIT does not check for this note entry, but COMP does.
Return to EDIT to make the necessary modifications.
LLLL: unrecognized octave (1..7).
Label not found.
Either a repeat option or chorus call option was encountered
for which there is no corresponding label option. Either there
is no label option present or the label name reference is
misspelled. Return to EDIT to make the necessary corrections.
{l:Label table overflow.
{l:Compile cannot continue.
Your song has too many labels for COMP to handle it. COMP
allows 128 labels.
{l:No space on disk for song.
{l:Wave cannot continue.
Input not in correct form.
WAVE requires one integer, or two integers separated by a comma,
and terminated by a carriage return. The first integer must be
positive and less than 32,768, the second integer must be positive
and less than 360. Rephrase your entry to fit and continue.
{l:Named file not on disk.
{l:Please try again.
{l:Cannot mix voice count.
PLAY cannot perform songs with differing numbers of voices.
{l:Unrecognized special function code.
{l:Player cannout continue.
This error should never happen if the song was created
using EDIT. If the song was created using other means, check the
{l:Requested measure not in song.
{l:Enter starting measure number >
The number of the last measure (if any) is less than the number you
have requested.
There are several conditions which can lead to difficulties and
can be considered errors but are not detected by the system.
Overlapped repeats. See the example in the Repeat Function
section of the Option Line portion of the manual.
Self calling song segments. This is discussed in the Chorus
Function section of the Option Line portion of the manual.
Two exits without intervening label. The song segment between
the two exits is never performed as there is no way for PLAY
to get to it without a label.
Wrong notes. Error in the edit person.
Musicraft makes distinctions among the different kinds of files used
to make music by using different file type identifiers along with
the song_name given to a song.
Files with a .SNG type are songs which can be editted
or compiled. This type of file can be printed using the
PRINT program provided as part of the Musicraft system
for later reference or for archival use.
Files with a .SBK type are backup copies of .SNG songs
and are provided in the event your primary .SNG file
is inadvertently destroyed. You would normally use the
REN command to convert the .SBK type to the required
.SNG type for EDIT should that become necessary.
Files with a .SCD type are the compiled versions of
songs which are ready to be played. Files of this type
cannot be printed because they are stored on floppy
disk as binary data.
Files with a .WAV type are waveform tables which were
created using the WAVE program and are ready for use
to play music. Files of this type are also unprintable
for the same reason as applies to the .SCD type.
Files with a .CNF type are configuration files which describe the
hardware configuration for various programs in the system. Actually,
one such file will exist on the system diskette and its full name is
always SONG.CNF.
Thus, if you had entered a song called SONATA into the computer
storage, and had compiled it, you would find the following files
on your diskette when you displayed the directory using XDIR.
If you had performed the same steps for FUGUE, then the directory
would also contain the following files.
If you had a waveform table called SINE, then the directory would
show an entry of
As you become more proficient in the use of Musicraft, you may wish
to build songs using your own programs to be compiled and
performed. This section describes the format of the .SNG type file.
The .SNG file is comprised of a set of 15-byte records, each being
either a song line or an option line.
Song Line:
A song line contains six fields.
A period ('.') to indicate that the record is a song line.
The duration field
Voice 1 field
Voice 2 field
Voice 3 field
Voice 4 field.
The duration field is two bytes long and can contain any of the valid
duration values as described in the Song Line section of the manual
(eg., H. for dotted half note).
The voice fields are all three bytes long and can contain any of the
valid note values (viz., note name and accidental or microtone number
followed by the octave number; eg., C@4 for middle C). Only the voices
actually used in the song are filled in since the remaining voices will
be ignored by COMP.
Option Line:
The format of an option line depends on the option line type. However,
all option lines begin with an asterisk ('*') followed by a blank.
The following table describes each option line format.
'C' to indicate the function
one blank
eight byte field containing the label
name reference.
{l:ex. *C LABEL
'L' to indicate the function
one blank
eight byte field containing the label name
one blank
one byte label key value.
{l:ex. *L LABEL
'M' to indicate the function
one blank
four byte field containing the measure number
right justified and zero filled.
{l:ex. *M 0034
in the octave
'#' to indicate the function
one blank
two byte field containing the number of
intervals in the octave right justified
and zero filled.
{l:ex. *# 48
'R' to indicate the function
one blank
eight byte field containing the label name
one blank
three byte field containing the number of
repeats right justified and zero filled.
{l:ex. *R LABEL 005
'T' to indicate the function
one blank
three byte field containing the tempo as
a number right justified and zero filled.
{l:ex. *T 144
'V' to indicate the function (see note below)
one blank
one byte field containing the number of
voices the value of which must be between
one and four.
{l:ex. *V 3
'X' to indicate the function.
{l:ex. *X
Note carefully: the first record in any .SNG file MUST be a V_opt line.
Moreover, only one V_opt line may appear in the song.
Song lines and option lines must obey all rules given in the manual.
While EDIT does not generate carriage returns and line feeds between
records, it will accept them and eliminate them from the song file.
If a song file is created using BASIC, it will probably contain
not only carriage returns and line feeds but also single or double
quotation marks. Neither EDIT nor COMP will accept quote marks so
you will need to remove them before you use either of the programs
to work with the song. This can be done easily using the CP/M editor.
Use the following dialog.