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152 lines
Version 7.6 04/12/82
modified by BRR
from vers 7.5 by RLP
This information is given for those who do not wish to re-assemble
the modem program for their system because they do not have MAC, do
not have the source code, or are lazy. If you have a PMMI Modem board,
with base port set at 0C0H, and do not want backup (.BAK) copies (if the
file being received already exists), the program will run as is. Else,
make the patches listed below.
Use the L command ( L100 ) of DDT or SID to list the program and
use the S command to make the following changes:
0100 C3 3F04 JMP 043FH <--- Do not change
(Note: The L command of DDT or SID displays 0FFH as "RST 07" and 0 as "NOP")
0103 FF <--- 0FFH if PMMI modem, else zero.
SuperBrain users should put zero here.
0104 00 <--- 0FFH if Imsai with front panel,
else zero.
SuperBrain users should put zero here.
0105 FF <--- 0FFH if 4 MHz Z-80 (or maybe fast 8085)
else 0.
SuperBrain users should use 0FFH
0106 00 <--- Zero if you want files that exist
to be deleted if a file of the same
name is sent in multifile transfer.
0FFH if you want the existing file
to be changed to type "BAK".
Note: In CP/M 2 existing R/O or
SYS files are changed to
type BAK whether this byte
is set or not.
0107 FF <--- 0FFH if you want program to come
up in expert (XPR) mode without
calling A>MODEM X else zero if
you want menu or X command. You
will probably want to leave this
at 0FFH since new users can toggle
this on with the XPR command.
0108 FA <--- 0FAH for 20 pulses/sec dialing
PMMI (PMMI modem only). 7DH if your
ONLY phone exchange is older and needs
a slower dialing rate.
0109 FF <--- 0FFH if you want to be sure not
to overwrite the CCP when in file
transfer or file capture mode.
Upon return to CP/M, the program
will properly return to the CCP.
00H if CCP space is allowed to be
used for buffer. In this case the
RAM space up to the BDOS will be
used and return to CP/M will be via
a warm boot.
010A DB XX IN XX <--- Put modem status port in 010BH
(Base port if PMMI).
SuperBrain users should put 59H
here for main status.
010C C9 RET
If you do not have a PMMI modem, make the following patches also:
010D D3 XX OUT XX <--- Put modem data port in 010EH.
SuperBrain users should put 58H
here for main data.
010F C9 RET
0110 E6 XX ANI XX <--- Put bit tested when modem ready to
send in 0111H.
SuperBrain users need make no change.
0112 C9 RET
0113 FE XX CPI XX <--- Same as 0111H if port uses positive logic (JZ).
Hex zero if port uses negative logic (JNZ).
SuperBrain users need make no change.
0115 C9 RET
0116 DB XX IN XX <--- Put modem data port (again) in 0117H.
SuperBrain users should put 58H
here for main data.
0118 C9 RET
0119 E6 XX ANI XX <--- Put bit tested when modem ready to receive
in 011AH.
SuperBrain users need make no change.
011B C9 RET
011C FE XX CPI XX <--- Same as 011AH if port uses positive logic.
Hex zero if port uses negative logic.
SuperBrain users need make no change.
011E C9 RET
011F C3 XXXX JMP XXXX <--- 011FH contains a jump to a modem or port
initialization routine. If your modem does
not need to be initialized, put a RET (C9H)
in 011FH .If you need initialization, write
your routine for the memory location addressed
by the jump. The initialization routine
must end with a RET instruction. You have
approximately 190 (decimal) bytes for the
SuperBrain users would probably want to put
a RET in 011FH if they have properly set the
number of data and stop bits and the parity
The following are useful changes to make to run on MIT's ITS machines; they
allow more efficient operation with EMACS, etc.
057D FE 05 CPI 05 <--- Change the 05H (control-E or move cursor to
end of line in EMACS) to a less likely EMACS
hit. I use 1CH (control-\). You now type
control-\ to return to the MODEM75 command
level. Note that you can still send 1CH by
typing control-^ followed by control-\.
0582 FE 04 CPI 04 <--- If you do not have a PMMI modem I advise
changing the 04H (control-D or delete char-
acter in EMACS) to 08H (control-H or CP/M 2.2
backspace-delete-backspace). Then insert the
code on the following lines to convert this
to a RUB (7FH). This prevents mistaken use of
this control character when RUB is intended.
0584 CA DA 20 JZ 20DA <--- Assuming you don't have a PMMI change this
to CC 30 04 (CZ 0430). This is a call to the
region where the PMMI phone numbers are
stored and is therefore free if you don't
have a PMMI.
0430 20 20 ' ' <--- Insert 3E 7F (MVI A,7F)
0432 20 ' ' <--- Insert C9 (RET)
You are finished. Leave DDT (using ^C) and type