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Assembly Source File
176 lines
;/.ASM by John M. Kodis
;CP/M U.G. contrubution November 1980
;The "slant" program reads a command line which
;may contain several program invocations. A $$$.SUB
;file is built with these commands. This file is
;then executed.
;For example, the command line:
;/ asm copy; load copy; dir copy*.*; type copy.prn
;will build a file containing commands to assemble
;and load the file named 'copy', search the directory
;for all copy programs, and type the COPY.PRN file.
;Based on "/.ASM", CPMUG 40.1. This program was
;written because the abstract for volume 40 states
;that 40.1 works only under CP/M version 1.4,
;and that the source code cannot be provided. This
;version overcomes both of these difficulties.
; (Note: 40.1 "1.4 only" meant "not 1.3".
; it does work with 2.2 <Ward C.>)
;NOTES: Set "DUP" to true, to define a version
; which will write "/.SUB" out to disk
; to facilitate re-executing the same commands.
; To re-execute them, REN $$$.SUB=/.SUB
; then ^C. Alternatively, PIP $$$.SUB=/.SUB
; You might wish to name the version of this
; program assembled with DUP true, as ".COM
; (but this will "screw up" the Master CATalog
; system which reauires its "-name.xxx" to be
; the first file found)
; A program for quickie, use once and throw away submits.
; The command syntax is:
; A>/ <command line>[[;<command line>] ... ] <cr>
closef equ 16
delete equ 19
writef equ 21
makef equ 22
dmaf equ 26
boot equ 0 ;for a warm start
bdos equ 5 ;cp/m entry point
chcnt equ 080h ;character count
cibuf equ 081h ;console input buffer
tpa equ 100h ;transient program area
dup equ 0
org tpa
slant: lxi h,chcnt
mov a,l
add m
inr a
mov l,a
mvi m,0 ;zero the byte after the end of the command line.
lxi d,cibuf ;de is the source pointer.
lxi h,subbuf+1;hl is the destination pointer.
nxtcmd: ldax d
cpi ' '
jnz xfer ;skip over leading blanks.
inx d
jmp nxtcmd
xfer: ldax d
ana a ;end of line?
jz cmdend
cpi ';' ;end of command?
jz cmdend
mov m,a ;if neither, xfer it to the output buffer,
inx d
inx h ;bump both pointers,
jmp xfer ;and try again.
cmdend: mvi m,0 ;zero the byte after the end of the line.
mov a,l
dcr a
ani 7fh ;accumulator has character count.
mov b,a ;save it.
mov a,l
ani 80h
mov l,a ;hl points to the character count byte.
mov m,b
ldax d
ana a ;if we've reached the end of the input line...
jz fileit ;let's "file it".
lxi b,129
dad b
inx d ;point to the next character in the input.
jmp nxtcmd ;loop back for the next command.
fileit: push h ;save address of last zone
if dup
lxi d,xfcb
mvi c,delete
call bdos
lxi d,fcb
mvi c,delete
call bdos ;delete any existing command files.
if dup
lxi d,xfcb
mvi c,makef
call bdos
lxi d,fcb
mvi c,makef
call bdos ;create the new command files.
pop h
wrloop: push h
mvi c,dmaf
call bdos
if dup
lxi d,xfcb
mvi c,writef
call bdos
lxi d,fcb
mvi c,writef
call bdos ;write the new commands, one command per
;disk sector, writing the last command first.
pop h ;get current dma address
lxi d,-128
dad d
lxi d,subbuf
mov a,l
sub e
mov a,h
sbb d
jnc wrloop
if dup
lxi d,xfcb
mvi c,closef
call bdos
lxi d,fcb
mvi c,closef
call bdos ;close the files after writing the last sector.
rst boot ;back to cp/m via a warm start.
;changing this to a "ret" will return
;to CP/M without the warm start, and so
;the command file will not be executed
;until the next boot from this disk.
fcb: db 1, '$$$ SUB'
dw 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
xfcb: db 1, '/ SUB'
dw 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
org ($+0ffh) and 0ff00h
subbuf: ds 0
end slant