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Assembly Source File
253 lines
title 'MACTIME as of April 6, 1982'
; Here is an interesting "patch" to Digital Research's
; MAC.COM, that incorporates a "real time clock display. This
; patch works with MAC.COM version 2.0 ONLY. Merge it into
; MAC.COM as follows:
; 2F00 0100
; -R<cr>
; 308E 0000
; -^C
; Now you have a new "MAC" command file called MACTIME.COM;
; now re-assemble MACTIME.ASM (assuming your clock/calendar
; board, and the time is properly set) with MACTIME.COM.
; Notice, that the date and time will be displayed at the
; start of execution. Also because the "title" pseudo-op was
; used, the time is listed in the ".PRN" file that is
; generated, on each page heading.
; Best regards,
; Kelly Smith, MP/M-Net (tm) Sysop
; (805) 527-9321 (Modem, 300 Baud)
; 06/Apr/82 Revised for Godbout System Support 1 clock
; by Bill Bolton, Software Tools, Australia
; 20/Oct/80 Original version by Kelly Smith
bdos equ 5
pbuf equ 9
mac equ 128h ; MAC.COM entry address
overlay equ 2cd3H
cr equ 0dh ; ASCII carriage return
lf equ 0ah ; ASCII line feed
true equ 0ffh
false equ not true; define false
clkread equ 10H
timlen equ 12
gbclkc equ 06Ah ; real time clock base port address
gbclkd equ gbclkc+1
org 0100h
jmp start
org 2f00h ; version 2.0 mac.com entry address
mvi a,0+clkread
out gbclkc
in gbclkd
cpi 0ffh ;clock board present?
jz done ;no, just run normally
call rtime
lxi h,time
mov a,m
cpi '0'
jnz go$on
mvi a,' '
sta day
inx h
mov a,m
sta day+1
inx h
mov a,m
sta month
inx h
mov a,m
sta month+1
inx h
mov a,m
sta year
inx h
mov a,m
sta year+1
inx h
mov a,m
sta hour
inx h
mov a,m
sta hour+1
inx h
mov a,m
sta minutes
inx h
mov a,m
sta minutes+1
inx h
mov a,m
sta seconds
inx h
mov a,m
sta seconds+1
; test the date, and convert it to four year calendar format
lda month ; get high byte of the month
cpi '1' ; in the range of january to september?
jnz jansept ; yes
lda month+1
cpi '0'
lxi d,oct ; October?
jz mmonth ; print, if so
cpi '1' ; november?
lxi d,nov
jz mmonth ; print, if so
lxi d,dec ; december.
jmp mmonth ; print it...
lda month+1 ; it's january to september
cpi '1' ; january?
lxi d,jan
jz mmonth ; print, if so
cpi '2' ; february?
lxi d,feb
jz mmonth ; print, if so
cpi '3' ; march?
lxi d,mar
jz mmonth ; print, if so
cpi '4' ; april?
lxi d,apr
jz mmonth ; print, if so
cpi '5' ; may?
lxi d,may
jz mmonth ; print, if so
cpi '6' ; june?
lxi d,jun
jz mmonth ; print month
cpi '7' ; july?
lxi d,jul
jz mmonth ; print, if so
cpi '8' ; august?
lxi d,aug
jz mmonth ; print, if so
lxi d,sep ; it's september
mmonth: mvi b,4 ; four characters to move
lxi h,fakem ; place to move real month
movem: ldax d ; get the character to move
mov m,a ; move it
inx h ; bump both pointers
inx d
dcr b ; de-bump the count left to move..
jnz movem ; loop 'till all characters moved
lxi h,overlay ; point to overlay area
lxi d,fakem ; point to stuff to be moved
mvi b,end$move-start$move ; how much to move...
move1: ldax d ; get stuff to move
mov m,a ; move it...
inx h ; bump both pointers
inx d
dcr b ; de-bump the move counter
jnz move1 ; loop 'till it's all moved
done: jmp mac ; now jump into MAC...
lxi h,time ;Address of time save area
lxi d,atable ;Address of digit table
mvi b,timlen/2 ;Number of loops to do
call rone ;get digit value
ani 0fh ;mask of high nibble
adi '0'
mov m,a
inx h
call rone
ani 0fh
adi '0'
mov m,a ;save into table
inx h ;point to next digit
dcr b ;adjust loop count
jnz tloop
ldax d ;Get the digit address
inx d ;Point to next address
out gbclkc ;Output the digit address
cpi 5+clkread ;Check for hours 10 digit
in gbclkd ;Get the digit
rnz ;If not the hours ten digit
sui 8 ;Kill the 24 hour bit
DB 8+clkread ;digit address table
DB 7+clkread
DB 10+clkread
DB 9+clkread
DB 12+clkread
DB 11+clkread
DB 5+clkread
DB 4+clkread
DB 3+clkread
DB 2+clkread
DB 1+clkread
DB 0+clkread
; message buffers
time db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
start$move equ $ ; start moving from here
fakem: ds 2 ; storage for faked-out month,
; which will overlay the next four bytes
month: ds 2 ; storage for the real month and date
day: ds 2
db ', 19'
year: db '82 ' ; the year...
hour: db 'xx:' ; the hour...
minutes:db 'xx:' ; the minute...
seconds:db 'xx' ; the second...
db 0dh ; string delimeter
end$move equ $ ; end of move
errmsg: db cr,lf,'The Clock Board is NOT INSTALLED!',cr,lf,'$'
jan: db 'Jan '
feb: db 'Feb '
mar: db 'Mar '
apr: db 'Apr '
may: db 'May '
jun: db 'Jun '
jul: db 'Jul '
Aug: db 'Aug '
sep: db 'Sep '
oct: db 'Oct '
nov: db 'Nov '
dec: db 'Dec '