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154 lines
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shell-metzner sort routine in z80 code.
April 1982, Claude Almer
Software Source Pty. Ltd.
no end statement in file
sort-routine to be called as follows:
call sort ;hl, de, bc set up as below:
on entry: HL contains the number of elements
--------- DE points to location of first element
BC contains the length of the strings
on exit: AF register destroyed.
-------- BC register destroyed.
DE register destroyed.
HL register destroyed.
reserved labels: sort,sort1 through sort26
sort1 through sort10 sorting routine
sort11 through sort12 compare routine
sort13 through sort14 swap routine
sort15 through sort18 indexing routine
sort19 through sort26 data area !
; >>>>>>>>>>>>>> sort-routine
; ============
sort:: ld (sort19),de ;area to sort
ld (sort20),bc ;length to compare and swap
sort1: ld (sort25),hl ;set arrays
ld (sort26),hl ;initialise
sort2: ld bc,(sort25) ;sort25/2
srl b ;divide by 2
rr c ;bc / 2
ld (sort25),bc ;now sort25=sort25/2
ld a,b ;if sort25=0 then return
or c
; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;exit if through
ret z ;yes, RETURN
sort3: ld hl,(sort26) ;calculate sort23
ld de,(sort25) ;sort23 = sort26-sort25
or a ;clear carry
sbc hl,de ;sort23 now in hl
ld (sort23),hl ;sort23 now stored
ld hl,0 ;clear sort22
ld (sort22),hl ;sort22=1
sort4: ld hl,(sort22) ;sort21=sort22
ld (sort21),hl ;store
sort5: ld hl,(sort21) ;sort24=sort21+sort25
ld de,(sort25) ;get sort25
add hl,de ;add it together
ld (sort24),hl ;and store it
sort6: ld hl,(sort21) ;for comparisons now
ld de,(sort24) ;as well
call sort11 ;compare the two
jr nc,sort10 ;if sort21>=sort22 then sort10
sort7: call sort13 ;swap the two arrays
sort8: ld hl,(sort21) ;sort21=sort21-sort25
ld de,(sort25) ;get sort25
or a ;clear carry
sbc hl,de ;subtract sort25
ld (sort21),hl ;and store it in sort21
sort9: ld a,h ;if sort21 >=0 then sort5
or a ;is sort21 greter ?
jp p,sort5 ;if positive it's greater
sort10: ld hl,(sort22) ;sort22=sort22+1
inc hl ;+1
ld (sort22),hl ;store back there
inc hl ;adjust for flag below
ld de,(sort23) ;if sort22>sort23 then sort2
or a ;clear carry
sbc hl,de ;sort22 greater then sort23 ?
jr c,sort4 ;not greater, goto sort4
jr sort2 ;if sort22>sort23 then sort2
; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> compare routine
; ===============
sort11: call sort15 ;set up hl,de
ld bc,(sort20) ;number of chars to compare
sort12: ld a,(de) ;get char in de
cp (hl) ;compare it with (hl)
ret nz ;return if not equal
inc de ;point to next
cpi ;dec bc, inc hl
jp pe,sort12 ;pe if not zero
xor a ;clear flags and exit
ret ;all the same
; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> swap routine
; ============
sort13: call sort15 ;set up hl and de
ld bc,(sort20) ;get the length
sort14: ld a,(de) ;get byter
push bc ;keep counter
ld c,a ;keep char
ld a,(hl) ;get second char
ld (de),a ;swap it
ld (hl),c ;and the other one
pop bc ;restore counter
inc de ;point to next
cpi ;inc hl + dec bc
jp pe,sort14 ;pe if bc not 0
ret ;all done
; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indexing routine
; ================
sort15: ld hl,(sort24) ;get sort24
call sort16 ;point hl to sort24'th position
push hl ;keep it
ld hl,(sort21) ;sort21
call sort16 ;hl to sort21'th. position
pop de ;de now restored (sort24)
ret ;all indexing done
sort16: ld c,h ;mpr high
ld a,l ;mpr low
ld b,16 ;count bits
ld hl,0 ;for result
ld de,(sort20) ;length to multiply with
sort17: srl c ;right shift mpr h
rra ;r rotate mpr l
jr nc,sort18 ;carry ??
add hl,de ;add mpd to result
sort18: ex de,hl ;for double shift
add hl,hl ;doublebit-shift mpd left
ex de,hl ;back to normal
djnz sort17 ;until all bits
ld de,(sort19) ;add offset
add hl,de ;add it to result
ret ;all done
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;data area
sort19: dw 0 ;string start position
sort20: dw 0 ;string length
sort21: dw 0 ;data area for sort
sort22: dw 0 ;data area for sort
sort23: dw 0 ;data area for sort
sort24: dw 0 ;data area for sort
sort25: dw 0 ;data area for sort
sort26: dw 0 ;data area for sort
; end of sort routine <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<