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151 lines
Version 7.97 12/26/82
12/26/82 Updated to v7.97 - Bruce Ratoff
12/20/82 Updated to v7.96 - Paul Kelley
12/12/82 Updated to v7.95 - Irv Hoff
11/30/82 Updated to v7.94 - Paul Kelley
This information is given for those who do not wish to re-assemble
the modem program for their system because they do not have the source
code, or find this method simpler. Use 'DDT' or 'SID' or 'DUUP' to
make the following changes for your computer. If using 'DDT' or 'SID'
do this when finished:
Experienced assembly language programmers should note that there is more
flexiblity if MCNFG797.HEX is used to overlay MODEM797.COM. MCNFG797.ASM
allows you to set the parameters discussed below. It also provides a
permanent source file for your modem initialization routines as well as
allowing you to change the values of the local characters, improve the
display output, add a routine for changing modem parameters, and define a
logon sequence for use with remote systems. Users should also be aware of
a similar overlay file, MCOSB797.ASM, set up for the Osborne-1 as an
example of memory mapped I/O.
0103 FF <--- FF if PMMI modem, else 00.
0104 00 <--- Don't change.
0105 00 <--- Don't change.
0106 04 <--- Clock speed in MHz, 08 maximum
0107 00 <--- 00 if you want files that exist to be deleted if
a file of the same name is sent in multi-file
transfer. FF if you want the existing file
to be changed to "BAK".
Note: In CP/M 2.x, existing R/O or SYS files
are changed to "BAK" whether this byte
is set or not.
0108 00 <--- 00 for default to CRC, FF for default to checksum
0109 FF <--- FF allows toggling of Checksum to CRC
010A 00 <--- 00 leave backspace normal, FF convert to rubout
010B FF <--- FF allows toggling of backspace to rubout
010C 00 <--- 00 send CR-only, FF send CR-LF both (00 normal)
010D FF <--- FF allows toggling of line feed after carriage return
010E 00 <--- 00 don't change
010F FF <--- FF to prevent overwriting CCP, 00 if ok to overwrite
0110 00 <--- 00 not local command if control-^ precedes
0111 FF <--- FF allows toggling of local command on next char
0112 FF <--- FF allows toggling of printer on/off
0113 00 <--- FF for XOFF testing in terminal mode text file output
0114 00 <--- FF for wait for XON after CR in terminal mode output,
useful for certain timesharing systems
0115 FF <--- FF allows toggling of XOFF/XON testing
0116 01 <--- Sets the default speed for showing time to send a
file in "S" command. Select the one you normally
use "most of the time" as you can easily change it
temporarily using a menu command. Use one of these:
00=110, 01=300, 02=450, 03=600, 04=710, 05=1200
06=2400, 07=4800, 08=9600
0117 00 <--- 00 for no delay between characters. In terminal mode
there are times when a delay is nice, like sending
a pretyped file to a bulletin board system. Choices
from 0-9.
00=no delay, 01=.02 seconds -- 09=0.18 seconds, etc.
0118 00 <--- 00 for no extra delay after CR. Some bulletin board
systems, etc. require an extra delay after each CR.
Choices from 0-9.
00=no delay, 01=.08 seconds -- 09=0.72 seconds, etc.
0119 1E <--- Bell repeat timing, 1E = about 1 second
(area from 011A through 0120 does not need to be changed)
0121 7D <--- 7D for 20 PPS, FA for 10 PPS (PMMI board)
0122 00 00 <--- Put cold reboot address here if you (PMMI only)
have one, set now to warm reboot
Put "LSP" part first, then "MSP".
(the following addresses skip bytes not necessary to change)
0128 C0 <--- Your modem control port (port C0H shown here).
012B C1 <--- Your modem data port "OUT" (port C1H shown here).
012E C1 <--- Your modem data port "IN" (port C1H shown here).
0131 01 <--- Your modem status bit for "transmit ready".
0134 01 <--- Your modem status bit level when ready to send.
0137 02 <--- Your modem status bit for "receive ready".
013A 02 <--- Your modem status bit for "receive ready".
013D C2 <--- Your modem Baud rate port "IN" (PMMI only)
0140 C2 <--- Your modem Baud rate port "OUT" (PMMI only)
0143 C3 <--- Your modem control port #2 (PMMI only)
0146 C0 <--- Your modem control port "OUT" (PMMI only)
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
014D C3 D9 01 "JMP 01D9" Many CP/M systems initialize the modem
port via CONFIG.COM, etc. If you wish to
NON-PMMI initialize the ports yourself, use the address
shown here (01D9H) for your routine. End it
with a C9 (RET). You have space up to 0617H.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
When finished with the changes, exit 'DDT' via CTL-C then save as shown
at the start of this file.
By Irv Hoff