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477 lines
VFILER VFILER Overview, Revision 3
Install Installing VFILER
Commands VFILER Command Summary
DIR The DIR Form
User User Functions: 0-9 #
Tagging Tagging Commands: T U GT GU
Display File Display Commands: P V
Ops File Operations Commands: C D F GC GD GF R
Movement Movement Commands: Arrows + - J Q
Misc Miscellaneous Commands: A H N S Z ^C ?
:VFILER 3.x Overview
VFILE╥á (fo≥ Vide∩ FILER)¼á deriveΣ froφ FILER¼á wa≤ Overviewì
createΣáá t∩á givσá thσá ZCPR│á use≥á ßáá specializeΣáá filσ ì
manipulatioεá utilit∙á whicΦá coulΣ takσá advantagσá oµá thσ ì
specia∞á feature≤á oµá ZCPR3«á I⌠ perform≤ thσá samσá basiπ ì
function≤ a≤ DISK7¼á CLEANUP¼á WASH¼ anΣ SWEEP¼ bu⌠ i⌠ take≤ ì
thσá ZCPR│á environmen⌠ int∩ accoun⌠ anΣ add≤á command≤á anΣ ì
feature≤á whicΦ makσ VFILE╥ morσ comfortablσ fo≥á thσá ZCPR│ ì
user«á VFILE╥ contain≤ essentiall∙ thσ samσ feature≤ a≤ thσ ì
othe≥á tool≤á bu⌠ add≤ morσ ZCPR3-specifiπ feature≤á anΣá i≤ ì
totall∙áá screen-oriented¼áá beinτá designeΣá t∩á ruεá oεá ß ì
conventiona∞á CR╘á whicΦá support≤á curso≥á address¼áá clea≥ ì
screen¼ anΣ (optionally⌐ erasσ t∩ enΣ oµ line.
VFILE╥á significantl∙á simplifie≤ thσá use≥á interface« ì
Unde≥ VFILER¼á aε alphabetizeΣ listinτ oµ file≤ i≤ presenteΣ ì
t∩ thσ use≥ alonτ witΦ ß pointer«á Thσ use≥ employ≤ pointe≥ ì
movemen⌠ command≤ t∩ movσ thσ pointe≥ up¼á down¼á right¼ anΣ ì
lef⌠á a≤ desireΣ unti∞ i⌠ i≤ pointinτ t∩ ß filσ oµ interest« ì
Oncσá pointinτ t∩ sucΦ ß file¼á thσ use≥ ma∙ theε perforφá ß ì
numbe≥ oµ operation≤ oε thσ file.
VFILE╥ i≤ invokeΣ b∙ ß commanΣ linσ oµ thσ followinτ ì
VFILER dir:filename.typ
wherσ al∞ parameter≤ arσ optional«á "DIRó i≤ thσá director∙ ì
t∩á initiall∙á loτ thσ use≥ into¼á anΣ i⌠ ma∙ bσá an∙á ZCPR│ ì
director∙ reference¼á sucΦ a≤ ß mnemoniπ (likσ "ROOT:"⌐ o≥ ß ì
D╒á forφá (likσá "B7:óá o≥á "12:")«á "filename.typóá i≤á aε ì
ambiguou≤á filσá namσá whicΦ i≤ useΣ t∩ perforφá aεá initia∞ ì
selectioε oµ thσ file≤ t∩ bσ displayeΣ b∙ VFILER.
Thσ referencσ fo≥ thσ ambiguou≤ filσ namσ i≤ storeΣá iε ì
Systeφ Filσ 4¼á and¼á a≤ such¼ caε bσ dynamicall∙ changeΣ b∙ ì
usinτá thσá SETFIL┼ commanΣ durinτ thσ executioε oµá VFILER« ì
Iµá ß ZCPR│ commanΣ likσ "SETFIL┼ ┤ afnó i≤á executeΣá whilσ ì
VFILE╥á i≤á running¼á theε thσ definitioε oµ thi≤á ambiguou≤ ì
filσ referencσ i≤ changed¼ anΣ thσ nex⌠ timσ VFILE╥ restart≤ ì
executioε thσ ne≈ ambiguou≤ filσ referencσ i≤ iε effect¼ anΣ ì
thσ file≤ arσ selecteΣ accordingly.
Thi≤ HL╨ Filσ applie≤ t∩ VFILE╥ 3.0«á VFILE╥ 3.░á wil∞ ì
onl∙á ruεá unde≥ ZCPR│ unles≤ thσ Environmen⌠ Descripto≥á i≤ ì
madσ interna∞ t∩ VFILER¼á iε whicΦ casσ VFILE╥ wil∞ bσá 1/4╦ ì
Therσá arσá somσ customizatioε equate≤ a⌠ thσ fron⌠á oµ ì
thσá VFILER.MA├ sourcσ file«á Thσ use≥ wil∞á generall∙á no⌠ ì
carσá abou⌠ touchinτ these¼á bu⌠ the∙ arσ availablσ iµ hσ s∩ ì
desires«á Fee∞á freσá t∩ examinσá them«á Onσá sucΦá equatσ ì
enable≤áá o≥á disable≤á thσá built-iεá documentatioεá (help⌐ ì
feature«á Iµ thi≤ featurσ i≤ disabled¼á an∙ hel≡á referencσ ì
wil∞ chaiε t∩ thi≤ HL╨ filσ (VFILER.HLP⌐ anΣ VFILER.CO═ wil∞ ì
bσ abou⌠ 1╦ shorter«á Iµ enabled¼ thσ conveniencσ oµ onlinσ ì
hel≡ whicΦ i≤ acces≤ed quickl∙ i≤ available.
Enjoy using VFILER!
Rick Conn
:Installing VFILER
Installatioεáá oµá VFILE╥á i≤á quitσá simple¼áá a≤áá i≤ ì
installatioεá oµá thσ variou≤ utilitie≤á unde≥á ZCPR3«á Al∞ ì
VFILE╥ require≤ iε thσ wa∙ oµ installatioε i≤ tha⌠ ß pointe≥ ì
t∩á thσá ZCPR│á Environmen⌠ Descripto≥á bσá provideΣá t∩á i⌠ ì
(unles≤á VFILE╥ ha≤ beeε assembleΣ t∩ contaiε aε Environmen⌠ ì
Descriptor¼á iε whicΦ casσ thσ entirσ Environmen⌠ Descripto≥ ì
is necessary).
Z3IN╙á caεá bσ useΣ t∩ instal∞á VFILER«á T∩á d∩á this¼ ì
creatσá aε IN╙ filσ (cal∞ i⌠ VF.INS⌐ containinτ thσ namσá oµ ì
thσ VFILER.CO═ filσ oε onσ line«á Assuminτ tha⌠ you≥ systeφ ì
Environmen⌠á Descripto≥á filσ i≤ nameΣá SYS.ENV¼á issuσá thσ ì
VFILER is now installed.
:VFILER Command Summary
-- Tagging Commands -- --------- File Operations -----------
╘ - Taτ Filσ ├ - Cop∙ Filσ ─ - Deletσ File
U - Untag File F - File Size R - Rename File
G - Group Copy/Delete/FSize/Tag/Untag
-- File Print & View -- --- User Functions ---
-- Cursor -- P - Print V - View 0-9 - Execute # - Help
^ -- Movement Commands -- ---- Miscellaneous ----
^S <-+-> ^D <SP> - File Forward A - Toggle Alpha Sort
v <BS> - File Backward H - Help Fileè ^X + - Screen Forward N - New DIR
- - Screen Backward S - Disk Status
-- Screen -- J - Jump t∩ ß Filσ Z - ZCPR3 Command
^A Left Q - Refresh Screen ^C - Exit
^F Right
Movement Commands --
^E - Move Up (Wrap to Bottom)
^X - Move Down (Wrap to Top)
^D - Move Right (Wrap to First File of Next Line)
^S - Move Left (Wrap to Last File of Previous Line)
^F - Move Screen Right (Wrap to First Screen)
^A - Move Screen Left (Wrap to Last Screen)
Thσá user'≤ Z3TCA╨ entr∙ ma∙ definσ fou≥ othe≥á single-ì
characte≥á command≤á t∩á conforφ t∩ thσ arro≈á key≤á oεá hi≤ ì
specifiπá terminal«á Thesσ command≤ wil∞ overridσá thσá se⌠ ì
describeΣá abovσá iµ an∙ conflict≤ exis⌠ (tha⌠ is¼á iµá you≥ ì
down-arro≈ ke∙ generate≤ ß ^E¼ ^┼ wil∞ no≈ meaε Movσ Dowε iε ì
al∞ cases).
Screeεá Lef⌠á anΣ Righ⌠ makσ sensσ wheε therσá arσá to∩ ì
man∙ file≤ t∩ fi⌠ oε onσ screen«á Iε thi≤ case¼á thσá file≤ ì
arσá brokeεá int∩ screeε directories¼á anΣ Screeεá Lef⌠á anΣ ì
Righ⌠ arσ useΣ t∩ movσ betweeε them.
:The DIR Form
DIR Form
Thσ Copy¼ Mas≤ Copy¼ anΣ Logiε command≤ promp⌠ thσ use≥ ì
fo≥ thσ director∙ t∩ cop∙ o≥ loτ into« Thσ use≥ ma∙ specif∙ ì
an∙ accepteΣ ZCPR│ DI╥ forφ iε responsσ t∩ this.
Thσá ZCPR│á DI╥á forφ ma∙ bσ eithe≥á ßá D╒á (Disk/User⌐ ì
specificatioεá o≥ ß director∙ namσ (mnemonic)«á Example≤ oµ ì
DI╥ form≤ include:
B <-- Disk B, Current User
7 <-- Current Disk, User 7
B7 <-- Disk B, User 7
wordstar <-- DU associated with the name WORDSTAR
Iε VFILER¼á thesσ entrie≤ ma∙ bσ optionall∙ suffixeΣ b∙ ì
ßá coloε (:⌐ a≤ thσ use≥ desires║á "B7:ó anΣ "B7ó meaεá thσ ì
samσá thing«á Iµá ß DI╥ forφ i≤ referenceΣá iεá thσá VFILE╥ ì
command line, it MUST be followed by a colon.
:User Functions
User Fcts
Thσá VFILE╥á use≥á i≤ giveε addeΣá flexibilit∙á iεá hi≤ ì
commanΣá invocatioε capabilit∙ b∙ thσ usσ oµ ß se⌠ oµá user-ì
definablσ functions¼á whicΦ arσ executeΣ b∙ strikinτ ß digi⌠ ì
froφ ░ t∩ 9« Thσ basiπ ideß i≤ this:
1⌐ thσ use≥ create≤ ß filσ calleΣ VFILER.CMD╗ thi≤ ì
filσ contain≤ hi≤ extendeΣ commanΣ set
2⌐á VFILER.CM─ i≤ placeΣ alonτ thσ user'≤á commanΣ ì
searcΦ path
3⌐á wheεá thσ use≥ i≤ iε VFILE╥ anΣ hσá strike≤á ß ì
digi⌠á o≥ ß pounΣ sigε (#⌐ fo≥ help¼á VFILE╥ searche≤á alonτ ìèthσ patΦ fo≥ thσ firs⌠ VFILER.CM─ filσ i⌠ find≤ anΣ extract≤ ì
thσ informatioε froφ it
User Fcts
Sincσá VFILE╥á searche≤ fo≥ VFILER.CM─ alonτ thσá path¼ ì
severa∞ VFILER.CM─ file≤ ma∙ bσ availablσ fo≥ thσ user« Fo≥ ì
instance¼á iµ thσ patΦ i≤ $ñ -╛ Añ -╛ A15¼á theε VFILE╥ wil∞ ì
looδ iε thσ curren⌠ directory¼ disδ A/curren⌠ user¼ anΣ disδ ì
A/use≥ 1╡ fo≥ VFILER.CMD« ┴ general-purposσ VFILER.CM─ filσ ì
ma∙ bσ placeΣ iε A15¼á anΣ special-purposσ VFILER.CM─á file≤ ì
(sucΦ a≤ fo≥ assemble≥ languagσ development¼á ├ development¼ ì
worΣá processing¼á etc⌐ ma∙ bσ placeΣ iε selecteΣ use≥ area≤ ì
oε A«á Fo≥ instance¼ A╖ coulΣ contaiε WorΣ Sta≥ anΣ i≤ useΣ ì
fo≥ worΣ processinτ anΣ tha⌠ B╖ i≤ thσ scratcΦ areß fo≥ tex⌠ ì
files« WitΦ thi≤ path¼ ß use≥ editinτ file≤ iε B╖ wil∞ finΣ ì
W╙ iε A7¼á VFILER.CM─ (fo≥ worΣ processing⌐ iε A7¼á anΣá hi≤ ì
systeφ command≤ iε A15.
An∙ option≤ requireΣ fo≥ thσ command≤ arσ prompteΣ for¼ ì
anΣá wheεá thσ use≥ input≤ value≤ fo≥á al∞á options¼á VFILE╥ ì
chain≤á t∩ thσ ne≈ commanΣ viß thσ ZCPR│ CommanΣ Linσ Buffe≥ ì
feature¼á execute≤ thσ commanΣ linσ generated¼á anΣ returns« ì
VFILER is a true shell under ZCPR3.
User Fcts
Thσ structurσ oµ VFILER.CM─ i≤ quitσ simple« I⌠ caε bσ ì
createΣá b∙á an∙ CP/═ tex⌠ editor¼á anΣ i⌠ consist≤á oµá thσ ì
followinτ type≤ oµ lines:
1⌐ ß commanΣ line¼ whicΦ begin≤ witΦ ß digi⌠ (0-9⌐ ì
anΣá contain≤ thσ tex⌠ oµ thσ commanΣ t∩ bσ executeΣá shoulΣ ì
tha⌠ digi⌠ bσ typeΣ b∙ thσ user
2⌐á ßá hel≡ block¼á whicΦ i≤ printeΣ wheneve≥á thσ ì
use≥ type≤ ß pounΣ sigε (#)╗ thi≤ blocδ i≤ denoteΣ b∙ ß linσ ì
whicΦ begin≤ witΦ ß pounΣ sign¼ anΣ i⌠ extend≤ t∩ thσ enΣ oµ ì
thσ file
3⌐á ßá commen⌠á line¼áá whicΦá i≤á useΣá t∩á embeΣ ì
explanator∙ comments¼á whicΦ arσ fo≥ referencσ purpose≤ onl∙ ì
anΣ no⌠ seeε b∙ thσ VFILE╥ user
Thσá commanΣá linσ consist≤ oµ ß digit¼á zer∩á o≥á morσ ì
space≤ (whicΦ arσ ignored)¼ anΣ thσ tex⌠ oµ thσ commanΣ witΦ ì
embeddeΣ prompt≤ fo≥ use≥ input«á Thesσ prompt≤ arσ denoteΣ ì
b∙á beinτá encloseΣ iε single- o≥ double-quote≤á (ºá o≥á ")« ì
Wheεá VFILE╥á execute≤ thesσ commanΣ lines¼á i⌠á print≤á thσ ì
promp⌠á containeΣ withiε thσ quote≤ a≤ the∙ arσá encountereΣ ì
anΣá wait≤ fo≥ thσ use≥ t∩ inpu⌠ ß linσ oµ tex⌠á (terminateΣ ì
b∙ ß RETURN)¼á a⌠ whicΦ poin⌠ thσ tex⌠ i≤ substituteΣ iε thσ ì
commanΣá linσ wherσ thσ promp⌠ is«á Iµ ß promp⌠ extend≤á t∩ ì
thσá enΣá oµá ß commanΣ line¼á i⌠ neeΣá no⌠á bσá terminated« ì
1 copy 'Source File? ' 'Destination Dir? '
wil∞á definσá use≥ functioε 1«á Thσ use≥ i≤á prompteΣá witΦ ì
"Sourcσ File┐á "¼á hσ enter≤ hi≤ text¼á i⌠ i≤ substituteΣ iε ì
thσ commanΣ line¼ hσ i≤ prompteΣ fo≥ "Destinatioε Dir┐ "¼ hσ ì
agaiεá enter≤á ßá response¼áá i⌠á i≤á substituted¼á anΣá thσ ì
resultinτ commanΣ linσ i≤ chaineΣ to.
User Fcts
1 copy 'Source File? ' 'Destination Dir? '
Iµá thσ use≥ respond≤ witΦ "myfile.txtó anΣ "C0:"¼á theε thσ ì
commanΣ line
copy myfile.txt C0:
i≤ built« Notσ tha⌠ space≤ anΣ othe≥ character≤ betweeε thσ ì
prompt≤ arσ significant.
1 mcopy 'Dest Dir? '='Source File? '
will generate (to the same inputs)
mcopy C0:=myfile.txt
Threσá parameter≤á ma∙ bσ passeΣ froφ VFILE╥á int∩á thσ ì
commanΣá linσ beinτ generated«á Thesσ parameter≤ anΣá thei≥ ì
symbol≤ are:
Symbol Parameter
%D Current Disk Letter
%U Current User Number (1 or 2 digits)
%F Current File Name (pted to by arrow)
%$ DU:FILENAME for Current File
Iµá thσá use≥á mus⌠ inser⌠ ßá '%ºá characte≥á int∩á thσ ì
commanΣá linσ hσ i≤ building¼á '%%º place≤ onσ '%º int∩á thσ ì
line« Example:
echo Disk is %d, User is %u, File is %f
print≤ (iµ thσ use≥ i≤ iε A1╡ anΣ ptinτ t∩ MYFILE.TXT):
Disk is A, User is 15, File is MYFILE.TXT
Thσ Hel≡ Blocδ iε thσ VFILER.CM─ filσ i≤ simpl∙ ß blocδ ì
oµ tex⌠ whicΦ extend≤ froφ thσ pounΣ sigε (#⌐ iε thσ filσ t∩ ì
thσ enΣ oµ thσ file«á Thi≤ hel≡ informatioε i≤ displayeΣ t∩ ì
thσ use≥ a≤ onσ screen¼á anΣ i⌠ i≤ thσ responsibilit∙ oµ thσ ì
persoε wh∩ write≤ thσ VFILER.CM─ filσ t∩ seσ tha⌠ thi≤á bod∙ ì
oµá tex⌠á (includinτ thσ linσ thσ asterisδ i≤ on⌐á doe≤á no⌠ ì
exceeΣ 2▓ lines« Example:
# Help for Word Processing
1 - Run WordStar
2 - Run WordMaster
3 - Run ROFF4
┴á commen⌠ linσ i≤ an∙ linσ whicΦ doe≤ no⌠ begiε witΦ ß ì
digi⌠á o≥á ßá pounΣ sign«á Thσ tex⌠ oµá tha⌠á linσá i≤á thσ ì
comment« I⌠ i≤ no⌠ displayeΣ t∩ thσ VFILE╥ use≥ anΣ i≤ useΣ ì
onl∙á fo≥á referencσ t∩ thσ persoε wh∩ wrotσ thσá VFILER.CM─ ì
file« Example:
! This is a comment
This is also a comment
Likσá al∞á standarΣ ZCPR│ Shells¼á VFILE╥á i≤á ablσá t∩ ì
suppor⌠á thσ executioε oµ thσ thσ ZE╪ commanΣ filσ processo≥ ì
oεá to≡ oµ itself«á Iµ ZE╪ i≤ running¼á VFILE╥ wil∞á simpl∙ ì
promp⌠ ZE╪ fo≥ inpu⌠ rathe≥ thaε enterinτ it≤ norma∞ screen-ì
orienteΣ displa∙ mode« Iε thi≤ way¼ ß commanΣ executeΣ froφ ì
thσá VFILER.CM─á filσ ma∙ invokσ ZEX¼á anΣ al∞á oµá thσá ZE╪ ì
commanΣá filσ processinτ wil∞ bσ performeΣ beforσ VFILE╥á i≤ ì
! VFILER Command File for Richard Conn
1 xdir 'XDIR Options? '
2 protect %D%U:%F 'PROTECT Attributes? '
3 wm %$
4 t2a
5 echo Disk=%d User=%u File=%f DU:FILENAME = %$
#VFILER Command File for Richard Conn
The following VFILER Macros are provided --
1 - XDIR with Options
2 - PROTECT Current File
3 - Edit Current File
5 - Echo Current File and Text
:Tagging Commands
╘ - Taτ filσ fo≥ inclusioε fo≥ mas≤ cop∙ t∩ anothe≥á D╒ ì
(disk/user⌐ area«á Filσ remain≤ taggeΣ unti∞ eithe≥ ß disδ ì
log-iεá o≥ 'Uº i≤ useΣ t∩ untaτ it«á ┴ 'tº marke≥ i≤ placeΣ ì
b∙ thσ taggeΣ filenamσ a≤ ß reminde≥ thσ filσ i≤ taggeΣá fo≥ ì
mas≤ cop∙ o≥ mas≤ delete.
╒á - Untaτ filσ previousl∙ taggeΣ fo≥ mas≤á copy«á 'Uº ì
caεá bσ useΣ t∩ movσ curso≥ 'forwardº fo≥ quicδ untagginτ oµ ì
files«á Logging-iεá drivσá agaiε witΦ 'Nº als∩á untag≤á al∞ ì
╟ ╘ o≥ ╒ - Grou≡ (Mass⌐ Taτ o≥ Untag« Use≥ i≤ prompteΣ ì
fo≥ thσ operation¼á anΣ tw∩ oµ hi≤ option≤ arσ ╘ anΣ U«á Iµ ì
eithe≥á operatioε i≤ selected¼á tagginτ o≥ untagginτá occur≤ ì
automaticall∙á froφá thσ curso≥ positioε t∩ thσ enΣá oµá thσ ì
screeεá oεá al∞ file≤ iε thi≤ area«á Iµ thσ use≥ wishe≤á t∩ ì
theε seσ thσ accumulateΣ size≤ oµ thσ taggeΣ files¼á thσ ╟ ╞ ì
(Grou≡ Filσ Size⌐ commanΣ ma∙ bσ issued.
:File Display Commands
╨ - Prin⌠ tex⌠ filσ t∩ CP/═ lis⌠ devicσ (printer)« An∙ ì
keypres≤ cancels.
╓á - Vie≈á tex⌠ filσ oε console¼á witΦá paginatioεá anΣ ì
single-linσ turn-up«á <CTRL-C╛ cancel≤á function«á <SPACE╛ ì
advance≤ t∩ nex⌠ line¼á anΣ an∙ othe≥ characte≥ advance≤ thσ ì
screen« Onl∙ ASCI╔ character≤ arσ processed.
Detail≤á oεá CR╘ anΣ Printe≥ size≤ (numbe≥ oµ line≤á oε ì
screen¼á numbe≥ oµ line≤ oε printer¼á etc⌐ arσ deriveΣá froφ ì
thσá ZCPR│ Environmen⌠ Descripto≥ anΣ neeΣ no⌠ bσ oµ concerε ì
t∩á thσ user«á Thσ commanΣ CPSE╠ caε bσ useΣ t∩ selec⌠á thσ ì
CR╘áá o≥á Printe≥á characteristic≤á froφáá thσáá Environmen⌠ ì
Descripto≥ a≤ desired.è
:File Operations Commands
├á - Cop∙ filσ t∩ anothe≥ DI╥ areß witΦ automatiπ 'CRCº ì
veri-fication«á Thσ standarΣ ZCPR│ DI╥ forφ i≤ allowed¼ anΣ ì
ßá coloεá afte≥á thσ specificatioεá i≤á optional«á Seσá thσ ì
sectioεá oεá thσ DI╥ forφ fo≥á morσá details«á Systeφá rese⌠ ì
occur≤á fo≥ disδ change«á Prompt≤ t∩ erasσ alread∙ existinτ ì
filσ oε othe≥ drivσ o≥ iε othe≥ use≥ area«á Thσ use≥ shoulΣ ì
bσá surσ tha⌠ therσ i≤ enougΦ rooφ oε thσá destinatioεá disδ ì
beforσ attemptinτ ß copy.
─ - Deletσ filσ froφ disk¼ prompt≤ fo≥ certainty.
╞á - Filσá sizσ iε kilobytes¼á roundeΣ u≡ t∩ nex⌠á disδ ì
allocatioε block.
╟ - Invokσ Grou≡ (Mass⌐ command«á Thσ threσ option≤ oµ ì
interes⌠á herσ arσ ├ (Cop∙ al∞ TaggeΣ Files)¼á ─ (Deletσ al∞ ì
TaggeΣ Files)¼ anΣ ╞ (Filσ Sizσ oµ al∞ TaggeΣ Files).
╟á ├á - Grou≡ cop∙ oµ taggeΣ file≤ t∩á anothe≥á D╒ ì
area«áá Auto-erasσá occur≤á iµá file(s⌐á alread∙á exist(s)« ì
Prompt≤ fo≥ desireΣ D╒ areß a≤ witΦ 'Cº command« Grou≡ cop∙ ì
functioε caε bσ repeateΣ withou⌠ re-tagginτ files.
╟ ─ - Grou≡ deletσ oµ taggeΣ files«á Prompt≤ fo≥ ì
approval¼á anΣá ┘á o≥á ╓ approvσ deletioεá whilσá an∙á othe≥ ì
characte≥á aborts«á Iµá Y¼á deletioεá occur≤á withou⌠á use≥ ì
intervention«á Iµ V¼ use≥ i≤ askeΣ t∩ approvσ eacΦ deletioε ì
beforσ i⌠ i≤ made.
╟á ╞ - Grou≡ filσ sizσ summary«á Add≤ u≡ thσ filσ ì
sizes of all tagged files and displays this sum.
╥ - Renamσ filσ oε curren⌠ drive« Onl∙ CP/═ conventioε ì
name≤á permitted«á WilΣ card≤ arσ no⌠ permitted«á Use≥á i≤ ì
prompteΣ fo≥ ne≈ filσ name.
:Movement Commands
<SP╛ - Advancσ t∩ nex⌠ filσ name« WraparounΣ froφ las⌠ ì
t∩á firs⌠á ma∙ occur«á Thσ WorΣ Sta≥ ^─ characte≥á o≥á you≥ ì
righ⌠á arro≈á ke∙ (iµ availablσ iε thσ Z3TCAP⌐á perforφá thσ ì
same function.
<BS╛á - Bacδá u≡ t∩ las⌠ filσá name«á WraparounΣá froφ ì
firs⌠ t∩ las⌠ ma∙ occur« Thσ WorΣ Sta≥ ^╙ characte≥ o≥ you≥ ì
lef⌠ arro≈ ke∙ (iµ availablσ iε thσ Z3TCAP⌐ perforφ thσ samσ ì
╩ - Jum≡ t∩ ß file« UseΣ t∩ quickl∙ jum≡ t∩ ß specifiπ ì
file«á Use≥ i≤ prompteΣ fo≥ ß filσ name¼á anΣ wilΣ card≤ (┐ ì
anΣ *⌐ ma∙ bσ used«á Use≥ i≤ positioneΣ a⌠ firs⌠ filσ whicΦ ì
matche≤á wilΣ card≤ iµ found╗á use≥ i≤ positioneΣá a⌠á firs⌠ ì
filσ iε rinτ iµ no⌠ found.
╤á - RefresΦá thσ screen«á Thσ curren⌠ screeε wil∞á bσ ì
½á - Jum≡ t∩ Nex⌠ Screeε (iµ any)«á Iµ therσá i≤á morσ ì
thaεá onσ screeε oµ files¼á thσ use≥ i≤ advanceΣ t∩ thσ nex⌠ ì
screen«á Iµá a⌠ t∩ Nex⌠ Screeε (iµ any)«á Iµ therσá i≤á morσ ì
thaεá onσ screeε oµ files¼á thσ use≥ i≤ advanceΣ t∩ thσ nex⌠ ì
screen«á Iµá a⌠ thσ las⌠ screen¼á wraparounΣ occur≤ t∩á thσ ì
first«á ^╞ als∩ perform≤ thi≤ functioε iµ no⌠ overriddeΣ b∙ ì
arro≈ keys.
- - Jum≡ t∩ Las⌠ Screeε (iµ any)«á Simila≥ t∩ ½ bu⌠ iε ì
thσá oppositσá direction«á WraparounΣá t∩ las⌠á screeεá ma∙ ì
occur«á ^┴ als∩ perform≤ thi≤ functioε iµ no⌠ overriddeε b∙ ì
arro≈ keys.
WorΣ Sta≥ arro≈ ke∙ movemen⌠ (iµ no⌠ overrideε b∙ arro≈ ì
keys in Z3TCAP):
^S <-+-> ^D
:Miscellaneous Commands
┴ - Togglσ Alphß Sort« Thi≤ commanΣ reverse≤ thσ sensσ ì
oµ thσ sor⌠ oµ thσ curren⌠ directory¼ reload≤ thσ directory¼ ì
anΣ refreshe≤ thσ screen¼ havinτ sorteΣ i⌠ iε thσ ne≈ sense« ì
Sortinτá i≤ donσ b∙ filσ namσ anΣ typσ o≥ b∙ filσá typσá anΣ ì
╚á - Invoke≤á externa∞ HEL╨ Information«á VFILE╥á wil∞ ì
chaiεá t∩á HEL╨ anΣ displa∙ thσ informatioεá iεá VFILER.HLP« ì
VFILE╥á check≤á t∩á seσá iµ HEL╨ caεá bσá founΣá alonτá patΦ ì
(externa∞á iµ available¼á interna∞ iµ externa∞ patΦá i≤á no⌠ ì
available⌐á anΣ doe≤ no⌠ attemp⌠ t∩ chaiε iµ HELP.CO═ canno⌠ ì
bσ found.
╬ - Logiε ne≈ D╒ areß fo≥ displa∙ anΣ rese⌠ systeφá fo≥ ì
disδ changes« Forma⌠ oµ D╒ forφ i≤ samσ a≤ 'Cº fo≥ copy.
╙á - Statu≤ oµ requesteΣ drive¼á show≤á remaininτá disδ ì
storagσáá iεá kilobyte≤á anΣá numbe≥á oµá file≤á iεá curren⌠ ì
┌ - Ruε an∙ ZCPR│ CommanΣ Line«á Use≥ wil∞ bσ prompteΣ ì
fo≥á commanΣ line¼á anΣ VFILE╥ wil∞ bσ reentereΣ iε samσá D╒ ì
areß a≤ wheε commanΣ wa≤ executed«á CommanΣ wil∞ executσ iε ì
thσ origina∞ D╒ area as indicated by the prompt.
^C - Exit to Operating System.
»á o≥á ┐á - Prin⌠ CommanΣ Summar∙á (Shor⌠á Hel≡á Info)« ì
VFILE╥á ma∙ bσ assembleΣ t∩ omi⌠ built-iε help¼á creatinτá ß ì
VFILE╥á whicΦá i≤á abou⌠ 1╦ shorte≥ thaε ß VFILE╥á witΦá thσ ì
built-iεá help«á Iµá thσ built-iε hel≡á i≤á omitted¼á thesσ ì
command≤ chaiε t∩ thσ VFILER.HL╨ filσ instead.