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Introduction ZCPR3 Environment
Command Line GETCL1/GETCL2
Filenames GETFN1/GETFN2
Initialize Z3INIT
Named Dir GETNDR
Processor Spd GETSPEED
Shell Stack GETSH1/GETSH2
:Introduction to the ZCPR3 Environment
An∙á prograφ runninτ unde≥ ZCPR│ i≤ withiε wha⌠ caεá bσ ì
calleΣ ß ZCPR│ environment«á ┴ hos⌠ oµ facilitie≤ anΣá datß ì
i≤á availablσá t∩ thi≤ prograφ whicΦ ß norma∞á CP/═á prograφ ì
doe≤á no⌠ have«á Fo≥ instance¼á ß prograφ runninτ unde≥ thσ ì
ZCPR│ environment:
. can find out what name it was invoked by
. can access a set of messages from ZCPR3 which
tell it a number of things about how it was
« caε senΣ message≤ t∩ ZCPR│ anΣ program≤ which
run after it completes
. can find out many things about its environment,
such as the processor speed, CRT and printer
characteristics, maximum number of disks
. can determine what characteristics the user's
terminal has and make use of these to employ
cursor addressing and other such functions
Al∞á oµá thσá informatioε outlineΣ abovσá anΣá morσá i≤ ì
availablσ t∩ an∙ runninτ prograφ thr⌡ thσ ZCPR│á Environmen⌠ ì
Descriptor«á Thi≤á i≤á ß blocδ oµ memor∙ (25╢ bytes⌐á whicΦ ì
contain≤á addresse≤á anΣ othe≥ datß iεá ßá precisely-defineΣ ì
format«á A⌠ installatioε time¼á thσ ZCPR│ utilitie≤ caεá bσ ì
se⌠á u≡á t∩ internall∙ contaiε aε Environmen⌠ Descripto≥á o≥ ì
the∙á caεá bσá installeΣ witΦ ß pointe≥á t∩á aεá Environmen⌠ ì
Descripto≥á whicΦ reside≤ a⌠ somσ fixeΣ locatioεá iεá memor∙ ì
(thi≤á i≤á thσ preferreΣ approach)«á Oncσ thσá routine≤á iε ì
Z3LI┬ havσ beeε initializeΣ witΦ knowledgσ oµ thσ addres≤ oµ ì
thi≤á environmen⌠á descriptor¼á the∙á caεá extrac⌠á specifiπ ì
informatioε froφ i⌠ fo≥ usσ iε thσ applicatioε program.
Thσá followinτ informatioε i≤ containeΣ withiε ßá ZCPR│ ì
Environment Descriptor:
. address of External Path . size of External Path
. address of RCP . size of RCP
. address of FCP . size of FCP
. address of IOP . size of IOP
. address of Named Dir . size of Named Dir
. address of Command Line . size of Command Line
. address of Env Descriptor . size of Env Descriptor
. address of Shell Stack . size of Shell Stack
. address of Z3 Messages . size of Stack Entries
. address of External FCB . address of External Stk
. address of Wheel Byte . quiet flag
. processor speed . DU approval flag
. maximum disk allowed . maximum user allowed
« datß oε CR╘ « datß oε Printe≥
. two reserved file names . ZCPR3 TERMCAP (Z3TCAP)
Thσ purposσ oµ Z3LI┬ i≤ t∩ providσ thσ programme≥á witΦ ì
eas∙á acces≤á t∩á thσ informatioε iε thσá ZCPR│á Environmen⌠ ì
Descripto≥á anΣá t∩á allo≈ hiφ t∩ easil∙ makσá usσá oµá thi≤ ì
information. To illustrate, the some Z3LIB routines are:
. GETPRT - return data on the width, number of
lines, and form feed ability of the
. GETCL2 - return the address of the first char
of the next command to be run, if any
. GETEFCB - return the address of the external
FCB so the program can determine its
. SHPUSH - push a command line on the shell stack
« SHPO╨ - po≡ ß commanΣ linσ froφ thσ shel∞ stk
. IFT - invoke the next IF level and make it T
. IFEND - back up to previous IF level
Thi≤á HL╨á filσ describe≤ thosσá Z3LI┬á routine≤á whicΦ ì
providσá acces≤á t∩ thσ ZCPR│ Environmen⌠á Descripto≥á data« ì
All of these routines are of the general name:
wherσá thσ mnemoniπ followinτ thσ GE╘ prefi° allude≤ t∩ wha⌠ ì
information is being obtained.
:Command Line GETCL1/GETCL2
Z3LIB Routine: GETCL1
Return≤á thσ addres≤ oµ thσ CommanΣ Linσ Buffe≥á iεá H╠ ì
anΣá it≤á sizσ (iε byte⌐ iε A«á Thσ CommanΣ Linσ Buffe≥á i≤ ì
structured as follows:
db <address of next char to process>
db <size of buffer>
db <dummy used for BDOS READLN function>
db <characters in command line>
db 0
GETCL▒á return≤á thσ addres≤ oµ CMDLIN┼ iε H╠á anΣá thσ ì
size (at CMDLINE+2) in A.
Inputs: None
Outputs: HL=address of CMDLINE, A=size
Registers Affected: HL, PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions:
HL = 0 if there is no command line buffer
Z3LIB Routine: GETCL2
Return≤ thσ addres≤ oµ thσ firs⌠ characte≥ oµ thσá nex⌠ ì
commanΣá t∩ bσ executeΣ iε thσ CommanΣ Linσ Buffe≥ iε H╠ anΣ ì
thσ firs⌠ characte≥ oµ thσ nex⌠ commanΣ iε A«á A=░ anΣá thσ ì
Zer∩á Flaτ i≤ Se⌠ (Z⌐ iµ therσ arσ n∩ furthe≥ character≤á iε ì
the line.
The Command Line Buffer is structured as follows:
db <address of next char to process>
db <size of buffer>
db <dummy used for BDOS READLN function>
db <characters in command line>
db 0
GETCL▓ return≤ thσ addres≤ containeΣ iε thσ firs⌠ D╫ a⌠ ì
thσ labe∞ CMDLIN┼ iε H╠ anΣ thσ cha≥ a⌠ thi≤ addres≤ iε A.
Inputs: None
Outputs: HL=address of next command, A=first char
Registers Affected: HL, PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions:
HL = 0 if there is no Command Line Buffer.
Returε thσ addres≤ oµ thσ CR╘ datß recorΣ iε HL«á Thi≤ ì
record is structured as follows:
db <width of the CRT in characters>
db <number of lines on CRT screen>
db <number of text lines on CRT screen>
For example, a conventional CRT would look like:
db 80 ; 80 cols
db 24 ; 24 lines
db 22 ; 22 text lines
Thσá numbe≥á oµ tex⌠ line≤ shoulΣ bσ tw∩ les≤ thaεá thσ ì
tota∞á numbe≥ oµ lines«á I⌠ ma∙ bσ madσ │ o≥ ┤ les≤ iµá thσ ì
use≥ want≤ t∩ seσ wide≥ overla≡ oε hi≤ screen«á Thσ purposσ ì
oµá thi≤ recorΣ elemen⌠ i≤ t∩ tel∞ utilitie≤ likσá PAG┼á ho≈ ì
man∙á line≤á t∩ outpu⌠ beforσ pausinτ t∩ allo≈ thσá use≥á t∩ ì
reaΣá thσá screen¼á anΣ thi≤ caε bσ reduceΣ (g∩ t∩ 2░ o≥á 1╕ ì
lines⌐á t∩ allo≈ thσ use≥ t∩ seσ morσ oµ thσ las⌠ screeεá hσ ì
was viewing.
Inputs: None
Outputs: HL contains the address of the CRT record
Registers Affected: HL
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
Returεá thσ addres≤ oµ thσ Printe≥ datß recorΣá iεá HL« ì
This record is structured as follows:
db <width of printer in characters>
db <number of lines on printer page>
db <number of text lines on printer page>
db <form feed flag (0=printer can't FF)>
For example, a typical printer data record would be:
db 80 ; 80 columns
db 66 ; 66 lines
dΓ 5╕ ╗ 5╕ tex⌠ line≤ (┤ up/┤ dε margin)
db 1 ; printer can form feed
Usinτá thσ thirΣ bytσ (numbe≥ oµ tex⌠ line≤ pe≥á page)¼ ì
thσá printe≥á pagσá margin≤ arσ selecteΣ a≤á thσá differencσ ì
betweeεá thσá tota∞ numbe≥ oµ line≤ anΣ thσ numbe≥á oµá tex⌠ ì
Wheε routine≤ likσ PRIN╘ run¼á the∙ prin⌠ thσ numbe≥ oµ ì
tex⌠á line≤ anΣ then¼á iµ thσ printe≥ caεá forφá feed¼á the∙ ì
issuσá ßá forφ feeΣ character«á Iµ thσ printe≥á can'⌠á forφ ì
feed¼á thσá senΣá ou⌠á thσ prope≥ numbe≥ oµ blanδá line≤á t∩ ì
advance to the next page.
Inputs: None
Outputs: HL is address of printer data buffer
Registers Affected: HL
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
Return≤á thσá addres≤ oµ thσ ZCPR│ Externa∞ FC┬ iεá HL« ì
Return≤á witΦá HL=░á anΣ Zer∩ Flaτ Se⌠ (Z⌐ iµá therσá i≤á n∩ ì
External FCB.
Unde≥á ZCPR3¼á ß prograφ caε finΣ ou⌠ wha⌠ namσ i⌠á wa≤ ì
invokeΣá b∙á througΦ thσ Externa∞ FCB«á Byte≤á 1-╕á oµá thσ ì
Externa∞á FC┬á (firs⌠á bytσ i≤ 0⌐ contaiε thσá namσá oµá thσ ì
program just executed by ZCPR3.
Thi≤á featurσ i≤ particularl∙ usefu∞ fo≥ program≤á likσ ì
Shell≤á whicΦá havσá t∩á pusΦá thei≥á namσá anΣá operationa∞ ì
parameter≤á ont∩á thσ Shel∞ Stacδ iε orde≥ t∩á bσá reinvokeΣ ì
wheε ß commanΣ linσ completes«á ┴ Shel∞ caε usσ thσ datß iε ì
thσá Externa∞á FC┬á t∩ determinσ wha⌠ it≤á namσá i≤á withou⌠ ì
having to assume that it has a particular name at all times.
Inputs: None
Outputs: HL = address of External FCB, A=0 and Z if none
Registers Affected: HL, PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
:Environment GETENV
Returεá thσ addres≤ oµ thσ ZCPR│ Environmen⌠ Descripto≥ ì
in HL.
Thi≤á functioε i≤ usefu∞ fo≥ thosσ program≤ whicΦá neeΣ ì
t∩á modif∙ thσ ZCPR│ Environmen⌠ Descriptor«á Mos⌠á oµá thσ ì
routine≤ iε Z3LI┬ whicΦ acces≤ thσ environmen⌠ descripto≥ d∩ ì
s∩á iεá ß R/╧ modσ (the∙ d∩ no⌠ allo≈ thσ prograφ t∩á changσ ì
datß iε it)«á Somσ program≤ ma∙ neeΣ t∩ d∩ this¼á s∩ GENEN╓ ì
i≤ provided«á Z3LDR¼á fo≥ example¼á load≤ ß ne≈ Environmen⌠ ì
Descripto≥ froφ ß filσ oε disk¼á anΣ i⌠ use≤ GETEN╓ t∩á finΣ ì
out where to load the file.
Inputs: None
Outputs: HL = address of Environment Descriptor
Registers Affected: HL
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
Returε thσ addres≤ oµ thσ ZCPR│ TCA╨ (Z3TCAP⌐ Buffe≥ iε ì
HL. Indicate if this buffer contains a TCAP entry.
Thi≤á functioε i≤ usefu∞ fo≥ thosσ program≤ whicΦá neeΣ ì
t∩á modif∙á thσ ZCPR│ TCA╨ Buffe≥ anΣ thosσá program≤á whicΦ ì
neeΣá t∩á determinσá iµá thσ TCA╨á i≤á loaded«á I⌠á ma∙á bσ ì
desirablσá t∩á cal∞á thi≤ routinσ beforσá ßá screen-orienteΣ ì
utilit∙á i≤á executeΣá iε orde≥ t∩ insurσá tha⌠á ßá TCA╨á i≤ ì
Returεá witΦá A=░ anΣ Zer∩ Flaτ Se⌠ (Z⌐á iµá n∩á Z3TCA╨ ì
entr∙ exist≤ withiε thσ buffer.
Inputs: None
Outputs: HL = address of Z3TCAP Buffer
A=0 and Zero Flag Set (Z) if no entry in buffer
Registers Affected: HL, PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
Returεá thσ addres≤ oµ thσ flo≈ commanΣ packagσá buffe≥ ì
iε H╠ anΣ thσ sizσ oµ thσ buffe≥ iε term≤ oµ 128-bytσ block≤ ì
in A. If there is no FCP buffer, A=0 and Zero Flag Set (Z).
GETFC╨ simpl∙ return≤ detail≤ oε thσ FC╨ buffe≥ addres≤ ì
anΣá size¼á bu⌠ i⌠ doe≤ no⌠ sa∙ iµ aε FC╨ i≤ residen⌠ withiε ì
it«á T∩á finΣ thi≤ out¼á looδ a⌠ thσ firs⌠ bytσ oµ thσá FC╨ ì
buffer¼á and¼á iµ i⌠ i≤ zero¼á theε therσ i≤ n∩ FC╨ present« ì
ext getfcp ;reference
call getfcp ;obtain data
jz nofcpbuf ;no FCP buffer is available
mov a,m ;get first byte of buffer
ora a ;set zero flag accordingly
jz nofcpload ;no FCP is in the buffer
Inputs: None
Outputs║ H╠ ╜ addres≤ oµ FC╨ buffer
A=0 and Zero Flag Set (Z) if no buffer, else
A=sizσ oµ buffe≥ iε 128-bytσ block≤ anΣ NZ
Registers Affected: HL, PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
:Filenames GETFN1/GETFN2
Z3LIB Routine: GETFN1 or GETFN2
Thesσá routine≤ returε thσ addres≤ iε H╠ oµ filenamσá ▒ ì
(GETFN1⌐á anΣ filenamσ ▓ (GETFN2⌐ iε thσá ZCPR│á Environmen⌠ ì
Descriptor«á EacΦ filenamσ entr∙ i≤ 1▒ byte≤ long¼ matchinτ ì
the filename and filetype fields of the CP/M FCB.
Thesσá name≤ arσ useΣ t∩ pas≤ name≤ oµ specia∞ file≤ t∩ ì
program≤á fo≥á late≥ use«á Thei≥ exac⌠á definitioεá i≤á no⌠ ì
presenteΣá anΣá lef⌠ t∩ thσ installer«á Onσ applicatioεá oµ ì
thesσá i≤ t∩ allo≈ GETFN▒ t∩ returε thσ namσ oµá thσá maste≥ ì
HL╨á filσá (HELP.HLP⌐ whicΦ i≤ t∩ bσ useΣ t∩ inde° int∩á thσ ì
Help System.
Inputs: None
Outputs: HL is address of the selected file name
Registers Affected: HL
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
:Initialize Z3INIT
Z3LIB Routine: Z3INIT
Obtaiε thσ addres≤ oµ thσ ZCPR│ Environmen⌠á Descripto≥ ì
froφá thσ callinτ prograφ anΣ se⌠ i⌠ iε ß globa∞ buffe≥á fo≥ ì
future use by the Z3LIB routines.
Z3INIT is called as follows:
ext z3init ;reference
lxi h,z3env ;address of ZCPR3 Environment Desc
call z3init ;perform function
Inputs: HL = address of ZCPR3 Environment Descriptor
Outputs: None
Registers Affected: None
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
Returεá thσ addres≤ oµ thσ input/output packagσá buffe≥ ì
iε H╠ anΣ thσ sizσ oµ thσ buffe≥ iε term≤ oµ 128-bytσ block≤ ì
in A. If there is no IOP buffer, A=0 and Zero Flag Set (Z).
GETIO╨ simpl∙ return≤ detail≤ oε thσ IOP buffe≥ addres≤ ì
anΣá size¼á bu⌠ i⌠ doe≤ no⌠ sa∙ iµ aε IOP i≤ residen⌠ withiε ì
it«á T∩á finΣ thi≤ out¼á looδ a⌠ thσ firs⌠ bytσ oµ thσá IOP ì
buffer¼á and¼á iµ i⌠ i≤ zero¼á theε therσ i≤ n∩ IOP present« ì
ext getiop ;reference
call getiop ;obtain data
jz noiopbuf ;no IOP buffer is available
mov a,m ;get first byte of buffer
ora a ;set zero flag accordingly
jz noiopload ;no IOP is in the buffer
Inputs: None
Outputs║ H╠ ╜ addres≤ oµ IO╨ buffer
A=0 and Zero Flag Set (Z) if no buffer, else
A=sizσ oµ buffe≥ iε 128-bytσ block≤ anΣ NZ
Registers Affected: HL, PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
Returε thσ DUO╦ flaτ iε ┴ witΦ thσ Zer∩ Flaτ Se⌠ (Z⌐ iµ ì
A=0«á DUO╦á i≤á ß flaτ whicΦ tell≤ thσ prograφ iµ i⌠ i≤á t∩ ì
permi⌠ thσ use≥ t∩ specif∙ thσ DU║ prefi° t∩ changσ disδ anΣ ì
use≥ area« ┴ ZCPR│ utilit∙ caε alway≤ specif∙ ß DIR║ prefi° ì
(nameΣá directory⌐ iε identifyinτ thσ disδ anΣ use≥ areßá t∩ ì
examine¼á bu⌠á iεá somσá "secureóá application≤á i⌠á i≤á no⌠ ì
desirablσá t∩á allo≈ thσ use≥ t∩ emplo∙ thσá DU║á prefi°á t∩ ì
acces≤á AN┘á disk/use≥ area«á Thi≤ flaτá (DUOK⌐á tell≤á thσ ì
utility if it is OK for the user to employ the DU: prefix.
Inputs: None
Outputs: A=0 and Zero Flag Set (Z) if NOT OK to use DU:
A=0FFH and Zero Flag Clear (NZ) if OK to use DU:
Registers Affected: PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
Returεá thσá numbe≥á oµ thσ maximuφ disδá iεá A«á Thi≤ ì
numbe≥ i≤ iε thσ rangσ froφ ▒ t∩ 16¼ wherσ ▒ mean≤ disδ ┴ i≤ ì
the maximum disk on the system and 16 means disk P is.
Thσá ZCPR│á Environmen⌠á Descripto≥á ma∙á bσá useΣáá t∩ ì
restric⌠á acces≤á t∩á certaiεá part≤á oµá thσá system«á Fo≥ ì
instance¼á ßá "norma∞ useró ma∙ bσ denieΣ acces≤ t∩ disk≤á ├ ì
anΣá ─ anΣ t∩ an∙ use≥ areß beyonΣ 10«á ┴ "privelegeΣ useró ì
wh∩ ha≤ thσ powe≥ t∩ changσ thσ ZCPR│ Environmen⌠ Descripto≥ ì
can gain access to any disk or user area he desires.
Inputs: None
Outputs: A = disk number (disk A = 1)
Registers Affected: PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
Returε thσ numbe≥ oµ thσ maximuφ use≥ areß iε A«á Thi≤ ì
number is in the range from 0 to 31.
Thσá ZCPR│á Environmen⌠á Descripto≥á ma∙á bσá useΣáá t∩ ì
restric⌠á acces≤á t∩á certaiεá part≤á oµá thσá system«á Fo≥ ì
instance¼á ßá "norma∞ useró ma∙ bσ denieΣ acces≤ t∩ disk≤á ├ ì
anΣá ─ anΣ t∩ an∙ use≥ areß beyonΣ 10«á ┴ "privelegeΣ useró ì
wh∩ ha≤ thσ powe≥ t∩ changσ thσ ZCPR│ Environmen⌠ Descripto≥ ì
can gain access to any disk or user area he desires.
Inputs: None
Outputs: A = maximum user area which may be accessed
Registers Affected: PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
Returεá thσ addres≤ oµ thσ ZCPR│ Messagσ Buffe≥ iεá HL« ì
A=░á anΣá Zer∩á Flaτ Se⌠ (Z⌐ iµ therσ i≤á n∩á ZCPR│á Messagσ ì
Seσ thσ Z3LI┬ informatioε section≤ oε ZCPR│ Messages.
Inputs: None
Outputs: HL = address of ZCPR3 Message Buffer
A = 0 and Zero Flag Set (Z) if there is none
Registers Affected: HL, PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
GETSH═á return≤á thσ valuσ oµ thσ shel∞á messagσá whosσ ì
numbe≥á i≤ specifieΣ iε B«á Therσ arσ threσ shel∞ messages¼ ì
s∩ ░ <╜ ┬ <╜ ▓ (thσ programme≥ mus⌠ bσ surσ ß valiΣ valuσ i≤ ì
Inputs: B = Message Number (0, 1, 2)
Outputs: A = Message Value (Zero Flag Set Accordingly)
Registers Affected: PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
PUTSH═ set≤ thσ valuσ oµ thσ shel∞ messagσ whosσ numbe≥ ì
i≤ giveε iε B«á Thσ messagσ valuσ i≤ iε A«á Therσ arσ onl∙ ì
three shell messages, so B = 0, 1, or 2.
Inputs: A = Message Value, B = Message Number = 0,1,2
Outputs: None
Registers Affected: None
Side Effects: Message Value is Set
Special Error Conditions: None
:Named Dir GETNDR
Returεá thσ addres≤ oµ thσ nameΣ director∙ buffe≥ iε H╠ ì
anΣ thσ sizσ oµ thσ buffe≥ iε term≤ oµ 128-bytσ block≤ iε A« ì
Iµ therσ i≤ n∩ ND╥ buffer¼ A=░ anΣ Zer∩ Flaτ Se⌠ (Z).
GETNDR simpl∙ return≤ detail≤ oε thσ NDR buffe≥ addres≤ ì
anΣá size¼á bu⌠ i⌠ doe≤ no⌠ sa∙ iµ aε NDR i≤ residen⌠ withiε ì
it«á T∩á finΣ thi≤ out¼á looδ a⌠ thσ firs⌠ bytσ oµ thσá NDR ì
buffer¼á and¼á iµ i⌠ i≤ zero¼á theε therσ i≤ n∩ NDR present« ì
ext getndr ;reference
call getndr ;obtain data
jz nondrbuf ;no NDR buffer is available
mov a,m ;get first byte of buffer
ora a ;set zero flag accordingly
jz nondrload ;no NDR is in the buffer
Inputs: None
Outputs║ H╠ ╜ addres≤ oµ NDR buffer
A=0 and Zero Flag Set (Z) if no buffer, else
A=sizσ oµ buffe≥ iε 128-bytσ block≤ anΣ NZ
Registers Affected: HL, PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
Returεá thσ addres≤ oµ thσ ZCPR│ Command-SearcΦ PatΦ iε ì
HL«á A=░á anΣ Zer∩ Flaτ Se⌠ (Z⌐ iµ therσ i≤ n∩ ZCPR│á Path« ì
Iµá therσá i≤á ß ZCPR│ Path¼á ┴ ╜ numbe≥á oµá two-bytσá patΦ ì
elements allowed in it.
A ZCPR3 Path Element is structured as follows:
Byte 1: Disk ID
Disk A = 1, B = 2, etc
Current Disk = '$'
Byte 2: User ID
Number from 0 to 31
A ZCPR3 Path is terminated by a Disk ID of 0. Example:
db '$',1 ;current disk, user 1
db 1,'$' ;disk A, current user
db 1,15 ;disk A, user 15
db 0 ;end of path
Inputs: None
Outputs: HL = address of ZCPR3 Path
A = 0 and Zero Flag Set (Z) if there is none
Registers Affected: HL, PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
:Processor Spd GETSPEED
Returε thσ speeΣ oµ thσ processo≥ iε A«á Thi≤ one-bytσ ì
valuσá i≤ t∩ represen⌠ thσ processo≥ speeΣ iεá MHz¼á s∩á A=▒ ì
means 1 MHz, A = 4 means 4 MHz, etc.
This function is useful for software timing loops.
Inputs: None
Outputs: A = processor speed
Registers Affected: PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
:Quiet Flag GETQUIET
Returε thσ Quie⌠ Flaτ iε A« A╜ ░ anΣ Zer∩ Flaτ Se⌠ (Z⌐ ì
iµá thσ prograφ i≤ NO╘ t∩ ruε quietly¼á A=0FF╚ anΣ N┌ iµ thσ ì
program is to run quietly.
B∙ quie⌠ operation¼á thσ prograφ i≤ no⌠ t∩ displa∙á an∙ ì
informative messages.
Inputs: None
èOutputs: A = Quiet Flag (0=not quiet) and Zero Flag set
Registers Affected: PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
Returεá thσá addres≤ oµ thσá residen⌠á commanΣá packagσ ì
buffe≥ iε H╠ anΣ thσ sizσ oµ thσ buffe≥ iε term≤ oµ 128-bytσ ì
block≤ iε A«á Iµ therσ i≤ n∩ RC╨ buffer¼á A=░ anΣ Zer∩ Flaτ ì
Se⌠ (Z).
GETRC╨ simpl∙ return≤ detail≤ oε thσ RC╨ buffe≥ addres≤ ì
anΣá size¼á bu⌠ i⌠ doe≤ no⌠ sa∙ iµ aε RC╨ i≤ residen⌠ withiε ì
it«á T∩á finΣ thi≤ out¼á looδ a⌠ thσ firs⌠ bytσ oµ thσá RC╨ ì
buffer¼á and¼á iµ i⌠ i≤ zero¼á theε therσ i≤ n∩ RC╨ present« ì
ext getfcp ;reference
call getfcp ;obtain data
jz nofcpbuf ;no FCP buffer is available
mov a,m ;get first byte of buffer
ora a ;set zero flag accordingly
jz nofcpload ;no FCP is in the buffer
Inputs: None
Outputs║ H╠ ╜ addres≤ oµ RC╨ buffer
A=0 and Zero Flag Set (Z) if no buffer, else
A=sizσ oµ buffe≥ iε 128-bytσ block≤ anΣ NZ
Registers Affected: HL, PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
:Shell Stack GETSH1/GETSH2
Z3LIB Routine: GETSH1
Returεá thσ addres≤ oµ thσ shel∞ stacδ iε HL¼á thσ sizσ ì
oµá eacΦ shel∞ stacδ entr∙ iε B¼á anΣ thσ numbe≥ oµá entrie≤ ì
possiblσ iε thσ shel∞ stacδ iε A« A=░ anΣ Zer∩ Flaτ Se⌠ (Z⌐ ì
if there is no shell stack.
Seσá thσ SHPUS╚ anΣ SHPO╨ routine≤ fo≥ detai∞ oεá othe≥ ì
facilitie≤ fo≥ dealinτ witΦ shel∞ stack≤ provideΣ b∙á Z3LIB« ì
GETSH▒ serve≤ mainl∙ t∩ providσ data.
Inputs: None
Outputs: HL = address of Shell Stack
B = number of bytes in each shell stack entry
A = number of entries possible in the stack
A = 0 and Zero Flag Set (Z) if no stack
Registers Affected: HL, B, PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
Z3LIB Routine: GETSH2
Returε thσ addres≤ oµ thσ shel∞ stacδ iε HL¼á thσá sizσ ì
oµá eacΦ shel∞ stacδ entr∙ iε DE¼á anΣ thσ numbe≥ oµ entrie≤ ì
possiblσ iε thσ shel∞ stacδ iε botΦ ┴ anΣ B«á A=░ anΣá Zer∩ ì
Flaτ Se⌠ (Z⌐ iµ therσ i≤ n∩ shel∞ stack.
Seσá thσá SHPUS╚á anΣ SHPO╨ routine≤á fo≥á othe≥á Z3LI┬ ì
capabilitie≤á wr⌠ shells«á GETSH▓ serve≤ mainl∙ t∩á providσ ì
datß iε ß forφ tha⌠ i≤ morσ usablσ fo≥ certaiεá application≤ ì
thaε GETSH1.
Inputs: None
Outputs: HL = address of Shell Stack
DE = number of bytes in each shell stack entry
A,B = number of entries possible in the stack
A = 0 and Zero Flag Set (Z) if no stack
Registers Affected: HL, DE, B, PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
Returε thσ Whee∞ Bytσ iε A« A╜ ░ anΣ Zer∩ Flaτ Se⌠ (Z⌐ ì
iµ thσ prograφ i≤ NO╘ t∩ givσ Whee∞ powers¼ A=0FF╚ anΣ N┌ iµ ì
thσ prograφ i≤ t∩ ruε iε ß privelegeΣ mode.
B∙ whee∞ operation¼á thσ prograφ i≤ no⌠ t∩ prohibi⌠ thσ ì
use≥ froφ performinτ an∙ function«á Fo≥ instance¼á allowinτ ì
thσá use≥ t∩ changσ thσ PAT╚ shoulΣ bσ ß Whee∞á functioεá s∩ ì
tha⌠á thσá "normalóá use≥á i≤á no⌠á alloweΣá t∩á changσá hi≤ ì
environmen⌠ whilσ ß "privelegedó use≥ is.
Inputs: None
Outputs: A = Wheel Byte (0=not wheel) and Zero Flag set
Registers Affected: PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
Se⌠ thσ Whee∞ Bytσ iε A« A╜ ░ anΣ Zer∩ Flaτ Se⌠ (Z⌐ iµ ì
thσá prograφ i≤ NO╘ t∩ givσ Whee∞ powers¼á A=0FF╚ anΣ N┌á iµ ì
thσ prograφ i≤ t∩ ruε iε ß privelegeΣ mode.
Inputs: A=Wheel Byte Value
Outputs: None
Registers Affected: None
Side Effects: Wheel Byte is Set
Special Error Conditions: None
GETZF├ return≤ thσ addres≤ iε H╠ oµ thσ firs⌠ characte≥ ì
iεá thσ ZE╪ tex⌠ buffer«á Carr∙ Flaτ i≤ se⌠ iµ datß i≤á no⌠ ì
Inputs: None
Outputs: HL = Address of First Character
A = Character
Carry Flag Set (C) if No Data
Registers Affected: HL, PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
GETZN├á return≤ thσ addres≤ iε H╠ oµ thσ nex⌠ characte≥ ì
whicΦ ZE╪ wil∞ return« Carr∙ Flaτ i≤ Se⌠ iµ n∩ data« Reτ ┴ ì
contains the character.
Inputs: None
Outputs: HL = Address of Next Character in ZEX Text Buffer
A = Next Character in ZEX Text Buffer
Carry Flag Set (C) if no data
Registers Affected: HL, PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
GETZRU╬á return≤ thσ ZE╪ Ruε Messagσ Bytσ iεá A«á Zer∩ ì
Flaτá i≤ se⌠ accordingly«á Carr∙ Flaτ i≤ Se⌠ iµ n∩á messagσ ì
available«á Thi≤ messagσ indicate≤ iµ ZE╪ i≤ runninτ o≥ no⌠ ì
(A=0 if not running).
Inputs: None
Outputs: A = ZEX Run Message
Carry Flag Set (C) if no data
Registers Affected: PSW
Side Effects: None
Special Error Conditions: None
PUTZN├ set≤ thσ addres≤ oµ thσ nex⌠ characte≥ whicΦ ZE╪ ì
wil∞ returε t∩ tha⌠ containeΣ iε HL«á Thi≤ routinσ provide≤ ì
a GOTO function for ZEX control.
Inputs: HL = address of next character ZEX will return
Outputs: Carry Flag Set (C) if data not available
(Message Buffers not available)
Registers Affected: PSW
Side Effects: ZEX Next Character Address Message is set
Special Error Conditions: None
PUTZRU╬ set≤ thσ ZE╪ Runninτ Messagσ bytσ t∩ thσá valuσ ì
iεá thσá ┴ register«á Carr∙ Flaτ i≤ Se⌠ upoε returεá iµá n∩ ì
message≤á arσ supported«á Thi≤ messagσ indicate≤ iµ ZE╪á i≤ ì
running¼ anΣ A=░ iµ ZE╪ i≤ no⌠ running.
Inputs: A=Value of ZEX Running Message Byte
Outputs: Carry Flag Set if no message buffers
Registers Affected: PSW
Side Effects: ZEX Running Message Byte is set
Special Error Conditions: None