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SED: Small Editor Ver. 1.12
Kazuo and Kazuko Nakazato 2 June, 1984
SED (Small EDitor) is a screen-oriented, CP/M (Z80 only) compatible,
high speed editor written by TURBO PASCAL of BORLAND INTERNATIONAL.
The program is written for NEC PC-8001. Installation is needed
for others.
-- Cursol Movement Commands --
Basic Movement Commands
^S : Character Left
Moves the cursor one character to the left non-destructively, i.e.
without affecting the character there. <BACKSPACE> has the same
effect. This command does not work across line breaks, i.e. when
the cursol reaches the left edge of the screen, it stops.
^D : Character Right
Moves the cursor one character to the right non-destructively, i.e.
without affecting the character there. This command does not work
across line breaks, i.e. when the cursol reaches the right edge of
the screen, it stops.
^A : Word Left
Moves the cursor to the begining of the word to the left. A word
is defined as a sequence of alphabets and numbers. This command
works across line breaks.
^F : Word Right
Moves the cursor to the begining of the word to the right. A word
is defined as a sequence of alphabets and numbers. This command
works across line breaks.
^E : Line Up
Moves the cursor to the line above. If the cursor is on the top
line, the screen scrolls down one line.
^X : Line Down
Moves the cursor to the line below. If the cursor is on the last
line, the screen scrolls up one line.
^W : Scroll Down
The screen scrolls down one line. The cursor remaines at the same
screen position.
^Z : Scroll Up
The screen scrolls up one line. The cursor remaines at the same
screen position.
^R : Page Up
Moves the cursor one page up, i.e. the cursor moves one screenfull
backwards in the text.
^C : Page Down
Moves the cursor one page down, i.e. the cursor moves one screenfull
forward in the text.
^^ : To Top of the Screen
Moves the cursor to the first character on the screen.
<RETURN>: To Left of Next Line
Moves the cursor to the first character on the next line.
If the cursor is on the last line, the screen scrolls up one line.
Extended Movement Commands
^Q^S : To Left on Line
Moves the cursor to the first character on the line.
^Q^D : To Right on Line
Moves the cursor to the end of the line, i.e. to the position
following the last character on the line.
^Q^R : To Top of File
Moves to the first charcter of the text.
^Q^C : To End of File
Moves to the last character of the text.
-- Insert and Delete Commands --
^V : Insert Mode on/off
When you enter text, you may choose between two entry modes:
Insert and Overwrite. Insert mode is the default value
when the editor is invoked, and it lets you insert new text
into an existing text. The existing text to the right of
the cursor simply moves to the right while you enter the new
text. The charcter over the width of the screen is lost,
so take care!
Overwrite mode may be chosen if you wish to replace old
text with new text. Chracters entered then replace existing
characters under the cursor.
You can switch between these modes with the insert mode on/off
commands ^V, and the current mode is displayed in the command
line at the top of the screen.
<RUBOUT>: Delete Left Character
Moves one character to the left and deletes the character there.
Any characters to the right of the cursor move one position
to the left. This command does not work across line breaks,
i.e. when the cursor reaches the left edge of the screen,
it stops.
^G : Delete Character Under Cursor
Deletes the character under the cursor and moves any characters
to the right of the cursor one position to the left. This
command does not work across line breaks.
^T : Delete Right Word
Deletes the word to the right of the cursor. A word is defined
as a sequence of alphabets and number. This command works
across line breaks, i.e. it may be used to remove line breaks.
^B : Insert Empty Line Above
Insert an empty line above the cursor.
^N : Insert Line
Insert a line break at the cursor position. The cursor dose not
^Y : Delete Line
Delete the line containing the cursor and moves any lines below
one line up. No provision exists to restore a deleted line, so
take care.
^Q^Y : Delete to the End of Line
Deletes all text from the cursor position to the end of the line.
-- Block Commands --
^K^B : Mark Block Begin
This command marks the begining of a block. The marker is
visible on the screen.
^K^K : Mark Block End
This command marks the end of a block. The marker is visible
on the screen.
^K^X : Delete Marks
Deletes the begin and end marks.
^K^C : Copy Block
This command places a copy of the previously marked block
starting at the cursor position. The original block is left
unchanged, and the markers are placed around the new copy of
the block.
^K^V : Move Block
This command moves the previously marked block from its
original position to the cursor position. The block disappears
from its original position and the marker remain around the
block at its new position.
^K^Y : Delete Block
This command deletes the previously marked block. No provision
exists to restore a deleted line, so take care!
^K^R : Eead Block from File
This command is used to read a file into the current text at
the cursor position, exactly as if it was a block that was moved
or copied. The block read in is marked as a block. When this
command is issued, you are prompted for the name of the file to
read. The file specified may be any legal filename.
^K^W : Write Block to File
This command is used to write a previously marked block to a file.
The block is left unchanged, and markers remain in place. When
this command is issued, you are prompted for the name of the
file to write to. The file specified may be any legal filename.
-- Miscellaneous Editting --
^K^D : End Edit
This command ends the edit. When you enter this command,
you are asked the question: Save, Write, Return, New or Quit.
Press the associated upper case letter, and the command is executed
immediately. If you press <s>, the text is overwrited on the
same file specified before. If you press <w>, you are prompted
for file name and the text is saved on the file. If you press <r>,
you move back to the last position of the cursor. If you press <n>,
new file is loaded on the memory for edite.
If you want to exit from the editor, press <q>.
^Q^F : Find
The find command lets you search for any string of up to 30
characters. When you enter this command, you are prompted
for serach string. Enter the string you are looking for
and terminate with <RETURN>. If you just press <RETURN>,
the operation may be aborted.
^Q^A : Find and Replace
The find and replace command lets you search for any string of
up to 30 characters and replace it with any other string up to
30 characters. When you enter this command, you are prompted
for serach string. Enter the string you are looking for
and terminate with <RETURN>. If you just press <RETURN>, the
operation may be aborted. When search string is specified,
you are asked to enter the string to replace the serach string.
Enter up to 30 characters. Terminate with <RETURN>, and the
search and replace starts. When found, the cursor is positioned
at the begining of the target, and you are asked the question:
replace -space-. If replace, press space key. If not, press
any key except space.
^L : Repeat Last Find
This command repeats the latest find or find and replace operation
exactly as if all information had been re-entered.