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273 lines
0294LIST.ZIP 5266 05-20-94 ==========================================
| Georgina,Newmarket & Aurora BBS LIST from
| Showcom Online for February 1, 1994 in
| ==========================================
401MAR94.ZIP 15056 05-20-94 109 GREAT SYSTEMS !!! 4 0 1 M A R C H 1 9 9 4
| Rhode Island Electronic BBS List Includes
| short & long versions
609MAY94.ZIP 13005 05-20-94 609 AREA CODE BBS LIST * by Dave Schubert
| Verified on 04/29/94, Expires on 06/05/94
| Dist. from The Casino BBS * (609)485-2380
94JAN216.ZIP 5431 05-20-94 Cleveland 216 BBS List for Jan 94. (Newest
| File Date: 01-05-94)
96DB0294.ZIP 67921 05-20-94 02/01/94 - 9600 bps BBS List - .db format
| Comma delimited sequential file with data on
| over 3,000 US BBS's supporting 9600 bps or
| faster, sorted by Area Code.
96LISTC4.ZIP 79428 05-20-94 03/01/94 - 9600+ bps BBS List - ASCII BBS
| list of over 3,000 US BBS's supporting 9600
| bps or faster CONNECT rates, sorted by Area
| Code.
ABBL_56D.ZIP 102827 05-20-94 Atlanta BBS List (ABBL) #56 for April '94 in
| dialing directory formats for most major
| comm. programs -- plug'n'play with these
| instead of trying to type them in by hand --
| this version set for 2400 bps Courtesy of
| Online Atlanta Society
ABBL_56H.ZIP 102828 05-20-94 Atlanta BBS List (ABBL) #56 for April '94 in
| dialing directory formats for most major
| comm. programs -- plug'n'play with these
| instead of trying to type them in by hand --
| this version set for 38400 Courtesy of Online
| Atlanta Society
AEP_0494.ZIP 152280 05-20-94 BBSList: AMERIBOARDS, The Nationwide Bulletin
| Board System Listing April 1994 w/ Random
| Thoughts & SportsBeat Magazine. (Newest File
| Date: 04-02-94)
ASPBBS43.ZIP 89444 05-20-94 ASP BBS MEMBERSHIP LISTING - Edition #43 -
| 03/31/94. This is the listing of all 524 ASP
| approved BBS systems. The ASP recommends ASP
| Approved BBS systems as one of the best
| sources of high quality, up-to-date shareware
| programs. Contains two files: A full listing
| with detailed information about each BBS, and
| a file formatted for printing mailing labels
| (for those BBSs wanting to receive disks by
| mail). This file replaces ASPBBS42.ZIP <ASP>
ASTROBBS.ZIP 15268 05-20-94 BBSList: International List of BBS system
| specializing in Astronomy - April 1 1994.
| (Newest File Date: 03-19-94)
BBBL0494.ZIP 48995 05-20-94 Blase's Baltimore BBS List - April 1994 <As
| Featured in 4/94 Boardwatch Mag.> Over 250
| VERIFIED Baltimore BBS phone numbers! Now
| includes BBBLM - the Blase Baltimore BBS List
| Manager, which supports viewing, searching,
| and printing. Help support this BBS list -
| call in your updates/additions to Silver
| Streak BBS (410)683-1583.
BBS0394.ZIP 6562 05-20-94 Greater Cincinnati BBS List Released for
| March 1994 By Joseph Jones
BBS0401.ZIP 35343 05-20-94 BBSList: San Diego County BBS List. Californi
| USA Area (619). W/ Newsleter. Listing of BBS
| system in San Diego California U. (Newest
| File Date: 04-01-94)
BBS09JAN.ZIP 13107 05-20-94 BBS09JAN.LST - BBSlist Volume 9 Number 02.
| Most complete list of BBSes for the Montreal
| area. Updated every two weeks.
BBS419.ZIP 27588 05-20-94 BBSList: Toledo Area On-Line Services
| Directory. March 1994. Directory of. (Newest
| File Date: 03-02-94)
BBSHLPST.ZIP 87853 05-20-94 BBShlpst.ZIP Comes From a Variety of Sources,
| Here is a List of Gov. and Other BBSs, That
| Might be Helpful to Telcom-Capable Writers.
| Also Internet Public Dial Up Lists. Files 4
| Last File Dec. 93 2400bps or Better Modem.
| (Newest File Date: 04-19-94)
BBSL_KIT.ZIP 13704 05-20-94 BBSList FDN Information/Application file.
BBSMAG04.ZIP 39855 05-20-94 BBSList: Houston, Texas USA area BBS List.
| (Newest File Date: 03-31-94)
BBSMAR94.ZIP 15897 05-20-94 Fire Escape's St. Louis BBS Directory: MARCH
| Listing of 397 BBSes in the St. Louis Area.
| Monthly St. Louis BBS News Update. Please
| delete this file at the end of the mon
BOP_0494.ZIP 13759 05-20-94 451 Phoenix BBSes contacted in late Mar 1994
| Check Valley.Txt for newest numbers. Text
| format, can be used as a {COMMO}.fon
BUS_PROF.ZIP 14800 05-20-94 BBSLIST: The National Business/Professional
| BBS list March 1994 Directory of BBS systems
| specializing in Business topics. (Newest File
| Date: 02-26-94)
CBBS0594.ZIP 24144 05-20-94 Chicago Area BBS List (Newest File Date:
| 05-07-94)
| Uploaded by: Nick Poulos
CBBSFIND.ZIP 29888 05-20-94 cbbsfind.exe find text or a range of phone
| numbers in the cbbslist and then save the
| results in a file or print them.
CIMSEL.ZIP 38488 05-20-94 CIMSel - provides a menu of telephone numbers
| and baud rates for use when dialing into
| Compuserve from different telephone numbers,
| baud rates, etc.
CIS0419.ZIP 10910 05-20-94 National List of CompuServe 2400/9600/14400
| local access numbers as of April 19, 1994.
| (Newest File Date: 04-19-94)
CTBBSMAR.ZIP 14810 05-20-94 BBSList: The Connecticut BBS List. Area Code
| 203. Directory of BBS systems. (Newest File
| Date: 03-12-94)
CVABB294.ZIP 5638 05-20-94 Charlottesville, VA, BBS list, Mar/94.
| (Newest File Date: 02-26-94)
DCBB0494.ZIP 114213 05-20-94 Washington, DC area BBS list Apr 1, 1994 588
| - local BBS numbers verified monthly 13 down
| - 17 new local #s verification by Mike Focke
| 4/1/94
DTP0294.ZIP 11722 05-20-94 Feb 1994 update of International List of BBSs
| dedicated to Desktop Publishing and other
| BBSs of help to DTP enthusiasts!
| Uploaded by: Steve Gjondla
EMPBBS01.ZIP 9039 05-20-94 Employment BBS List as of 4-1-94. Online Job
| Search Assistance. Includes Independent,
| Recruiter Sponsored, State and Federal BBS
| Systems with Job Vacancy Information. Also
| includes system profiles, file availability,
| job conferences and netmail news groups for
| each system. Compiled by the staff of the
| Executive Connection Information System.
| Uploaded by: George Smith
EVVIN403.ZIP 579 05-20-94 BBSList: Evansville Indiana, USA BBS list.
| (Newest File Date: 02-01-94)
FEDW0194.ZIP 11558 05-20-94 List of US govt online systems accessible via
| Fedworld & directly as of 1-25-94. (Newest
| File Date: 01-25-94)
FIDOVFC.ZIP 8742 05-20-94 Listing of 28.8V.FC BBS systems extracted
| from the Fido-Net Node List 2/14. (Newest
| File Date: 02-24-94)
GBBS9403.ZIP 47047 05-20-94 International list of BBSes that participate
| in genealogy conferences. Prepared monthly
| for the National Genealogical Society by
| Richard Pence. (Newest File Date: 03-02-94)
GOVWP51.ZIP 12174 05-20-94 List of Gov't BBS' in Word Perfect 5.1 format
| As of 11/93. Includes brief description of
| what is available on the board. (Newest File
| Date: 03-09-94)
HDNBBS.ZIP 5417 05-20-94 Ham Distribution Net BBS Listing - 03/10/94.
| (Newest File Date: 03-10-94)
HM940406.ZIP 7418 05-20-94 BBSList: Hartford/Manchester Connecticut.
| (Newest File Date: 04-06-94)
HOUDIRS4.ZIP 229120 05-20-94 THE HOUSTON DIRECTORIES, April 1994 Houston
| BBS list from the Atomic Cafe BBS converted
| to phone directories for 20 different DOS
| communications programs, including Qmodem,
| Procomm & Procomm Plus, Telix, Telemate,
| Boyan, Unicom & others. Includes the BBS list
| in .COM format -- just type filename and it
| displays itself -- with *NEW* features,
| including searches & printing. 534 phone
| numbers.
HVFCBB03.ZIP 24762 05-20-94 Hayes VFC BBS List volume 3 -- this is a list
| of BBSs running the Hayes OPTIMA 288 V.FC +
| Fax for up to 28800 bps -- 4/11/94
| Uploaded by: David K Bailey
IBBS0494.ZIP 6810 05-20-94 @X1FIBBS Indiana BBS List for April 1994
| @X07Covering Area Codes 219, 317, and 812
| @X07Over 289 BBSs listed. Created and edited
| @X07by Brian W. Ward since 1990
INLAND20.ZIP 10978 05-20-94 Californias Inland Empire Bullition Board
| Listing v.20. Contains Some of the most
| popular names and numbers of the Bulliten
| board systems. (Newest File Date: 12-28-91)
KING9401.ZIP 3124 05-20-94 Kingston, Ontario (613) BBS list, January
| 1994. Compiled by Timothy Pulver. (Newest
| File Date: 02-05-94)
LABBS_D4.ZIP 43633 05-20-94 Los Angeles Area BBS List - April, 1994. A
| menu driven, verbose list in .EXE format of
| Bulletin Boards in the 213, 310 and 818 area
| codes. *HELP! - We need more listings!*
| Compliments of The DownTown BBS! Enjoy!
MAP93ZUM.ZIP 64429 05-20-94 BBSList Util: Display's Toll Free Dialing
| (Newest File Date: 04-16-93)
MCBBS294.ZIP 2253 05-20-94 List of BBS's that have special interest in m
MED0494.ZIP 11375 05-20-94 DelGrosso's Med BBS list April, 1994. (Newest
| File Date: 03-31-94)
MOOAPR94.ZIP 94176 05-11-94 TWIN CITIES BBS LIST - April 94 New versions
| released monthly since 1989. Every system
| listed is verified before the release of a
| new listing. This list indicates which
| systems support MNP, HST, V32, V32bis,V42,
| and LAPM modems.
| Uploaded by: Nick Poulos
NOBBS044.ZIP 12960 05-20-94 *NOBBS044* New Orleans BBS List 4/94 The
| Best, Most Comprehensive List of PC
| Compatible BBS's in the New Orleans area.
| Also Contians QMODEM Dialing List. Published
| on the 15th of every month.
OBBSLIST.ZIP 30434 05-20-94 BBSList: State List of BBS system in Oregon,
| USA - Dec 1993 - Combined listing of various
| Oregon BBS lists. (Newest File Date:
| 03-15-94)
OCCULT51.ZIP 6413 05-20-94 ** OCCULT51.LST ** April 1, 1994. This is a
| list of all known public computer bulletin
| boardsin North America having occult,
| metaphysical,or religious (non-Christian)
| emphasis.
OSBL0294.ZIP 2375 05-20-94 BBSLIST: Regional List of Stockton California
| USA area code (209) BBS systems. (Newest File
| Date: 03-08-94)
PBBS0494.ZIP 12068 05-20-94 The national Police BBS listing for April 199
| Comprised of 55 confirmed, & operational Poli
| oriented & operated Bulletin Board Services.
| And a total of 123 UN-confirmed Police Bullet
| Board Services. (This group may be unconfirme
| but that only means that I haven't contacted
| them myself, NOT that they aren't in operatio
| anymore.)
PDXLST.ZIP 23819 05-20-94 Portland, Oregon BBS List. (Newest File Date:
| 01-24-94)
RABBS403.ZIP 13703 05-20-94 BBSList: International Listing of BBS system.
| (Newest File Date: 03-11-94)
RABBSLST.ZIP 10434 05-20-94 This is a list of Remote Access BBS's from
| around the country. Downloaded from the
| Remote Access support board. Many interesting
| BBSes on this one. (Newest File Date:
| 02-04-94)
RLIST004.ZIP 4609 05-20-94 RIPBBLIST: Bulletin Board Listing of Systems
| that support the RIP Emulation. Includes
| systems that are Located in the United States
| and Canada. Check out the systems that
| support the latest and BEST modem emulation
| around. Released: APR. 1994 Lines: 000056
RSL_294.ZIP 18802 05-20-94 THE RHODYSYS LIST! February/94 edition RI
| telecom/news/bbses, more! Submissions:
| Cerebral Babylon BBS 401-435-3576
SBBSLIST.ZIP 43542 05-20-94 Synchronet BBS List (ASCII Text) List of
| Synchronet BBSs sorted by phone number.
| Exported weekly, entries are auto-deleted
| after 90 days if not updated or validated.
| This is not a complete list of all Synchronet
| BBSs; only those whose sysops have placed
| their BBS in our online database. Maintained
| by Digital Dynamics.
SFBBSLST.ZIP 30306 05-20-94 Registered SPITFIRE Public BBS List. (Newest
| File Date: 01-23-94)
SOCAL095.ZIP 20239 05-20-94 Mike Heffernan's So. Calif. BBS list. April 1
SUPRT403.ZIP 12166 05-20-94 A list of Vendors Support BBS Numbers.
| (Newest File Date: 03-11-94)
TABBSAPR.ZIP 21324 05-20-94 BBSList: The Tacoma Washington USA Area BBS
| List and Newsletter from AmoCat APRIL 1994
| EDITION. Area code (206). (Newest File Date:
| 04-04-94)
TAGL0394.ZIP 72487 05-20-94 International T.A.G. BBS Listing for 03/94.
| (Newest File Date: 03-13-94)
USBBS120.ZIP 120812 05-20-94 USBBS National BBS Listing for May 1994.
| Listing of IBM-based BBS systems. The listing
| contains 3,539 entries with 125 new or
| modified entries this month. Editor: Bob
| Breedlove. Send new entries, updates to
| BOBsBBS 916-929-7511.
WBBS0394.ZIP 7397 05-20-94 Worcester County, Massachusetts Area Code (50
| Computer BBS Listing for the month of MARCH 1
| For Additions and Corrections Call Gamer's
| World BBS (508)422-8904 UPDATED MONTHLY!
WC813_26.ZIP 254704 05-20-94 Westcoast 813 BBS Directory for March 1994.
| Look for the new color (Ansi) edition. Also
| get a membership in the new Electronic Buyers
| Club. Subscription are now Available to have
| Westcoast uploaded into your BBS or mailed to
| you monthly. See BBs Beat editorial, and of
| course the BBS list of the 813 calling area.
| Over 1200 Bulletin Board listed.
ZLST9403.ZIP 4356 05-20-94 Z-List for March `94 - List of BBS's with
| ZyXel modems. If you have a ZyXel, join the
| list! See Z-LIST.DOC for details. This list
| is growing but slowly. Please upload this
| list to any ZyXel boards you call!