Current Shareware 1999 July
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ABOOKH2.ZIP 139459 05-24-94 AMAZING BOOKEEPER vH.2 track personal or
| business finances. (Newest File Date:
| 01-07-94)
ACCTH.ZIP 341725 05-24-94 ACCOUNTING HELPER 2.4 <ASP> A comprehensive
| accounting help guide.- Nearly 300 'how to'
| examples from basic accounting through
| advance accounting. It may be used as a stand
| alone program or as a TSR that will pop-up
| over any text base accounting package. It
| also contains advance management and
| financial information. Business AMERICAN
ACE102.ZIP 123495 05-24-94 Annuity Ace v1.02 <ASP> Now project your
| savings as never before! Professional
| illustrations for deferred, immediate and
| split annuities (Savings, IRA, 401K, etc).
| Flexible with variable deposits, withdraw-
| als, interest rates, and compound methods.
| Tax analysis, COLA, Loads, Inflation
| Factoring and more. Detail is monthly -
| annual, calendar or fiscal, whole dollars or
| cents, cumulative or non-cumulative.
ACRH3.ZIP 193425 05-24-94 AMAZING CASH REGISTER vH.3 real-time tracking
| of inventory, sales tax etc. (Newest File
| Date: 01-07-94)
AFFRD400.ZIP 173810 05-24-94 AFFORD IT??? v4.00 ASP - Annuity calcula-
| tion package with on screen hand calculator.
| Amortizes loans, calculates savings with
| steady or variable deposits, tracks your
| loans, calculates interest by two different
| methods. User defines screen colors. All new
| editing, menuing system while retaining old,
| familiar hot keys. From CleoSci, $30. Another
| excellent CleoSci porgram is the Why Do I
| (series) for elementary education.
BADCREDT.ZIP 30181 05-24-94 Leave Bad Credit v1.0: don't let the credit
| bureaus get the best of you - now you can
| legally start a new credit file - this is NOT
| credit repair; by using a 4-step process and
| a simple form, you can have a new/clean
| credit file in as little as 45 days;
| 03/17/94; Greg Gonzalez. (Newest File Date:
| 03-17-94)
BF327.ZIP 113804 05-24-94 BigFin v3.27: practical, multi-purpose
| finance program; 01/18/94; Gary D. Moore.
| (Newest File Date: 01-18-94)
BUDGET5B.ZIP 101570 05-24-94 One of the surest budgeting systems was the o
| budget. Each payday the proper amounts were p
| labeled envelopes. When a bill came due, the
| in its envelope. The envelopes were usually f
| old shoe-box. BUDGET5 adapts this system to t
| Your checking account become the shoe-box. In
| variables become your envelopes. The result i
| efficient. The program is a great aid in plan
| preparing for your expenditures. IBM compatib
| memory. Floppy or Hard Drive. Full support by
CASHF351.ZIP 482162 03-20-94 Up Your Cash Flow is a financial planning
| program that predicts a business' future
| profit/loss and cash flow requirements in
| both spreadsheet and graphic formats. UYCF is
| ideal for securing bank loans, writing
| business plans, and anticipating problems in
| advance. It is NOT a template - Fully menu
| driven. "Up Your Cash Flow provides sound
| financial planning advice." - Lotus Magazine
| <ASP> Member
CB_101.ZIP 20193 05-24-94 CB 1.01 Quick and dirty checkbook reconciler
| includes C source. (Newest File Date:
| 01-18-94)
CFK10T.ZIP 79365 05-24-94 Cash For Kids 1.0T: An easy way for your
| children to save money and spend it wisely.
| Tracks funds and deposits allowances
| automatically. Your child sets future
| spending goals and graphs show whether they
| are reachable. Impulsive spending is curbed
| as children develop the ability to plan. Ages
| 5-13. Password security is optional. For
| Windows 3.0+. Shareware (US$29.95, CAN$34.95)
CHART113.ZIP 64938 05-24-94 Chart1 v1.3: bare bones, easy-to-use stock
| and mutual fund charting program; 01/23/94;
| Astek Software. (Newest File Date: 01-23-94)
CHXMST65.ZIP 249834 05-24-94 CHEX-MASTER is a Check/Financial/Budget/Small
| Business Management System. It prints
| checks,automatically reconciles your checking
| account,produces summary statements based
| upon user assigned account codes,provides
| Budget Tracking, and allows check searches.
| It also contains a Single Entry Bookkeeping
| Module and an Invoice Generation option. The
| system is VERY simple to operate,and can be
| configured to the user's desires via a very
| comprehensive Setup System. Included is an
| On-Line User's Manual. (Newest File Date:
| 01-05-94)
CISBL211.ZIP 40476 05-24-94 CIS Billing Tracker-JNGoodale <ASP> Off-line
| CompuServe billing organizer. Will gather
| weekly and daily billing from captured
| billing information, maintain yearly cum
| file. Provides formatted report on screen,
| file, or printer.
DBT124.ZIP 106044 05-24-94 The Debt Analyzer v1.24 <ASP> Hopelessly in
| debt? A package designed to help reduce and
| eliminate debt and save you hundreds of
| dollars in the process. Debt reduction is
| illustrated through a debt elimination
| schedule or through loan consolidation. Up to
| 20 debts can be processed at one time. Use
| minimum payments, current payments or
| accelerated payments with elimination. Debts
| can be prioritized.
DJ022894.ZIP 258585 05-24-94 > Dow High Yield Magazine < Consistently
| outperform the market with low risk. Charts,
| current portfolio, fundamentals on select Dow
| 30 stocks, currencies, oil, interest rates,
| gold. As at February 28, 1994 From Random
| Walk Investment BBS (905) 274-2381
DJ033194.ZIP 262490 05-24-94 > Dow High Yield Magazine < Consistently
| outperform the market with low risk. Charts,
| current portfolio, fundamentals on select Dow
| 30 stocks, currencies, oil, interest rates,
| gold. As at March 31, 1994 From Random Walk
| Investment BBS (905) 274-2381
EASYMONY.ZIP 211448 05-24-94 Easy Personal Finance Manager. Checking,
| Savings, and Credit Card accounts. Pull-down
| menus and on-screen entry forms make keeping
| on top of your finances easy and (Newest File
| Date: 01-01-94)
ECON20.ZIP 431325 05-24-94 ECON 2.0: Stock Market Forecasting
| Econometric models of S&P 500, T Bond and T
| Bill interest rates, inflation, and gold.
| Enter 9 numbers monthly to get statistically
| optimized forecasts for 3, 6, and 12 months
| ahead. Asset Allocation lists four optimal
| portfolios low to high risk; plus futures and
| options. 39% per year is possible. Menus,
| help, & graphs. DOS 3.3 up, 640K memory, hard
| disk needed. $49.95 shareware for IBM-PC
EDENSFR2.ZIP 70584 05-24-94 Help with retiring & relocation. ASP. (Newest
| File Date: 03-19-94)
EEBNDD11.ZIP 216797 05-24-94 EEbond v11.0: computes interest on variable
| rate Series EE Savings Bonds; prints out
| savings bond report sorted on date of bond;
| supports multiple database files & laser
| printers; 03/26/94; Franklin Leibsly/MMR
| Software. (Newest File Date: 03-26-94)
EZB4TD.ZIP 376467 05-24-94 EZ-Biller - is an invoicing and inventory
| program for any size business.
EZSTOCK3.ZIP 178497 05-24-94 V2.0 - Easy Tracking and Analyzing of Stocks,
| Bonds, Mutual Funds, Coins, Baseball Cards,.
| Works With Any Investment or Collectable.
| Mouse, Help, Graphs, Printing. (Stands Alone
| - Ready to Run!). (Newest File Date:
| 03-26-94)
FBK510G.ZIP 343576 05-24-94 FastBucks Finance Manager <ASP> version 5.10G
| Supports 25 each Checking, Charge, Savings
| Misc expense, cash, other asset and other
| liability accounts.
FLAP2.ZIP 165707 05-24-94 A truly different mortgage manager. Edit
| directly on a scrolling amortization list
| with spreadsheet-like ease and
| responsiveness. 5 kunds of mortgages. Two
| powerful loan calculators. Variety of
| reports. Track and save payments on existing
| mortgages. Explore effects of accelerated
| payments. Very useful if refinancing. (Newest
| File Date: 01-06-94)
FLAP201.ZIP 166197 05-24-94 Maintenance upgrade of Flap 2.0 mortgage
| manager as result of user input. (Newest File
| Date: 03-16-94)
FPLAN40.ZIP 639941 05-24-94 FPLAN Personal Financial Planner v4.0
| Comprehensive menu driven program with full
| mouse support to develop and plan for all
| your important financial goals. Available
| tutorial check-list, on-screen help, and
| detailed Data Guides assist you. Option of US
| or International type planning details. (ASP)
FTRK2QWK.ZIP 23798 05-24-94 Convert the latest FastTrack mutual fund
| price quotes to Quicken import format. Easy
| and quick. Freeware by Paul Allen.
FUND941.ZIP 104643 05-24-94 MUTUAL FUNDamentals version 94.1 The ultimate
| mutual fund directory/tutorial! Contains
| information on over 1,000 funds! Names,
| addresses, toll-free phone numbers, and
| historical return data covering one, three,
| five, and eight year periods. Chapters
| include: Introduction To Mutual Funds,
| Glossary Of Terms, Advantages Of Mutual
| Funds, Selecting A Mutual Fund, and more.
| Will run on any IBM or compatible. Color or
| monochrome.
GETCASH.ZIP 11300 05-24-94 ---==== Cash Flow ====---
| This really works! I made $12,000
| already, and only used $5.00 for the
| original investment! A splendid idea!
| Download and see for yourself!
HOMEBBS.ZIP 12677 05-24-94 Innovative ** NEW ** Home Based Computer Syst
| Put $$$ In Your Pocket With VERY Little Effor
| Get In On The Ground Floor NOW!
HTAX1.ZIP 350119 05-24-94 Hypertax- complete text of the Internal
| Revenue Code and Regulations in an electronic
| "hypertext book." The least expensive IRS
| code/regulations service, includes quarterly
| updates. Take advantage of the power and
| convenience of hypertext. Requires dos and a
| hard-drive. Vital file for all tax
| professionals. ASAD STAR Dig. Pub. Assn.
| market trend, interest rate trend, money
| supply, and sentiment to estimate risk and
| propose a percent invested position for a
| conservative investor. Nothing guaranteed!
| Try it a while and see what you think. It's
| free.
LOAN105.ZIP 125740 05-24-94 Loan Accelerator v1.05 Trial Version. (Newest
| File Date: 01-02-94)
LOAN24C.ZIP 83780 05-24-94 Loansmgr V2.4 - it is A Powerful But Easy to
| Use Program For Dealing With Most Consumer
| Loan Situations. Use The -D Option When
| Unarchiving With PkunZIP to Properly Process.
| (Newest File Date: 02-12-94)
LOANACE5.ZIP 124300 05-24-94 The Loan Accelerator Trial Version 1.O5 *
| Powerful Loan Program For Borrowers * How
| many interest dollars and payments could you
| save by adding $25.00 to your monthly
| payment?, or $50, or $2500 once, or $1260
| every April? Runs balloon loans interest-only
| loans, biweeklys, & more!! Be a Hero. Show
| friends and clients the impre$$ive $avings
| too!! Once you try The Loan Accelerator,
| there is no turning back!! The future will be
| yours to control. I guarantee it. Ethan
| $kyler, 800 (622)-1984 President, CompuLoan
LOANL200.ZIP 96157 05-24-94 GENEBIT LOAN CALCULATOR v2.00 - Loan
| Calculator, full featured pro quality.
| Calculates payments, total interest, prints
| amortization tables. Variable rate loans,
| excess payments, actual dates. Fast, easy to
| use, no install procedure, supports mouse.
| For mortgages, car loans, business, etc.
| International currency support. From Genebit
| Systems.
LWMD27.ZIP 183463 05-24-94 Lifetime Wealth Management Version 2.7. The
| Successful Investors Program for Saving,
| Investing, Retirement, Net Worth, Mortgages,
| Loans, Stocks and Mutual Funds + Portfolio
| Management Database with performance Graphs.
| Everyone can find a use for these Financial
| tools. For DOS.
MAKEM.ZIP 6258 05-24-94 MAKE.MONEY.FAST _Briliant way to make CASH_
| (Newest File Date: 03-16-94)
MAKEMONY.ZIP 4659 05-24-94 make money fast with your computer (Newest
| File Date: 02-04-94)
| fast, easy to use accounting programs- Five
| fast, easy to use accounting programs for the
| small business. PC-GL Ver. 3.8 Double Entry
| General Ledger. PC-AR Ver. 4.3 Accounts
| Receivable and Sales Summary. PC-PR Ver 2.4
| Payroll Writing. PC-AP Ver. 1.8 Accounts
| Payable. PCINV Ver 1.3 Invoicing Business
MFTTRACK.ZIP 329562 05-24-94 The Mutual Fund Tracker, Version 3.5, works
| using technical analysis and a Mutual Fund
| Composite Average, in conjunction with other
| key indices, to determine when to get into
| and out of mutual funds. You can define and
| look at different "what if" results based on
| your criteria. Features easy to understand
| documentation; graphs; reports; select TREND
| or BUY, SELL, and HOLD signals; writes graph
| pictures to disk; auto-update; plus more.
MILLIONS.ZIP 7947 05-24-94 A plan for earning money with your PC & modem
| (Newest File Date: 02-19-94)
| Uploaded by: Dana Lutz
MORT21E.ZIP 95325 05-24-94 MortgageCalc v2.1e is a mortgage/loan
| amortization calculator. Handles fixed,
| adjustable, and balloon loans. Accounts for
| additional principal, various payment period
| variations. Exports to text file, Excel,
| Lotus, and Quattro Pro as well as printers.
| Shareware. (Newest File Date: 01-18-94)
MU033194.ZIP 59292 05-24-94 Names & tickers of 5,000+ US mutual and money
| market funds in a database that you can
| query. Can also be run as a TSR. As of Mar
| 31/94. From Random Walk Investment BBS
| (905)-274-2381
NOTES200.ZIP 74647 05-24-94 Promissory Notes: make, buy, sell, and renew.
| Mono or color. Version 2.00
NY0218.ZIP 53559 05-24-94 NYSE Advance/Decline Line NYSE New Highs &
| Lows NYSE 4-day STIX indicator NYSE 7-day
| STIX indicator From Random Walk Investment
| BBS 905-274-2381
NY030494.ZIP 53024 05-24-94 NYSE Advance/Decline Line NYSE New Highs &
| Lows NYSE 4-day STIX indicator NYSE 7-day
| STIX indicator From Random Walk Investment
| BBS 905-274-2381
NY0311.ZIP 53202 05-24-94 NYSE Advance/Decline Line NYSE New Highs &
| Lows NYSE 4-day STIX indicator NYSE 7-day
| STIX indicator From Random Walk Investment
| BBS 905-274-2381
NY031894.ZIP 52788 05-24-94 NYSE Advance/Decline Line NYSE New Highs &
| Lows NYSE 4-day STIX indicator NYSE 7-day
| STIX indicator From Random Walk Investment
| BBS 905-274-2381
NY032594.ZIP 53138 05-24-94 NYSE Advance/Decline Line NYSE New Highs &
| Lows NYSE 4-day STIX indicator NYSE 7-day
| STIX indicator From Random Walk Investment
| BBS 905-274-2381
NY033194.ZIP 61935 05-24-94 Names & tickers of 4500+ stocks on the NYSE
| and Amex exchanges in a database that you can
| query. Can also be run as a TSR. As of Mar
| 31/94. From Random Walk Investment BBS
| (905)-274-2381
NY0408.ZIP 55003 05-24-94 NYSE Advance/Decline Line NYSE New Highs &
| Lows NYSE 4-day STIX indicator NYSE 7-day
| STIX indicator From Random Walk Investment
| BBS 905-274-2381
NY0422.ZIP 52274 05-24-94 NYSE Advance/Decline Line NYSE New Highs &
| Lows NYSE 4-day STIX indicator NYSE 7-day
| STIX indicator From Random Walk Investment
| BBS 905-274-2381
NYSE0304.ZIP 61560 05-24-94 Names & tickers of 4300+ stocks on the NYSE
| and Amex exchanges in a database that you can
| query. Can also be run as a TSR. As of Mar
| 4/94. From Random Walk Investment BBS
| (905)-274-2381
OTC0304.ZIP 119852 05-24-94 Names & tickers of 10,000+ NASDAQ and pink
| sheet stocks in a database that you can
| query. Can also be run as a TSR. As of Mar
| 4/94. From Random Walk Investment BBS
| (905)-274-2381
| Food Costing for Restaurants/Institutions-
| Calculates food cost and required selling
| prices based on a desired gross profit % and
| $ amount. Edit portion sizes to see the
| effect on costs and margins. Maintain total
| revenue, food cost, and gross profit for a
| banquet, etc. Printer required. Business
PF2_20_A.ZIP 288888 05-24-94 PERSONAL FINANCES 2 v4.02i <ASP> PF2 is a
| full function personal and small business
| financial system. Supports all types of
| accounts-checking, credit card, margin, etc.
| Integrated subsystems for budgets, accounts
| pay/rcv, fixed assets, financial investments.
| Prints checks, interfaces to TurboTax,
| imports stock quotes from Prodigy. On-line
| user's guide and extensive context senistive
| help. Fully supported. File 1 of 3.
PF2_20_B.ZIP 362038 05-24-94 PERSONAL FINANCES 2 v4.02i <ASP> PF2 is a
| full function personal and small business
| financial system. Supports all types of
| accounts-checking, credit card, margin, etc.
| Integrated subsystems for budgets, accounts
| pay/rcv, fixed assets, financial investments.
| Prints checks, interfaces to TurboTax,
| imports stock quotes from Prodigy. On-line
| user's guide and extensive context senistive
| help. Fully supported. File 2 of 3.
PF2_20_C.ZIP 392103 05-24-94 PERSONAL FINANCES 2 v4.02i <ASP> PF2 is a
| full function personal and small business
| financial system. Supports all types of
| accounts-checking, credit card, margin, etc.
| Integrated subsystems for budgets, accounts
| pay/rcv, fixed assets, financial investments.
| Prints checks, interfaces to TurboTax,
| imports stock quotes from Prodigy. On-line
| user's guide and extensive context senistive
| help. Fully supported. File 3 of 3.
POLSTOCK.ZIP 50518 05-24-94 Completly data from Polish Stock Exchange in
| metastock format. (Newest File Date:
| 04-05-94)
PRO93S.ZIP 417851 05-24-94 PRO93S V0.93 19 DEC 93 ASP A Federal Form
| 1040 Tax Return preparation program with 52
| forms,. (Newest File Date: 01-02-94)
QTAX06.ZIP 113469 05-24-94 QUICKTAX (TM) V1.06 <ASP> Tax
| calculator/planner, no forms to enter- Tax
| calculator/planner. Automatically guides
| through all necessary entries without forms.
| Know your tax all year. Prevent penalties,
| maximize deductions, credits, allowances,
| IRAs, pensions, Social Security. Hyperspeed
| review for quick changes. Finances BATES
SCHWB260.ZIP 32882 05-24-94 Schwab v2.60: Calculate brokerage commissions
| at Charles Schwab. Easy to use & helpful in
| comparing costs on various transactions.
| Supports 5/20/91 Schwab commission schedule
| (still current as of 4/94). Upl/author: Don
| Rosenberger. (Newest File Date: 04-05-94)
SPRM40.ZIP 133471 05-24-94 Stock Portfolio Record Manager: Version 4.0
| Maintains records for stock & bond investors.
| Tracks purchases, sales, splits, dividends,
| fractional shares, dividend reinvestments,
| capital gains, and hypothetical transactions.
| Prints powerful reports to file, dot matrix,
| and laser printer. April 1994 release adds
| new features. Shareware.
STOCK200.ZIP 202587 05-24-94 THE STOCK ANALYST v2.00 (ASP) \- A powerful,
| yet easy to use stock analysis program. *
| Features include: Buy/sell analysis of
| stocks; Line, Bar, P&F C Entirely menu
| driven; Import prices from stan
| comma-delimited ASCII, and CompuServe Stock Q
| Full stock history with price export function
| Context-sensitive help; Full mouse support.
SYM0194.ZIP 93714 05-24-94 A list of about 7,300 companies, Ticker
| symbols, and markets. The intent is to have a
| complete listing of all common stocks traded
| om the NY, AM, NASDAQ, and NASDAQ small cap
| exchanges. No preferred, warrents, righs,
| etc. There are a few "units" where the only
| common is traded as a unit with some rights
| or warrents. All ADR's are intended to be
| here, although they may be complete. Current
| as of Jan 01, 1994. (Newest File Date:
| 01-01-94)
TAX93ONT.ZIP 91307 05-24-94 Stand alone 1993 Ontario Income Tax program.
| (Newest File Date: 01-01-94)
TAX93S.ZIP 351568 05-24-94 TAX93S V0.93 19 DEC 93 ASP A Federal Form
| 1040 Tax Return preparation program with 28
| forms,. (Newest File Date: 01-02-94)
TAX94.ZIP 23077 05-24-94 Tax94 - is an easy to use calculator program
| that determines Witholding, Social Security
| and Medicare Taxes. NEW: updated to reflect
| 1994 witholding.
TIC0209.ZIP 58764 05-24-94 Names & tickers of 4253 stocks on the NYSE
| and Amex exchanges in a database that you can
| query. Can also be run as a TSR. As of Feb
| 4/94. From Random Walk Investment BBS
TO0218.ZIP 59121 05-24-94 TSE Advance/Decline Line TSE New Highs & Lows
| TSE 4-day STIX indicator TSE 7-day STIX
| indicator From Random Walk Investment BBS
TO030494.ZIP 56080 05-24-94 TSE Advance/Decline Line TSE New Highs & Lows
| TSE 4-day STIX indicator TSE 7-day STIX
| indicator From Random Walk Investment BBS
TO0311.ZIP 56343 05-24-94 TSE Advance/Decline Line TSE New Highs & Lows
| TSE 4-day STIX indicator TSE 7-day STIX
| indicator From Random Walk Investment BBS
TO031894.ZIP 56234 05-24-94 TSE Advance/Decline Line TSE New Highs & Lows
| TSE 4-day STIX indicator TSE 7-day STIX
| indicator From Random Walk Investment BBS
TO032594.ZIP 56627 05-24-94 TSE Advance/Decline Line TSE New Highs & Lows
| TSE 4-day STIX indicator TSE 7-day STIX
| indicator From Random Walk Investment BBS
TO0331.ZIP 57340 05-24-94 TSE Advance/Decline Line TSE New Highs & Lows
| TSE 4-day STIX indicator TSE 7-day STIX
| indicator From Random Walk Investment BBS
TO0408.ZIP 57859 05-24-94 TSE Advance/Decline Line TSE New Highs & Lows
| TSE 4-day STIX indicator TSE 7-day STIX
| indicator From Random Walk Investment BBS
TO0422.ZIP 55400 05-24-94 TSE Advance/Decline Line TSE New Highs & Lows
| TSE 4-day STIX indicator TSE 7-day STIX
| indicator From Random Walk Investment BBS
TSE0107.ZIP 55614 05-24-94 TSE Advance/Decline Line TSE New Highs & Lows
| TSE 4-day STIX indicator TSE 7-day STIX
| indicator From Random Walk Investment BBS
TTPATCH.ZIP 382913 05-24-94 Update files for Turbo Tax DOS '94 for errors
| in returns which claim depreciation of rental
| property or business use of home if you're
| using the Easy Step method. From ChipSoft
| BBS. (Newest File Date: 02-21-94)
| author - Investment Portfolio Management.
| Calculates profit, total return, internal
| rate of return, capital gain. Produces 12
| types of charts. Especially useful for
| investments with multiple cash flows, such as
| mutual funds, 401k plans, annuities, and
| partnerships. A hard drive is *not* required.
| Pull-down menus, dialog boxes, mouse support.
| Export to Lotus. MS-DOS.
WALLST70.ZIP 328647 05-24-94 The Wall Street Tracker, Version 7.0, works
| using technical analysis and market momentum
| to determine when to buy or sell stocks. It
| analyzes key indices and also compares three
| moving averages, against each other, and the
| current price. You can define the moving
| averages and compare "what if" results based
| on your investment objective. Features auto
| update of data via America Online, Prodigy,
| or CompuServe; graphs; signals; plus more.
WWCALC20.ZIP 295035 05-24-94 WWCALC v2.0 From New Dimensions Software.
| Work Week Calculator is a must have for
| people who like to know exactly what their
| employers are taking from them on a weekly or
| bi weekly basis This program automatically
| determines Straighttime, double time, and
| Time and one half, In easy to read, clear,
| consice screens, that are graphically
| superior over any Working type calculator on
| the Shareware market today.. Try WWCALC
| today!
ZPACK17.ZIP 529128 05-24-94 ZIPPER PAYROLL ver 1.7 Ed Protas <ASP> -
| Payroll for small business with optional
| Quicken export. Includes 1994 tax tables.
| Easy error correction. Print checks, export
| to Quicken, or write them by hand. Prints W-2
| & quarterly reports. Optional password with
| tattletale feature. Registration $67.00,
| includes 1 yr tech support, next year tax
| tables, & printed User's Manual. Requires
| 640K, hard disk, & printer.
ZPAY38A.ZIP 288022 05-24-94 1994 ZPAY 3 Payroll for DOS v3.8 <ASP> 1 of 2
| Full featured payroll for DOS that pays by
| any pay period; hourly, salaried, commissione
| and non-employee workers. Prints checks, W2s,
| 1099-MISC and all the reports needed for
| reporting and retention of pay records. Too
| many features to describe! ASP Shareware
| $69.95.
ZPAY38B.ZIP 328273 05-24-94 1994 ZPAY 3 Payroll for DOS v3.8 <ASP> 2 of 2
| Full featured payroll for DOS that pays by
| any pay period; hourly, salaried, commissione
| and non-employee workers. Prints checks, W2s,
| 1099-MISC and all the reports needed for
| reporting and retention of pay records. Too
| many features to describe! ASP Shareware