Current Shareware 1999 July
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0141TER1.ZIP 557083 05-20-94 ----======< TERMINATE 1.41 >======-----
| .....The Final Datacomms Terminal!.....
| On-line help for novices but with all
| the flexibility experts require. Fax
| and Network support. CD Audio Player,
| complete Point system, Cost Manager,
| VISIBLE FAST (tm) mouseing. IEMSI and
| autologins. A superb filemanager:FREQ
| tag. Translate / kbd-editor. Voicecalls
| _______Prize draw! File 1 of 2_______
0141TER2.ZIP 411321 05-20-94 ----======< TERMINATE 1.41 >======-----
| .....The Final Datacomms Terminal!.....
| Improved OS/2 timeslices and Digicom,
| ISDN, Fossil, supports up to 115,200bps
| BOTH files: 0141TER1 *and* 0141TER2
| are needed for auto-installation. Scan
| ALL your VGA modes. Use either a Fax or
| Data Host with an adaptive answer modem
| chosen from very thorough configuration
| picklist. Monthly Prize! File 2 of 2
0141TERX.ZIP 120242 05-20-94 Terminate 1.41 Upgrade files. Requires V1.40.
| (Newest File Date: 01-17-94)
0141XTER.ZIP 121950 05-20-94 ---==<Patch Terminate 1.40 to 1.41>==--- 1.41
| Release date: 19-Jan-1994 Bugs occurred in
| re-writing the code to save <100K of memory.
| This bug-fix patch trys to fix: Runtime error
| 204, @DIAL, Filerequest delete after send,
| silent periods, screenblanker, autorequest,
| MainAddress now first in AKA-list, etc.
ACE186A.ZIP 200835 05-20-94 AceComm v1.86 4/7/94 Powerful Comm Package
| Full-featured, innovative comm program
| w/internal X/Y/Zmodem, "very configurational"
| Zmodem file management, online-time recorder,
| macros, key-redef, power scripts, AutoAnswer.
| (Newest File Date: 04-07-94)
ACE186B.ZIP 336115 05-20-94 AceComm v1.86 4/7/94 Powerful Comm Package -
| Full-featured, innovative comm program
| w/internal X/Y/Zmodem, "very configurational"
| Zmodem file management, online-time recorder,
| macros, key-redef, power scripts, AutoAnswer
| setup, EMSI/IEMSI, Scheduler, huge FON files,
| online help, mouse support, Modem Install,
| FIFO, color scroll back, User-defined menus,
| "AutoScriptGen"(Tm), Point-mail(*.FLO),
| "Intelligent Auto Log On Technology"(Tm)
ADC400.ZIP 24333 05-20-94 AddComm 4.00 04/17/94 ADDCOMM is a utility
| that allows you to define the address of your
| COM ports in the DOS lower memory segment.
| This is useful for machines whose BIOS
| doesn't support COM3 and COM4 ports by
| default. Shareware registration forms and
| manual included. From Foley Hi-Tech Systems
| (ASP).
ADIALR10.ZIP 16124 05-20-94 Auto-Dialer V1.0 - Phone Dialer Lists Phone
| Book on the Screen. Dials Phone Numbers From
| Pick Lists or From Startup Parameter. (Newest
| File Date: 04-25-94)
ALAD172.ZIP 259323 05-20-94 GEnie's PC-Aladdin v1.72 - the official
| communications program for the GEnie
| commerical online service. (Newest File Date:
| 03-02-94)
ANS37B.ZIP 272352 05-20-94 ANSWER used with a supported voice mail card
| or modem with voice support is a voice mail
| and telephone answering system which features
| four primary modes of operation - the
| Personal Answering Machine, the Voice Mail
| Box, the Information Server, and the
| PhoneBook Dialer. Each mode operates
| independently but may access the same
| messages.
AOLCHK.ZIP 19321 05-20-94 AOLCHK Contains software to log and report
| use of any system, but especially online
| hourly charge systems like PRODIGY or America
| On-Line. It helps you track and control
| expense, and to verify or dispute your online
| service billing. It prints a detail report
| with totals and displays the totals at any
| time. User should have a VGA and printer.
| (Newest File Date: 02-05-94)
ASYNC10.ZIP 22349 05-20-94 Async is a program to open Com port 1 or Com
| port 2, transmit a data string: and monitor
| the modem response.
AUTODL40.ZIP 16054 05-20-94 AUTODL Telix v3.1x+ scripts for protocol init
| As of 08:00 pm, Saturday, March 12, 1994
| AUTODL adds the capability of auto-starting
| GIFLINK, HS/Link and Hydracomm transfers to
| Telix 3.1x without having to configure the
| protocol yourself. You just tell AUTODL where
| your protocols are located, the rest is
| AUTOmatic! See AUTODL.DOC for install
| instructions.
BANSI.ZIP 6217 05-20-94 Banana ANSI is a list of the ANSI term codes
| that BananaCom uses. In includes escape
| sequences and control codes it receives as
| well as what it sends for different
| keystrokes. ANSI music conflicts are
| addressed.
BBVGA31.ZIP 98818 05-20-94 PC Blackboard VGA v3.1: simple point-to-point
| interactive comm pgm that allows two PCs to
| interact over a phone line providing the same
| flexibility a teacher would have in a
| classroom, & more; allows users to free hand
| draw & add text from the keybrd on a blank
| screen; drawing tools are also available to
| create geometric shapes and lines for
| flowcharts, diagrams, etc.; send/receive
| faxes and more; req VGA, pointing device &
| fax modem; 02/23/94; Serial Solutions, Inc.
| (Newest File Date: 02-23-94)
BBX400.ZIP 17772 05-20-94 BRKBOX 4.00 04/18/94 BRKBOX is a software
| version of a hardware breakout box. It
| displays the status of a COM or LPT port
| inside your PC. From Foley Hi-Tech Systems
| (ASP).
BCOM11.ZIP 99598 05-20-94 BananaCom is a VERY simple com program.
| Excellent for the first time modem user and
| perfect for people who help people use
| modems. Provides auto ZModem, ANSI terminal
| emulation, dialing directory stored as a text
| file and much more. First time configuration
| of BananaCom usually takes under a minute.
| Uploaded by: Paul Wheaton
BEARBONZ.ZIP 51264 05-20-94 Vers. 2.5 demo of MAINFRAME IND$FILE file
| transfer external protocol module. (Newest
| File Date: 01-13-94)
BEEPJR.ZIP 65354 05-20-94 The Beepster Junior A small program which can
| send messages to tone only, digital and alpha
| pagers from nearly any standard PC compatible
| computer equipped with a serial baud modem.
BGFAX121.ZIP 115927 05-20-94 BGFAX 1.21 [25-Mar-94] - A non-TSR S/R fax
| program for people with Class 1, 2, 2.0, &
| ZyXEL fax modems. Can answer the phone by
| itself or let a Fido Mailer or BBS pass the
| fax call to it. Can also SEND faxes from the
| command line. Includes viewing, FAX->PCX,
| ASCII->FAX, PCX->FAX utilties. FTP from
| CSN.ORG in the "Computech" dir or FREQ magic
| name BGFAX from Fido 1:106/400.
BIZZY95B.ZIP 37057 05-20-94 = BIZZY Version 0.95 eta Test Copy = Fast,
| quiet utility to take modem off- hook.
| Features a quiet mode, activity logging, and
| an ON-hook option as well.
BLTCAP20.ZIP 11252 05-20-94 Bulletin Capture Script for use with
| Intellicom 2.01 or higher. Make sure you have
| your POSTFILE.SCR set up properly if you want
| an easy time installing it. (Newest File
| Date: 01-16-94)
BOYAN52B.ZIP 141705 05-20-94 - BOYAN Communications 5.2v - Macro language,
| script learn, multi phone files, host mode,
| scroll-back, keyboard macros, point & shoot
| file- manager w/batch transfer support, mouse
| support supports 10 external protocols,
| configured for Zmodem and HSLink, supports
| 300-115K baud, and easy to learn.
BOYANU52.ZIP 16345 05-20-94 - BOYAN Communications 5.2v - UPDATE..
| Changes from 5.1 to 5.2 Maintenance release
CAP210.ZIP 278328 05-20-94 CAP v2.1 - The most advanced paging software
| for the command line. Features include
| complete installation/setup program, support
| for alphanumeric and numeric pagers, COM 1-4
| support, message history, unlimited name
| capability, unlimited canned messages, page
| sender i.d., page-in-progress indicator, and
| an extensive troubleshooting index. Register
| and get 25% off our network version!
CISBILL.ZIP 38679 05-20-94 CISBILL 2.11 <ASP> Off-Line CIS Billing
| Organizer- Organize captured CompuServe
| billing records. Will accumulate billing
| records for viewing and/or printing. One cum
| file for each of up to 4 years. You must
| capture your own billing files. The
| documentation describes the process. JANE N.
CISBL212.ZIP 40487 05-20-94 CIS Billing Tracker-JNGoodale <ASP> Off-line
| CompuServe billing organizer. Will gather
| weekly and daily billing from captured
| billing information, maintain yearly cum
| file. Provides formatted report on screen,
| file, or printer.
CISSETUP.ZIP 7288 05-20-94 He purpose of this QMPRO script is to set the
| TERMINAL functions within CompuServe to work
| with the QMGATE mail program supplied with
| QMPRO. Comments have been added to the
| original CISSETUP.SCR as supplied by Mustang
| Software, INC. The comments where added for
| reference and to have a reference in case the
| CI$ settings get changed. (Newest File Date:
| 01-08-94)
CMDLST.ZIP 7451 05-20-94 List of CIS commands from Practice Forum.
| This file is a copy of the one from the CIS
| Practice Forum library. It contains a list of
| CompuServe commands with explanations and
| examples. Zipped with Zip Control and Zip201
| (shareware os/2 zip.). (Newest File Date:
| 01-30-94)
COMMIE02.ZIP 31926 05-20-94 Commie r.02 [GIP BBS communications program].
| (Newest File Date: 02-15-94)
COMMO60.ZIP 188912 05-20-94 {COMMO} 6.0 - High-performance terminal
| program for DOS (also runs well in Windows
| and OS/2). Now with multiple macro files and
| phone files, new protocol macros, user-
| defined keys, VT220 keyboard file, auto
| Doorway support. Large macros now run much
| faster. Many other improvements and
| enhancements. {COMMO} is small, fast,
| reliable and has features of programs many
| times its size. Shareware.
| Uploaded by: Thomas Gant
CRISINFO.ZIP 12422 05-20-94 Low low low phone rates for your data calls!
| (Newest File Date: 01-31-94)
CS_MAC09.ZIP 49811 05-20-94 Commo automated mail and file transfers.
| Supports many BBSware & MAILware types. Fast
| action, short online times. Autopilot for
| extended unattended running. Many features
| for your live sessions. Requires v6 of Commo.
CTSSPU13.ZIP 104102 05-20-94 CTS SERIAL PORT UTILITIES v1.3: Fix comm
| problems. Detect multiple com ports at one
| address, IRQ used, ports that can't generate
| IRQs, and conflicts between com ports, mice &
| modems. Supports non-standard com ports.
| Reports port settings, writes to log file.
| Set or reset any port setting. Version 1.3
| adds improved support for network-equipped
| PCs. DOS 2+, any display.<ASP>
DEPTY309.ZIP 391259 05-20-94 > DEPUTY Comms Software Latest V.3.09 <
| POWERFUL! Supports: VT102/VT220/320/Wyse
| ANSI/Prestel/Minitel. Fully configurable
| Zmodem etc. with history logs. MNP5. Scripts
| with auto-learn. Multi-lingual! Scrollback,
| Background transfers, Mouse. Also supports
| NACS, MSK, INT14, 16550's.
DLITE203.ZIP 180476 05-20-94 Excellent communications utility to automate
| logons to DELPHI. Prompts you to enter basic
| user information the first time and DLITE
| takes care of the rest. Like TAPCIS. (Newest
| File Date: 04-09-94)
DSZ0127.ZIP 86617 05-20-94 Forsberg's X/Y/Zmodem xfer module 01/27/94
| Turbo C DSZ.COM version. Among other changes,
| claims better performance under OS/2 and
| Windows. (Newest File Date: 01-27-94)
DSZ0127X.ZIP 38833 05-20-94 L Cross-compiled EXE version of DSZ 01/27/94
| Slightly faster than DSZ.COM but uses more
| memory. (-AV by author). (Newest File Date:
| 01-27-94)
DSZ0202N.ZIP 37291 05-20-94 02/02/94 Zmodem info. (Newest File Date:
| 01-27-94)
DSZX0426.ZIP 39039 05-20-94 Forsberg's Dsz X, Y and Zmodem File Transfer
| Protocol Package - .Exe Version - 4/26/94.
| (Newest File Date: 04-26-94)
ESP20.ZIP 111643 05-20-94 Hayes Enhanced Serial Port Setup disk V2.0
| received from Hayes BBS. For owners of ESP.
| (Newest File Date: 01-28-94)
FAX110B.ZIP 36738 05-20-94 Update to BGFAX - take data/fax calls from
| Class 2 modems. (Newest File Date: 01-18-94)
FAXES.ZIP 47062 05-20-94 Over 100,000 fax numbers to the MEDIA.
| (Newest File Date: 01-19-94)
FAXFAQ01.ZIP 22084 05-20-94 Internet FAQ (answers to frequently asked que
| on faxing. 1/94 version (supersedes all previ
FHUNTV10.ZIP 289611 05-20-94 File Hunt v1 The Shareware evaluation system!
| Great gift for the File Hound in us all!
| Makes downloading and unpacking shareware
| files a snap! The easy to use file management
| module takes care of all your DOS needs
| without ever having to leave your
| telecommunications program! Try It!!! (Newest
| File Date: 01-13-94)
| Uploaded by author :)
| Uploaded by: David Cline
FN80021E.ZIP 409060 05-20-94 FONE800 is a system for storing,updating, and
| placing toll-free 800 telephone calls. This
| program collects and organizes a library of
| personal, informational, and consumer
| numbers. (Newest File Date: 03-06-94)
FTX102.ZIP 266171 05-20-94 Graphical comm program. (Newest File Date:
| 01-17-94)
FX550107.ZIP 8864 05-20-94 FIX16550 device driver v01.07.00. AUTOMATIC
| NON-RESIDENT device driver to fix a problem
| with AMI BIOSes and 16550 UARTS (used in
| hi-speed modems and serial boards). 8514/A
| compatibility option. Also adds COM3: and
| COM4: to systems that don't "see" them.
| Shareware, US$10 File should include Author's
FXT102.ZIP 309589 05-20-94 Robo/fxterm program for 1.02. (Newest File
| Date: 01-16-94)
FXTUSER.ZIP 33353 05-20-94 Help file for use with FXterm for
| Roboboard/FX. (Newest File Date: 01-22-94)
GETPFIL.ZIP 5646 05-20-94 A utility which will (should) take a profile
| statement from a Hayes AT compatible modem
| and write it to disk as a text file. (Newest
| File Date: 02-23-94)
GSZ0127.ZIP 107534 05-20-94 GSZ 01/27/94: Forsberg's X/Y/Zmodem file
| transfer module w/a different, more colorful
| file transfer reporting screen. Faster than
| DSZ.COM, slower than DSZ.EXE, uses more
| memory than either. (Newest File Date:
| 01-27-94)
HS121B9.ZIP 95810 05-20-94 Hs/Link V1.21 Beta 9 Bidirectional File
| Transfer Protocol Package. (Newest File Date:
| 03-21-94)
JAMMER28.ZIP 2727 05-20-94 <======== Modem Jammer v2.8 ========>
| Prevents your modem calls from being
| traced. Very simple to execute.
| <===================================>
KNWTRU.ZIP 65607 05-20-94 The TRUTH about KERMIT NEWS, or What Columbia
| University doesn't know about File Transfers
| may surprise you!; 01/16/94; Chuck Forsberg.
| (Newest File Date: 01-16-94)
LBB600.ZIP 103373 05-20-94 LITTLE BLACK BOOK v6.00 <ASP> Major Update to
| this fine Address Book and Autodialer. Now
| with pre/post dial codes. 5K TSR operation.
| International dialing support. Unlimited
| records. Prints personal address book. Auto
| redial on busy. Call logging. Import/Export
| database. Context Sensitive help. COM 1-4
| supported. Multiple Index Categories.
LO_RATES.ZIP 12634 05-20-94 Tired of the high cost of long distance? Now
| you can connect to MicroSellar, 24 hours a
| day, 7 days a week for $4.00 an hour!
MAXIFTP.ZIP 25030 05-20-94 MaxiFTP is an alternate interface to the
| Internet standard File Transfer Protocol. The
| program allows a user to transfer files to
| and from a remote network site. This program
| offers features that are not found in the
| standard ftp. (Newest File Date: 02-03-94)
MODM0112.ZIP 13380 05-20-94 Latest MODEMS.DAT from Datastorm BBS the
| folks that make PCPLUS v2.xx dated 01/12/94.
| (Newest File Date: 01-12-94)
MOT241.ZIP 213533 05-20-94 Latest Update to Mouse Terminal (fixes a
| minorr bug). A fully mouse driven Terminal
| package That uses Zmodem(tm) (GSZ). Easy to
| use and set up. %0 line display and low
| registration cost. From Begware Software Can
| be used to click on there Menu screens and
| much more.Uplode load files just by clicking
| on them from any drive in your system. Great
| stuff that is easy to use. Also has built in
| Online Help. (Newest File Date: 02-06-94)
MXLIT195.ZIP 116152 05-20-94 MxLight Version 1.95. Many new features and
| fixes. Much better control over Phone Book.
| ZedZap,Zmodem,YmodemG,Ymodem,Xmodem1KG,
| Xmodem1K,Xmodem and Ascii Protocols. Support
| for 3 External Protocols. Split- Screen Chat,
| Ansi, Ansi-Music, Avatar and VT100
| Emulations. 16550 UART Support 300 to 115200
| baud supported. New High Speed Phone Book,
| with over 200 numbers. Support for USR and
| CompuCom Speed Modems. Phone Book Tagging
| Many other features, Still only $10.00 to
| Register!
MYCMM220.ZIP 149769 05-20-94 MyComm v2.20 is a powerful, yet small (190K)
| data communications program. Supports Zmodem,
| Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Xmodem, Xmodem-1K, Kermit,
| and of course ASCII file transfers. There are
| slots for up to 6 external protocols.
| Supports TTY, ANSI, VT-52, & VT-100 terminal
| emulations. Many more features including an
| easy to use "script" language. Shareware $25
| + $2 S&H
NOISE.ZIP 1658 05-20-94 A very short documnent but has useful tips on
| the line noise problems. (Newest File Date:
| 04-30-94)
| Uploaded by: David Woodall
NORTEL10.ZIP 139497 05-20-94 NorTel V1.00 NorTel is the last terminal
| program you will look at. It has a VGA
| terminal and menus. Easy to use
| multithreading, with full mouse and keyboard
| support. Has 10 internal protocols, with
| support for 8 external. Has a great
| autologin, and a text editor that even runs
| when downloading. Released FEB-27-1994.
| Copyrighted by EZEware. Cost $49CND.
NTERM2.ZIP 107025 05-20-94 NCSI-Compatible communication application.
| (Newest File Date: 01-13-94)
ODY200SH.ZIP 375226 05-20-94 ODYSSEY v2.00 <ASP> - U.S. Comms Package and
| more! New version of popular communications
| package with background transfers, powerful
| scripting language, built-in protocols, INT14
| and NASI support, terminal emulations, and
| more... Registered version includes a Remote
| Control and a Fax Send/Receive modules. US
| and North America distribution by TRIUS, Inc.
ODYS200B.ZIP 96539 05-20-94 ODYSSEY v2.00 general purpose communications
| from TRIUS. (Newest File Date: 03-20-94)
OZPKE12A.ZIP 100368 05-20-94 OzPKE/OzPKD v1.2A: 2 modules/utilities which
| work in conjunction w/Steve Sneed's automated
| CompuServe access program, OzCIS (v2.0and
| Phil Zimmerman's Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
| pgm (v2.3to assure secure communications via
| electronic mail; 01/12/94; Donald Moe.
| (Newest File Date: 01-12-94)
PARMS73.ZIP 38740 05-20-94 Parms 7.3. TAPCIS add-on to manage multiple
| params files. Provides more forums than
| TAPCIS allows. (Newest File Date: 01-11-94)
PBILL24.ZIP 90821 05-20-94 PhoneBill v2.4 Analyses logfiles on
| phonecosts (mail term. Programs). (Newest
| File Date: 03-13-94)
PBSCAN.ZIP 39305 05-20-94 PBScan 2.0 for WordPerfect 6.0a and Intel
| SatisFAXtion(TM) fax modem. Utility for
| automatic updating of the INTELFAX.DAT file.
| Scans *.PB files, adds new phonebooks, and
| removes any non-existing ones.
PCAWMOD.ZIP 23147 05-20-94 PC Anywhere for DOS 4.5 new modems file.
| (Newest File Date: 01-20-94)
PCBBVGA3.ZIP 98611 05-20-94 PC Blackboard VGA v3.0: simple point-to-point
| interactive comm pgm that allows two PCs to
| interact over a phone line providing the same
| flexibility a teacher would have in a
| classroom, & more; allows users to free hand
| draw & add text from the keybrd on a blank
| screen; drawing tools are also available to
| create geometric shapes and lines for
| flowcharts, diagrams, etc.; send/receive
| faxes and more; req VGA, pointing device &
| fax modem; 02/02/94; Serial Solutions, Inc.
| (Newest File Date: 02-02-94)
PCPDIR01.ZIP 14514 05-20-94 Edit Procomm Plus V 1.x dialing directory,
| insert/delete/sort/
| exportascii/merge/search/remove blanks, with
| bug fix doc to original 1990 (PCPDIR.ZIP).
| (Newest File Date: 01-24-94)
PDE201.ZIP 109938 05-20-94 PDE 2.01 dialing directory editor for Procomm
| Plus version 2.x dialing directories. PDE
| allows the user to easily create new dialing
| directories and to edit, insert, delete,
| move, or sort individual directory entries.
| Multiple entries can be tagged to be operated
| on with a single command. Context-sensitive
| help.
PGR30FDS.ZIP 44117 05-20-94 Page Plus V3.0 Enhanced Dialing Directory
| Edition. Page people directly from your PC
| with the use of your modem. New Version,
| completely re-writen. Completely configur-
| able for any type of modem. Now FREEWARE so
| grab it. Fifth Dimension Software. Written
| by: Rafi Khard
PHONEM20.ZIP 33621 05-20-94 PHONEMONICS v2.0 - Converts phone numbers
| into 'phonemonics', or mnemonic devices that
| allow them to be easily remembered. For
| example, if your phone number is 642-3489,
| you can tell people to dial NICEGUY! This
| helps people remember it more easily.
| PHONEMONICS allows conversion both ways, from
| numbers to mnemonics and vice-versa. $5
PKTMUX12.ZIP 88542 05-20-94 Multiplex internet protocols (several
| stacks). (Newest File Date: 01-07-94)
PMASTE31.ZIP 415325 05-20-94 Phone Master v3.1 - Organize your address
| book, dial your phone, pop up a terminal
| package for modem numbers! You can check
| reminder buttons to remember what to do (such
| as return a phone call). Now allows you to
| show Time Master tasks for each name in your
| address book! Includes editor, clock, more!
PNSW.ZIP 15425 05-20-94 PopNode - is a 7k TSR which will run with
| most communication packages and allows you to
| search for specified nodes while online.
PORTLINK.ZIP 11915 05-20-94 PortLink Ver 1.0 Port Link is a great Little
| Program for Linking two IBM Type computers
| threw The LPT1 Printer Ports, its fast and
| Easy to Use. Its small enouph to use on your
| LapTop AT/s and not Take a lot of Room. FROM
| PC Pulse Computers & Software
QCALL10.ZIP 35519 05-20-94 Quick Call v1.0 Automatic computer phone
| dialer. No longer need to buy expensive speed
| dialing phones. Just use your computer.
| Written by Mittron. (Newest File Date:
| 03-17-94)
QCOM312.ZIP 243107 05-20-94 QCOM v3.12. A compact communications pgm.
| Very easy to use, features auto-script maker,
| scroll-back with quoter, host mode, music
| support, file tagging for batch uploads, and
| easy modem setup. Supports ANSI, TTY VT100
| emulations. X/Y/ZModem built in and can use
| other external protocols. Includes QMP v0.12
| offline mail reader. Apr/94.
QHOST300.ZIP 30543 05-20-94 QuickHost v3.00 is a small, easy to use host
| script for Telix v3.22. It can be used as a
| mini-BBS to allow friends to use your
| computer to transfer files while you are not
| there. It can also be used to control your
| computer from a remote location.
QMPD0294.ZIP 9298 05-20-94 QmodemPro modem definition file. (Newest File
| Date: 02-02-94)
QMPRO152.ZIP 351563 05-20-94 Upgrade QmodemPro v1.50/1.51 to v1.52: Works
| only on these versions of program. Includes
| patches for the OLX that comes w/QM Pro.
| (Newest File Date: 01-11-94)
QMPRO494.ZIP 9486 05-20-94 Recent QModem modem definitions, including
| Hayes V.FC. (Newest File Date: 04-17-94)
RCONN.ZIP 657646 05-20-94 ConnectivEmail Remote Version - complete
| remote office environment offers full service
| message support, telephone messaging,
| scheduling, group chat, group rolodexing and
| group calendaring. (Newest File Date:
| 03-28-94)
RECORD21.ZIP 13113 05-20-94 *COM* RECORD v2.1 SALT Script Creator for
| Telix. RECORD is a SALT Script Creator for
| the Telix communication program. It is a
| recording mode for Telix. It "watches" you as
| you perform your online movements, including
| file transfers, and then writes a script to
| perform all of the same steps for you.
| Perfect for writing your mail run scripts.
REFAXD12.ZIP 29358 05-20-94 V1.20) ReFax for DOS, Fossil Version, ZyXEL
| Recievefax for Mailer and BBS. (Newest File
| Date: 03-14-94)
REFERAL.ZIP 3259 05-20-94 Referal Page the BEST Paging Service Around !
| (Newest File Date: 03-19-94)
REMRET10.ZIP 205422 05-20-94 Remote Retrieve v1.0 - PC Communications
| program designed for the novice PC user
| allows easy transfer of files from one
| computer to another remote computer via modem
| includes easy to use graphical interface and
| pulldown menus. (Newest File Date: 01-07-94)
RZSZ0306.ZIP 66862 05-20-94 Unix RZ/SZ 3.34 X/Y/ZMODEM for Dial-IN Fast,
| reliable Unix/Xenix/Ultrix ZMODEM protocol
| file transfer programs. ZMODEM features
| automatic command and file transfers,
| recovery from interrupted transfers (CRASH
| RECOVERY), file management, 32 bit CRC,
| compression, faster than Kermit or XMODEM.
| Includes Pro-YAM/ZCOMM scripts to
| automatically upload source files to Unix.
SCRSUM.ZIP 7115 05-20-94 Summaries of OzCIS Script Language Commands &
| Variables (interim reference material);
| 01/21/94; Todd Fiske/TeamOz. (Newest File
| Date: 01-21-94)
SDL0419.ZIP 216190 05-20-94 04/19/94 Flash ROM code for US Robotics
| Courier V.FC. Flash program is DOS based.
SDPL101G.ZIP 58619 05-20-94 Streamline Design (Lite) Protocol Module
| Version 1.01g
| Miscellaneous Clean Up and Added Command
| line to switch off DSZ Log.
| This protocol module offers ASCII status
| screens, XModem, XModem Relaxed,
| XModem/CRC, XModem/CRC Relaxed, XModem-1k,
| XModem-1k, Relaxed, XModem-1kG,
| XModem-1kG Relaxed, Ymodem, YModem Relaxed,
| YModemG, YModemG Relaxed, YModem-128,
| YModem-128 Relaxed, ZModem, ZModem-8k.
| It also has many options for managing files
| and various port options.
SENDSERL.ZIP 4003 05-20-94 SendSerial v1.0 - Send a command to your
| modem. (Newest File Date: 03-15-94)
SLIP22.ZIP 79328 05-20-94 SLIP v2.2, from the University of Minnesota
| SLIP allows you to connect to a TCP/IP
| network using a modem from home. Once
| connected (you need a SLIP server at the
| other end as well) you can run TCP/IP
| programs on your home PC as if it were
| hard-wired to an Ethernet network! (Newest
| File Date: 02-08-94)
SP130.ZIP 250364 05-20-94 SmartPhone v1.30 is a database that can save
| you time & money if you make or receive long
| distance phone calls, by helping you plan
| your calls to use lower phone rates. Includes
| database of area codes, zip codes, cities,
| towns, countries, time zones, population etc.
| Can pay for itself the first day you use it.
| More great shareware from Pinnacle Software!
SSFAX5.ZIP 38371 05-20-94 Latest version of Simple Simon Fax Software
| from their Texas BBS.
SYSDLUSR.ZIP 6494 05-20-94 Latest information on the U.S. Robotics Sysop
| Program. USR was the originator of the Sysop
| Support concept, and continues to lead the
| industry with innovative concepts and
| products. Specials include the new Courier
| V.FC "Dual Standard" for $249 and the US
| Robotics "Shared Access" ComServer 486 for
| only $995.
T321UX.ZIP 348068 05-20-94 Patch file for REGISTERED versions of Telix
| to take versions 3.12 or later to version
| 3.21. This patch is free and is direct from
| deltaComm. It will not work on unregistered
| copies. This patch file replaces the files
| named T3nn-321.ZIP internally dated 12-25-93.
TABSTOLL.ZIP 228356 05-20-94 The most inovative Telephone System
| Controller for companies seeking to save big
| on its telephone bills. Installed already all
| over the world and USA, now Compuroll-Canada
| is bringing this "proven in battle" solution
| to Canada for the first time. Installed into
| any PC compatible, Package includes Card and
| software. Supported by Compuroll - Canada for
| Canada. (Newest File Date: 01-30-94)
TELDEX35.ZIP 134215 05-20-94 Teledex is a card-file roladex type data-base
| Auto-dialer that works on Com 1 or Com2 and
| includes large fields, company name, multiple
| phone numbers, and a built in pop-up
| full-featured notepad, printing calculator,
| and perpetual calendar. Also has a full
| featured search and print mailing label
| management system built-in. Ease of use for
| DOS 3.1 or better and can be launched from
| windows. Made with Pride in the U.S.A. By.
| (Newest File Date: 03-13-94)
TLX322_1.ZIP 173099 05-20-94 { Telix Communications v3.22, 1 of 4 ) Fast,
| powerful, and easy to use. 12 file transfer
| protocols, 200 + modem setups, terminal
| emulation, dialing directory, 2 powerful
| script languages, scroll-back and BBS HOST
| mode, keyboard macros, new development team,
| many more new features. Maintenance release
| updating ver. 3.21.
TLX322_2.ZIP 65824 05-20-94 ---{ Telix Communications v3.22, 2 of 4 )---
| - Support files, sample scripts, compilers
TLX322_3.ZIP 203591 05-20-94 ---{ Telix Communications v3.22, 3 of 4 )---
| - Host+ BBS Host mode, BBS Installation
TLX322_4.ZIP 181420 05-20-94 ---{ Telix Communications v3.22, 4 of 4 )---
| - Documentation for Host+, Scripts, Telix
TLX322_R.ZIP 534741 05-20-94 Patch file for REGISTERED versions of Telix
| to take versions 3.11 or later to version
| 3.22. This patch is free and is direct from
| deltaComm. It will not work on unregistered
| copies. This patch file replaces the files
| named TLX32?-U.ZIP. Please read the complete
| documentation contained within in PATCH.DOC.
| These instructions cover almost any problem
| you may encounter when applying this patch.
TLXANA11.ZIP 30167 05-20-94 TLXANA 1.10 [01-Apr-94] - A Telix analyzer
| ==> extensively interprets Telix usage <==
| Purges interactively or not TELIX.USE Author:
| Radu Caulea->BBS + 331 64 11 99 85
| Statistics, Telecom-like bills, prices
TLXTW201.ZIP 191351 05-20-94 Telix Scripts for Tradewars 2002 2.x Powerful
| SALT scripts that help players perform
| repetitive tasks fast, efficient and
| effortlessly.
TLX_SLTS.ZIP 4422 05-20-94 3 scripts for telix to automate mail
| transfers using the rosemail door, deposit
| time/bytes, take you to IBM files area.
| (Newest File Date: 04-02-94)
TMAIL140.ZIP 89726 05-20-94 Tmail add on for Terminate. (Newest File
| Date: 01-08-94)
TPC113.ZIP 99648 05-20-94 The Phone Center Version 1.3! It's the first
| dialer program that is fun to use. Includes
| an Area Code Search, A Time Zone Search, DOS
| Shell, Telephone Directory Printer, Database
| Entry Finder, Quick Memo Entry, Manual Dial,
| Multifunction/Multiline Calculator, Call Log
| Viewer, Sliding Windows, a Context-Sensitive
| Help System, and OnScreen Commands. It even
| has a Hangman Game! This version eliminates
| lockups and has more features. Any video ok
TTIME300.ZIP 56652 05-20-94 TransferTIME Telecommunications Utility <ASP>
| Estimates file transfer time/cost via modem
| using default or user-customizable data. This
| new version allows the user complete control
| over time and cost estimates. If you've ever
| needed to know "how long" or "how much", then
| you need TransferTIME! Shareware, $30
| registration fee, from RGH Software.
TXMDM322.ZIP 26724 05-20-94 { Telix Quick Modem Setup, Ver. 3.22 )
| MODEMCFG.EXE and its data file TELIX.MDM used
| to set up Telix and your modem for best
| performance. This version dated Jan 31, 1994,
| adds 42 modems, and corrects a few settings
| for modems whose commands changed but whose
| model numbers did not.
TXZM230.ZIP 41851 05-20-94 TXZM (Texas Zmodem) v2.30: zmodem protocol
| driver that was developed to demonstrate the
| speed and capabilities of the MCOMM C serial
| communications library; supports COM1-4;
| 03/22/94; Mike Dumdei. (Newest File Date:
| 03-22-94)
UC2VFAST.ZIP 222930 05-20-94 Ultracompressor ii and v fast protocol.
| (Newest File Date: 03-27-94)
USNWR.ZIP 3526 05-20-94 USNWR - is a utility for use with AUTOSIG
| which allow you to go into US News & World
| Report menu and download all text from the
| current issue.
USRPRESS.ZIP 3196 05-20-94 U.S.Robotics Press Release (02/28/94)
| Information about the new line of courier
| modems that will support the V.34 (V.FAST
| Standard) and these other standards: 14.4k
| V.32bis 16.8k HST 19.2k V.terbo 21.6k
| HST/V.terbo 28.8k V.FC (V.FAST CLASS) 28.8k
| V.34 Standard 31.6k V.34 with ASL/HST <<
V2CP3.ZIP 4868 05-20-94 Patch to update OzCIS v2.0C(2) to v2.0C(3)
| that corrects problem w/v2.0c(2) when joining
| a new forum or updating options in an
| existing forum; 01/31/94; Ozarks West
| Software. (Newest File Date: 01-31-94)
VENDOR27.ZIP 209261 05-20-94 Computer vendor's Phone, Fax, BBS, Tech
| support phone numbers. (Newest File Date:
| 03-06-94)
VFAST13.ZIP 52180 05-20-94 vFAST v1.3 - Very FAST protocol
| =====================================
| vFAST was designed specifically for
| v32, v32bis, and vFAST modems.
| vFAST needs ONE of the following:
| 16550 Uart.
| Intelligent Digiboard.
| Intelligent Stargate.
| Intelligent Arnet.
VFAST403.ZIP 10471 05-20-94 The vFAST Lane, Issue 4. Important modem user
| news! Please read this!
VFC1_0.ZIP 54355 05-20-94 V.FC file transfer protocol
VFCMDM03.ZIP 3536 05-20-94 [ v.32terbo & v.fc class Modems ] WHATS NEW!
| Information/Brands Packet DESCRIPTION Looking
| for a High Speed Modem ? A List of almost all
| brands of High Speed Modems ranging from
| v.32terbo thru the latest V.fc & V.fc class
| Series For more information, give us a call.
| < Update 03-26-1994 >
VL940202.ZIP 200458 05-20-94 Vendor Phone List And Other Miscellaneous
| Info, Release 94.01.14: list of about 3900
| hardware and/or software vendors; includes
| name, address, sales support, tech support,
| bbs and fax phone numbers, if known; also
| includes list of about 100 goodies you can
| send for, most FREE. 02/02/94. (Newest File
| Date: 02-02-94)
VMAIL100.ZIP 143664 05-20-94 Check vMail! Determine if you have voice mail
| by checking for a stutter dial tone. If you
| do Check vMail! Will display a dialog box,
| play a WAV file and even PAGE you. (Newest
| File Date: 01-11-94)
VOXEL101.ZIP 84794 05-20-94 VoiXEL v1.01 - Use ZyXEL1496 as
| Answermachine/Fax/BBS. (Newest File Date:
| 02-06-94)
WATCHDGX.ZIP 5213 05-20-94 Watchdog modem carrier monitor programs
| Extends to COM 1-4. 3/24/94. (Newest File
| Date: 03-24-94)
WHALEX15.ZIP 143695 05-20-94 Whalex V1.5 - Scripting Package for America
| Online Allows Aol Callers to Execute Commands
| Automatically at Login, Retrieve Mail and
| Save Money By Getting Offline Fast. (Newest
| File Date: 03-07-94)
XH110.ZIP 91911 05-20-94 XHost 1.10 - Host for Telix 3.15+ *Freeware*
| Conferences, messages, doors, compressed file
| handling (add, extract, list, view), batch
| uploads and downloads, full-screen message
| editor (w/quoting), menu editor (40
| commands!), user editor. Some new features,
| but mostly bug fixes in this version. Get the
| most promising Telix Host yet!
XYZ2_101.ZIP 51063 05-20-94 A FreeWare X, Y, and Zmodem protocol driver
| from the author of The Blue Wave Offline Mail
| System. CEXYZ/2 is a 32 bit OS/2 text mode
| application. Protocols include Zmodem, 8K
| Zmodem (ZedZap), Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Ymodem-1K,
| Xmodem CRC and Xmodem-Checksum. Includes
| sample files for installation into Maximus
| BBS's. Can be installed into ANY BBS or
| terminal program that is able to utilize
| external protocols. Fully windowed/graphical
| interface.
Z303EB.ZIP 103564 05-20-94 Zfax 3.03 English Beta Upgrade package. Unzip
| over Zfax! (NO docs) (ZYXT) (. (Newest File
| Date: 01-28-94)
Z310CHN.ZIP 119604 05-20-94 ZFAX 3.10 Chinese Edition. (Newest File Date:
| 02-08-94)
Z310ENG.ZIP 113047 05-20-94 ZFAX 3.10 English Edition. (Newest File Date:
| 02-08-94)
Z310GER.ZIP 113424 05-20-94 ZFAX 3.10 German Edition. (Newest File Date:
| 02-08-94)
Z310MNU.ZIP 85661 05-20-94 ZFAX 3.10 English Manual. (Newest File Date:
| 02-08-94)
Z311ENG.ZIP 113716 05-20-94 V3.11) ZFAX - update English version
| (.COM.ZD?.HLP only !) (E). (Newest File Date:
| 03-10-94)
ZCDC0127.ZIP 226362 05-20-94 L ZCOMM manual 01/27/94. (Newest File Date:
| 01-27-94)
ZCHP0202.ZIP 88502 05-20-94 L ZCOMM on-line help system for v18.10 (-AV
| by author). (Newest File Date: 01-27-94)
ZCNV2_3.ZIP 77738 05-20-94 Convert telephone book form ZFAX 2.xx to
| 3.xx. (Newest File Date: 02-17-94)
ZCOMLITE.ZIP 11446 05-20-94 Zcomlite - Freeware Communications Program
| for the ZOOmer Laptop. (Newest File Date:
| 04-16-94)
ZFAX311G.ZIP 730878 05-20-94 V3.11) ZFAX fullpack German version, with
| prog., gmsg, font, dir and manu. (Newest File
| Date: 03-23-94)
ZLOG2DOC.ZIP 44680 05-20-94 Translates binary coded ZFAX log files to
| ASCII coded log file, work with ZFAX v2.23
| v3.10. (Newest File Date: 03-03-94)
ZOCBK102.ZIP 19613 05-20-94 Zap-O-Com Phone Book Utility 1.02. Allows you
| to convert your phone books from other
| programs to ZOC. Also edit, delete, etc. DOS
| EXECUTABLES. (Newest File Date: 01-06-94)
ZSX2_310.ZIP 35136 05-20-94 ZSX v3.10 protocol driver for OS/2 Supports
| X/Y/Zmodem, SEALink; DOS versions also
| available
ZSXD_310.ZIP 67201 05-20-94 ZSX v3.10 - a general purpose protocol driver
| - DOS version. (Newest File Date: 01-24-94)
ZYXFAQ37.ZIP 51918 05-20-94 ZyXEL modems frequestly asked question list
| v3.70 (E). (Newest File Date: 04-03-94)
ZYX_BIN1.ZIP 308502 05-20-94 Pre-recorded voice files for ANSWER Voice
| Mail System - ZyXEL version, 1 of 2. (Newest
| File Date: 04-16-94)
ZYX_BIN2.ZIP 110938 05-20-94 Pre-recorded voice files for ANSWER Voice
| Mail System - ZyXEL version, 2 of 2 Mail
| System - ZyXEL version, 2 of 2. (Newest File
| Date: 04-16-94)