Game Killer
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Text File
353 lines
PINS Written By E.Kasey Kasemodel and Bill Vollano
BBASE By Kasey
Program Description
PINS is a bowling compiler that calculates fundamental
statistics to help you keep track of your game. BBASE is a
game editor that creates data files for PINS.
PINS reads pure ASCII files that contain rows and columns of
bowling results. The format is given below:
DATE = Format is MMM-DD eg. DEC-25
PINS = Total score (gross) 3 digit integer eg. 199 or 099
OPEN = Number of frames where spare or strike was not achieved
SPARES = Total spares
STRIKES= strikes
10th = Number of pins you scored in the 10th frame (max=30)
SPLITS = Total number of times you split
CONVRT = Number of splits that were converted to spares
CASH = Amount you won/lost or just plain spent - up to you.
Each item in the text file needs to be separated with a
single space.
The first 3 lines of the text file are reserved for
comments. The P Compiler will always read these first three lines
as comments so if you put data there, it will not be included.
Here is an example of an actual file.
DATE PIN O / X 10 S C $$$
NOV-12 158 3 5 2 09 0 0 0.75
NOV-12 224 1 4 6 28 0 0 0.75
NOV-12 183 4 2 5 20 1 0 0.75
NOV-15 123 5 4 0 08 2 0 0.75
NOV-15 142 4 4 2 17 1 0 0.75
NOV-15 135 3 5 1 09 2 0 0.75
NOV-15 134 5 6 2 13 0 0 0.75
Note that all lines begin at column 1.
First create your data file using an editor or word
processor or BBASE if yer not into editors. (QEDIT would
be an example of an editor ideal for this purpose.)
Another way to create P input files is to use BBASE.
To load this one, type BBASE from the DOS prompt. Before
loading BBASE, edit the file called DTADRIVE.DEF and
set it to the drive/path where you will be using
BBASE. This is required when the DIR function is used
from within BBASE.
Be sure to set the file name by using the F option first.
Then use E to enter the games that you have rolled.
IMPORTANT!! Before exiting BBASE, make sure to use
the W option. This activates the routine that writes
the text file that PINS needs. If you forget to do
this, you will not be able to summarize your games!
After all of the games have been entered and you have
used the W option, exit from BBASE and you're ready
to run PINS!
Enter the following from the DOS prompt:
The opening screen will tell you a few things that you
probably won't care about - So just hit the SPACE BAR.
When the command prompt appears, press RETURN. This
will bring up some on-screen guidance. A second menu has
been added to keep up with all the new commands. Enter
MENU2 for a look.
Running a Summary
1) Enter L or LOAD from the command prompt.
When asked for a file name, enter the name that you
created that contains the bowling results.
After the file loads, a message will appear indicating that the file
can now be calculated.
2) Enter CA or CALC.
The results will appear on the screen.
Disk Output
If you want to create a formatted disk file of the results,
enter the letters DISK before step 2 above. This will send
the report to a disk file with a .BWL extension. All
subsequent calculations will also create a disk file until
the DISK option is turned off.
To turn off the DISK option, enter DISK again.
Printer Support
To print to either LPT1 or LPT2, enter 1 or 2 from the
command prompt. This will toggle the switch on or off,
depending on the current setting.
If you have problems with this, just send the summary
to a disk file and then route it to your printer.
Status Check
If you want to see what the current settings are, enter STAT
from the command prompt.
Scanning the File
Should you wish to see the contents of the file in memory,
use the VIEW option from the command prompt.
Resetting the Variables
The NEW command can be used to reset all variables. This
was a debug feature that I just left in there for the heck
of it.
Output Example
FILE: KASE 16-DEC-1989
GAMES................................... 48
TOTAL PINS.............................. 7660
OPEN FRAMES............................. 155
SPARES.................................. 209
STRIKES................................. 129
10TH FRAME.............................. 798
SPLITS.................................. 38
SPLITS CONVERTED........................ 2
CASH STANDING..........................$ 50.85
S U M M A R Y A V E R A G E S / P E R G A M E
OVERALL PIN AVERAGE..................... 159.6
LAST 10 GAMES........................... 178.6
SERIES.................................. 474.6
OPEN FRAMES............................. 3.2
SPARES.................................. 4.4
STRIKES................................. 2.7
10TH FRAME.............................. 16.6
SPLITS.................................. 0.8
SPLITS CONVERTED........................ 0.0
CASH PER GAME..........................$ 1.06
H I G H S / L O W S
BEST GAME............................... 224
HIGH SERIES............................. 565
" SPARES............................. 6
" STRIKES............................ 6
" MARKS.............................. 10
" 10TH FRAME......................... 29
MOST EMBARRASSING GAME.................. 108
100-120................................. 2.1
121-139................................. 16.7
140-159................................. 39.6
160-179................................. 22.9
180-199................................. 16.7
200-224................................. 2.1
-- Graphing Your History --
A cheap version of a graph can be run to plot you progress
over time. To activate, enter the GR command. This turns
on the graph procedure. A screen version is available but
is not as meaningful due to the size of the graph. It is
advisable to sent it to disk or printer. NOTE that a 132
column printer (or 80 column in condensed mode) must be used
to print the graph. GC is an associated command that
allows you to set the character used to plot your games.
The upper end of the graph is 260 so if you average over -
say 230 - we would not recommend that you use this feature.
-- MATCHING a report --
If you want to summarize only the last 20 games in a 100
game file, you can specify these 20 using the MATCH command.
Enter MATCH and a prompt will appear asking you for a value.
Enter the number of games that you would like summarized.
The matched value will stay in effect until it is turned
off. The STAT command will reveal the current MATCH
-- Page TWO --
A second page of output can be generated to printer or disk.
It is not available to screen. To activate, enter PG2.
-- Directory Listing --
To view any file on disk, the DIR command is available. It
works just like DOS's so any wildcard will be accepted. eg.
DIR for all files that have .BCF extensions or DIR *.BWL for
all summary files.
-- Changing DIR's --
CHD followed by a valid drive/path will do the trick.
-- Deleting Files --
You can kill off old files from within PINS. Enter DEL
followed by an existing file. A confirming prompt will be
offered prior to the execution.
MPH Report
The MPH report allows you to check your ball speed. You
will need a digit stop watch that you can pick up for under
10 bucks at most department stores. What you do is run the
MPH report, then print it. (After you run it, exit to DOS
and do a COPY MPH LPT1)
Now take this print-out to the lanes with your ball and
stopwatch. Have some start the watch when your ball is
released, stopping it at impact. Read the watch, find the
matching time on the MPH report - and bangzoom, you have
your ball speed!
SEE is a tiny public domain file viewer that works
quite well for reviewing files on systems with limited
disk space.
To view a file, enter SEE [filename]
Once the file appears, the up-down-left-right keys are
used to navigate within the file. You can jump to top
or bottom using home and end. [Pgup] and [Pgdn] are
also activated to scroll the file 25 lines at a time.
Be patient after pressed [End] or [Home] when reading
the file from a floppy.
SEE does not attempt to load the entire file into memory
so you can use this program to view any size text file.
When you are finished, hit the ESC key.
TED is a PD text editor. If you would like to take a
crack at entering your scores without BBASE, try this
For example, if your name is BEN, you would enter:
What you should do is run BBASE first. Enter a few
scores, then write the compiler file using the W option.
Doing this first will give you something to load into
the editor. When you see how BBASE writes these files,
its then darn easy to add to your BCF file using an
Remember, you cannot edit BWL files with a text editor.
This file is used exclusively by BBASE.
PRMPT.COM is a tiny lil program that sets the PROMPT
command. Many times, I have come across individuals that see
only a
This is not only boring but dangerous! How many out there
would do this...
C>DEL *.*
Not me!
PRMPT requires that you have ANSI.SYS loaded. ANSI is a
file that comes with DOS. All you need to do is put
ANSI.SYS into your root directory and then include it in the
Use TED.COM to edit your CONFIG.SYS file.
This CONFIG.SYS file must also be in your root directory.
Now reboot your computer and then run PRMPT.
If you like this one, place it in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file so
that this prompt appears each time you start you computer.
Here's what PRMPT will display:
c:\dbk Date
If you're running a color monitor, yer in for a real treat!
Registration is free. All that we ask is that you send
a letter, postcard, cocktail napkin, whatever...
indicating that you use the program and what you think
of it. I would be most interested in hearing you
comments on PINS. If you find a bug in PINS, send a
blank disk for an updated copy.
To obtain an update drop send a blank disk or dial into
the DBK BBS.
E. Kasemodel [313] 668-8111 (voice)
401 Snyder Ave. [313] 662-9160 (24hr bbs)
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
!!ATTENTION GOLFERS!! If you would like to keep track of your
golfing performances, write us about DOUBLE BOGIE KILLER!
No real golfer should be without!