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SEEREF.DOC -- SEE command listing (alphabetical)
- commands with * cause execution of enhancement
- commands without* just set parameters
- only parameters set before the execution command
will be applied
Command: ALL
Effect: same as FIND, ALL
*Command: ATIS
Example: atis.dat
Effect: enters the currently set atis information into the
output scenery file for the specified frequency at the
currently set range with the source at the currently
set coordinates
Comments: includes weather, rwy recommendation
Requires: FREQ, specification of origin, MSG1-3, ID, RWY**
Optional: RANGE
*Command: BUILDING
Example: coloring.dat
Effect: applies dusk/night colors to selected buildings
Requires: FIND
Optional: FILTER
Command: CENTER
Effect: sets coordinates to scenery center
Comments: scenery center is the default on start up
Command: COLOR, {day-color}, {dusk-color}, {night-color}
Example: coloring.dat
Effect: specifies day, dusk, and night colors to be applied
Comments: does not apply when the find criterion locates ele-
ments of different colors.
Used by: poly, river, road, line, taxi
*Command: COM
Example: com.dat
Effect: enters the currently set message information into the
output scenery file for the specified frequency at the
currently set range with the source at the currently
set coordinates
Comments: no weather, messages only
Requires: FREQ, specification of origin, MSG1
Optional: MSG2, MSG3, RANGE
Command: CUSTOM, {which}, {value}
Effect: the effect is dependent on the scenery element and will be
fully documented in each library.
Comments: frequently used for colors
Used by: library
Command: DAYOFF
Example: ezc.dat, lights.dat
Effect: no day display
Used by: TAXI
Command: DAYLINE
Effect: day display shows a line
Used by: TAXI
*Command: DELETE
Alt: DEL
Effect: removes specified element; element
is specified by FIND, EXACT command
Comments: syntax of SEE02 may also be used
Requires: FIND, EXACT
Effect: enables prompt asking if you really want
to delete something
*Command: DIR
Example: most dats
Effect: reads directory list in macro file "DIR.MAC"
(equivalent to MACRO, DIR)
Comments: DIR.MAC must be in the same directory as
SEE03.EXE and must contain INDIR, OUTDIR,
and LIBDIR specifications reflecting your
directory set-up
Command: DOTS, (value)
Example: lights.dat
Effect: sets value for spacing between lights
Comments: this is a relative value: the larger the value the
larger the space between dots; from 2 to 10000;
large values reduce frame rate demand
Command: EAST, {desired east FS coordinate}
Example: library.dat
Effect: sets the east coordinate (in FS units)
Comments: default on startup is east center.
Used by: library, relative, atis, com, vor, ndb
Command: END
Example: all DATs
Effect: tells SEE to stop reading instructions
Comments: Must be present in command list. No instructions
beyond this will be executed. You may have notes
following the end command to help document
your command list.
Command: EXACT, {object-type}, {element}
Effect: same as FIND, EXACT
*Command: EXPORT, (filename)
Example: magnify.dat
Effect: saves specified element to named file; element
is specified by FIND, EXACT command
Comments: You are responsible not to overwrite anything valuable;
syntax of SEE02 may also be used
Requires: FIND, EXACT
Command: FILTER, {color-code)
Example: ezc.dat
Effect: SEE is smart enough to avoid adding night colors to
buildings that are already dark in order to save on
filesize; by adding filter colors you are telling
SEE that if it encounters a building exclusively
made with these colors not to bother adding night
coloring; black (0) is always a filter color
Command: FIND, {criterion}, {value}
Command: FIND, ALL
Command: FIND, EXACT, {object-type}, {element}
Example: coloring.dat; lights.dat;
Effect: tells SEE what elements to look for; typical crit-
eria are:
number (which specific polygon, line or river)
color (all elements of this color value)
range (all elements whose range > value (FS units))
height (all elements whose height > value (ft))
Command: FREQ, {com-frequency}
Example: com.dat; atis.dat; library.dat
Effect: sets an FS radio frequency
Comments: must be a valid FS frequency
Used by: atis, com, guils
Command: FSNORTH, {heading}
Example: library.dat
Effect: sets the local magnetic heading indicated when aircraft
is aligned with true FS north (yeah, I know what you're
thinking, but some things really are complicated). An
easy way to align your craft with local FS north is to
lay down a fuel pit using ASD and use map view to align
the "F" vertically on the screen. Then read the gyro;
the indicated heading is the heading you use for FSnorth.
An alternate method to reading FS north is to go into
slew and hit ALT, then use 5,A to read the heading.
Comments: if you always use GATE or REPLACE, GATE for locating
and inserting library objects then FSNORTH is not
required; default on startup is 0 deg
Used by: heading, relative
Command: GATE, {color-code}
Alt: see REPLACE
Example: library.dat
Effect: sets heading and coordinates of gate whose front
color matches that specified; gate is deleted
Comments: If no matching gate is found heading and
coordinates are unchanged from previous
Command: GUILS, {ILS frequency}
Example: library.dat
Effect: sets heading and coordinates of ILS whose frequency
matches that specified; ILS is deleted
Comments: If no matching ILS is found heading and
coordinates are unchanged from previous
*Command: HAZARD
Example: EZC.DAT
Effect: adds night strobe to top(s) of specified building(s)
Comments: use FIND to specify building(s)
Requires: FIND
Command: HEADING, {angle}
Example: library.dat
Effect: sets the heading value (in degrees)
Comments: default is 0 degrees. A negative heading is taken to
mean "reciprocal of". The heading value reverts back
to default after each use.
Used by: library, relative
Command: ID, {call-identifier}
Example: atis.dat
Effect: sets identifier (e.g. "ALPHA"); sent between MSG1 and MSG2
in ATIS only
Comments: must be enclosed in quotes and no quotes are allowed within
the message. Not used or necessary in COM
Used by: ATIS
*Command: IMPORT, (filename)
Example: magnify.dat
Effect: adds specified element saved in named file to scenery
file as specified object type; object type category is
specified by TYPE command (default is 8 [GATES])
Comments: if RANGE command is present it will set the range of
the incoming element; syntax of SEE02 may be also be
Requires: TYPE
Optional: RANGE
Command: INDIR, {directory-of-input-file}
Example: all DATs
Effect: identifies input directory
Command: INPUT, {filename-of-source}
Example: all DATs
Effect: identifies the scenery file to act upon
Comments: Must be an SC1 file.
Command: LIB (equivalent to LIBRARY)
Command: LIBDIR,{directory-of-library-files}
Example: all DATs
Effect: identifies what directory the library files reside in
*Command: LIBRARY, {scenery library file name}
Alt: LIB
Example: library.dat
Effect: places the specified scenery library object
at the currently set north and east coord-
inates aligned with the currently set heading
Requires: specification of position and heading
Command: LIGHTCOLOR, {color-code-of-lights)
Effect: sets color of road lights if default value is not desired
Used by: ROAD, LINE
Command: LIGHT(S)
Example: lights.dat
Effect: turns on lights at night option for LINES and ROADS
*Command: LINE(S)
Example: coloring.dat
Effect: found lines will have the color sequences of the
color map or color command whichever is appropriate
Command: LOCATE
Alt: LOC
Example: atis.dat
Effect: sets coordinates of specified element; does
not set heading
Comments: element specification by FIND, EXACT
Used by: library, atis, com, vor, ndb
*Command: MACRO, {macro-filename)
Example: macro.dat
Effect: executes command list in macro file
Comments: if extension is not specified .MAC is assumed; DAT
files may be used as macros; EZC.DAT may be used as
a macro file.
Optional: specification of position and heading (if appropriate)
Command: MAP, {day-color}, {dusk-color}, {night-color}
Example: coloring.dat
Effect: replaces the color change sequence for the specified
daycolor number in the default color map to suit your
application and preference
Command: MSG1, {opening-message}
Example: atis.dat; com.dat
Effect: sets first component of com or atis message
Comments: must be enclosed in quotes and no quotes are allowed within
the message. In ATIS, msg1 is usually the facility name
Used by: ATIS, COM
Command: MSG2, {middle-message}
Example: atis.dat; com.dat
Effect: sets middle component of com or atis message
Comments: must be enclosed in quotes and no quotes are allowed within
the message.
Used by: ATIS, COM
Command: MSG3, {ending-message}
Example: atis.dat; com.dat
Effect: sets ending component of com or atis message
Comments: must be enclosed in quotes and no quotes are allowed within
the message.
Used by: ATIS, COM
*Command: NDB
Example: vorndb.dat
Effect: sets an ndb beacon at the current FS coordinates, at the
current frequency, acting over the currently set range
Comments: identical with ASD generated one
Requires: FREQ, specification of origin
Optional: RANGE
Command: NORTH, {desired north FS coordinate}
Example: library.dat
Effect: in FS units; sets the north coordinate
Comments: Default on startup is north center.
Used by: library, relative, atis, com, vor, ndb
Command: OUTDIR,{directory-of-output-file}
Example: all DATs
Effect: identifies output directory
Command: OUTPUT, {filename-of-destination}
Example: all DATs
Effect: identifies the scenery file to be created
*Command: PATCH
Example: patching.dat
Effect: causes all specified polygons to display over runways and
acquire the specified day, dusk, night colors
Comments: use FIND, COLOR, x to specify polygons and
COLOR, x, y, z to specify day, dusk, night colors
Requires: FIND; COLOR
*Command: POLY
Example: coloring.dat
Effect: found polygons will have the color sequences of the
color map or color command whichever is appropriate
Requires: FIND
Optional: COLOR (when appropriate), X4, X16, RANGE
Command: RANGE, {value}
Example: library.dat
Effect: set the range of visibility (activity) to the
specified value
Comments: default value is 128 FS units (1 FS = 256 meters);
default units are FS units; alternate units selected
by UNITS commmand; reverts to default after each use.
Command: RELATIVE, {heading}, {distance}
Alt: REL
Example: library.dat
Effect: sets coordinates the specified distance from the previous
coordinates in the specified direction; in degrees and
FS units;
Used by: library, atis, com, vor, ndb
*Command: REPLACE, {objectname}, {identification}, {library element}
Alt: see GUILS and GATE
Example: library.dat
Effect: replaces designated element with the specified library
object using the coordinates and heading of the replaced
object; replaceable objects may be:
GATE (identified by front color code
ILS (identified by frequency)
Command: REPORT
Example: ezc.dat
Effect: causes analysis of input file and creation of a report
Comments: Should immediately follow directory and file setups and
appear before any changes are requested. If no REPORT
command is encountered when SEE reads the first execute
enhancement command, SEE will issue a REPORT command.
Comments or commands read before the creation of a
report will not be recorded in the report.
*Command: RIVER
Example: coloring.dat
Effect: found rivers will have the color sequences of the
color map or color command whichever is appropriate
Requires: FIND
Optional: COLOR, RANGE
*Command: ROAD
Example: coloring.dat
Effect: causes selected roads to have the color sequences of
the color map or color command whichever is appropriate
Comments: use FIND to select
Requires: FIND
*Command: RUNWAY(S)
Example: ezc.dat, lights.dat
Effect: causes selected runways to darken at dusk
Comments: use FIND to select
Requires: FIND (number or all)
Optional: CUSTOM, 1, night rwy color; CUSTOM, 2, night trim color
Command: RWYNE, {runway-number}
Example: atis.dat
Effect: sets which runway will be recommended for landing and
departing by FS when the winds are (from) north east
Comments: 1 to 36; Not used or necessary in COM
Used by: ATIS
Command: RWYNW, {runway-number}
Command: RWYSE, {runway-number}
Command: RWYSW, {runway-number}
*Command: SAVE
Example: all DATs
Effect: causes output SC1 file to be written to disk
Comments: Must follow all instructions for changes.
Leave this command out if you just want a report.
*Command: SETRANGE, (value)
Example: library.dat
Effect: sets new range value for specified element; element
is specified by FIND, EXACT command; range value is in
currently active units
Comments: SETRANGE syntax of SEE02 may also be used; elements re
-act differently to increased range values including
no change in visibilty range and repeating displays
Requires: FIND
Optional: UNITS
*Command: TAXI
Example: coloring.dat
Effect: found lines will be converted to lights which have
the color sequences of the color map or color command
whichever is appropriate
Requires: FIND (number or color)
Command: TYPE,{object-type-number}
Effect: sets specified object-type code (see table)
Comments: default value is 8 (timing gates); reverts back to
default after each use
Used by: library, import, export, delete, setrange, locate
Command: UNITS, {2 letter unit code)
Example: library.dat, atis.dat, com.dat, navaids.dat, radio.mac
Effect: sets units that values used with SETRANGE and
RANGE represent:
FS = FS units (default)
NM = nautical miles
ML = statute miles
FT = feet
reverts to default after each use
Comments: resolution is unaffected by units and is to the closest
FS unit (256 meters, 840 feet); units in report are un-
affected (always FS)
*Command: VOR
Example: vorndb.dat
Effect: sets a vor beacon at the current FS coordinates, at the
current frequency, acting over the currently set range
Comments: identical with ASD generated one
Requires: FREQ, specification of origin
Optional: RANGE
Command: X4
Example: library.dat
Effect: tells POLY command to magnify the specified polygon
by a (linear) factor of 4 during the day/dusk/night
coloring process
Comments: magnified polygon may be moved in ASD editor and will
tolerate increased range values
Command: X16
Example: library.dat
Effect: tells POLY command to magnify the specified polygon
by a (linear) factor of 16 during the day/dusk/night
coloring process
Comments: magnified polygon may be moved in ASD editor and will
tolerate increased range values