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Lands of Lore Trainer V1.1a
Author : David Jury
Copywrite 1993 David Jury
aka "Network"
This Trainer will now work on the new update for Lands of Lore V11A.The
old Trainer will only work on the original version of the game.If you have
the update patch from Westowood Studios then this Trainer is for you.If you
do NOT have V11A of Lands of Lore then you need to upgrade it for this Trainer
to work.You can get the upgrade from Westwood or on Compuserve (Go GAMEPUB B
and under Westwood Studios own Library download LOLPATCH.ZIP to upgrade).
Also I left out a feature I ment to add in the original Trainer.As part of the
Might Warrior Mode it should have given you Quick Spell Casting Recovery as
well as Attack Recovery.Now it does,and you can quickly cast spells at your
Enemies rather than wait the normal delay period to cast again.
Thanks for your support!If there are more game updates PLEASE Email me and
let me know so I can make newer versions of the Trainer.
Welcome again to the wonderful world of Trainers.If you're a "True" gameplayer
I'd suggest passing this file by or at least waiting till you have mastered the
game then feel free to play around with the Trainer later.
However,if you need a little hand or perhaps a BIG hand in playing Lands of
Lore then this program is for you.It will allow you to get assistance in many
different ways and you can choose how much or how little help you want.
Hopefully there is enough in here to help you in almost any situation you may
encounter in the game.
During gameplay you will be able to adjust your Health and Magic levels to
your own liking,Toggle 32000 Coins as needed,give yourself Unlimited Magic or
Unlimited Health,change your current Spell and select any of the ones available
in the game,restore your condition to GOOD if poisoned,stunned,webbed etc.,
toggle an Unlimited Movement Mode that allows you to walk through Walls and
around Traps,Toggle a Mighty Warrior Mode that makes you :Never Miss,Gives
you Quick Attack Recovery and Super Might and Damage to Enemy's,Instantly
restore your Magic and Health to Maximum Levels (if you aren't Cheating
Otherwise) and instantly Refill your Lantern to Full.Whew!And actually because
I have been so late in releasing this I have left a few goodies out that are
not QUITE done yet (perhpas in a future version of this).
Use PKzip V1.1+ and Unzip the Trainer files into your Lands of Lore game
directory.Once in the game directory (and hopefully after fully reading this
.NFO file) just type LOLTRNS and the Trainer will load up.You will see an
opening screen and then a screen reminding you of the various Trainer
Functions available to you during gameplay.
During the game use the following keys to your advantage :
(Note : When the word GREY is used it is used to describe the GREY Colored
keys (on most systems) such as the keys around the Number Pad and keys like
F2 - Press this Key and it will add 10 to your Current and Maximum
Health values.Each time you press it it does this.Use it as many
times as you want until you feel you have the desired Level you
SHIFT+F2 - Press this Key and it will subtract 10 from you Current and
Maximum Health values.
F3 - Press this Key and it will add 10 to your Current and Maximum
Magic values.It will do this each time you press this key
as with the F2 Function.
SHIFT+F3 - Press this Key and it will subtract 10 from your Current and
Maximum Magic values.
F6 - Each time this Key is pressed it will Toggle your Coins to
32,000.It may not update the display on the right side of the
game screen but if you click on the Coins it will say you
have the 32,000.Use this as often as you like to keep your
Coin level High and Mighty.
F7 - Press this Key and it will Turn ON the Unlimited Magic Mode.Now you
can Cast spells till you turn blue in the face and never have to
worry about losing Magic Points again.Note that the Magic Bar will
drop briefly and then go back to the Maximum value.Press this
Key again and it will Turn this Mode OFF.
F8 - Pressing this Key Toggles the Unlimited Health Mode ON.While in this
Mode your Health points will never go down.As an added Bonus this
also keeps Enemies from being able to Hit you with Normal means.This
way you won't be Disarmed or Poisoned etc. by attacks they make at
Close Range.Missle attacks will HIT you but won't take away ANY
Health points.Pressing this Key again Turns this Mode OFF and makes
you again Vunerable to the Evils of the Lands.
F9 - When you press this Key it changes your Current Spell to the NEXT
one UP the Spell List in Memory.You can now cast this Spell (if you
have the Magic for it!) as if it was in your Spell Book.It won't
add it to your Book but then who needs a silly Book when you can
just Select anyone you want?The Spells in Order from First to Last
are : Sparks,Heal,Freeze,Fireball,Crushing Hand,Mists of Doom and
then Lightning.The Crushing Hands Spell doesn't seem to be listed
in the Manual.Once you get to Lighting pressing F9 will not have
any affect.
SHIFT+F9 - Pressing this Key Combination will Select the Next Spell DOWN in
the Spell List in memory.(See above function for other details)
F10 - When you Press this Key it will Restore the Current Condition of
your Character to Normal.So if you are Poisoned,Stunned,put to
Sleep,Webbed or any other nasty thing this should bring you back
to Normal.Also if you have a NPC in the game and you are Killed
or Knocked Out this will also bring you Back.
SCROLL LOCK - Pressing this Key will Toggle the Unlimited Movement Mode ON.
This Mode allows you to walk right through Walls,Barred Gates and
Many Locked Doors.You can also pass through closed Portals into
areas of the Game not normally accessable by your Character alone
or without doing something special to Trigger that area to Open for
you.Also if you have some Nasty Pit or Trap confronting you,you
can just Travel through some Walls and completely bypass it.Press
this Key again and it will Toggle this Mode OFF.
CAPS LOCK - Press this Key to Toggle the Mighty Warrior Mode ON.When this
Mode is on you will ALWAYS Hit your Enemy on the First and for that
matter ANY attack.Also you will notice that there is no longer the
Attack Recovery Time Lag that you have to wait through before you
can attempt to Strike an opponent again.Lastly you will deliver
Ferocious attacks against your Enemies.The Damage you Inflict upon
the Evil Hordes will be nothing less than Titantic and almost every
Opponent should Die easily with ONE Blow.(Damage will range in the
High 100's to 1000's!).Pressing this Key again will Turn this Mode
GREY ASTERIK (*) - (Above Numeric Keys on Number Pad).Each time you Press this
Key it will Restore your Current Magic and Health Levels to their
GREY PLUS (+) - (To the Right of Numeric Keys on Number pad).When you Press
this key it will Instantly Refill your Lantern to FULL.
During Gameplay at various points you will encounter Non Player Characters
(NPC's).These folk are along for the ride to help you in most cases as best
they can.You do have control over them so they aren't Truly NPC's in a
sense but that's the best way to describe them.Some of the Trainer Functions
will affect them as well as your Player Character.You will be able to use the
Unlimited Magic and Health Modes,Unlimted Movement Mode and Might Combat
Mode on them (If there already Active when they join you then they instantly
start to Train them as well).Also changing the Current Spell also affects
Magic using NPC's.At the very least the Trainer will Protect them and make
them Strong and useful.You just won't be able to edit some of their features
A new addition to the Trainer engine is the abilaity to manipulate the PC
Speaker keypress feedback.I added this as that has been a common question
people have asked about.Now you can change the pitch up,down or off.
The controls are as follows and should remain the same for all subsequent
Trainers unless otherwise noted.At any time use these keys to change the
PC Speaker sound :
F11 - Press F11 for a Higher pitched keypress feedback.
F12 - Press F12 for a Lower pitched keypress feedback.
DELETE - Toggle ON/OFF the keypress feedback from the PC Speaker.
Press these keys any time or as many times as needed to get the desired
effect.Also note that for Trainer functions that Toggle ON/OFF the ON keypress
will always be a LOW pitch then a HIGHER pitched tone and the OFF will be
the reverse (a HIGH pitched tone with and immediate LOWER pitched tone).
There are no known problems so far with the above trainer(s)/editors so enjoy.
As always if anything does come up PLEASE send me feedback.Describe as thorough
as possible what EXACTLY happened,your system configuration and game congig.
That makes it easier to diagnose the trouble.Leave E-Mail,Feedback or comments
to me :
Prodigy ID#BGRB28C
Compuserve ID#71052,1742
America Online ID=Network1
Genie ID=D. Jury
Internet Mail to : 71052.1742@Compuserve.com
Please!If you are on America Online don't send me Internet Mail on Compuserve!
I WILL reply to your messages addressed to NETWORK1 on AOL.
My Trainers can be found on Compuserve in the GAMECON (GO GAMECON then GO
GAMERS or GO FSFORUM),on America Online (GAME HINTS),on Genie (GAMES
ROUNDTABLE),and on various PD/Private BBS's all over the country.I am looking
for LARGE PD/Pay/Private BBS systems to carry my work.If you are interested in
becoming a distribution site please contact me at the any of the above EMAIL
This Trainer is what I'd call Donationware.Basically Shareware for all intents
and purposes.If you use this program and like what it does for you send a
Donation (see info below).You are not held to doing this.It is your choice.In
any case you can give as many copies of this to friends or spread it to the
numerous electronic BBS or Network services out there.
Remeber though it is Donations that make things happen.I would hope that I
could depend on donations and offer more Shareware to more people rather than
be forced to have to limit my FULL Trainers to Registration only.Anyway that's
just a small plug.Donations means less Register Trainers,more Full Shareware
Trainers and a wider selection of games I can purchase to work on.You make it
happen.Keep that in mind (I hope!)
For ANY distribution of this work in MASS for on MEDIA or PRINT for profit
or other you MUST contact the Author (me) for permission.This includes being
copied and sold for profit or distribution fee via mail,person,book,magazine
,catalog,etc.I encourage this sort of thing but only if I am contacted and
permission is granted to do so.
In ANY distribution case none of the work may be altered in any way.
If you enjoy what I do feel free to help out.Freely send $5-$10 donations
to :
P.O. BOX 658
Trainer Engine Design and Code Copywrite 1993 by David Jury
Trainer Module Code for Lands of Lore Copywrite 1993 David Jury
Lands of Lore is a trademark of Westwood Studios,Inc.
Virgin is a registered trademark of Virgin Enterprises, Ltd.