Game Killer
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KEY-BOARD in Milton Keynes, Bucks, ENGLAND. Telephone +44 (0)908-668398
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Where resticted times i.e. 18-08 is shown, BB is normally 24hr at Weekends
===================== ================= ======= === ============ =====
BIXBOX .............. Terry Dansey 050/001 SE 0634200931 24 hr
PYRAMID ............. Ian Crocker 050/002 LON 0712390871 24 hr
GRAPEVINE UK ........ Harry Green 050/003 LON 0814434601 24 hr
ORGANIC GARDEN ...... Bob Campion 050/004 LON 0375380030 24 hr
CROWN GREEN ......... Jim Brookbank 050/005 LON 0716011170 24 hr
DBASE USER GROUP .... Harry Watson 050/006 MID 0532842213 24 hr
C-SIDE .............. Jamie Moles 050/008 SE NEW.NUMBER 24 hr
SERIAL BOX .......... Terry Dansey 050/011 SE 0.PRIVATE. 24 hr
BUZBY'S HOTLINE ..... Raymond Orr 050/012 SCO 0417622000 24 hr
LIQUORICE ALLSORTS .. Gill Cobley 050/015 WAL 0633279985 24 hr
ATTIC ............... David Isom 050/016 NW 0257271135 24 hr
KEYBOARD ............ Ron Meldrum 050/017 MID 0908668398 24 hr
FUZZY LOGIC ......... Phill Piddell 050/018 SE 0634200707 24 hr
SHADOW FAX .......... Mark Lydall 050/019 STH 0252528146 24 hr
M.S.P.E.O.S. ........ Tim Bicknelle 050/021 STH 0494765303 24 hr
THE ODD ONE OUT ..... Stuart Dyckhoff 050/023 WAL TEMP DOWN. 24 hr
GTG ONLINE .......... Tim Hawkins 050/026 SE 0-PENDING. 24 hr
SURVEY ANALYSIS ..... David Erskine 050/029 LON 081PENDING 24 hr
CAMPBELL'S KINGDOM .. Alistair Campbell 050/031 LON ....T.B.A. 24 hr
PENGUIN TOWERS ...... Jeremy Folkes 050/032 SE 081PRIVATE 24 hr
ZURLINDEN STRASSE ... Andy Philpot 050/036 LON 0923775624 24 hr
THE BROKEN BISCUIT .. Dave Liquorice 050/039 WST 0272744579 24 hr
INFORMIX (UK) ....... Mark Dooling 050/040 SE 0784249828 24 hr
THE BOARS NEST ...... Terry McBride 050/041 WST 0793724195 19-7H
T.B.A. .............. Markus Nottelmann 050/045 LON ....T.B.A. T.B.A.
LANDFALL COMP SERVICE Ben Harris 050/048 SW 0326-78086 24 hr
EREBUS .............. Jonathon Gill 050/054 SE 0732770498 24 hr
SYSTEM C ONLINE ..... Simon Cavell 050/055 SE 0622672090 24 hr
LASERLINE............ Paul Richards 050/057 SW 0272634572 24 hr
MCM SUPPORT.......... Bob Butcher 050/059 LON 0716081484 24 hr
ABOVE BOARD ......... Oliver Bell 013/000 NW 0254682862 24 hr
SHASBY'S LAIR ....... Mark Shasby 013/001 NW 0772561066 16-07
HOBBIT'S ARMPIT ..... Dave Churm 013/002 NW 0772735122 24 hr
ONLINE SUPPORT ...... Mike Robinson 013/004 NW 0254872677 24 hr
CASSOCK SMOLDERING .. Steve Holmes 013/005 NW 0254662805 24 hr
DAVY JONES' LOCKER .. Dave Fernant 013/006 NW 0516302972 24 hr
THE HOLE IN THE NET . Dale Anson 013/007 NW 0229839134 24 hr
FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH John Whitney 013/100 NE 0642224833 24 hr
WILD IMAGININGS ..... Martin Nichol 013/101 NE 0912625580 22-08
GEORDIES RETREAT .... George Keys 013/102 NE 0912681807 22-08
YOREDALE MAILBOX .... John Kirk 013/103 NE ...PRIVATE 24 hr
NOVA NET ............ Simon Bayntun 013/104 MID NEW.NUMBER 19-09
COMPLEAT............. Geoffry Evelyn 013/105 MID 0912619066 24 hr
OSCARS............... Andrew Leeder 013/200 MID 0543675158 24 hr
FERRARI TECH SERVICES Brian Clare 013/201 MID 0908235933 24 hr
DUN EIDEANN DUNGEON . Iain Paterson 013/300 SCO 0316692974 Rback
THE MIDNIGHT CALLER . Mike Joyce 013/400 WAL 0633279243 24 hr