Game Killer
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178 lines
Falcon 3.0
by Spectrum Holobyte
Keyboard Commands
Brought to you by The \/\/easel
Terminal One 510-432-2461
WWIVNet @5070
Map Control Keys:
Move cursor left, right, up, down : Cursor keys
Scroll map left, right, up, down : Shift + cursor keys
Select waypoint : Left Shift
Drag waypoint left, right, up down : Left Shift + cursor keys
Zoom in, out : + and - keys
Back up one screen : Esc
Exit to DOS : Alt-X
Stick Controls:
Nose up, down, Bank left, right : Cursor keys, I,M,J,L, or numeric keypad
Rudder left, right : [ and ]
Throttle & Afterburner:
Increase, decrease throttle : + and - keys
MIL/AB switch : /
Increase, decrease AB stage : . and ,
Weapon selection/firing:
A-G Weapons select : Backspace
A-A Weapons select : Enter
ILS HUD mode : \
Fire Weapon : Space
Increase, decrease bomb ripple : ' and ;
Radar modes:
Radar on/off : R
REO/Map toggle : C
NAM Radar : F5
ACM Radar : F6
GM Radar : F7
Rivers & roads on/off (GM Radar) : Y
Radar scan distance : F8
Radar Azimuth scan : F9
Radar Antenna elevation : F10
IFF Check (tone sounds if friendly): N
Target Select : T
Clear Radar lock : X
Radar Lock : Z
Inside views:
View front, left, rear, right : 3,4,5,6 or 1,7,3,9 on numeric keypad
Cockpit up/down : Scroll Lock
Up view : U
Outside views:
Satellite view : 1
Ground view : 2
Target/Missile/Enemy view : Q
Wingman view : 7
Padlock view (great for dogfights) : 8 or *
Chase plane view : 0
Zoom & Rotation control:
Zoom in/out : F1, F2
Rotate left, right : F3, F4
Rotate up/down : Shift and F3, F4
Fine tune zoom/rotation : Ctrl and function key
Countermeasures keys:
ECM Pod : E
Dispense chaff : Del
Dispense flares : Ins
Flight control keys:
Autopilot : A
(Note: I found that autopilot can
do everything for you, including
dogfighting, delivery of A-G and
A-A weapons, countermeausers,
missile evasion, and all navigation.
It can fly by itself for the whole
mission with very little
Speed (Air) Brakes : B
Flaps : F
Landing gear : G
Wheel Brakes : W
AVTR keys:
Turn on replay camera : Ctrl-R
Save replay data to disk : Ctrl-S
Stores control keys:
View stores : V
Jettison centerline stores : Ctrl-C
Jettison all stores : Ctrl-K
Wingman Command keys:
Tell wingman to...
Break Left : Shift-A
Break Right : Shift-D
Break High : Shift-W
Break Low : Shift-X
Fly straight & level : Shift-S
Bypass current waypoint : Shift-B
Return to previous waypoint : Shift-V
Keep radio silence : Shift-R
Bracket Left : Shift-Z
Bracket Right : Shift-C
Engage : Shift-E
Disengage : Shift-Q
Drag Left : Shift-2
Drag Right : Shift-3
Ask AWACS for navigation info : Shift-N
Communications mode keys (multi-player over network or modem):
Chat with other player : `
Abort mission : Alt-A
End mission : Alt-Q
Miscellaneous keys:
Accelerated mode : Tab
Lock accelerated mode : Shift-Tab
Bring up menu bar : Esc
Change HUD color : H
Pause game : P
All sound on/off : S
Well, that about does it. Falcon 3.0 is a great game, although it took a
LONG!! time to come out, but I think the wait was worth it. I have a 486-33,
8MB RAM, and a Soundblaster, so I can take full advantage of Falcon 3.0's
capabilities. Great game, now I just have to wait for A-10 Avenger!!!
Happy flying!!
Thanks to THG, INC, and all the others who have done thier fine
work in the computer community...