Game Killer
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627 lines
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||// / DEU 5.0 \ \\ ||
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1 Introduction
2 Starting DEU
2.1 Command line parameters
2.2 DEU.INI Initialization files
3 DEU Main Menu
4 The Level Editor
4.1 Keyboard Commands
4.2 Mouse Commands
5 WAD file description, flags, etc...
5.1 LineDefs attributes
5.2 LineDefs types
6 Special DOOM Areas. Lifts, Doors, and more!
6.1 Doors
6.2 Lifts
6.3 Teleporters
6.4 Stairs
6.5 Secret Areas
6.6 Standard Rooms
7 How to try out your new level(s)
8 Troubleshooting
9 Tutorial
[1] Introduction
DEU allows you to add your creativity to one of the most exciting
PC games on the market...
(c) id software
Please read the file README.1ST first. It contains important
informations about copyrights and trademarks.
[2] Starting DEU
DEU may be started by typing DEU at a DOS prompt.
> DEU [options]
Start DEU with the default IWAD file, DOOM.WAD and no PWADs.
> DEU [options] -file <PWAD file> [<PWAD file>...]
Start DEU with the default IWAD file and the PWAD file(s)
> DEU [options] -m <IWAD file>
Start DEU with the specified main IWAD file (DOOM.WAD or
[2.1] Command Line Parameters
View command line options without entering DEU.
Debug mode. Obsolete.
Expert mode. Doesn't ask for confirmation of some
operations (e.g. deleting an object).
Swaps the left and middle mouse buttons.
QUIET! suppresses the sound made when you select or
mark an object. Use it if your in a library. :-)
-z <zoom>
ZOOM. Specify initial zoom setting.
Use the alternate color set for displaying the Things.
-m <main wad file>
Specify name of main wad file (e.g. DOOM.WAD).
-file <pwad, pwad, ...>
Load patch WAD file(s), just like with DOOM. Note: Patch
wad files may also be loaded from the main menu.
-pw <pwad>
Add ONE patch file to be loaded.
-bgi <video driver name>
Use another BGI video driver for hi-res modes (default = "VESA").
-v <video mode number>
Set the default video mode for the extended video driver.
(default = 2, this is 640x480x256 colors for the VESA driver).
Use a "fake" mouse cursor. This option is useful is your mouse
driver is not compatible with SuperVGA resolutions (see [8.2]).
-config <ini file>
Specify an alternate DEU configuration file other than
[2.2] DEU.INI
Rather than using command line arguments you may wish to
save your typical settings in the DEU.INI file. It's structure
is pretty basic, pop into edit and check it out.
ALL of the command line options may be used in DEU.INI with the
exception of "-help" and "-config". Commands in DEU.INI should
be completely spelled out (i.e. quiet=true, not q=true)
[3] DEU Main Menu
HELP. This command displays a list of commands with their
valid command syntax.
B <OutIWadFileName>
BUILD new IWAD file (all 10+Megs of it) with the given file
name. WARNING: Do not name your file DOOM.WAD or you will
overwrite the existing DOOM.WAD file and you will have to
re-install DOOM to get back your original file.
C [episode] [mission]
CREATE and edit a new (empty) level.
DUMP gives an hex/ascii dump of any object in the main
directory (WAD file).
E [episode] [mission]
EDIT a level.
G <OutPWadFileName>
GROUP all opened PWAD files in a compound PWAD with the given
file name. Using this option, you may put several levels in a
single file.
L <OpenedWadFileName> [OutputFile]
LIST the structure of the directory of a opened file.
If an output file is given it will write the list to that
M [OutputFile]
List the MASTER directory of the IWAD and any PWAD files,
all mixed together. If an output file is given it will
write the list to that file.
R [file]
READ a previously saved patch WAD file.
S <DirEntry> <WadFile>
SAVE one object to a separate file.
V [Spritename]
VIEW Sprites. Spritename is optional. Use arrow keys to
scroll through sprite list. Scroll through the bosses
fast and see them dance for you!!!
List all the opened wad files.
[4] The Level Editor
The level editor displays a graphical "map" of the level showing
lines where walls are, x's where things are (Red one are enemies,
green ones are player start positions, and the rest are white.)
There is a title bar which displays information about the mode
you are in. There are windows to let you know what thing is
selected and windows that let you know what you can do to it.
[4.1] Keyboard Commands
F1 Help screen.
F2 Save level in a PWAD file.
F9 Insert a predefined object.
(*new* feature not yet fully implemented.)
F10 Miscellaneous operations. One of the options can be
used to verify the integrity of the level and help locate
possible problem areas.
(*new* feature not yet fully implemented.)
Q Quit, saving changes. You will be asked for the name
of the PWAD file.
Esc Exit without saving. If you have unsaved changes, a
warning message will be displayed.
Arrows Move the pointer.
Scroll Lock Turn on/off the autoscroll feature.
Space Toggle slow/fast movement speed and the scrolling speed.
+, - Change the map scale. ZOOM in or out.
Tab Switch to the next editing mode.
T Switch to the Things editor.
V Switch to the Vertexes (vertices) editor.
L Switch to the LineDefs/SideDefs editor.
S Switch to the Sectors editor.
N, > Jump to the next object.
P, < Jump to the previous object.
J, # Jump to a specified object (enter number).
M Mark/Unmark current object.
(See also the 'Shift' key below).
C Clear all marks and redraw map.
D Toggle Drag mode.
G Show the grid and change its scale.
H Hide the grid.
I Show or hide the info bar at the bottom of the screen.
Enter Edit current object or group of selected objects. A
menu will pop up and you will be allowed to change
attributes in the object(s).
Ins Insert a new object at the current cursor position.
This will copy the last selected object or insert a
default object.
There are two special cases:
When a group of vertices are selected and you press
"Ins": the editor will add new LineDefs between the
vertices and will put you in the LineDefs editor.
When a group of LineDefs are selected and you press
"Ins" a new Sector will be created and one SideDef in
each LineDef will be bound to this Sector and the edit
mode will switch to the Sector editor.
Del Delete the current object or group of objects. All
objects bound to the current object will also be deleted.
(i.e. if you delete one Vertex, this will also delete the
LineDefs that used this Vertex). Except for Things, you
will be asked for confirmation before the object is
Shift Hold the Shift key while moving the cursor to prevent
the pointer from selecting a different object.
Hold the Shift key while pressing 'M' (or the left mouse
button) to drag a selection box and select several objects
at once.
[4.2] Mouse Commands
If you have a mouse, you will have the following actions bound to
the buttons:
Left button : Mark/Unmark object (same as "M").
Middle button : Edit object (same as "Enter").
Right button : Drag object (like "D" when you press or release
the button).
You can change the buttons using the -sb (swapbuttons) switch
when starting DEU or in the DEU.INI file. Swaps the left and middle
[5] WAD file description, flags, etc.
The DEU works by editing the database that DOOM uses to store its
information about each of the levels. These database files are called
WAD files. There are two types of WAD files.
IWAD File:
This is the main data base file. It contains all the
information about the graphics, sound, level maps, etc of the
game. There is only one IWAD file called DOOM.WAD and it
must be in the current directory when DOOM is run.
PWAD File:
This is a special patch of the IWAD file. It contains
updates about the IWAD file. PWAD files created by DEU will
contain an updated map of a game level. PWAD files can be called
anything. When running DOOM, DOOM must be told to load a PWAD
file. This is done with the -FILE parameter. PWAD files are
small so they can be easily shared.
[5.1] LineDefs attributes
Some abbreviations have been used for the LineDef attributes:
Im (bit0) Impassible by players and monsters.
Mo (bit1) Monsters cannot cross this line.
2S (bit2) Two-sided wall/may shoot through.
Up (bit3) Upper texture is "unpegged". Try it with moving
ceilings or doors.
Lo (bit4) Lower texture is "unpegged". Try it with moving
floors or lifts.
Se (bit5) Secret. This line appears as normal on the map.
So (bit6) Blocks sound. The sounds won't travel past this
In (bit7) Invisible on the map. Even with the "computer
map" power-up.
Ma (bit8) Already on the map at startup.
[5.2] LineDef types
The first two letters in each LineDef type give its features.
The first letter may be:
D Door. Press the spacebar to open it.
S Switch. Press the spacebar to activate this LineDef.
W Walk. Walk across this LineDef to activate it.
G Gun. You need to shoot that LineDef to activate it.
Except for doors ("D") and the "end level" LineDefs, all types
need a "Sector tag" number and at least one Sector with the same
tag number to operate.
The second letter may be:
R Repeatable.
1 Works only once.
Abbreviations are also used in the type name. They refer to
what happens to the Sector when triggered by this LineDef:
O Stays Open. Used only for doors.
N Neighbor. Usually, this means that the floor rises or
lowers until it reaches the floor height of an adjacent
sector on its way. In the menus, I have used "Ne." instead.
T Texture and Type change. Same as above, but the texture and
type of the Sector are also changed.
C Ceiling. This means that the floor rises until it reaches
the ceiling height of one adjacent Sector.
<,> Used as modifiers for the above letters. "<N" means that
the floor will stop just below a neighboring floor.
[6] Special DOOM Areas. Lifts, Doors, and more!
Tag numbers are used to uniquely identity a structure within the
level. There are tag numbers for both sectors and for linedefs.
For example, if a switch is used to activate a Sector, then both
this Sector and the LineDef with the switch will have the same
tag number.
[6.1] Doors
A door is a Sector which usually starts with its ceiling at that
same height as its floor (door closed). When the player presses
the spacebar, the ceiling will rise, opening the door. On both
sides of the door, you need one of the "D" LineDefs types. You
don't need to give a tag number to the Sector or the LineDefs.
If you want to be able to open this door with a switch, then you
need to give the same tag number to the Sector and the switch.
Pick any number that is not used by another LineDef or Sector.
Front and Back sides of Door:
The lines that you walk through on the door should be "passable"
(not Impassable), and two-sided (flags = 4).
The Sidedefs that are on the outside of the door should NOT have
a Normal or Lower texture. They should have an Upper Texture.
The Sidedefs on the inside of the door should not have any
textures (Normal, Upper, or Lower).
Left and Right side of Door:
Nothing special here. You may want to pick a Door-like texture
for the sidedefs like "DOORTRAK".
[6.2] Lifts
A lift is a sector surrounded by LineDefs with the "Lower lift"
or "Raise lift" type. All LineDefs between the upper floor and
the lift will have the "Lower lift" type. All LineDefs between
the lower floor and the lift will have the "Raise lift" type.
Usually, you also have some "Lower lift" LineDefs on the
lower floor, a few steps away from the lift.
The "Raise lift" type is a special case: when you cross this
line, the lift will go up. If the lift is already up, it
will act as a switch that lowers the lift.
In the editor, you will see a short line on one side of the LineDef
when you select it (this is the normal vector). In the game, the
player must come from this side or else the lift won't work.
Don't forget to give a tag number to the Sector and the LineDefs!
[6.3] Teleporters
You need two things to make a teleporter:
- One LineDef with the "Teleport" type and a Sector with the same
tag number.
- A special Thing in this sector, called "Teleport exit"/
"Teleport landing".
You may have several LineDefs that point to the same Sector, but
you must have one and only one Sector with the same tag number.
This only works if the line is crossed from the right side (see [6.2]).
If the teleporter worked on the two sides of the LineDef, you wouldn't
be able to exit from it!
[6.4] Stairs
Raising staircases are activated by some LineDef. The first step (Sector)
needs to have the same tag number as the LineDef. The following
steps alternate between 0 and any unused tag number. Most stairs use
the "special" values 99, 999 or sometimes the original tag number.
[6.5] Secret areas
All you need to create a "secret" area is to give the special
type "Secret" to some Sector. When the player steps on that
Sector, the players secret ratio will be credited.
If the secret sector is behind a secret door (one that has nearly
the same color as the other walls), you probably don't want the door to be
shown on the map (the automap uses different colors for walls and doors).
You will need to toggle the "Secret" flag in the LineDef attribute. Then
the door will be shown as a normal wall on the map.
[6.6] Standard Rooms
We already hear you say: "All this stuff about doors, lifts and so
on is great, but how do I create a new room in my level?"...
Each room consists in one or several Sectors surrounded by impassable
LineDefs. If you want to have dark and bright zones in your room,
then you will need to divide the area into several Sectors. The
LineDefs between these Sectors should have the "two-sided" bit set
and have a transparent texture ("-").
The easiest way to add a new sector is with the 'F9' key. Select
the kind of shape that you want to insert, then enter its dimensions.
Note that the position of the pointer is important when you press 'F9'.
If the pointer is inside an existing Sector, then you will add an
obstacle (i.e. the new object won't have a Sector inside it - only
walls). If the pointer is outside, then you will add a real room (with
a new Sector inside it). You can use the "obstacle" type and add a new
Sector inside it. Just press 'Ins' while the LineDefs are still
[7] How to try out your new level(s)
To Run DOOM with your new level:
will load the normal doom game and the use the
E1L1.WAD file to patch the data base.
More than one PWAD file can be loaded. E.g.:
[8] Troubleshooting
[8.1] Cannot switch to graphics mode.
If the program crashes with the following error: "mode not supported
on this card", or simply hangs after having displayed the message
"switching to graphics mode", then you have a problem with your
video driver.
If your card's BIOS is not VESA-compatible, then you will need the
UNIVESA driver, available on many FTP sites. This TSR provides a
good VESA emulation for the most common VGA and SuperVGA cards.
If that still doesn't work, try using a different BGI driver or
video mode (the command line parameter "-v 0" forces DEU to use
the standard VGA modes only).
[8.2] Pointer is not displayed.
Your mouse driver is not compatible with SuperVGA resolutions.
Try the following, in that order:
1) Upgrade your mouse driver, if possible.
2) Add "fakecursor = true" to the DEU.INI file (or whatever
config file you use).
3) Add "video = 0" to the DEU.INI file.
[8.3] Hall of mirrors effect.
The hall of mirrors effect is an indication that something
is wrong with your map.
Two common causes of this problem are:
- You forgot to give a texture to one part of a wall.
- You have a transparent line which is shared by two sectors,
but you forgot to set the "two-sided" (2S) flag for the LineDef.
[8.x] Can't relax after playing DOOM
Watch a Bob Marley concert video and have a smoke. 8-}'
[9.0] Tutorial
You can unzip DEUTUTOR.ZIP for a sort of step-by-step instruction
booklet to creating a level from scratch.
Print the TUTOR.TXT file and follow along with the wad files.