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QuestMaker Quick Reference Guide
(C) 1991 Marietta Co-opware Version 2.1
╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗
║ QuestMaker Game Help 1a ║ ║ QuestMaker Script Editor 1b ║
║═════════════════════════════════════║ ║═════════════════════════════════════║
║ Function key summary: ║ ║ Function and special key summary: ║
║─────────────────────────────────────║ ║─────────────────────────────────────║
║ F1 = Game help menu ║ ║ F3 = Sort Script files ║
║ F2 = Inventory of items picked up ║ ║ a = Add ║
║ F3 = Game SAVE ║ ║ f = Find ║
║ F4 = Game RESTART ║ ║ e = Edit ║
║ F5 = Game RESTORE ║ ║ n = Next record ║
║ F6 = not used ║ ║ h = Help ║
║ F7 = not used ║ ║ v = View a graphic file ║
║ F8 = Display character position ║ ║ l = List data files ║
║ F9 = Game speed control ║ ║ q = Quit editor ║
║ F10 = Quit game and return to menu ║ ║ enter = jump to next field ║
║ ║ ║ tab = jump to next field ║
║ Any Alpha = brings up input field ║ ║ shift tab = jump to previous field ║
║ Cursor Keys = move game character ║ ║ del = delete data ║
║ Same Cursor Key = stop character ║ ║ ESC = Accept data and file it ║
╚═════════════════════════════════════╝ ╚═════════════════════════════════════╝
QuestMaker Quick Reference Guide
(C) 1991 Marietta Co-opware
╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗
║ QuestMaker Script Editor 2a ║ ║ QuestMaker Screen Control Editor 2b ║
║═════════════════════════════════════║ ║═════════════════════════════════════║
║ Summary of Hazard Codes: ║ ║ Function and special key summary: ║
║─────────────────────────────────────║ ║─────────────────────────────────────║
║ 10 = Get object (add to inventory) ║ ║ F3 = Sort Screen Control data ║
║ 15 = Get hidden object ║ ║ ║
║ 20 = Use object (check inventory) ║ ║ a = Add a new screen number ║
║ 30 = Game end due to match input ║ ║ f = Find a record ║
║ 31 = Game end (if object missing) ║ ║ e = Edit a record ║
║ 32 = Game win due to match input ║ ║ n = Next record in data base ║
║ 40 = Skip to next Match ║ ║ h = Help ║
║ 50 = Jump to new screen ║ ║ v = View objects you can use ║
║ 60 = Position check for response ║ ║ l = List Control data ║
║ 70 = User exit to DOS then response║ ║ q = Quit Screen Control editor ║
║ 71 = User exit to DOS no response ║ ║ Tab = next field ║
║ 80 = Use a Quantum Point ║ ║ enter = next field ║
║ 85 = Use Quantum Point & Inventory ║ ║ Esc = accept data and file it ║
║ 90 = Display more text ║ ║ Shift Tab = previous field ║
╚═════════════════════════════════════╝ ╚═════════════════════════════════════╝
QuestMaker Quick Reference Guide
(C) 1991 Marietta Co-opware
╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗
║ QuestMaker Screen Control Editor 3a ║ ║ QuestMaker Screen Control Editor 3b ║
║═════════════════════════════════════║ ║═════════════════════════════════════║
║ Summary of Control fields: ║ ║ Summary of Borders: ║
║─────────────────────────────────────║ ║─────────────────────────────────────║
║ Controls ║ ║ Borders determine where you enter ║
║ L R T B = Left Right Top Bottom ║ ║ and leave the screen. ║
║ x = no exit to that direction ║ ║ 00 ║
║ ║ ║ MAX. Borders ┌─────┬─────┬─────┐ ║
║ ║ ║ 00 74 00 24 │ T │ ║
║ Barriers R1 C1 R2 C2 R3 C3 R4 C4 ║ ║ L R T B │ │ ║
║ Row column numbers ║ ║ ├ ┤ ║
║00 00 00 76 24 00 24 76 = No barriers║ ║ │ │ ║
║ ║ ║ 00 │ L R │ 74║
║ R1 C1 = Top left side ║ ║ ├ ┤ ║
║ R2 C2 = Top right side ║ ║ L = Left │ │ ║
║ R3 C3 = Bottom left side ║ ║ R = Right │ B │ ║
║ R4 C4 = Bottom right side ║ ║ T = Top └─────┴─────┴─────┘ ║
║ ║ ║ B = Bottom 24 ║
╚═════════════════════════════════════╝ ╚═════════════════════════════════════╝
QuestMaker Quick Reference Guide
(C) 1991 Marietta Co-opware
╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗
║ QuestMaker Screen Control Editor 4a ║ ║ QuestMaker Screen Control Editor 4b ║
║═════════════════════════════════════║ ║═════════════════════════════════════║
║ Summary of controls continued: ║ ║ Summary of controls continued: ║
║─────────────────────────────────────║ ║─────────────────────────────────────║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ Reserved = 1 (do not display game ║ ║ Walk Behind LC RC ║
║ when entering screen) for special ║ ║ LC = Left Column ║
║ effects. ║ ║ RC = Right Column ║
║ DOS = 1 PIC = 2 Selects command ║ ║ ║
║ type for D/P command. ║ ║ Walk Behind is for all columns in ║
║ Object (A - Z and a - z) ║ ║ the defined area. ║
║ select "View" to see objects ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ Quantum Pt Loc is an area defined ║
║ Location (R and C) for object ║ ║ by Row and Column which ║
║ R = 0 to 24 ║ ║ gives a QUANTUM point when the ║
║ C = 0 to 79 ║ ║ game character walks over the ║
║ Objects are now placed in row column║ ║ area specified by R and C. ║
║ locations. ║ ║ ║
╚═════════════════════════════════════╝ ╚═════════════════════════════════════╝
QuestMaker Quick Reference Guide
(C) 1991 Marietta Co-opware
╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗
║ QuestMaker Screen Control Editor 5a ║ ║ QuestMaker Screen Control Editor 5b ║
║═════════════════════════════════════║ ║═════════════════════════════════════║
║ Summary of controls continued: ║ ║ Summary of controls continued: ║
║─────────────────────────────────────║ ║─────────────────────────────────────║
║ ║ ║ ║
║ ZAP LOC R and C is an area defined ║ ║ COLOR CHG is the color magenta (5) ║
║ by Row and Column numbers that ║ ║ changed to the color indicated in ║
║ causes the game to end when the ║ ║ field 1 to the color indicted in ║
║ game character comes in contact ║ ║ field 2 then back again during ║
║ with that location. The graphic ║ ║ Quantum pick-up for special effects.║
║ GEND.PCX is then displayed. ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ SPARE is used only on Screen G22 ║
║ ENTRY POSITION is the position ║ ║ to specify the replacement ║
║ specified by Row and Column number ║ ║ word for "QUANTUMS". If ║
║ that the game character enters the ║ ║ blank on that screen the word ║
║ the screen from the Left, Right ║ ║ QUANTUM will be used. ║
║ Top or Bottom. ║ ║ Otherwise it is not used. ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║
╚═════════════════════════════════════╝ ╚═════════════════════════════════════╝
How QuestMaker works
QuestMaker uses 2 database files for input that gives control to game
player input and screen control information. This simplifies game
creation by allowing the game developer to concentrate on the game
content and artistic scenes in each game. The three major steps
to creating a QuestMaker game are;
1. Create a background scene using a Paint program
You create a graphic scenes using a .PCX compatible Paint program
that presents the scene you want. You name your scene according
to the Graphic Scenes Table below.
2. Create game character controls for each game scene
You define the areas the game character can walk and where
you enter and leave a scene. Also, you define object locations
and if sound is played. This is done using the Screen Control
3. Create the game player dialog for each game scene
You define game player response according to the matched input
and operation codes or hazard codes you set per player input.
You use the Script Editor for this task.
Print the TUTOR.DOC File for sample game to learn more about QuestMaker.
Use Print Screen Function to assist in entering new Screen Control Data.
Copy like data first, then go back and edit bounderies and border areas.
Remember you can always determin game character position by pressing F8.
Graphic Screens (Graphic Scenes Table)
QuestMaker graphics are named and numbered as follows:
Each screen graphic is named "Gxy.PCX" where "xy" is the screen number.
QM version 2.1 uses the following 64 valid screen numbers.
00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
01 11 21 31 41 51 61 71
02 12 22 32 42 52 62 72
03 13 23 33 43 53 63 73
04 14 24 34 44 54 64 74
05 15 25 35 45 55 65 75
06 16 26 36 46 56 66 76
07 17 27 37 47 57 67 77
QuestMaker automatic start-up screen number is G22.
That means the first graphic shown will be G22.PCX.
HAZARD CODES (operational codes)
10 GET (object if exists)
Game Character Position is checked.
Object in Reserve field is added to inventory.
15 GET (hidden object)
Game Character Position is checked.
Object in Reserve field is added to inventory.
20 USE it (if you have it)
Inventory is checked.
Game ends on Verb & Subject Match
31 GAME END (if Object not in Inventory list)
Game ends if object in Reserved field is not in Inventory
40 SKIP (to next match if object in Inventory list)
Reserved field is compared to object list
50 JUMP (to new screen number)
Game Character Position is checked.
New screen number is place in reserve field as Gxx,rr,cc
60 POSITION (check game character position first)
The position is checked per Position field
70 User Exit (Display Response Script)
A DOS Call is made. Good for adding sound first.
71 User Exit (Do not Display Response Script)
A DOS Call is made. Good for special effects or text.
80 Use Quantum Point
If no Quantum Points available player is notified.
Otherwise point is used and script data displayed
85 Use Quantum Point and add object to Inventory List
If no Quantum Points available player is notified.
If object already in Inventory, player notified.
The position is checked per Position field
If ok the point is used and script data displayed
90 More text is displayed if match occurs for same Verb & Noun
This can be used for creating longer dialogs.
If a match occurs the Operation Code is examined for
new action.
D/P COMMAND in the Screen Control Editor
The D/P Command field allows you to enter a DOS COMMAND to be
executed after the new screen is displayed. It is most often
used to play music.
The DOS COMMAND is executed just as if it was entered from the
command line.
Caution should be used when using this function. You should
not attempt to change screen modes within your external program
or write to the screen where the screen scrolls. After the DOS
command executes the game is continued.
The D/P Command field can also be used to display a clipped
graphic window. (See DOS=1 PIC=2 field)
Clipped graphics are most often used to provide additional pictures
or text that can provide the game player with more information
when entering a new scene. The graphic must be a High Resolution
640 x 200 16 color EGA mode .PCX graphic file. Clipping
is done automatically from the left most corner of the .PCX file
to 60 columns and 14 rows. The clipped is automatically centered
when it is displayed.
Row Column numbers
QuestMaker Row and Column numbers are now based on the 640 x 200
EGA graphics mode with 8 pixels per Row and Column number.
640/8 = 80 and 200/8 = 25. When you start counting with 0, it
means you have 0 - 79 columns and 0 - 24 rows. The game character
position is calculate from the top left corner of the character.
Since the game character usually will have legs, the bottom
row calculated from the position of head would be less than 24.
In the case of Hero Harry the bottom row is 22.
Pressing the F8 key will give you current Row and Column number
where the game charater is positioned. Use this number for
your game developement when setting barriers and object locations.
Setting the maximum score and game character color
To change to maximum score which is pre-set to 250, simply
use a text editor and create a file named "MSCORE.NUM" and
enter a number from 1 to 9999 followed by a comma and the color
number you would like the game character clothes to be.
The color defaults to bright white or number 15 if no file MSCORE.NUM
is found. For example the contents of MSCORE.NUM with "0100,14"
would put the maximum score at 100 and the game characters color
to bright yellow. "0120,15" would put MAX score to 120 and game
character clothes at bright white.
QM game Distribution
For those who want to distribute the games they make with Questmaker
for a fee or as shareware, you must be a registered user.
The QM Runtime program is now included with the QuestMaker
program. To distribute games you create with QuestMaker, simply
delete the following files from your game file list.
These files CAN NOT be distributed with the game you create.
QMENU.PGM ---- Development Menu and program information
SCE.PGM ---- Screen Control Editor program file
SE.PGM ---- Script Editor program file
QM21.PCX ---- QuestMaker Copyright and Logo Screen
QM21.REF ---- QuestMaker Quick Reference Guide
VIT.EXE ---- View program for Quick Reference
QM21.DOC ---- QuestMaker Documentation
Helv15.FMF ---- Font used in QM21 Editor
GRAY.PCX ---- A graphic background used SCE Editor
Form.BIN ---- Binary file used in Editors
Your game can be started from batch file containing "QM QM21".
The first screen to be displayed will be INTRO1.PCX if present.
The next screen to be displayed will be INTRO2.PCX if present.
QuestMaker will start the game with the G22.PCX graphic and
screen control information from the SCE.DAT and SCE.INX files.
Registered users may distribute the games made with QuestMaker
royality free. You must be a registered user in order to freely
distribute the QuestMaker Runtime program files. The registration
fee is very small considering you may profit from distributing our
program files. Second, your registration gets you the latest
Version that may contain fixes you need. Your Registration number
should be included in a file named QMR.
Additional QuestMaker Offerings
QM Version 2.1 Developers Kit (special offer)
QPaint program to create compatible QuestMaker graphic
background scenes. A simple but fast Paint program.
QM Graphics Library of over 100 scenes and clip art.
-- Save time by modifing our library of background
scenes and clip art.
QM Game Character Editor and Object Editor
-- Create your own game characters and game objects
with this bit map editor tool.
QM Graphics conversion tools with screen capture utility
-- Having trouble with your graphics create program?
Use our screen capture utility to make sure you are
creating compatible QM graphics.
QM latest updates - with new functions, and fixes
Tips on how to successfully market your game using the
Shareware concept.
For more information on the QuestMaker Game developers kit
Write to:
Mariette Co-opware
P. O. Box 864125
Marietta GA 30064
***** PRESS ESC to QUIT *****