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F15MON.DOC F-15 III 22 December, 1992
The program F15MON.EXE is shipped with F15 Strike Eagle III to assist in
establishing connections between computers for modem play.
F15MON must be run at the same time on both computers you are trying to
connect. When you run F15MON you see the following message:
F15MON.EXE : F15 Strike Eagle III COM port monitor version 1.3
Copyright (c) 1992 by MicroProse Software, Inc., All Rights Reserved
COM Port (1 or 2)> _
Enter the number of the COM port where your modem or null-modem is attached.
You are then prompted for baud rate:
BAUD Rate (1: 2400 2: 4800 3: 9600 4: 19200 5: 38400)> _
Enter 1 - 5 for your selection. The computers can use different COM ports
based on their hardware configurations but both machines MUST select the
same baud rate.
Once both COM Port and BAUD Rate prompts have been answered, both computers
should be connected. Anything typed on the keyboard of one machine should
appear on the display of the other. Press the Esc key at any time to exit
Trouble shooting:
Test all cables and plugs for good connections.
If you have a mouse:
If everything you type is echoed back to you or if moving your mouse
displays garbage characters on your screen then you have selected the
COM port that your serial mouse is using. Select the the other COM port.
When both computers are communicating with each other you are ready to link
up through the game. Make sure the COM port and baud rate selections you
make in the game are the same as selected for the F15MON program. The game
selections may be made from the INSTALL program or from the menu at the top
of the HOME or HANGAR screen of the game. From INSTALL's main menu select
"Reconfigure Hardware Options" and advance to the "Modem/Direct Connect
Default Configuration" screen.
Once both COM Port and BAUD Rate prompts have been answered, you should
be able to communicate with your modem. If your modem is properly connected,
anything you type should be echoed back to you. Type "ATZ" followed by the
Enter key to initialize your modem. If your modem responds with "OK" then
you are properly connected. At this point, type "ATE" followed by Enter
to place your modem in no-echo mode. You are now ready to dial the modem
connected to the other computer. Type "ATD" followed by the phone number
followed by Enter. When dialing is completed, the the F15MON program running
on the receiving computer will display the word "RING". At this time type
"ATA" on the receiving computer to answer the call and complete the modem
connection. Both computers should display the word "CONNECTED" when the
connection is complete. This may take 15 seconds to a minute. Once you
have confirmed the connection through this method you are ready to connect
through the game. Turn both modems off then on to hang up and run the game
to re-establish communications. Read the section above on DIRECT CONNECTIONS
for more information.