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CompuServe and GAMERS Forum present...
A Live OnLine CONference with the designers and publishers of
Microsoft Flight Simulator
Microsoft Flight Simulator Aircraft & Scenery Designer.
December 17, 1990
Hosted and transcript edited by: Jeff Horrocks 72247,1462
[EDITOR: The scene, pre-conference chattering going on, while waiting for
the guests to arrive.]
(Rick Lee/FS SL) Hi.
(Mike Barrs/FS SL) Hi Jeff, Rick!
(Rick Lee/FS SL) Well the SLs are all in one place. This is the first time
we've had THREE Flight Simulators Section Leaders in one CON.
(Rick Lee/FS SL) Doing any flying lately Sam? (Real world that is.)
(Sam Seiber) Last Thanksgiving in a Cessna 172. (Real fun!)
[EDITOR: Sam recently earned his Private Pilot Certificate for light
(Rick Lee/FS SL) Any word on whether Bruce Artwick will be here tongight?
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) I think he's expected.
(Rick Lee/FS SL) Oh goodie!
(Mike Barrs) Rick, will you be "volunteering" coordinators for our
'authorized' scenery project?
(Rick Lee/FS SL) Yeah. It was my plan to appoint some volunteers at least
the first ones that come to mind. I might take SD-9.
(Mike Barrs) Sounds good.
(Sam Seiber) Rick, are you still close to getting a 386?
(Rick Lee/FS SL) Yeah getting real close now Sam. ASD has pushed me over the
line. I thought I could make do with my borrowed 386-SX but it just won't
cut it with ASD.
(Sam Seiber) I can't tell you how much you "MUST" get one!!!
(Rick Lee/FS SL) Are you doing any ASD scenery Sam?
(Sam Seiber) Not yet, I still have to delete some of those western runways
that are oversized. I just recently downloaded APTFIX.ZIP and I have to
remember to send Chris Manrique his $10 registration fee.
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) My check went out to Chris today, honest!
(Chris Manrique) Hi Sam! Been using APTFIX?
(Sam Seiber) Chris, Not yet, but I have "BIG" plans. I live in SD-5-land.
Seems funny to undo the work of subLOGIC tho.
[EDITOR: Chris's shareware product, APTFIX.ZIP in LIB12, removes black
runways from scenery disks so that anyone using ASD won't have to 'paint
over' the black runway before laying down a new runway with ASD.]
(E.J. Peiker) Howdy All
(Rick Lee/FS SL) Whew the room is filling up now.
(Craig Henrikson) Evening all!
(Frank Styron) Evening All!
(Mike Barrs/FS SL) Chris, any word on grey runways <nudge nudge>?
(Chris Manrique) Mike, not yet. I'm still recovering from that hard disk
(Jim Ross) Where are those golf courses, E. J.?
[EDITOR: E.J.'s version 4 of his New Mexico scenery is enhanced, and
reportedly includes at least one golf course.]
(E.J. Peiker) There is one in Rio Rancho and two on the north side of
Albuquerque - no flags though.
(Jim Ross) Sam: it *enhances* the work of SubLOGIC. E.J.: Will look for
those courses!
(Jim Ross) Frank Styron, good job on fuel dumps. Now if you can change that
you can change anything!
(Rick Lee/FS SL) Thanks for the Fuel Box Reducer, Frank.
(Frank Styron) My pleasure indeed!
[EDITOR: Frank Styron just recently uploaded a utility to adjust the size of
Fuel Boxes.]
(Frank Styron) Thanks Jim! Errr aaah Idono about changing much else, hehe.
(Craig Henrikson) EJ, I really appreciate all your information and help re:
ASD. Thanks!
(Jeff Bingham/CPAA) Howdy!
(Tom Joyner) Good evening.
(Rick Lee/FS SL) Ahaa there are our guests now!
(Jon Solon/Microsoft) Hello!
(BAO) Hello!
(Rick Lee/FS SL) Welcome to the guest of honor!! I mean GUESTS of honor.
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Welcome Guests! We will get under way shortly.
(Mike Barrs/FS SL) Hi Jon and Hugo!
(Jeff Bingham/CPAA) Howdy, Hugo!
(BAO) Hi there. Hugo's not here now. This is Bruce Artwick.
(Rick Lee/FS SL) Hi Bruce! * * WELCOME * *
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Outstanding! Thanks for joining us Bruce!
(Jeff Bingham/CPAA) Great! Hi, Bruce!
(Craig Henrikson) HELLO BRUCE!
(Mike Barrs/FS SL) Then hello Bruce! Great!
(Frank Styron) Ohhhh boy! Hey Bruce!
(Jim Ross) Never could keep you BAO's straight! Delighted to have you,
(Jeff Bingham/CPAA) We are honored.
[EDITOR: <Sound of people giving standing ovation.>]
(Mike Barrs/FS SL) <clap clap clap clap>
(Frank Styron) whistle
(Sam Seiber) (hands getting sore)
[EDITOR: <Some order is restored.>]
(BAO/Bruce) Hugo's on a plane returning to Champaign with 200 ft. ceilings.
And he may be late.
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) We all know the approach to 32 at CMI!
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Well, now that we're all here, I HEREBY DECLARE THE
under Proceedures and Etiquitte for Formal Conferences. Sometimes our
meetings are strictly informal, there are no special rules, and participants
generally talk when they please. However, for more formal meetings, some
rules must be established to keep the CON running smoothly and give all a
chance to participate. Because there are so many people here, we ask you to
please wait to be called upon for your turn to speak (and be ready when your
turn comes up). This CON will be held in three parts: To start off, our
guest speakers will make some opening remarks or comments. During this
time, all CON attendees must remain quiet. When the guests have finished, I
will ask for a show of hands of people who wish to ask a question. To get
'in line' to ask a question, enter a quesiton mark character, ?, and I will
put you on a list I'm keeping here on paper. The HOST will then invite you,
in order, to ask one question and one follow up question. After one pass
thru the question queue, I will ask for another round of questions. After a
couple of rounds of questions we'll throw the CONnference open for a
free-for-all to finish up. When you've finished your question, type in OVER
so the guest or CON host knows you're done, and can respond. Thanks for your
attention to that awful but necessary stuff.
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Tonights guests are the people responsible for my
favorite program, Microsoft Flight Simulator. From Bruce Artwick
Organization (BAO) we are thrilled to welcome Bruce Artwick. Bruce and
other engineers at BAO authored the breakthru flight simulation product of
the fall, Microsoft Flight Simulator Aircraft & Scenery Designer. Also
we're delighted to welcome Jon Solon, Microsoft's Program Manager for Flight
Simulator. Fellas, first of all, thank you very much for your support and
presence and thanks for taking the time to be with us tonight here in
GAMERS! Also congratulations! We've all been having a great time with ASD,
as we call it. Jon, do you want to make some opening remarks?
(Jon Solon/Microsoft) Once again, it's great to be a part of a GAMERS
Conference. I wish more BAO could be in attendance, but as Bruce said they
are on an airplane "as we speak". Steve Setzler was the Project Lead for
A&SD, so I really wish he was here, but he may show-up yet. Either way,
Bruce is here and happy to field questions about FS and A&SD. Let's remember
that we can't explicitly discuss unnanounced products but are excited to
discuss FS-related stuff. Bruce?
(BAO/Bruce) It's good to be here in the GAMERS Forum again. I wish Steve and
Hugo were here to answer things, especially about the scenery design section
of A&SD. They worked most on that part. Hugo and I did the work on the
aircraft designer and 747 panel.
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) I think we can field enough questions to keep the two
of you typing all night! I am dying to start this off with four or five
questions from myself, but in fairness to all I'll open the question queue
now. Anyone that wants to ask a question please enter a ? now and I'll call
upon you in turn for one question and one follow up. The first question of
the night goes to our valued and long time friend Jim Ross. Go ahead Jim.
(Jim Ross) Fellas, the A&SD is the best thing since sliced bread. There is
something that doesn't work for me, operation of 'Choose Nearest Object'
while editing a static scenery file is flakey. Any chance of a fix??
(Jon Solon/Microsoft) Jim, we're aware of the situation and a fix is not
likely, but Steve Setzler may have a solution.
(Jim Ross) Thanks, Jon. That's all from me now.
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) The nights second question is from Section Leader Rick
Lee! Rick, thanks for getting this whole big 'flight simulator' ball
rolling here on GAMERS! Now to your question.
(Rick Lee/FS SL) I always said that the best thing about FS was the fact
that it was completely open ended. There was never any end to what you
could do. You guys have given me just what I need. MORE reasons to stay up
late with FS! ASD makes FS even more open ended if that makes any sense at
all. My question to Jon and Bruce is: Have you guys looked at much of our
scenery in Lib 12, and if so what surprises you most about what we are doing
with ASD?
(BAO/Bruce) When we came up with the idea for the scenery designer I told
everyone the thing that will surprise everyone the most about it is that the
people who use it are going to show us the right way to design scenery! I
have not been disappointed!!! Jon?
(Jon Solon/Microsoft) Since the early working versions of A&SD, I have
delighted in the potentials for this product. I thought people would really
create some neat stuff, but I AM COMPLETELY OVERWHELMED by what is in LIB
(BAO/Bruce) One problem that we have _always_ had with scenery design is
making the projection speed and image complexity tradeoff. Many of you can
now appreciate what a problem this can be with complex designs.
(Rick Lee/FS SL) Yes, I've been saying that the problem is NOT coming up
with cool ideas, the problem is deciding which cool ideas to leave out. Let
me add this one little comment: There is one basic building block that is
sorely needed, a "shed roof" building slanted to one side only. THANKS
(Jon Solon/Microsoft) *Rick's suggestion is added to the list*
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Our next question is from Mike Barrs. Go Mike, and
Welcome to the GAMERS STAFF! <CHEER, CLAP>
(Mike Barrs/FS SL) Congratulations on a wonderful product! Can we safely
assume that current ASD files will be compatible with future releases of FS
and ASD?
(BAO/Bruce) Yes. That's the whole idea.
(Mike Barrs/FS SL) OK, just checking <GRIN>
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Moving now to our Computer Pilots Association of
America representative. The next question is from Jeff Bingham.
(Jeff Bingham/CPAA) Greetings! I had a great "speech" prepared about what
wonderful things you all have made possible. But there are a lot of folks
here and we all KNOW that, already. What can you say about the possible
expansion of FS/ASD's ability to make use of the enhanced memory and data
processing capabilities of the current generation of hardware?
(BAO/Bruce) Large memory capacity and fast processors are opening up a lot
of possibilities to us, and we will support expanded memory in the industry
standard way to keep things as compatible as possible. Work in the area of
memory management techniques should let us run larger databases, and the
processors should get frame rates up to high levels. The issues of
compatibility with old databases, A&SD databases, as well as blending in new
graphics techniques makes choosing the right way to do things a real
challenge. We are committed to supporting our previous databases.
(Jeff Bingham/CPAA) Thanks for a very thorough answer! Anything to add, Jon?
I can't speak for Jim Maas, but we'd sure love to have you come talk to us
about all of this in Ithaca next spring at our Conference!
(Jon Solon/Microsoft) Bruce said it well.
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) We'd all love to see you fellas make it. There is a
message on the message board with the details. It was just posted yesterday.
(Jon Solon/Microsoft) The Ithaca conference sounds like a very good idea.
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) The next question is from Sam Hauge. Take it away Sam!
(Sam Hauge) Bruce, Jon, Hello. What a gem ASD is!! My question is, during
development, was any thought given to including more basic scenery objects,
walls, etc., that would enable more complex shapes than the pre-packaged
ones in ASD?
(Jon Solon/Microsoft) You can be sure that my wish list was BIG! As we
designed the list of available objects we had to constrain the list because
of disk space and time available for the project. We fit in a lot more
objects than I originally thought possible.
(BAO/Bruce) There were technical reasons as well as development time issues
that limited us to what we put in. First, complete objects give you more
scenery per byte of design and we wanted to see complex designs made as
easily as possible. Another reason was that prioritization of individual
simple items causes processing time to grow at approximately the square of
the number of items included. We put in a higher speed priority sorter to
address this problem. (Steve Setzler just walked in. He will answer some
questions once he catches his breath.)
(Sam Hauge) Thanks to both of you. Great information. I sort of figured that
the simpler objects would adversely influence processing speed. Just a
personal preference note for more of the animated objects like the windsock.
(Jon Solon/Microsoft) On Bruce's end: A&SD Project Lead Steve Setzler just
joined us, and on my end, Flt Sim's Product Manager Charles Fitzgerald just
walked in so let 'em have it!
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Welcome Fellas! How about some opening remarks from
(BAO/Steve) Hello everyone this is Steve.
(Charles Fitzgerald/Microsoft) Charles here.
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Welcome Steve. Your baby has taken us by storm. What
are your feelings to how ASD has been accepted.
(BAO) We think it's great!
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Charles, Did you think there would be a big stir when
this product hit the street?
(Charles Fitzgerald/Microsoft) It has been a phenomenonal success - we're
having to cancel builds of Excel to meet demand!
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Wow that's amazing. Let me get right back on schedule
and turn the question microphone over to Tryg Inda.
(Tryg Inda) Hi. Ever since I took to the air in FS, it has been my dream to
see Hong Kong built. With ASD that dream can be reality. But HK is very
unique and different from other parts of the world. While building it, I
have discovered some of the limitations of ASD. Many of these have been
over-come by ingenious use of the supplied objects. (Such as putting objects
within objects). I would like to ask if there are plans for such needed
features as displaced thresholds, and especially being able to put lines on
mountains, but the biggest thing we need is for buildings to look correct at
night by making them full of litte dots to simulate windows. Are there any
plans for these improvements in futures ASD versions?
(Jon Solon/Microsoft) Big question, big answer. Regarding Hong Kong, we're
aware of the complexity, as last Friday night most of the MS-BAO team spent
5 hours in the Boeing 747-400 simulator shooting approaches into Kai Tak and
other areas. Very Cool! We also researched many scenery-related items in
this sim during A&SD development. As I mentioned earlier, we can't discuss
unnanounced prodcuts, but you can be sure we are retaining ALL ALL ALL of
your suggestions for consideration. Keep in mind that you were unaware when
A&SD was being developed; be aware that more good stuff is feverishly
underway Steve comment?
(BAO/Steve) On building, we had hoped to have window and even some day/night
effects but just ran out of time.
(Tryg Inda) I am amazed at what I (and others) have been able to do by
careful manipulation of A&SD objects. Thank You for a fine product.
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Next question comes from Charlie Dusenberry, Go ahead
(Charlie Dusenberry) With the complexity some of the scenery in FS and ASD
the frame rate has worsened for all but the fastest computers. Would
programming FS to take advantage of a math coprocessor help improve the
(BAO/Bruce) No it wouldn't. In order to get the most performance out of most
of the machines on the market, we stuck to 8/16 and 32-bit integer math.
Multiplies and divides on the xx86 processors are quite fast. And most of
our trig and other functions are highly optimized table-driven things. One
place where math coprocessors will help in the future will be in increasing
aircraft flight realism where the accuracy, not the speed of the
coprocessors will help.
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) What would be the answer if we changed the question to
include video co-processors? Is that something in FS's future?
(Charlie Dusenberry) I was just about to ask that!
(BAO/Bruce) My answer would change! Video processors are the coming thing
in graphics, not just for FS but for others' applications too. In order to
get high speed, and high resolution at the same time, you really need them.
But don't rule out things like the 586 and 686 chips! They won't be too
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Groan. Okay the next question goes to Bob S.
(BobS) OK! (I think I detected a future lighter wallet from Jeff!) My
question is what bug emabarrassed you the most about FS4 and ASD. And how
would you correct it?
(Rick Lee/FS SL) <snicker>
(Jon Solon/Microsoft) That's Classified Information. (hehe)
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) We won't tell. I PROMISE.
(Charles Fitzgerald/Microsoft) Seriously, there are a few items that we
would like to have a chance to do over, but in retrospect, I am startled by
how close we got it to the way we wanted it.
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) BAO? Any answer to that?
(BAO) It's those bugs that hang the machine that embarrass us the most.
(BobS) I am really not trying to bring out the dirty laundry here, but as a
programmer, I always know when I'm finished that there was always a better
way to have not created the bug.
(BAO/Bruce) In projects this size we try our best to set up a development
and testing procedure that identifies bugs. We then prioritize them and
attack the most serious ones. As programmers know, there's no way to tell
how many bugs remain and we rely on heavy testing here and at Microsoft to
keep quality high.
(BobS) Thanks for a candid answer!
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Next question is from Jim Ross. Go ahead Jim.
(Jim Ross) A quickie, I hope. Steve S. before you came on I was asking about
the "bug" that "choose nearest object" is flakey. Solon told me to ask you.
(BAO/Steve) It's one of those things we wanted to improve but didn't get
around to. The problem stems from the fact that things are computed only to
the nearest 256 meters, and more accuracy would have helped.
(Jim Ross) Thanks, Steve. Lack of this feature makes it tough to edit a big
(BAO/Steve) Try smaller files and use the auto-scenery loading feature.
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Next is Mike Barrs.
(Mike Barrs/FS SL) OK. As the new Flight Sim/Combat section leader I feel
compelled to ask <GRIN> if you've considered what a great air combat sim FS
would be in MP mode if we had guns on the planes? <OVER>
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) I second that motion heartily. What's up guys? We
want some shooting in MP mode.
(Jon Solon/Microsoft) <straight faced> What? And give up our position as the
Gandhi of Flight Sims?
(Jeff Bingham/CPAA) hehe
(Rick Lee/FS SL) heheheeee
(Tryg Inda) har!
(Microflight) boo
(Mike Barrs/FS SL) As I thought. Wimps <g>.
(Jon Solon/Microsoft) We certainly have heard that request before and like
to give our users what they ask for. Seems like we do have some combat -
there's always WW1 ace. (!!!)
(Rick Lee/FS SL) aaarrrgghh
(Charles Fitzgerald/Microsoft) On a slightly more serious answer if we do
combat, we certainly would want to do it right.
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) It would make another great add-on. We move along to a
question from John LePire of JCL Services Go ahead John.
(John L./JCL Service) Jeff Bingham asked earlier about enhanced memory, and
the answer indicated that expanded memory was a possibility. But the answer
seemed to exclude extended/xms/lim4 memory. Was that an oversight, or is
extended not really under consideration?
(BAO/Bruce) When I talked of using more memory, I wasn't making any
specific references to extended vs. expaneded, but was just talking about
using more memory. I'm not sure of the specifics yet.
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Next in line is our resident hardware expert from
Albuquerque. Go ahead E.J. Peiker.
(E.J. Peiker) Thanks Jeff. Being in a unique position to know the inside
scoop on the 586 and 686, I was very curious about your response to the
frame rate problem question earlier. What about these chips do you think
would do anything to get us out of the current frame rate crunch?
(BAO/Bruce) I'm just extrapolating the performance increases we have
experienced with each new generation of x86 chips. I know there are some
constraints that these chips won't solve, like bus transfer rates, and other
frequency limited things where transmission line characteristics make
hardware more expensive. But I see clock rates of 50 to 100 MHz on-chip,
along with on-chip caches to allow much of the processing to be done
on-chip, and pumping out the results to a simple graphics device. These are
just extrapolations. Maybe _you_ can tell _us_ what to expect?
(E.J. Peiker) Just like you, I can't comment on unannounced products either
<g>. We need to get the bus speeds up and get graphics processors to do
most of the work.
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Now for a question from our new Private Pilot, Sam
(Sam Seiber) Since FS works best as a stand alone application, perhaps there
could be a version that runs in 286+ protected mode so the memory problems
could be resolved. I would not be disagreeable to a stand-alone FS that
used the entire machine while omitting other operating system requirements.
Is this a real answer, or is upgrade path defeated by this?
(BAO/Bruce) Although this is a possibility, I think more universal solutions
are needed. Basing things more on "resources" concepts as used in the
Macintosh allows only those items that are needed to reside in memory. These
advanced techniques (which we use a few of now, but not nearly to the extent
that we could) are available in Windows too. I think the answer is to get
the amount of the program in memory at one time WAY down, and I think it
won't be too difficult.
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Hmmmmm
(Tryg Inda) As a Macintosh programmer I can say that is a great concept.
(Sam Seiber) Since we all seem to want to upgrade our systems to something
more than an 8088 or 8086 I thought we may (as flyers of the sim) have a
better platform for you to program for (on a 286+).
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Okay, Well We've got a request from Jon Solon to ask us
a question then we'll go back to the question queue and pick up one from
Rick Lee and we have a couple more after that.
(Jon Solon/Microsoft) Just a comment, and a question: If you all knew how
many hours that the BAO guys put into this product during the
Spring-Summer-Autumn, you would likely be inspired to send lots of Pizza and
Beer to BAO, Ltd. My question is: Have you all gone out and purchased many
copies of A&SD and FS4 to give as Christmas presents? ;-)
(Rick Lee/FS SL) :-)
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) <Dialing Domino's in Champaign IL.>
(Tryg Inda) :) I have.
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Who can find it? <G>
(Rick Lee/FS SL) I'm next. We are really, really, really struggling to get
an orgainized scenery database of the entire US (and other areas) going that
we will call something like the GAMERS AUTHORIZED A&SD SCENERY DATABASE. We
are gradually coming to terms with how to do this I was wondering if Jon and
Charles (nice to "meet" you Charles) could help in steering scenery
designers our way?
(Jon Solon) I can't wait to see the package on the shelves next to FS4 and
A&SD. We pretty regularly send interested people towards CIS Gamers. (over)
(Rick Lee/FS SL) Oh good Thanks.
[EDITOR: GAMERS would not sell this scenery collection, but would have it
available for downloading.]
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Moving along to a question from Jeff Bingham.
(Jeff Bingham/CPAA) Of course, one of the issues in amassing files is the
matter of having some sort of "standardization" or at least a way to
categorize and organize files. We have a pretty good beginning on NAMING
them, but are having as lot of discussion about the "rigor" with which
things are placed in the designs. HOW to determine a location, etc.
LAT/LONG in ASD seems pretty much unreliable from folks' experience. What
might you suggest as the "optimum" procedure for determining locations,
given the programs' internal calculations and capabilities? (Phew!)
(BAO/Steve) We really only intened it to be an approximent location. The
real problem is that lat/long is a curved system and our internal system is
(Jeff Bingham/CPAA) I understand the problem; just that some of us would
like VERY much to see FS/ASD taken seriously by folks like FAA and CFIIs,
etc., and the ability to accurately place navaids in relation to runways,
etc., will be a real key to that eventuality. Hopefully, this matter of
scale and accuracy can be addressed more in future releases?
(BAO/Steve) In future releases, we will try to make it better.
(Jon Solon/Microsoft) Future releases we will try to make more realistic.
(Jeff Bingham/CPAA) Understand, I think even now it's VERY GOOD; there are
just some purists out there!
(BAO/Bruce) One more thing about that thought. As FS improves, and the
hardware improves we are finding that our simulators can do more and more
and the higher frame rates, more memory, and higer res display devices show
up more or our approximations. We are constantly improving areas of FS such
as the flight equations and scenery placements to get more accurate and
address new markets that we find ourselves drifting into.
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Tryg is there more on that subject that you wanted to
(Tryg Inda) Yes, while doing Hong Kong, I found placement to be a big issue.
I decided to put it a 14000N 50000E. (Approximating the same distance from
Hawaii as Hawaii is from San Francisco.) I needed the Hawaii disk for the
blue background (boy was that a saviour). I would like to see a database of
the entire world that has just the landmasses (We already have N. America,
Europe, Japan) that way people could design on already formed land. I plan
to do Bahrain and I will be forced to put that in the Hawiian Pacific, as
with all scenery in that part of the world.
(Charles Fitzgerald/Microsoft) We certainly are looking at ways to provide a
much wider, richer scenery for your flying enjoyment that brings up a
question. What kind of specific enhancements to the scenery would you like
to see in the future? If you could send your suggestions to Jon Solon
70771,3272 we can start to build the scenery for the future. We want to know
about flaws in the current scenery as well as ideas for the next generation.
(Tryg Inda) Just to comment on that The problem lies in that If I put
Bahrain (a small island-nation in the Persian Gulf), at location X and
someone else does Saudi Arabia, it should be placed correctly in
relationship to Bahrain. A blank world datbase would provide for accurate
placement. You just couldn't put the whole world in at once. The land was
the hardest part of HK (and others I presume).
(Jeff Bingham/CPAA) You do the terra-forming on an accurate grid layout and
we'll add the details!
(Tryg Inda) YES!! EXACTLY!!
(Charles Fitzgerald/Microsoft) Sounds like a good idea.
(Jeff Bingham/CPAA) As an OPTION, of course!
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Lets go to Paul Federiconi's first question.
(Paul Federiconi) Ok, on the subject of improving FS I respect you guys for
programing FS. But could I make the suggestion of getting rid of that WW1
sim? It is outdated compared to other products today.
(BAO/Bruce) I think that WW I Ace was an OK game in 1979 when I wrote it,
but I would have to agree that this is 1990.
(Paul Federiconi) I thought you could use the memory for more usefull
things. Thanks.
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Hmmmm. Controversial subject that WW1 deal. So I'll
move along and call on Robert MacKay.
(Robert MacKay/RMMFP) Thanks Jeff. Could (will?) future FS ver have COM2 or
LPT2 data xmissions so that "smart" passive hardware such as gauges be made
or even active hw such as controls? (More than just a yoke that is!)
(BAO/Bruce) FS has some internal capabilities to handle stuff like this and
it could be used on future releases.
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Interesting response.
(Robert MacKay/RMMFP) Great now a technical question regarding computation
of headings. Would the correct headings be computed by adding to the
departure heading the cant/magvar factor of the destination point or of the
originatin point?
(BAO/Bruce) I would have to think about that for a few minutes, but I can
say that approximately 15 degrees of "cant" is needed on the west coast, and
-15 or so on the east coast.
(Robert MacKay/RMMFP) On the different SD's, especially the recent ones,
there are several cants for different areas. (I am trying to make RMMFP, my
flight planner program, more accurate <g>).
(BAO/Steve) About the only thing you can do right now, until we come up with
some way for users to set their own magvar and cant, is use scenery that has
areas that are approximately the values you need, then immediately jump to
the area you are designing. I know this is cumbersome, but we're working on
a better way to fix this.
(Robert MacKay/RMMFP) Ok, thanks BAO/MS. Thanks Jeff.
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Next question is from John LePire You're on John!
(John L./JCL Service) Someone earlier mentioned the word 'upgrade.' Now when
FS4 was released, the poor consumer who had just recently purchased FS3 had
to shell out additional bucks, and he did not get as much 'bang' for his
bucks as the person who was purchasing FS for the very first time. Any
comments. Or would you rather let this question die (grin).
(Charles Fitzgerald/Microsoft) The the upgrade routine is not a perfect
system. We could offer variable pricing based on what version you already
own but that is an even bigger hassle to manage.
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Yes, that'd be awful.
(Charles Fitzgerald/Microsoft) Plus with such a low priced product, there
isn't a lot of leeway to do stuff like that. It would seem ridiculous to
offer a hypothetical next version of FS to FS4 users for one price, and FS3
owners for $4 less.
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) We move to Sam Seibler for a question now.
(Sam Seiber) Is the lawsuit between MS/BAO & SUBlogic over, and if so, how
did it turn out?
(Charles Fitzgerald/Microsoft) Well, looks like its about time to go.
(Rick Lee/FS SL) hehehehe
(Charles Fitzgerald/Microsoft) We really can't comment on ongoing
(Sam Seiber) Don't speak if you don't wish to, I am just wondering. I dont
want to cause trouble.
(Charles Fitzgerald/Microsoft) AlI can say is that this litigation is not
affecting development of more great flight simulation products.
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Charles, Jon already made a point that you can't
comment on unannounced products. But he hinted very strongly last year that
there would be a product for Mac. And we recently heard that MS was
developing something for a new upcoming Mac operating system. What can you
leak on the Mac FS front?
(Charles Fitzgerald/Microsoft) We haven't announced anything on the Mac
front. It sure would be great to get Mac FS updated, it has been quite a
while. As for a new Mac OS, you must know more than we do.
(Rick Lee/FS SL) Hmmmmmm
(BAO/Bruce) BAO has no plans to write a MAC OS either.
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Bruce, How do you react to comments that FS4 is not
suited to be used for real pilots for keeping IFR current?
(Jeff Bingham/CPAA) With righteous indignation, I hope!
(BAO/Bruce) No microcomputer fs-type program that I know of is currently
certified for IFR currency. They used to say that microcomputers were just
toys that couldn't compete with mainframes and mini computers. I think in
the not too distant future, whoever said that could be surprised.
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) I hope so. Another question, we're paitently waiting
for some sound board support for FS4. We think we've figured that MS shoots
to release a product in the fall, in October, as they have done the last
couple of years. Do you think we 'll have some sound board stuff by this
time in 1991? (Without buying a BAO ZERO <G>)
(Charles Fitzgerald/Microsoft) Hard to tell. Seems like FS without sound is
an unfinished product, but we can't commit to any dates. One thing you can
do is send Jon another message (in addition to your list of scenery ideas)
telling him what kind of sound board you have.
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Great, Will do that. One more from me. I really love
the multi-player portion of FS! But the big problem is I can't find someone
in my local calling area. With FS being such a widely sold program, I can't
believe I'm the only one in my areacode using it. Is there something that
MS/BAO can do to facilitate the furtherance of multi-player? Maybe some kind
of registration service or somesuch? Have you thought of that?
(BAO/Bruce) Multi-player has always been one of my favorite things too, and
once people try it, they know how nice it is. But I think that
unfortunately, like so many things in this field, you have to reach a
critical mass of users before it really takes off. The registration idea is
interesting though, and we'll keep it in mind.
(Jeff Bingham/CPAA) A reminder that CPAA maintains a list of MP partners
(150 at present).
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) That's it for questions. I DECLARE THE FORMAL PART OF
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) We invite everyone to stay around for a minute or two
of informal conversations. Thanks for coming everyone! Thank you guests!!
(Rick Lee/FS SL) <standing up stretching legs>
(Jeff Horrocks/FS SL) Thanks Guys!
(Tryg Inda) hehehe
<lights come up>
<curtain comes down>
(John LePire/JCL Service) One point of clarification, if possible. it was
mentioned that "the developement of no flight simulation product" was being
held up. Was that truly 'flight simulation', or 'flight simulATOR?'
(Charles Fitzgerald/Microsoft) That was "flight simulation", not just flight
(John L./JCL Service) Thanks for the clarifacation!
(Mike Barrs/FS SL) Thanks Jon, Charles, Bruce, Steve, etc.! <clap clap clap>
(Tryg Inda) Since it is over - I would like to ask if any of you know the
width of the runway in Hong Kong? I need it to finish my HK .SC1. (Which you
are all dying to get your hands on) :)
(Jeff Bingham/CPAA) 200' would be a good guess.
(Tryg Inda) I have it as 150' but it may be 200' (Singapore is it is one or
the other one that I need.)
(BAO) I have to get going now. It was a good forum. Good bye.
(Jeff Bingham/CPAA) Thanks Jon, Charles, Bruce, Steve, Rick and Jeff!
(Tryg Inda) Night Bruce.
(Rick Lee/FS SL) <walking up front to shake hands with speakers>
(Tryg Inda) Night Steve.
(Sam Seiber) thanks to MS-FS from turning me into a real pilot from a
computer pilot!
(Jeff Bingham/CPAA) Right-O, Sam!! You're the PROOF of the pudding!
(Jeff Bingham/CPAA) Great Conference, folks!
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Whew! Three hours! A new record!
(Rick Lee/FS SL) Yeah.. that was a pretty interesting evening! Long but
(Tryg Inda) So I guess no-one knows. (I am going to call the Airport in HK
tonight.) It is driving me crazy I don't have that one page. I want to
finish HK RSN - There are some VERY interesting methods of scenery design.
(John L./JCL Service) Still getting a good demand on A&SD, by the way.
(Mike Barrs/FS SL) Rick, Jeff, everyone - I gotta go <yawn>, great
(Rick Lee/FS SL) John a friend of mine remarked on your CGW ad. He didn't
know I knew you.
(John L./JCL Service) Yes, the ad is doing well but word of mouth on CIS
does better!
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Well folks, I have to fade out.
(Tryg Inda) Night Jeff. - Tisbah alla kheyr
(Sam Seiber) Thanks for your leadership Jeff.
(Jeff Horrocks/HOST) Thanks for coming everyone!