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--------------------- San Antonio, TX Scenery Enhancement -------------------
Version 2.01, January 1, 1991
Description: Contains airfields, navigation aids, and prominent geographical
features within 45NM of the San Antonio VOR (12126N/12576E).
Required: Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0 or later
Microsoft Aircraft and Scenery Designer
22,000 Bytes for Static Scenery
15,000 Bytes for Dynamic Scenery
Not required: subLOGIC Scenery Disk 1
San Antonio Sectional
Texas Approach Plates
SC Airport/Facility Directory
1. Copy all files to your Flight Simulator Directory
2. Start Flight Simulator
3. Load SD-1 Scenery Disk (if available)
4. Select appropriate mode
5. Begin flying
Codes: A = Dynamic aircraft on the field
B = Buildings on the field
C = Comm freqs available (ATIS, Tower, Unicom, etc)
D = Detailed airfield (taxiways, parking area, etc)
F = Fuel available
I = ILS available
M = Modified airfield (all others created from scratch)
N = NDB available
Airfield ID FS Coords Elev Brg/DME From VOR I F N D B A M C
Beicker Ranch 83R 12050N/12825E 465 092/36.0 116.8 SAT
17 --------------------------- (2000 x 50) ----------------------------- 35
Boerne Stage Fld 5C1 12171N/12492E 1380 283/13.1 116.8 SAT
17 --------------------------- (3400 x 36) ----------------------------- 35
Carter Memorial T91 12129N/12879E 475 169/34.2 114.6 AUS
4 ---------------------------- (2000 x 300) ----------------------------- 22
17 --------------------------- (2700 x 40) ----------------------------- 35
Castroville Muni T89 12015N/12413E 774 221/27.2 116.8 SAT N D
15 --------------------------- (4998 x 150) ----------------------------- 33
Navaids: NDB at field 338 CVB Castroville
Devine Muni 23R 11925N/12372E 705 212/39.4 116.8 SAT N
17 --------------------------- (3400 x 60) ----------------------------- 35
Navaids: NDB at field 359 HHH Devine
Gillespie County T82 12406N/12437E 1695 274/10.9 113.1 STV N
14 --------------------------- (3787 x 75) ----------------------------- 32
Navaids: NDB at field 388 FKB Fredericksburg
Hondo Muni HDO 12035N/12294E 928 240/30.0 116.8 SAT F N D B A M C
4 ---------------------------- (5500 x 150) ----------------------------- 22
8 ---------------------------- (6100 x 150) ----------------------------- 26
13 --------------------------- (6100 x 150) ----------------------------- 31
17L -------------------------- (6100 x 150) ---------------------------- 35R
17R -------------------------- (3160 x 150) ---------------------------- 35L
Navaids: VOR at field 109.4 HDO Hondo (trng status only)
NDB at field 329 HMA Hondo
Comm: Unicom 122.8
Horizon 74R 11970N/12541E 550 283/3.2 108.4 SSF
11 --------------------------- (2350 x 94) ----------------------------- 29
16 --------------------------- (2200 x 60) ----------------------------- 34
Kelly AFB SKF 12032N/12516E 690 152/10.1 113.8 SKF I F D B
15 VASI, ILS 110.1 ----------- (11550 x 300) -------- 32 VASI, ILS 110.7, MM
Navaids: VOR 152/10.1 113.8 SKF Kelly
TACAN 330/3.9 112.0 KSY Kelly (Ch 57)
Kenedy/Karnes Co 2R9 11744N/12760E 291 030/24.4 111.4 THX
16 --------------------------- (3219 x 60) ----------------------------- 34
Kerrville Muni ERV 12300N/12357E 1617 056/7.4 117.5 CSI I N D
2 ---------------------------- (4050 x 100) ----------------------------- 20
12 VASI ---------------------- (5000 x 100) --------- 30 VASI, LOC 109.1, OM
Navaids: NDB 305/5.5 263 ER Shein
Lockhart Muni 50R 12181N/12882E 531 170/26.9 114.6 AUS
18 --------------------------- (3200 x 75) ----------------------------- 36
New Braunfels 3R5 12129N/12742E 649 072/23.7 116.8 SAT N D M
4 ---------------------------- (5000 x 150) ----------------------------- 22
13 --------------------------- (5360 x 100) ----------------------------- 31
17 --------------------------- (5370 x 150) ----------------------------- 35
Navaids: NDB at field 212 BAZ New Braunfels
Pleasanton Muni PEZ 11828N/12519E 429 316/33.2 111.4 THX N D
16 --------------------------- (3200 x 50) ----------------------------- 34
Navaids: NDB at field 275 PEZ Pleasanton
Randolph AFB RND 12065N/12638E 764 at field 112.3 RND I F D B A C
14L VASI, ILS 109.9 ---------- (8350 x 200) ------------ 32R VASI, ILS 109.3
14R VASI, ILS 111.3 ---------- (8354 x 200) -------- 32L VASI, ILS 111.1, MM
Navaids: VOR at field 112.3 RND Randolph
Comm: Tower 134.05
Randolph AFB Aux SEQ 12049N/12778E 528 074/20.0 112.3 RND D
9 ---------------------------- (4500 x 75) ----------------------------- 27
13 --------------------------- (8350 x 150) ----------------------------- 31
18 --------------------------- (5000 x 50) ----------------------------- 36
San Antonio Intl SAT 12083N/12576E 810 169/6.3 116.8 SAT I F D B M C
3 ILS 109.7, OM, MM ---------- (7505 x 150) ------------------------ 21 VASI
12L VASI --------------------- (5490 x 100) ----------------------- 30R VASI
12R ILS 110.9, OM, MM, IM ---- (8502 x 150) ---------------------------- 30L
Navaids: VOR 169/6.3 116.8 SAT San Antonio
NDB 124/5.9 254 AN Alamo
Comm: ATIS 118.9 (other freqs available from ATIS)
San Marcos Muni T98 12203N/12817E 600 192/25.6 114.6 AUS I N D
4 ---------------------------- (5512 x 150) ----------------------------- 22
8 ---------------------------- (6320 x 150) ----------------------------- 26
12 ILS 108.7, OM, IM --------- (5558 x 150) ------------------------ 30 VASI
17 --------------------------- (5442 x 150) ----------------------------- 35
Navaids: NDB 125/5.9 272 RU Garys
Seguin/Geronimo T90 12087N/12753E 557 088/25.1 116.8 SAT M
12 --------------------------- (3639 x 45) ----------------------------- 30
Stinson Muni SSF 11993N/12555E 577 337/4.5 108.4 SSF F D M
9 ---------------------------- (4835 x 100) ----------------------------- 27
14 VASI ---------------------- (4129 x 120) ------------------------ 32 VASI
Navaids: VOR 337/4.5 108.4 SSF Stinson
Twin Oaks T94 12097N/12571E 810 174/4.0 116.8 SAT
12 --------------------------- (1800 x 30) ----------------------------- 30
Geographical Features:
-- All towers taller than 1000', various other towers
-- Medina Lake, Canyon lake, lakes SE of San Antonio
-- The Alamo and a few other downtown buildings
-- Sea World (in a rough state)
Notes for perfectionists:
1. I guarantee that everything that I put in this scenery file is there.
I tried to be as accurate as possible, within the constraints of FS
itself and my available time.
2. All modifications and additions were made by triangulating off of the
VORs on SD-1. Visual features were placed visually in fairly close
relation to other features, but may not be at their correct Lat/Long
because of this.
3. Where possible, I used information from approach plates, the Airport
Facility Directory, and sectional (in that order) when placing airfields,
taxiways, navaids, visual features, etc. In cases where there was no
information available to me for something, I guessed.
4. For speed, the following airfields have been removed. Use the
Autofix program with SAT.PRM to remove them from your SD-1.SCN.
San Antonio International, Stinson Muni, Seguin - Geronimo,
Hondo Muni, New Braunfels Muni
Changes from previous version (1.0):
1. IMPORTANT! The files have all been renamed for better continuity.
The new scenery may not operate correctly if you don't delete the old
files. Before putting the files from this version into your FS
directory, delete the following files: SANANTON.SC1, SANANTON.DY1,
been renamed to start with SAT (i.e. SAT.DOC, SAT.SC1, SAT.DY1,
2. The SC1 now contains all of the public use airfields within a 45 NM
radius of the San Antonio VOR. All runways have been depicted as
accurate as possible with the information I had access to. The private
fields (those with (pvt) after their names on the sectional) weren't
included because I could find no info on them.
3. More geographic features have been added. The most significant are
all of the large lakes surrounding San Antonio, many buildings from the
downtown area including the Alamo, and finally Sea World of Texas. Sea
World, I admit, is fairly rough right now, but I wanted to include it
without delaying the rest of the files. It will be one of the many
areas modeled in more detail in the next release.
Reggie Gage (71101,1063)