Game Killer
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359 lines
a Game Utility for
Copyright 1992 by Jack Hartman
For product support I can be reached at:
CompuServe I.D. 70761,2761
Prodigy I.D. VJPH45A
P. O. Box 73706
Houston, Texas 77273-3706
Copyright Notice and Disclaimer of Warranty
This product is licensed "as is" without any warranty, either express or
implied, of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. All
warranties are expressly disclaimed. By using this product, you agree that
neither the copyright holder nor any related parties will be liable to you or
any third party for any use of (or inability to use) this product, or for any
damages arising from the use of this product. (Some states do not allow the
exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damage, so the
preceeding limitation may not apply to you.)
You may not reverse-engineer, disassemble, modify, decompile or create
derivative works of the product. You acknowledge that the product contains
confidential information and is the property of the copyright holder.
HARTMAN GAME UTILITIES for Planet's Edge is copyright (c) 1992 by
Jack Hartman, all rights reserved.
Planet's Edge is copyright (c) 1991 by New World Computing, Inc.
HARTMAN GAME UTILITIES is not affiliated with New World Computing, Inc.
Licensing Information
This product is being distributed as shareware. This means that you are
granted the right to evaluate this program without charge. If you don't like
this software, then don't pay for it. If you do like it, please register your
copy. Registration will unlock the Extended Feature of this program, and
will entitle you to product support and notices of release of future products.
You are encouraged to give copies of this program to your friends to
evaluate, and to upload it to Electronic Bulletin Board Systems (BBS), so long
as the following restrictions are observed:
1. This program must be distributed whole and unmodified. Neither the
program nor the documentation may be altered or renamed.
2. You may not charge a fee or remuneration, except for reasonable disk
duplication costs.
3. This program may not be distributed as part of another software package.
Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Installation and Getting Started. . . . . . . . . . . 1
Main Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Edit Crew Stats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Edit Raw Materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
EXTENDED FEATURE: Edit Crew Backpacks. . . . . . . . 3
Appendix A (Ordering Information and Order Form) . . 5
HARTMAN GAME UTILITIES for Planet's Edge Page 1
This program is a game utility for Planet's Edge: The Point of No Return
(copyright 1991 by New World Computing, Inc.). This program will allow you
to change many aspects of your game. Many of the restrictions placed on
your game by PE (Planet's Edge) are removed with this program. For example,
you may have up to 127 Hit Points and 100% in all Skills for each of your
crew. Intelligence, Agility and Luck may range from 0-127, although
only limited testing has been done with scores above 25. Feel free to
If you register this copy, you will receive a key that will unlock the
Extended Feature of this program. The Extended Feature is a crewmember's
backpack editor. This editor will let you add, delete or recharge any
item in your backpack. This includes ANY item that can be carried in a
backpack. You may add any item to your backpack, even the eight parts of
the Centauri Drive! You could win the game without ever leaving Moonbase
(but that wouldn't be any fun). You may add Ship Plans and Technical
Plans, and get a jump on those nasty pirates. Any item that is used
in the game can be added to your backpack. Likewise, unwanted items in
your backpack may be deleted. Items with charges may be recharged.
Installation and Getting Started
Copy the file GU-PE.EXE to your PE directory (C:\PE or whatever).
The current saved game file (MAP.CC) must be present for this program
to work. Change to your PE directory and type GU-PE and hit <ENTER>
to start the program.
HARTMAN GAME UTILITIES for Planet's Edge Page 2
Main Menu
When you start this program, you will be taken immediately to the
Main Menu. There are three choices on the Main Menu:
Edit Crew Stats
Edit Raw Materials
Edit Crew Backpacks
A selection bar will highlight the current menu item. Move the selection
bar with the up and down cursor keys. Press the <ENTER> key when the
selection bar is on the menu item of your choice, or <ESC> to exit this
NOTE: If your copy of GU-PE is not registered, you will not be able to
access menu item 3: Edit Crew Backpacks.
Edit Crew Stats
When you access this Main Menu item, you will be presented with the Crew
Editing screen. There will be 3 windows. The active window will be
the "Choose A Crewmember" window in the upper right part of the screen,
where you will be able to choose which crewmember to edit. The bottom
right window is a Help Window and contains useful information on your
current operation. The left side of the screen is taken up by the Edit
Window and will be blank until you choose which crewmember you want to
edit. Choose a crewmember to edit by using the cursor keys to position
the selection bar on a crewmember's name, then hit <ENTER> to edit or
<ESC> to return to the Main Menu.
Once you have chosen which crewmember to edit, the Edit Window on the
left half of the screen will be active. It will contain all of the
characteristics that you may alter. The selection bar will be placed
at the top of the list on Maximum Hit Points. Use the cursor keys to
move the selection bar to the stat you want to edit, then type in a
new value for that stat. If you hit <ESC>, any changes you have made
will be saved, and you will once again be at the "Choose A Character"
screen. If you make a mistake, simply go back and correct that mistake.
Maximum Hit Points may range from 0-127. Current Hit Points are shown
in brackets to the side of Maximum Hit Points. If this crewmember is
injured, Current Hit Points will be less than Maximum Hit Points. If
Current Hit Points are [0], then that crewmember is dead. If you enter
any value for Maximum Hit Points, Current Hit Points will be changed to
be equal to Maximum Hit Points. If that crewmember was dead, he/she
will be resurrected and fully healed.
If you wish to heal an injured crewmember and you don't want to change
Maximum Hit Points, then re-enter the same value for Maximum Hit Points
and your crewmember will be healed to that value.
Intelligence, Agility and Luck may range from 0-127, but only limited
testing has been done with values above 25.
HARTMAN GAME UTILITIES for Planet's Edge Page 3
Crewmember Skills may range from 0-100. If a skill value is 0 it means
that the crewmember does not possess that skill. The game normally allows
a maximum of 6 skills for each crewmember. With this editor you may give
each crewmember 100% in all skills. When you are playing the game, only
the first several skills that a crewmember possesses will fit on the
display, but all skills that have a value greater than 0 will be active.
NOTE: If you experience problems with the game after editing your
crewmembers, the most likely source is having too many skills
for each crewmember. The game expects to have a maximum of
6 skills each, but you may edit in all 16 skills. If your game
locks up or exits to DOS, try reducing the number of skills or
bringing Hit Points, Intelligence, Agility and/or Luck closer
to normal values.
Edit Raw Materials
You may edit the quantity of Raw Materials in storage on Moonbase. Raw
Materials are used to build ships, engines, weapons, armor, etc.
Some materials are plentiful in the game, while others are extremely
limited. You may have from 0-32500 of each Raw Material.
The following feature is available in the registered version only.
For registration information and a registration form, see Appendix A
at the end of this document.
Edit Crew Backpacks
When you choose this item from the Main Menu, you will be presented with a
screen that is almost identical to the Edit Crew Stats screen. The active
window will be the "Choose A Crewmember" window in the upper right corner
of the screen. Choose a crewmember whose backpack you want to edit by
moving the selection bar to that crewmember's name, then hit <ENTER> to
confirm or <ESC> to exit back to the Main Menu.
Once you have chosen which crewmember you want to edit, the Edit Window
on the left half of the screen will be active. The currently selected
crewmember's backpack will be displayed, with the selection bar at the
top of the list. If you hit <ESC> from the Backpack Edit Window you will
be taken back to the "Choose A Crewmember" window, and any changes you
have made to the backpack will be saved.
Backpacks can contain up to 40 items, so the backpack list is scrollable.
The Edit Window shows each backpack position, the item in that position
(if any), the current number of charges for that item and the armor value
for that item. If the item does not have charges or armor values, then
these fields will contain zeros. If that item is equipped, there will be
2 asterisks (**) in front of the item name. Use the cursor keys to put the
selection bar on the backpack position that you wish to edit, then hit the
<ENTER> key to change that position, the <DELETE> key to delete that item,
or the letter "R" (or "r") to recharge the charges or armor value for that
item. Note that equipped items may not be changed or deleted. You must
unequip an item if you wish to change or delete that item.
HARTMAN GAME UTILITIES for Planet's Edge Page 4
If you hit <ENTER>, a pop-up scrollable picklist containing all 219 items
available in the game will replace the Help Window in the lower right
part of the screen. You may navigate this list using the cursor keys.
You may also type in any letter and the selection bar will go to the first
item that begins with that letter. When the selection bar is on the item
that you want, hit <ENTER> to add that item to your backpack.
If the backpack position that you have chosen to edit is already filled,
then the selection bar will start out on that item in the item list. You
may choose another item to replace the one currently in that slot in your
backpack. If you choose that same item, it will be recharged.
If the backpack position you are editing is empty, then the selection bar
will start at the top of the item list. You may fill each backpack position
with any item in the game. This includes but is not limited to:
All 8 parts of the Centauri Drive (Algiebian Crystal, etc.)
*Ship Plans*
*Technical Plans*
Misc. Items (Doorspiker, Sonic Pincers, etc.).
Do not worry about blank positions in your backpacks. When you exit the
Edit Window, all of the items in your backpack are moved to the top of
the backpack list, then written out to the saved game file.
NOTE: Ships and ship systems cannot be added to a backpack (obviously).
But Ship Plans and Technical Plans can be added. Then when you
get back to Moonbase, new ship types, engines, and weapons will
be available. You may edit your Raw Materials and build any ship,
engines and weapons that you wish.
ALSO NOTE: If you bring more than one Ship Plans or Technical Plans back
to Moonbase in one trip, the game may tell you that you have
found the Algiebian Crystal. But if you look at the diagram
of the Centauri Drive, the Algiebian Crystal is still missing.
There don't seem to be any problems associated with this bug.
If you would like to register your copy of HARTMAN GAME UTILITIES for
Planet's Edge, please send a check or money order for $10 in US
dollars to:
P. O. Box 73706
Houston, TX. 77273-3706
| Item Quantity Total |
| |
| HARTMAN GAME UTILITIES for PE ($10.00 each) ________ _________ |
| |
| Texas residents add sales tax 7.25% _________ |
| |
| Shipping __FREE___ |
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| Amount enclosed _________ |
| |
| Please specify disk size ( ) 5.25" ( ) 3.5" |
| |
| (If you do not specify disk size, you will get 5.25") |
| All disks are high density. Double density available by request. |
| The disk will contain the latest version of this program, and a |
| key to unlock the Extended Feature: Edit Crew Backpacks |
| Please fill in the address where you want to receive your disk |
| |
| |
| Name: ____________________________________________________ |
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| Address: ____________________________________________________ |
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| Where did you hear about HARTMAN GAME UTILITIES? |
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Thank you for your order