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PACHR101.ZIP 03/15/91
(C) Rick Mann - Sysop of AeroSpace PCBoard BBS
Patcher evolved for two basic reasons:
1. I do not like deleting the original protected version of any software.
(this is because you never know if, sooner or later, you will find that
the patch didn't totally work, or that there is a better patch discovered
one day). I also do not like keeping 2 copies of large exe files around
because of the amount of disc space consumed.
2. I cannot afford the time to reenter a tedious debug session every time I
wish to bring the original from a ZIP file for use. (most unprotects
found on BBSs consist of a doc file showing how to unprotect a piece of
code using debug, PCTools, Norton, et al).
To install:
1. Edit UNP.BAT, replacing the 'C:\UTIL\PATCHES' with the location of your
PATCHER compatible UNPprotect files (*.UNP).
2. Place both the UNP.BAT and PATCHER.EXE in your utility directory (or
elsewhere in your path).
To use:
1. Go to the directory which contains the file which is to be patched.
2. To Unprotect:
Enter 'UNP xxxxxxxx'; where xxxxxxxx is the name of the .UNP file for
the program you wish to patch [do not include the extension].
To ReProtect:
To reinstate copy protection (ie: undo the unprotect), use the /R command
line switch. eg: PATCHER NEWGAME /R
To enhance: (add your own unprotects)
.....I'll be detailing this in a later version.....
.....Once people start doing this, and uploading their PATCHER compatible
UNProtects to bulletin boards, we should finally have a standardized
method of unprotecting software.
This software is free while you are a registered member of the AeroSpace
PCBoard BBS. New unprotect files are made available to members as they are
created. Currently, membership on the board is free, but no guarantees for
the future. If you are not a registered member, or cease to become one, then
normal shareware rules are to be followed. Permanent registration for this
software is $10.00 CDN. Upgrades are free for registered copies, and may be
picked up from any bulletin board. If you wish to have upgrades or the most
current version mailed, (along with all available .UNP files), the cost is
$3.00 + shipping (5 1/4" 360K floppy). Prices are subject to change, but not
expected within the near future.
NB: The purpose of unprotecting a program is not to steal it, but to allow
a person who has purchased software to:
a) remove unwanted documentation checks
b) remove the need for a 'boot disk' (allow running entirely from HD)
c) make fully operational backup copies
d) etc.
If you are in posession of software which was not purchased, you are
in posession of stolen property. Whether or not you use an unprotect
to make it useable, is not the issue!
For registration and/or diskette, make cheque or money order payable to
myself (Rick Mann), and mail to:
Rick Mann
Box 20114
3310 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba