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The two routines, reu2disk and disk2reu appeared in the most
recent issue of '8 Bits and Change', a CP/M magazine published
by the User Group in Connecticut of the same name.
The author of the article, a C128 user explained that he wrote
the routine to make a mirror image of his 1750 (512k) REU, so
that he could quickly reconstruct the REU for CP/M use while
still in 128 mode. This would be a lot faster than copying
over all its many, many files, once operating with the CP/M
system. As an added benefit, he uses several 'copies' of the
REU, each set up with its own files for specific applications.
The routine as published would not work for me, at first,
until I added the bank switching which were in one routine,
but not the other. It now works fine for a CP/M REU, and is
especially welcome with RAMLink. At present RL offers limited
CP/M support. The result: CP/M from RL runs slow. This
routine lets RL quickly (in seconds) construct the REU, then
after a Boot into CP/M, profile.sub switches over to a submit
in the already constructed REU, and things run fast.
These routines work equally as well with CS/DOS (the
appropriate poke to 6000 is required *before* running shell,
to let DOS know a REU is ready). I have not as yet tried it
with other applications.
It would be interesting to know if it would work equally as
well with GEOS, Basic8 (if some of its applications could be
changed so that they do not *always* reconstruct a REU), and
other uses.
Perhaps we could add additional uses to this file.
How To Use
Copying the REU:
(1) Set up the REU as you want it to be. In CP/M mode load
it with the files you want. In CS/DOS add all the files you
may want to its RamDisk. (I put everything in there.)
(2) Return to 128 mode in a way that does not alter the REU.
In CP/M pressing Control/Enter, in CS/DOS, entering Basic.
(3) Load 'reu2disk'. It will write sixteen 32k files to
disk, which will be a mirror image of the REU. It will write
to device # 16. If you want to change this to another device,
change the 'u16' that appears in line 140 to 'u8' or whatever
other device you may want to use. (You may want to @SAVE your
new file configuration.) Allow space for the 16 files which
will have the names memblock0 thru memblock15.
Steps 1 thru 3 have to be done only once, and should be
followed for each mirror image of the REU that you may want.
Writing back to the REU:
(1) Load and run 'disk2reu'.
Before doing this, make any changes to the device number you
are running it from by changing the 'u16' which appears in
line 130 to a 'u8' or other device number. (@SAVE your custom
(2) Run the application that uses the REU, adding any 'clues'
to its loader to let it know it is only 're-booting' with its
REU intact. A poke6000,x (I forget the number right now, it
may be 64) tells this to CS/DOS. Nothing is required for
That's it!!
Other Considerations
The code can be modified for those using a 1700 or 1764, as
well as those with custom expanded REUs.
A REU image uses 512k of disk space for a 1750, so a 1581
drive is required. Those using 1571 drives can modify the code
to pause, for re-loading of another disk, or limit the image
to 360k. Changing the banks (not the program's bank switching)
can then save any configuration. (For example, CS/DOS allows
REU bank assignments. By selecting higher REU banks for
CS/DOS, both it and Digital's three Pocket programs can share
the same REU. Care must be taken since one can overwrite the
other's usage of the REU. With disk2reu it is not any problem
since a new REU can be loaded for a next application.
The author, in the article, suggests that others may wish to
add burst load and save routines to speed up these programs.
(This is not needed when running them from RL, since it will
fill a REU in about 2 or so seconds.)
A Word of Caution
These routines are used to best advantage when the REU image
is confined to programs and their support files. However,
they may be used anyway you like.
DO NOT FORGET to filecopy individual data files on the REU,
back to disk. Unless another disk image is made with
reu2disk, any changes to the REU will not be there next time
disk2reu reloads the 1750.
If you add any useful custom enhancements to these routines,
please consider uploading and sharing these with other users.
Howard Herman