100% compatibility with all software and hardware you might throw at it. RAMDOS is fully supported where appropriate. Does not use any memory. Supports 40 or 80 column mode, fast (2Mhz) operation in 80 columns. Simple device number selection. Device numbers other than 8 (9 through 12) can be accessed by holding down SHIFT, C=, CONTROL or ALT along with the command key.
- Your computer won't try to boot a disk when powered up or reset. If you DO want to boot a disk, just smack the "0" key which is big and easily accessible on the numeric keypad.
- Run the first program on a disk as a BASIC program.
- Load the first program, switch to 64 mode, and run it. Can handle files of up to 249 blocks.
- Run C64 programs as if you entered 'LOAD "*",x,1' in 64 mode where 'x' is the device number.
- Directory. RUN, DLOAD, BLOAD or BOOT a 128 mode program, or run a 64 mode program by pointing at the desired file. View the contents of SEQ, PRG, USR, REL and even DEL files. Display as ASCII or screen codes. Quick and convenient 1581 partition selection. Scratch selected file.
- Recover a NEW-ed BASIC program. Even works after a reset when a graphics screen was involved.
- Go to 64 mode. You can go back to 128 mode, and then re-enter 64 mode with ML programs, BASIC programs and variables as you left them. Even utilities will still be working!
- Enhanced DOS commands. Validate will now protect the boot area (if boot sector exists), even if it consists of several sectors. Device number change/swap command. Recall last command.
- Swap 40/80 column screens.
- Convert memory to BASIC DATA statements. Create stand-alone program or merge DATA statements into any BASIC program. Select initial line number, increment, line length and data type (2 types of decimal and 3 types of hexadecimal). Can read all banks and memory ranges.
- Integrated file manager for the QUICK BROWN BOX. Unlike the QBB's own file manager it won't interfere with JiffyDos, programs, utilities or anything else. Fast (2Mhz) and convenient one-key loading from the box. Download files from disk by using the directory. You can freely mix 64 & 128 mode programs within the same box.
SERVANT features, disk tools:
Can use all device numbers 4 through 30. Automatically detects the hardware you are using, and adjusts accordingly. Uses burst mode whenever possible. Recognizes RAMDOS as any other drive. Full 1581 partition support. The copiers automatically detect and take advantage of 64K VDC memory. 1700, 1764 and 1750 memory expansion units supported as an option. Will automatically detect the size of the REU (up to 1Mb supported) when selected.
- Directory. View normal directory on source or target disk, or view an extended directory* which displays deleted files as well.
- Disk report. Statistical overview of the number of files of each type, the blocks they use, boot blocks and blocks free on disk.
- Disk copier*. Copy whole disk or only the tracks which are used (marked as used in the BAM). Single or dual drive copy. Automatically detects if the disk is single or double sided. With 64K VDC memory (but without a REU), it will copy a whole single sided disk in one pass.
- File copier. Single or dual drive copy. Adjustable sector interleave on target disk for maximum reload speeds. No limits on the use of 1581 subdirectories. It can copy files freely between subdirectories, even from one subdirectory to another on the same disk. Automatically detects the space remaining on the target disk, and reports if the space is inadequate. Options to make multiple copies of files, scratch copied files from the source disk, and automatically replace of duplicate files on the target disk.
- Scratch files. Bulk scratch the files you select.
- Unscratch files*. Recover scratched files. Will report, as far as possible, which files are recoverable or not. Can recover all file types, even CBM files.
- Header/format disk. On the 1571 you can select single or double sided format, and you can convert a single sided disk to double sided. Change disk name & ID. Create partitions and subdirectories on the 1581. Graphic representation of the disk which displays the free space usable as subdirectory areas.
- Edit directory*. Re-arrange, sort, rename, lock/unlock files. Change program load address, change file type & compress directory.
- Print directory*. Output directory to printer including all normally hidden information. This includes start track/sector, REL file side sector and record length. Optionally, print start and end addresses for PRG files and SEQ/USR file lengths.
- Autoboot tool. Create boot sector on a disk for a variety of purposes. Write a BASIC command line to be executed upon booting. Limited only by BASIC and size of the boot sector; all direct mode commands can be used. Make boot sector to run 64 mode programs, even programs requiring a SYS command or LOAD "*",8,1 to execute. Analyze boot sector. Kill boot sector, transfer boot sector from one disk to another. Convert boot sector to an executable program or vice versa. Boot sectors will support all device numbers.
* The marked features won't work with RAMDOS, the old CBM high capacity drives such as the 8250, 4040 and 8250 or hard drives. Whether it will work with hard drives using "emulation partitions" have not been tested. 1581, 1571 and all drives using 1541 compatible disks will work perfectly if they can be hooked up to the 128.
If you prefer, the Servant ROM can be put into a cartridge for the expansion port, or even inside the 17xx series REU's.